Addicts Weekly Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Due to POPULAR request….we’ve moving up our open thread time so that our friends outside of the US can participate too!  Let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Now…enough rambling from me….it IS Sunday and you know what that means, right?  Time for another Open Thread!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  The Simpsons are all new tonight, what will happen in the new episode?  The Terwilliger Event hit our devices this past week, are you enjoying the event so far?  Sunday Night Baseball tonight features the Reds at Cardinals, will you be watching?  NBA and NHL playoffs are both in full swing, how’s your team doing?  Do anything fun this weekend?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


495 responses to “Addicts Weekly Open Thread

  1. I’m within “striking mode” for the Springfield Market place! Should get it on Thursday, Tomarrow!! I have plenty of “Ammunition ” to have gotten all the other items, but have opted to skip those until I get the Market place, then , I can do my Happy Dance!!😄

  2. Regarding missing seeds, one player on Answers HQ stated that an EA rep told them that the missing seeds issue is known and they are “working on it” and to avoid the issue, send no more than five or so seeds to any one player at a time to avoid the issue. Seems a little, er, made up, to me, but there it is.

  3. Here’s a premium feature I’d like to see… For, say, 2 donuts, you can move all of your friendvilles’ clocks back one hour. This could help with timeslip!

  4. I didn’t log on for a few days, so I just got the farm house. I would really love to get the NPC, but my donut budget is about spent. Not really a problem though, just the same old same in our devices.

    My problem with the event is that we’ve had a non stop string of events, whether major or a one week buy up, since Clash of Clans. While I’m not really angry about the content, I just think some downtime of more than a week would be nice. It could give everyone a chance to save up more money to buy the exclusive event stuff. Also, this event feels like it could have easily been a wonderful THoH theme with mutants and Bob and so many things. It already feels like THoH with the added daily tasks from Stonecutters. And though I know the tapable component and major questline of THoH has to do with an actual Halloween episode, I still think it could have worked.

    I don’t know. I saw I was running low on donut funds, along with thinking mutants are a Halloween thing, and thought that a break was needed. I’m used to a lull around this time before a major summer event. I just needed a place to express the rant. I know you addicts, who do a wonderful job relaying information to us, have no control over it.

  5. A new update just hit. Homer complaining about Bart & Bart gets assigned a new task to act like an infant. And Mr. Teeny is back as playable with 3 tasks (2 locked for now). Is this part of the event or its own thing??


  6. When did Mr. Teeny become NPC?

  7. For those playing last time, four Homer graves are hidden around my lil Springfield, can you find them all?

  8. I have been sending lots of seedlings. @Sandra, you don’t owe me anything 🙂 No one does. I had donuts I designated for them (ones won from mystery box, visiting etc., and have bought a few. @Jebus we seem to trading spots on the leader board 😉 My designated donut supply is dwindling, so you may get ahead and stay ahead 🙂 @Ehutt, I don’t think I will catch you 😉 It is all in fun. I enjoying helping out my most faithful neighbors. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Just having fun with those little green blobs, Ncrosebud! 😀 Thanks for sending them, too!

    • Thank you for the debt forgiveness!! <3 <3 <3

    • Hehe, I have noticed that we keep overtaking each other. It’s completely by coincidence, I just send out however many seeding I feel is appropriate and then at the end I am slightly ahead of you. Then the next day you are back in the lead :). I’m not sending any tonight as I need to reset my visit timer so you should get ahead, I definitely don’t want this to turn into a competition, I am happy for you to keep the lead 😉

      • On my leaderboard, I seem to be permanently stuck in 6th place, which is actually pretty good, considering that I’ve only ever sent “repayment” seeds (and haven’t always bothered to do the math to make sure that I’m hitting folks at the right time, time-zone-wise)!

  9. I know EA probably wouldn’t do it, but an interesting solution to the long running “no foot paths / only roads” debate…
    What about a 2×2 version of the 4×4 concrete / road / water / grass / deck, allowing side by side road / foot path combos and some interesting divergence in land creativity…

  10. Burrahobbit_L27

    I am wondering if it is worth it to leave seedlings at Other Springfield. What will be my return on that? Does the game only payout at the end of the 24hrs, since there is no one controlling the account and tapping the seedlings for me.

  11. This event is really stressing me out…not because I’m worried about how I’m progressing (I think I’m in pretty good shape as far as that’s concerned), but because I feel bad about constantly being in seedling debt to my neighbors. Right now, I owe 57 seedlings and I have just 3 to use for repayments. I hope none of my neighbors are too disappointed in me…at least I’ve tried to be very diligent about catching the little green blobs during waking hours, so my neighbors are getting the full benefit from having sent them to me! But, as I look at my list of unpaid debts, I just feel bad.

    • Don’t stress about it Sandra. That’s EA’s ploy to make you feel like a bad person to get you to buy more seeds. Everyone plays a different way…it’s only week one. Don’t get stressed about it yet, otherwise when Acts 2 and 3 hit you’ll be going crazy.

      • Don’t feel bad Sandra, all good!
        And I think some neighbourinos are using the tactic of selecting those higher up on the leaderboard to ensure seeds are collected (not me, but I’ve noticed some friends dropping many seeds on me, I feel pangs of brief guilt but cannot reciprocate 😉

      • I just wish that EA would do away with the friend leaderboard.

        • Craig (ibuylow2014)

          I don’t even how many points I get for what. I just know it goes up every once in a while. The thing is, I don’t care because it does not affect me. I just drop all my seeds as soon as I get them.

      • For what it’s worth, I’ve been splitting many of my seeds between those neighbors who are active here, at times I think they are online. This may seem generous, but it’s really a bit selfish as I want them collected within that first 4 hours and I cannot always tell when peeps are active — if someone last played 1 hour ago, they might not be back for 8 or 23 more, or they might be back in 20 min — but folks here are good about indicating where they live and when they play!

        @Sandra — payback occurs when you tap them quickly, no worries on the reciprocal seeds 🙂

      • Thanks, etamni! Rest assured, if I’m awake, you’re seeds are getting tapped within the 4-hour window!

    • Burrahobbit_L27

      By tapping on those seedlings on time, both you and your neighbour benefit by getting a higher payoff of 8 items, so don’t feel bad about it. In fact when I release seedlings, my only hope is that my neighbour taps it within 4 hrs, and I don’t keep track of who plants seedlings in my town, the white text disappears fast for me.

      • The hard part is trying to make sure you deliver seeds when timezones coincide, the best for me and the majority of my neighbourinos is around midday local from what I can tell 😉

      • Thank you for helping me feel a little better…I really appreciate your taking the time to post that! 🙂

    • Wow, you keep track of seedling debt? That’s pretty hardcore. I just look at the names when tapping but don’t worry about counting. When I do my daily visit I send seedlings if I really like their town or I recognise the name from my town. Probably not the best system, sorry if I have offended anyone. I don’t keep track of how many I am sending either as I see it more as a gift than a loan. I’m pretty relaxed about the whole seedling side of things.

      The only person I feel I kinda owe something too is Biosythe (probably spelt wrong, I will properly thank him later), it always seems like I am tapping seedlings from him.

      • Wow – relieved to hear that, Jebus, especially since I “owe” you 5 seedlings at this point! ☺️

    • Thanks, Matt – after reading everyone’s responses this morning, I’m feeling much better. Really appreciate all of you! <3

  12. ARGH! Rod and Todd came with Sir Putts A Lot, so why doesn’t storing that store Rod and Todd, too?!? Is there any other way to free up those boys, if they’re on an outdoor task (or an indoor task in a building that I don’t want to reset the timer on)?

    • Has to do with the fact that when Sir Putts A Lot was originally introduced it didn’t come with Rod and Todd. Wayyyy back during Valentine’s Day 2013 Sir Putts A Lot was introduced as a limited-time building. So a lot of players had it already when Rod and Todd were released…kinda like Fat Tony. He comes with the Businessman’s Club but when you store it he doesn’t go into storage. That’s because he was originally released as part of an episode tie-in and then they decided to keep him and make him part of a level. If they’re on an outdoor task you can just store them individually…

  13. Three donuts today from neighbor visits, so don’t neglect those if you want free sprinkles.

    • Oh, and for those who follow this thread all week, be sure to go back to the discussion of why the GMO plants in the game have mouths….

      Also, not going to post a prank video today — I’ve been too busy tapping to find a really good one and I’m not going to post just any prank!

      • @Sandra — Did you ever give in and watch last week’s “Spider Dog” video?

      • E, have you seen any “camel spider” videos (seriously Sandra, don’t search!!!), yup, spidey-pup is weird, but for real world frightening these guys take the cake!

      • Nope, etamni – took a pass on spider dog (although I could swear that I’ve seen that video before in the past and that it was actually quite cute!).

      • Cube – I’m actually not arachnophobic…there was just something ooky-looking to me about the spider dog.

      • It is cute! There’s never any moment where you forget that it’s just a dog in a costume, but the humor comes from watching people’s reactions to it (they obviously don’t know what it is!)

      • Sandra, you’d appreciate Orstraylya then, lots and lots of spiders here!

      • Ummm, Cube – I said I wasn’t an arachnophobe, not that I was an arachnophile! And I must say that I do have a healthy fear of poisonous spiders!!

        From all of Julie’s descriptions, I think that any visit I might make “down under” (highly unlikely, given how much I detest flying) would be limited to the big cities. (I’m assuming that there aren’t too many poisonous snakes and spiders wandering down the streets of Sydney or Melbourne…)

  14. ncrosebud – Your seed generosity today was overwhelming…thank you so much!! <3

    Sadly, I don't know when I'll ever be able to pay you back fully, but I'll try to make at least a token gesture of return as soon as, and as often as, I can. But at least you should get the full earnings value of your "deposits," since I've tapped them all well in time. 🙂

    And to the rest of my generous neighbors, I'm already deep in debt again, but I am keeping a list and trying to do whatever I can, whenever I can, to make repayments. (I have yet to spend a single seedling on anything *but* a repayment!) I just hope we get a chance to win a giant box of seedlings in Act 2!!

    • Sandra, im playing my seedlings the same way, making a list and repaying my debt. Part of me wants to spend donuts and buy some but the freemium player in me won’t let that happen. Hopefully in the next act we get that giant box and I’ll seed the world!

    • Sandra if I happen to make it on your debt list please remove me from it, I really don’t need them and I think it would be better to send them to people not reading this thread. It’s the thought that counts and I know your heart is definitely in the right place 😉

      • I think, or hope, I speak for a few like minded people, those that have built and established themselves in this brilliant little community understand. Guilt be free SS, we ALL understand 😉

      • Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3

        (I hadn't seen this list yet when I posted my previous reply.)

        (I won't even say here what Swype's autocorrect tried to turn "previous" into just now, other than it's a male body part. Glad I caught that one before tapping Post Comment lololol!)

    • You are very welcome 🙂

  15. Has there been any talk of new boardwalk sections
    or land, water ?

    See ya bye, Shine on you Crazy Diamond.

  16. I think I’ve noticed another enhancement that EA slipped in with one of the fairly recent updates… In the past, when I’ve stored a building (say, to shake a character free) and then went to replace it immediately after, I’d have to remember it’s exactly original placement if I wanted to be sure to put it back exactly where it was. But now, it seems to remember its last spot and default to that location when I pull it back out of inventory! (I don’t know I’d it would still remember that if I did other activities in between the store and replace, but at least it seems to work if one replaces it immediately after storing it.)

    Please forgive me if I’ve become one of those folks who thinks they’ve “discovered” something that’s already been mentioned here a zillion times…y’all know that I am pretty diligent about reading both articles AND comments, and I don’t remember seeing this mentioned anywhere before. (Although, granted, my memory isn’t so great these days…)

  17. Has anyone else been unable to get their town. Every time I start the game, I get the intro cinematic, and then level 1. I’ve tried logging out and then back into my origin account, but I get the same results.

  18. I have multiple towns and this is the 2nd day that I dropped seeds in my own town and they never showed up. Seed count shows that I did drop them. I’ve logged in and out multiple times and they never showed up. Has this happened to anyone else?

    • A few others reported a similar issue. Contact EA and let them know you’re impacted too.

    • Yea, I have two accounts and tried to give my main account the 50 seedlings but after the first 10 everything got all messed up, seedlings started going missing. Now I am just sending 10 per day and everything seems to be working fine. Got me thinking though, what happens if you try send a genuine neighbour more than 10 a day?

    • I sent some seeds from my friend’s account — the one temporarily on my backup device — but they didn’t all show up either. Given their relatively poor value, and how few of them were involved, I’m not going to bother contacting EA about it, I’m just posting this here to let peeps know that it’s not their imagination!

      Friend’s account showed it could send me 10 seeds, and they were sent. Friend’s count of seeds went down by 10 (this was right after winning 50 seeds, so math was easy — count went from 50 to 40). When I logged in on my account, I did clear 10 of them, but three were from a different neighbor, seven were from my friend, and the other three that came from that account were never seen. It’s been over 12 hours, and still no sign of them.

  19. I finished level 6 of the Monsanaro 3 days ago. So now all supplies go for crafting. I play pretty much all day and keep the residents on corn or fertilizer tasks. I currently have 1765 fertilizers. I still have to craft the Smoker and the Farmers Market. Don’t think that will happen in 6 days. This may be the first time I haven’t got all items in a quest or part. Very disappointed!!!

    • My plan is to not craft anything. I figure when Act 2 starts the upgrades for the Reasearch Centre will unlock tasks for more characters and increase the payout rate. Makes more sense to save up now so you can rush the upgrades as soon as the Act starts, earning more in the long run.

    • Don’t worry – all indications are that those items will be available for crafting well after 6 days from now. (In fact, I seriously doubt that anyone has been able to craft the farmer’s market without spending some serious donuts to do so.) The only thing that will probably happen in 6 days (wrt crafting) is that more possible crafting items will be added.

    • Thank you both.

  20. I predict Act Two will involve a jealous Cletus (local Tomacco grower) and a vengeful Mr Teeny (after being relegated to NPC status, he utilises Monsarno to go all ‘Planet of the Apes’ on local Springfielinites ;)!

  21. Willie’s tractor?

  22. Don’t forget to submit your screenshots of Monsarno (read : Monsanto 😉 Act One for this Saturday, really keen to see everyone’s ideas so far!
    I’ve created a lil’ “Soilent Green” (read : Soylent Green ‘…is people!’ 😉 processing / storage facility in my complex (yup, paying homage to the “fences of Springfield” surrounding it ).

    • Hehehe, just realised that with the blank space in my nuclear complex, I now have the perfect place for workers 😉
      Charlie’s Chocolate Factory is nearly complete (Nuclear towers (candy striped) and parking lot, toy and fudge factory enclosed now with Elf workers ;).

      • I love that idea! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory is one of my all time favorite movies.

      • Old or new? Old one with Gene Hackman, a definate classic 🙂

      • Trying to figure the best solution to embed photos with my posts, securely…
        Tapebelt? You offered suggestions? Er, help / advice if you’re free?

      • Lol – think you mean Gene Wilder (The Producers, Blazing Saddles), not Gene Hackman (Papa Doyle in The French Connection, Lex Luthor in the Christopher Reeves era Superman movies, etc.).

        I think Gene Wilder was brilliant as Willy Wonka…managed to inject a subtle sinister tone into what could have been a more saccharine character (pun intended). But he was actually pretty brilliant (and underappreciated) in general.

      • The original with Gene Wilder of course! Johnny Depp is great and all but the classic just has that creepy element that makes it so great.

      • A couple months ago I found the original on DVD in the cheap bin at the store — yeah, I got it!

      • I knew it was Gene something, dang grey matter, shoulda Googled first 😉

  23. Curious what everyone’s strategy is in regards to distributing the mutant seedlings – especially after earning the 50 pack. Drop them on neighbours all at once or save them for the next phase?

    • Spend spend spend! Time it well and you’ll reap the benefits 😉

    • I used them to clear my debt and then used the rest up continuing to pay back my generous neighbors. Unfortunately, I’m now well back into debt… 🙁

  24. OK, there is a way to put cement under your Monsarno Research building. Here’s the problem: Doing so is easy, explaining how to do it is not so easy. There’s a site where the instructions are at (it’s not hacking or modding) but I don’t want to mention another site here unless one of the addicts team says it’s OK. Alissa? Bunny? (Wookiee, go back to your homework — there’s nothing to see here!)

    • Let me guess… one square at a time. Place it, check mark it, repeat? 😉

      I am smarts 😛

      I have a post on it too… just been being pulled between the two sites and stretched thin. No worries, details up here soon too. 😉

    • Or here is a lil better explanation until mine goes up. Make an L shape. Over n over n over. Place the pavement on the outside of the Monsarno where it lets you, tap the check mark to begin the “drag” feature. Then drag it over one next to the Monsarno, then under the Monsarno. It will only go one square under and show red, but will still let you place it. Repeat these “L” shapes again n again n again until you have gone all the way around and one square under the building. 😉

      • This has always been a challenge we seem to find the loophole for (the angels of Valentines come to mind as well), really EA, restrictions such as these are just annoying, but I know they can be down to programming decisions 🙂

      • …and Elf Workers Communes, er, Elf Homes 😉

      • Pretty much. Thing is, the post I was thinking of has screenshots that make it a lot easier to understand. But nobody said OK to post a link to another TSTO blog, so I’ll leave it out. I’m still going to give credit to Minicha-em, an Answer HQ Hero who sent me the link — without it I’d still be staring jealously at the Monsarno building in certain neighbors’ cities wondering how I can add pavement around mine. The curved curbs just demand it, and I think mine will end up with a curved road around it when I am done with it.

        • We do adore Em. She is a good friend of ours. She was a part of the other site for a long time. No worries. My post on it should be up soon. 😉

  25. When did the price of houses go up ?

    See ya bye. 🌞💎

  26. Just got my pet mutant.
    I think I’ll let him walk around for a day before he takes up permanent residence in my storage box. What a rubbish ‘prize’.

    • Aww, let him play during the event! Then store him. 🙂

      P.S. What if he has some hidden purpose that you won’t see if he is stored!

    • Let him roam, show off your NPCs! It’s also a good indication for new neighbourinos as to when you started playing. ..

      • Nah, I don’t like any of the NPCs. They contribute nothing and can adversely affect performance! They’re worse than useless!
        I’ll give him a little longer though, he’s not annoying me yet.

  27. I admit I have not been very thorough in reading all past posts, so pardon me is this has been questioned before.

    Fruits (technically tomatoes, cucumbers &, arguably, corn are fruits) that walk right up to your face to be eaten, okay… BUT WHY DO THEY HAVE MOUTHS?!

    Will they bite me when I try to bite them?!

    • Point well taken, and I wish I hadn’t read it so close to bedtime….

    • They have mouths so they can eat! 🙂 No roots since they walk around, so they have to get their nourishment from someplace.

      Will they bite you? Well, if someone was about to eat you and the only defense you had was to bit them, would you do it? Yeah, they’ll bite back, I’m sure!

      • AWESOME!
        I guess some people could regard these items as potential diet food. Not only is there the chance or threat of getting bit back, but what if they decide to run away? You’d have an potential mini-workout chasing them first (at least when they get to that stage.)
        Furthermore, if they sold these at the local deli, then I could get something as a side to my sandwich… Maybe a bite-back pickle to accompany the smoked tongue that could lick me back!

    • Getting visions of blood thirsty vampire vegetables roaming the streets, thanks Etamni, I’m with Sandra on this one 😉

    • The other possible purpose of mouths is so they can try to argue with you when you go to eat them….

      Plant 1: “No, not me…. Eat him, he’s bigger and probably tastes better too!”
      Plant 2: “No, I’m not, I’m old and flavorless, that young sprout is who you want to eat.”
      Plant 1: “What????? No, that’s not fair! I haven’t had a chance to get old and withered yet! All right buddy, you cannot eat me, here’s a court injunction that says you have to let a judge decide if I can live out my life before you eat me.”
      Plant 2: “Hey, where’d you get that? I want one too!”
      Plant 1: “Get a blue-haired lawyer!”
      Me: “Gotcha both! Into the stew pot you go!”
      Plant 1: “But what about my injunction?”
      Me: “Read the fine print.”
      Plant 1: (reading aloud) “…not valid unless full payment, in donuts, is forthwith tendered to the Blue Haired Lawyer. Um, what’s that mean?”
      Me: “It means you’re going in my stew.”

      I guess it’s a good thing I’m not writing for the show! 🙂

  28. I reckon it would be interesting to see an “Event” competition where readers submit their own event ideas, similar to the Level comp a few months back!

  29. Hi and a very happy 4/20 to all!
    Is it just me or did they ( the writers) reference a little 4/20 friendly joke….under the pet plant it says something like “worst case you can smoke it”. Lol! Or maybe it’s more innocent than that, I don’t know. I talked with one of my brothers today, who is understandable upset that this isn’t a national holiday 😉 (Are there 4/20 celebrations outside the U.S.)? Alas we are working, instead of at the beach celebrating. It’s a “chilly” day here in LA, only about 20 C (about 70 F).
    To my neighbours: thanks for the seedlings! I’ve been trying to seed you back in direct proportions to seedlings dropped in my town but I’m running hecka low and I’ve already spent 20 donuts buying seeds. I’m getting only around 1 maybe 2 seedlings dropped from plants daily….not great numbers frankly despite playing often.
    Thanks bunches to Alissa, Bunny, Wookiee for all the info et cetera!!

    • Hi Sliq, up here we have 5/24 … for a different reason.

    • Hello Sliq! ‘pologies for ignorance, 4/20?

      • Hehe, everyday is 420 for me 😉

        I think the best way to stay within the guidelines would be to just do a Wikipedia copy and paste:

        “420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term that refers to the consumption of cannabis and by extension, as a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture or simply cannabis itself.”

      • To add on to jebus’ citation, for those who are wondering, “Okay, but why 4:20?,” it originally alluded to when school let out and the high school kids were free to go and partake.

        (Note for non-U.S. folks: “High school” in the U.S. is the four years of school before college/university…. Kids are generally roughly 14-18 years old, or so.)

      • For those who are interested, there is an article that explains it pretty well. Short version is that a particular group of high school students would meet at that time at a particular location to go search for a rumored abandoned cannabis field, which they never found, although they apparently partook of that plant during their explorations (which might partly explain why they couldn’t find the field). The term “420” was inside code that they could use in front of teachers, coaches, etc. without fear of repercussions. From there it spread. Here’s the link:

        Hey kids! We know you read this, and we know you are hip enough to understand exactly what we are talking about. Don’t do it, OK? We are talking about the origin of the term “420” and nobody here thinks you should be trying the stuff that the term refers to!

      • Hmmmm, Australian media has focused on the acceptance in many states, particularly Colorado, and also the massive tax revenue the states receive…
        Strangely enough, our State Premier (your State Governor? ) is now promoting policy for trials and legalisation (there are flexible laws gaining traction in at least 2-3of our 8 states / territories)…

      • Also, in Ozzie lingo 4 and 20 is THE (not the best, just the most advertised) meat pie, hence the query 😉

      • Cube – Sounds like our 4:20 and your 4 and 20 would go quite well together lol!

  30. I was tapping veggies roaming around town when unbeknownst to me I leveled up & because I was so busy intently tapping veggies I inadvertently tapped the left square (without missing a beat) & got 3 doughnuts!! Yayyyyyy!!


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