Tag Archives: keeping the faith questline

Black History Month 2020: Act 3 Questline, Premium Character The Patriarch

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s update time in Springfield!  And after 8 years of TSTO, we’re finally tackling Black History Month!  No time like the present for EA, huh?   What’s in store for us this time?  Well, we’re tasked with finding out the history of Dr. Hibbert, Carl, Lou, and the Simpson Family!  Loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up.

Black History Month (Heroes of Springfield) follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting a week and taking us through a new part of the event!

With Act 3, one new premium character was introduced. In addition to helping with event currency, The Patriarch comes with his own, short, individual questline, so let’s take a look at the full dialogue questline now…

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