Daily Archives: September 11, 2017

Share Your Thoughts on a Monday…and a Contest Alert

Contest is Now Closed.  But feel free to still share your thoughts in the comments.  Winners have been selected and I’ll have a post up once I confirm with the winners to announce them.  (So check your emails)  Thanks! 

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So Homerpalooza is nearing the end, remember it ends tomorrow, and we’re all gearing up for the “next big thing” in our Pocket-sized Springfields. But before something new hits I want all of us to take a step back and think about TSTO in general.

The last few weeks I’ve been seeing LOADS of comments from you guys about why this event was both good and bad and many of you have been commenting that TSTO isn’t holding your interest lately.  And you’ve heard our thoughts on the subject in many posts and most recently on our latest episode of Addicts Live.

So now it’s your turn.  What I want to know is what you think could be different for events in TSTO.  What could EA change that would make you really excited to play?  What would hold your interest?  What would keep you engaged? What type of events would you like to see?


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Homerpalooza Is Nearing the End…

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Just a reminder that the Homerpalooza Event Ends TOMORROW September 12th.

This means that you will want to make that final push to gather up all the things you want from the Event before it goes with the Event.

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