Tag Archives: Tapped Out Event Walkthrough

Tapped Out Event Walkthrough: Halloween 2014

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well…Halloween is coming to an end.  Are you sad?  Do you miss it already?  Anyway, I thought it would be fun…while we’re waiting for “the next big thing”….to go back and take a look at all the fun of the main Halloween questline!

This questline has a lot of twists and turns in it and is really a fun one to read.  So just in case you missed anything while reading it, we’ve got all the fun for you here!

Since it was broken up into three sections there may be some things you guys forgot about, or just trying to remember what happened wayyyyy back at the start of October.  So, we’ve got it all covered for you here!  Now you can relive Kang’s attempts to take over Springfield and his path to citizenship!

So now, what are we waitin’ for?  Let’s relive the fun and excitement of the early days of the alien invasion shall we?

Rigellian Kang Rigellian


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Tapped Out Event Walkthrough: Clash of Clones

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well…Clash of Clones is coming to an end.  Are you sad?  Do you miss it already?  Anyway, I thought it would be fun…while we’re waiting for “the next big thing”….to go back and take a look at all the fun of the main Clash of Clones questline!

This questline has a lot of twists and turns in it and is really a fun one to read.  So just in case you missed anything while reading it, we’ve got all the fun for you here!

In addition to interesting dialog, the main questline branches off in several places.  What I’ve done for this walkthrough is run through everything in the main questline, Prince and the Premise.  This includes the questlines Clash of the Clones and The Power of Upgrades because those questlines branch off from the Prince and the Premise.

So now, what are we waitin’ for?  Let’s relive the fun and excitement of the early days of raiding shall we?

Homer Barbarian Commanding TroopsBarbarian Play Clash of Castles


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