THOH XXXI: Turbo Tappin’ Act 1 School Days, Hell Daze

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s everyone’s (well almost everyone’s) favorite time in TSTO, the annual Treehouse of Horror Event!  Yes, Halloween in Springfield has always been big deal in TSTO and this year is no exception! Also always, loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up…

The 2020 THOH Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 1 we’re tasked with collecting Magic Runes!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the first part of the story.  So let’s take a look at the details behind Act 1 and the Turbo Tappin’ Version for School Days, Hell Daze…

The Devil is in the Details
Auto starts

Make Lisa Get to the Bottom of This- 60s

This triggers the event start…

School Days, Hell Daze Pt. 1
Auto starts

Make Bart Hell Portal to Hellementary School- 2hrs
Collect Magic Runes- x175. 4hrs.  Earns 5 Freemium and 8 Premium.  Can send:
Comic Book Guy
Old Scratch (New Premium)

Completed task earns Hellport Pentagram

School Days, Hell Daze Pt. 2
Auto starts

Make Bart Explain Twisted Torments- 2hrs
Collect Magic Runes- x125. 4hrs.
Earns 5 Freemium and 8 Premium.  Can send:
Comic Book Guy
Old Scratch (New Premium)

Completed task earns Hellementary School or MB Token…


School Days, Hell Daze Pt. 3
Auto starts

Make Kids Look Up Exorcism Videos- x5. 4hrs
Make Miss Hoover Grade Vomit-Encrusted Homework- 4hrs
Collect Magic Runes- x125. 4hrs.
Earns 5 Freemium and 8 Premium.  Can send:
Comic Book Guy
Old Scratch (New Premium)

Completed task earns Cursed Desk…

School Days, Hell Daze Pt. 4
Auto starts

Make Bart Brag About His Success Some More- 4hrs
Make Lisa Find a Way Into Hell- 1hr
Collect Magic Runes- x125. 4hrs.
Earns 5 Freemium and 8 Premium.  Can send:
Comic Book Guy
Old Scratch (New Premium)

Completed task earns Hell’s Kitchen…

School Days, Hell Daze Pt. 5
Auto starts

Make Lisa Make a Deal With Old Scratch- 1hr
Make Old Scratch Make a Deal With Lisa- 1hr
Collect Magic Runes- x125. 4hrs.
Earns 5 Freemium and 8 Premium.  Can send:
Comic Book Guy
Old Scratch (New Premium)

Completed task earns Beelzebart…

And this concludes Act 1, of the 2020 THOH Event!

Thoughts on the first Act?  How are you doing with the prize track? Excited to see the prizes?  Thoughts on the event in general?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

36 responses to “THOH XXXI: Turbo Tappin’ Act 1 School Days, Hell Daze

  1. I really liked the act 1 prizes. I added the Hellport Pentagram in front of the Hellementary School, the Cursed Desk behind the school and Hell’s Kitchen just outside of the school, it would be great to have the option to buy more desks (non cursed) for cash or a few donuts to go with the Cursed Desk. Beelzebart is also a neat skin for Bart. I liked that Old Scratch isn’t just a character that earns event currency since he also has tasks in the main questlines. 🎃😈🎃

  2. Curious…finished the beelzebart quest chain, yet his one hour job “prank call hell moe’s” is still padlocked and says requires quest…???
    Any ideas? Maybe there’s a new building in another act to unlock before I can do that job and the quest lock is not the characters quest but the buildings?

  3. Does anyone have a task at hell’s kitchen? Is it just a decoration? Most likely heading in to inventory if what I see is all it does.

  4. So I’ve finished act 1 already! I’m pretty bummed that there’s no quest like whacking day. They should have like zombies or something we have to tap like the trick or treaters.. Yah know?! That would be awesome. I still absolutely love the Simpsons though ♥

    • Hugh Parker (DiagonalLine)

      I absolutely agree! At one time, this was somewhat of a community game. We used to get prizes for visiting our neighbors. Planting bad guys in my neighbor’s town was great fun, then of course I had to chase them down in my own Springfield. I miss crafting, too! Oh well, I still love this silly game!

  5. Received the Fortune Teller from the Halloween box. Trying to complete her questline but am stuck on part 5. Frink is free but the quest does not show up in either of their task bars. Any ideas?

  6. Hugh Parker (DiagonalLine)

    Much better with the music, the murky water, fall coloring, even a few leaves in the air! You’ve even got great dialog! Ok, I will break down and buy some friggin’ donuts! Thank you EA and thank you staff at tsto addicts for this website!

    ——>> I feel so giddy I might even carve a jack-o-lantern this year!

  7. What is the size of the foot print of Hells Kitchen?
    4×6 ?

    Trying to plan –
    Zombies and devils and ghouls – oh my
    Lions and tigers and bears – oh my
    Buildings and decorations and ‘stuff’ – oh my

  8. Too much evil stuff. Have fun if that’s your thing.
    See ya at thanksgiving.
    I only hope they balance this out with a real CHRISTMAS event in December.
    (For us non-pagans).

  9. If you are rolling your 👀’s at the Dumb Decor Event Prizes? I agree 💯 (these are Items we used to Craft, or buy from the Store!)

    If you are opinionated regarding another Token as an Event Prize? It’s a subject that’s ‘very vocal’ on the TSTO Social Network Pages (Tokens shouldn’t be an Event Prize, they should be available for 🍩’s if there’s Content in a Mystery Box that you want!)

    If you spent the sprinkles on Act 1’s Premium Character Combo? Then this makes up for the Crap Event Prizes (I’m fine with 1 Building, 1 Character Skin, 1 Premium Decor, 1 Voiced Character for Act 1!)

    The Character Dialogue for the Event is alright, but the Character Dialogue for the separate Questlines are more witty (at least I thought so).

    Hell & Demons are an interesting choice this year, they can be funny (so far? that has been fun in Game for me, but some Tappers might not agree and I will respect their opinions).

    “See you in Hell” can basically equate to “See you in TSTO” during this Event! 😂

  10. A patch just came through which added the Halloween music, dark rivers and leaves flying across the screen. Thanks EA! 😀

  11. Not working at all. All I get is a spinning donut.

  12. I’ve forgotten how to illuminate the Heck House sign on the First Church of Springfield? Can anyone help please?
    Hooray for the spooky music, leaves and green water showing up 👍🏻🎃

  13. The dark water and spooky music is back!!!

  14. Does anyone want to join me with torches and pitchforks outside EAs front door?

    I need the Evil Shopkeeper!

    • Cadbo

      Enough Tappers raised Hell on EA’s Social Network Pages for TSTO (and in the Official Forums) asking for ‘the spooky music and the murky waters’ ….. it worked!

      Please join me and other Tappers by encouraging EA to make the Evil Shopkeeper + Krusty Doll available (you can post on the Official Facebook Page, you can put in a request @EAHelp on Twitter – I encourage everyone not to be mean, but do let EA understand this is one of those 2 Characters Combo that needs to be in the TSTO Game App). 👍🏻

  15. Is the Hellementary School a building or a decoration? Also Beelzebart, new character or costume? Sorry, I’m new

  16. Wait, how do you earn the MB token??

  17. Cue the creepy music, cue the Halloween rivers of green, thanks EA for listening

  18. Yet another boring event with no creativity at all. You people who claim the content and prizes are awesome, must not have been playing back in the day when they had leaves blowing and spooky music playing. It’s the same stupid stuff. Ugh

    • You must’ve commented this before the patch came through because the blowing leaves and spooky music has now been added.

    • The Event Format definitely needs to be changed …. the Event Prizes are padded with too much Decor (I agree, most of it’s crap!) …. there are a few gems (Buildings, Character Skins, Voiced Characters) and thankfully no more NPCs! 🎃

      If you downloaded the patch while playing today, EA definitely caved into the demands for ‘spooky music and murky waters’ (believe me, a lot of Tappers voiced their complaints on Facebook, Twitter, the Official Forums). 👻

      It’s a step up from last year’s TSTO. Hard to say if we can ever top “those golden years in this Game App”. 🤔

  19. Rickyzalman–I completely agree with your assessment. Sadly being the old man I am, I initially thought the download didnt complete. Since the as you put it the town didnt change. I even went to App Store to make sure I updated properly. Does it even snow in Springfield anymore?? Oh the good old days of Springfield. Its as if EA did Halloween beta. Lazy, no good, programers.

  20. I know it’s only the first act but it’s been a little disappointing. But prizes like the cursed desk and the pentagram could easily have been shop items. Barely any decent Halloween themed decorations, even some hell based or fire related decorations would be cool and pretty simple to do. Dialogue is funny and characters are cool, but so far I’ve just been a little underwhelmed

  21. It’s a shame Springfield didn’t get a complete Halloween make-over (darker screen, music, dark water etc). A feature I’d like to see return is the constant tap-to-earn animations, like the goblins/snakes/creatures from a few years ago.

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