Addicts Want to Know: What do YOU Want to See in 2015?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well here we are..4 days into 2015 and hopefully everyone is off to a great start!  2014 was such a great year for us here at Addicts.  We saw tons of new features (like Open Thread, Showoff etc), LOADS  of new Players (we love you newbies!), tens of thousands of comments (we LOVE what you guys have to say!), and tons of giveaways!  And now we want YOUR help to make 2015 even better!

Here’s the deal….we want to hear from YOU…the most amazing readers on the planet….about what you love about our site, what you hate about it & what you think we could be doing better (or would love to see).  Here’s your chance to sound off and let us know exactly how you feel, please don’t hold back.  We want to hear it all…the good, the bad & the ugly.  Leave us a note in the comments below about what you think.  Not comfortable leaving your name?  Not a problem, write it up as anonymous.  Not comfortable leaving us your thoughts in the comment section?  Not a problem, email them to us at

We value your opinion greatly here at Addicts and want to do everything we can to make this site your favorite spot for all things TSTO, so please don’t leave anything out!
For example…Do you:

-want to see us do more YouTube videos?
-want more game posts, or less posts?
-want more of our personal lives or want us to shut up about them?
-want more from Bunny or less?
-want to hear more from Wookiee or you want me to lock him back up in Attic?
-want more 2D?  Or less design posts?
-think we need guest writers?

The list could go on and on….Nothing is off limits, so please share your thoughts with us.  We can’t wait to see what you have to say!

TSTO homer thinking

123 responses to “Addicts Want to Know: What do YOU Want to See in 2015?

  1. Well… you did say in BOLD letters “Nothing is off limits” sooo….
    I want to see some nude pics! And of course I’m talking about some of those fury Wookiee nude pics. Not the other two of you, nobody wants to see all that! Hahaha 😛

  2. How about site membership, where I can log in and keep track of my posts, check on replies and such, have a profile, maybe a spot for our town picture…

  3. It’s just a thought but I think it would be handy if people reporting problems could give the name of the OS and device they are using. That would allow yourselves and fellow Tappers to provide some helpful and creative feedback. Otherwise I like this site as is.

  4. at this time I like the way things are..I am new to all the whats and wherefores.. I was just playing a game and two weeks ago I found all these neat sites about TSTO game.. My reason for writing now is.. what is the difference …freemium or premium?

  5. First, as always, I appreciate everything you all do to make this site enjoyable and interesting. I usually visit multiple times per day if I have time.

    Kudos for your stance on hacking and modded games, and for not giving in to the temptation to talk about details of things that haven’t hit the game yet. I know you see the files and usually have a good idea what’s coming (at least until EA changes things at the last minute) but the fact that you generally stick to what’s actually in the game is a huge plus for me, and what has made this my only TSTO site.

    I think it’s time for another installment of You Might Be An Addict If…

    I’d also like to see more screenshots of what people are doing in their Springfields to make them into their own unique creations. This can be showoffs, or contests, or just adding it as a possible topic on the Open Thread.

    Exclusive interviews with people related to the game would be awesome! Can you get an interview with people from EA, or voice actors from the show, or *gasp* with MG himself?

    I’d like to see you forge a more direct relationship with EA. Picture this: an in-game billboard that says on it. (Obtaining the billboard would require following instructions that would be exclusively tied to this site.) Or, how about EA-sponsored and addicts-exclusive contests where donuts could be awarded to players directly from EA! Whatever you do, don’t give up your editorial independence, but these would be fun additions to the game.

    The Open Thread should be pinned to the top of the blog for the week, at least when nothing else is pinned there. Or perhaps there is a way to put it into a widget on the right side of the screen.

    The menu item that is currently labeled “ADD FRIENDS” should be changed to read “ADD-ME REQUESTS” — this may help a bit (or it might not, but it does seem more concise). Once someone clicks that link, the instructions should assume they have never visited your site, or any WordPress site, or any blog, and should clearly explain exactly what to click to get to the place to post their own “Add Me” request.

    The biggest gripe I have about the site is really a gripe about WordPress, and I realize that there is probably nothing that the Addicts team can do about it, but that gripe is in regards to auto-play video ads. I don’t mind having the ads (I realize they pay for the site) but my habit is to right-click links that interest me and open them in new tabs, and I end up with 4 or 5 or 9 open tabs, each trying to play a video ad (or lately, two video ads sometimes), and my internet bogs down and my old Win XP computer bogs down, and I end up waiting forever as I try to get non-responsive tabs to close.


    • I agree on the ads (and yes, it’s a Word Press deal. We’ve got no control over them). It is really annoying. I do think you can disable auto play though (i think it’s an option within your internet itself)…I know for me (on any site) the Word Press ones don’t auto play. But I’ve been doing it for so long I don’t remember what I did to make them stop.

      All of the other ideas are good ones. 🙂

  6. Walt Christopher

    Hi! A question for everyone who plays. I’m at level 48 now. Been playing solo for about 6 months. I love the game. I love playing it alone. I check in several times a day – mostly assigning my characters their 2-4 hour shifts (8-12 at night), and re-arranging Springfield and Krusty Land. Again, having a blast solo. Does it add THAT much more playing with others? I hate it when the game assigns tasks based on this – these are tasks I can’t complete. I don’t feel like I’m missing much (other than cash/XP).

    Any and all feedback welcome! Anyone else play TSTO alone?


    Bay Area Player

    • Do you mean adding “friendvilles”? If so, I’m amazed that you made it to Level 48 without them…it must have taken you forever to do that!
      Yes, I’d say that having a full 100 neighbors is DEFINITELY worth it! You’ll make much better progress (especially during events), you can win prizes as you collect FPs, and, once you’ve collected the maximum number of FPs, you can sometimes win donuts by continuing to tap stuff in your neighbor’s towns.

      Adding friends is really easy… Just go to the Add Friends area on this site (and/ or other sites on the Web) and either post a request for friends or send requests to others who have posted friends-wanted posts (or both!).

      • Er, thanks for making a space for me SS 🙂 I try to keep my playerino mates up around the 100 goal but not everyone has been dedicated to achieve the long term effects of carpal tunnel syndrome as I have 😉

    • I was the same, I started playing just before Easter last year and I didn’t have any neighbours until Halloween. Although I was able to complete events like Stonecutters without any neighbours the last couple of events have definitely been a lot easier.
      The major benefit is that once you’ve obtained all of the Friend prizes you can get free donuts – can be about 3 per day depending on how many neighbours you have.

    • Walt, when you add friends, you will be able to see and visit their Springfield, and they will be able to see and visit yours. This might give you design ideas, or just moments of awe as you see something clever someone did that you didn’t even think of. Unfortunately, EA didn’t give us the option to directly communicate with other players within the game, so that’s the limitation of the interaction.

  7. OK. I’ve had time to think about it a bit. Here’s what I would like to see: I think you should give equal time and emphasis on the freemium side of the game as you do on the premium side. It seems like most of the emphasis to date has been on the premium player. For instance, when you make a recommendation on whether or not we should spend doughnuts on a building, decoration, or character, you might want to give two recommendations: one based on those willing to spend cash on doughnuts, and those not willing.

    Thank you for listening. I love this site, and will continue to visit and make contributions in the future regardless.

  8. I’d like a drop down list for finding past post. I know I can do a search but my finger is tired of tapping and is lazy. I love you guys and this site. Thanks for all you do!

  9. Reading in some comments made me think of other things that would be nice, like more posts on Facebook, like a featured town from a reader, or, along those lines, youtube videos showing a 3D or 2D design in a reader’s town and showing how to recreate it.

  10. I would love to give some good constructive criticism because I think that’s important to have for all things in life, but I don’t have any complaints with the site so I don’t have any criticism to give. I think you guys have a lot of different kinds of posts to keep us readers interested. You’re always on top of all the latest event/episode tie-in updates as well as any glitches or patches and very helpful and understanding like when you’re asked the same question multiple times in a row, even when the answers are sometimes included in the post itself, (as previously mentioned by others below). You hold these cool contests for us readers to showcase our creativity and you keep the overall tone of the site very fun. I also like the idea of a “What Did You Do With…” feature and I think it would be cool to see the Tapper of the Month feature make a return if possible. I’ve been a reader for at least a year now and I’ll continue to be as long as you guys keep doing what you’re doing. Great job once again. 🙂

  11. I’d like to get donuts for commenting on topics. Also, I’d like the money collected in the game to be deposited into my real bank account so playing Tapped Out would make me money instead of cost me money. Or you could just keep up the great work on the site have a happy 2015. Thank you.

  12. I visit your site everyday, usually more than once! It has been an incredible help to me since I began playing in February. I only have one suggestion: as someone who has recently gone premium (I blame Gil) I would like to see all “should I spend donut” posts in one place. I always check with you before making a purchase, but I have to search each time. This is especially true of items released early in the game. Otherwise, you guys do an amazing job…I don’t know how you find the time to keep us so well informed about TSTO, maintain the other addicts site, and carry on with your real lives! Do you ever sleep? Anyways, you are much appreciated, and you make the game even more fun than it already is! Thank you!

  13. I really love what you guys are doing with this site, by far the best source for TSTO info. One thing I would like to see would be a way to edit posts (I make alot of typos lol.
    Also, what do you guys prefer us to do when we have off topic questions? I always post them in one of the most recent posts but feel kinda awkward about it.

    As far as the game itself, EA teased us a year ago and still haven’t delivered. I want a proper version of Sideshow Bob! And Maggie we need a playable Maggie too

    • Hi, hungryhomer! I can answer your question about the place to post off-topic stuff….it’s the weekly “Sunday Night” thread. You can check out the latest one, which is on the homepage right now! 🙂

  14. I have no suggestions. I am so totally satisfied with what you provide. What you do makes playing this game a great pleasure. Thank you.

  15. Loved this site by the way… You guys are awesome.

    How about where you ask posters for their design on a particular building, decorations, etc. (What did you do with “Ice Palace”, “Ski Lift”)… Like showcase what they have done with it.

    Really want to snatch some designs since this game is creatively-draining and some of my buildings are looking plain and drab… 😂😂😂

  16. Radioactive Man!
    Enough said


  18. I love this site. Things I would like:
    #1 Q & A sections
    #2 donation section to you or your charity of your choice( paypal,credit cards,money orders,etc) to help you the way you help us
    #3 direct EA link to send request of ideas examples monorail,more land,etc
    #4 more about your personal life.
    Thank you got all your help wookie,bunny,àlissa. Can’t wait to see what this year brings in.

  19. This website sucks

  20. I want to see the Pin Pals!! (If u dont know its homer, apu, mr burns & moe’s bowling team)

  21. I have never used an app that disconnects from the server as much as this game does and takes hours before you can reconnect.
    Maybe the controllers of the game should look into a more robust servers.

  22. Hi Alissa, Bunny and Wookie,
    I absolutely love what you all do and I have a few suggestions for the site.
    – It can be a bit confusing trying to navigate the site and would be great to simplify it a bit with more graphics and clearer and larger titles and subtitles for each section. The titles are confusing. I have a hard time finding info and have to sift through a lot of stuff before I find what I’m looking for.
    – How about a FAQ section. I notice that you have to answer the same question a number of times.
    – Would love to hear more about your personal lives.
    – Guest writers is a great idea.
    – Each subject you talk about could be arranged across the page rather than down the page with a bigger ‘more about this topic’ at the bottom. I use an iPad so this format would suit me better. I understand the need for phone users to have the vertical format. Maybe the layout could change when you flip your device or have a layout for iPad users.
    – I’d love to see a ‘should I buy’ section.
    – is is possible to have the ads all together in one part of the screen?
    Once again, I really appreciate the time and effort you all put into this site. BTW I couldn’t send to the email address above.

  23. We want Matlock!!

  24. Someone stole my burrito™

    I’d like to see something along the lines of: EA are you listening?
    Where we can make suggestions for EA to consider. Not for complaining, but for new decorations we’d like to see, etc.

  25. Would love it if you could start the Sunday Night Open Thread a little earlier. Those of us in the UK don’t get to see it until Monday morning.
    I also agree with others who have posted about organisation. Some way of making it easier to find specific posts from the past would be great.
    I don’t know what it is, but discussion threads in the talkbacks here don’t really go beyond a couple of replies. I’ve seen other talkback tools like Disqus that seem to be structured in a way that encourages discussion (like the ability to sort the thread by most liked comments).
    You are doing a great job with this site. I visit every day and look forwards to the improvements you are going to make.

  26. I think we need a bigger playing field. I’ve run out of space. Krustyland too. It can be so much more.

  27. After playing for 2 years, I find your site not only a complement to the game, but a fun extension of the game. I check your site every day, along with my game, because you ARE the game. And what a Bravo moment for you all when we find it difficult to suggest improvements.

    I do find it hysterical at times when you answer the same questions over and over again with all the love and grace of a Pope. (I genuflect to you all) Your recent “Addicts Question Corner” post really stuck in my mind. It was so concise, totally informative and a perfect nutshell to all our questions… If I were to suggest what stuck in my mind most and what I would like to see more – “Addicts Question Corner” – and make it easy to find without scrolling back for those that missed it… Cheers gang!… Bravo!

    • I agree wholeheartedly with your first paragraph. I tried racking my brain to give some suggestions but you guys do such an awesome job here it’s hard to think of anything. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the game wouldn’t be as much fun without you guys and this site. It’s nice to be apart of a community that enjoys the game and loves the Simpsons as much as I do. Unlike other sites not to be named where it’s full of nothing but ******** and moaning and constant complaining. You guys rock and thanks for all your dedication and hard work. Oh I finally thought of something… You guys derseve to be making a paycheck from this site *cough* EA *cough* sorry I had something in my throat 😉

  28. Everything you guys are doing is great stuff. The website has come such s long way I can’t imagine what other improvements would be needed.

  29. You guys are doing a amazing job! There really is nothing I could say wrong about you guys and this website!

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