Daily Archives: January 10, 2020

Friday Filler – Looking Forward To 2020 As Soon As 2019 Leaves!

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

Our little game has always had a bit of a problem with time as a construct.   Time is supposed to be linear…always moving forward.  But, of course, in our game, the time/space continuum has been off since they started having multiple versions of the same characters wandering around in the same space/time.

As any fan of movies like “The Time Machine,” or “Back to the Future” know, messing about with the past can have disastrous outcomes for the present and the future.  The fact is, changing even one tiny fraction of an event in the past, could ripple forward with cataclysmic results. People aren’t born,  inventions aren’t invented, and we have to deal with multiple takes of the same event from differing eras of the same person!  It’s like watching “Inception” on acid…which you don’t need to do, because watching “Inception” makes you feel like you’re on acid. But, I digress…

EA seems to disregard this fact, and has  apparently placed the game once again into some sort of “suspended animation” that is keeping us locked in Christmas 2019, without the ability to do most of what we love about the game.

Let’s take a look at where we are…
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