Addicts Weekly Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Due to POPULAR request….we’ve moving up our open thread time so that our friends outside of the US can participate too!  Let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Now…enough rambling from me….it IS Sunday and you know what that means, right?  Time for another Open Thread!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  The Simpsons are all new tonight AND we got an episode tie-in to go along with it, what will happen in the new episode? How will the items in the game come into play? Act 1 of  The Terwilliger Event winds down tomorrow, have you earned all of the Act 1 prizes yet?  Sunday Night Baseball tonight features the Mets at the Yankees, will you be watching?  NBA and NHL playoffs are both in full swing, how’s your team doing?  Do anything fun this weekend?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


293 responses to “Addicts Weekly Open Thread

  1. Habe finally hit over 10 million, and finally can “sit and rotate” 🙂
    I figured after just having level 51 hit, and with the mild lul between acts now is as good as any…
    Hope there aren’t any major purchases at the start of act two or else I’m wrapped heliacally around a central plane…

      Stoopid frickin’ filth flarin’ fooz-tabling feckin’ donut bonus!

      • And I thort I could make up swear words!! Ya got it over me there Cubes!! Lol…filth flarin’!??!?!? Lol needed that laugh my friend.
        Okay thumb, forefinger, and middle finger = carpal tunnel syndrome. from bit below wrist up into thumb = Di Queervains disease. Little finger and ring finger = the elbow tunnel and no idea what they call that!
        Not sure about the dolphin thing…really not game to ask! 😳 think it may be something he’s learning at school but certainly gave me heaps to laugh about. This lad has always been my joy and I’m happy to see ageing isn’t going to change that. Lol…I still remember the time he saw a sign and said…so where is that angel licking church anyway?…sign pointed toward the Anglican Church so I think it was there!! I won’t even comment about my answer!! Lol…and my memory doesn’t go back that long ago!! Lol…dyslexic moment on his part maybe??…then there’s the time he asked what they sold at the butt cherry….I read butchery but hey…each to his own right? Mind you he usually comes out with these corkers while I’m driving…you try and stay on the road while laughing yourself stupid!!

      • Hehehe, I think we ozzies have mastered the art of non-offensive (-ish) explicatives!
        I honed the ancient art through many a Goon Show / Monty Python / Goodies (mainly Brit humour ;).
        Concerned with elbows… have just found a sizeable ganglion on the right joint (trying to find a heavy book for this, though I’m right handed, I might have to rely on a friend to splat it), and though my previous work roles would explain the nerve damage, what’s happening with my left elbow is very weird.
        Losing more and more sensation to the two fore fingers and thumb, and creeping pingliness (???) through my palm. Sorta losing feeling, and getting stretchliness achly when flexing or tensing my forearm.
        Ah, well, the wonders of age, a year off 40, what can I expect…
        Just a suggestion for your new taxi, maybe implement a no radio rule… it may seem odd, but the best lessons a learner / P plater can gain is listening to what the car, and the world around them, is doing 😉

      • Also, a reference to language. ..
        I attended one of the only schools at the time to offer Latin as an elective, I then went on to accomplish English Literature as an elective in the new VCE (we were the first years 11/12 to move to the new system).
        Love all forms of expression, but particularly the linguistic arts 😉

      • Buyer beware? Refering to “highly addictive” advertising of EA’s TSTO?

      • A year off 40, he says!! The wonders of AGE, he says!! Cubes…you poor old coot!! My heavens dear it’s a wonder you manage to get that walking stick up high enough to tap the screen dear man! Lol I have 20 years on you! You poor old chook! So funny.
        I know my problems are from previous work related activities as well as he thyroid, so I do sympathise…it’s bad enough being my age and falling apart…I’m glad it didn’t happen when I was younger…altho having said that…I was so busy with demanding husband and teenager children I probably didn’t have the time too back the ! Lol
        I must tell you…cos I am on a ‘high’ at present….with the disabilities and having to race 3hours away to doctors etc, finances became so tight last week that I didn’t know where our next meal was coming from. Well my daughter surprised me with a trip to a bulk buy butchery in Mackay and told me I had $100 to spend. Jamie was with me and he prefers chicken to other meat so we got mainly chook…and it is more expensive than meat up here these days…but we still got heaps for the money. I have told several people including my other kids what Louisa did and said it would have been nice if Jamie had included some steak (as a joke). Well his dad turned up and looked around the place and said, ‘Mum…you’ve got heaps here that would sell in a garage sale!’ So I told him to cut loose and have fun. Nothing sells here so he took it back to Townsville with him to put on fb up there. Well next day $500 appears in my account. I thort…wow! Mike wasn’t wrong. I phoned him to thank him but he said…hang on..I haven’t put them up yet! So I started phoning around and NO ONE knows a thing about it. The only reference on the deposit is..HAVE A STEAK…now that is the kind of thing my kids would say but none of them did it! Only someone who knows our circumstances would put that in, surely!?!? So I am now wondering who the person was to know my bank choice that they were able to walk into a branch and deposit funds. This is definitely one of those pass along benefits. I am just so grateful to whomever this person is and tomorrow after I see the doctor in Mackay (about the nerve damage to my right thumb) my daughter and I are going back to the butchers and I’m buyin’ S T E A K!…but not $500 worth. Lol…I’m also gonna have a cuppa for them and me!
        Isn’t that an incredible experience? I just had to share. On top of that, the isolated patients travel funding came back for the last three trips, so I am definitely doing a S H O P! Lol my cupboards are gonna be loaded once again!
        Enough already woman…give ya poor hands a break! Lol
        Cheers everyone. Julie. Big hugs to all.

      • Wow, that’s a great story, Julie! Sorry things had gotten so tight for you financially, but glad those events transpired to take some of the pressure off. Sounds like you’ve got some great kids (and maybe a guardian angel, too 😉 )!

        Enjoy your steak and chicken and, if things get tight again, remember that beans and rice are a good, cheap source of protein and can be tasty, especially if you’re just eating that as a temporary stop-gap measure, rather than every day for days and days on end.

  2. I just discovered that the Itchy and Scratchy billboards can go on Squidport! 🙂

  3. Sorry if this has already been asked but did the updates fix the pavement glitch? Some of my neighbours have pavement on their monsarno buildings and I was wondering whether I need to contact ea because I still can’t put any paving.

    Thank you Alissa, Bunny and Wookie 🙂

  4. I find it amazing that some people are getting the farmers market already. I know there’s plenty of time left to get it, but I’m over *5,000* fertilizer away still, despite playing pretty faithfully (except for a couple of days of reduced playing time) and having a full boat of freemium characters and a good number of premium ones, as well. I’m guessing that the difference is with the people who are willing to set alarm clocks overnight and such…I will admit that this is the first event in which I’ve been unable to complete all daily tasks on about 4-5 different occasions. (The midnight deadline is a killer for me, since I don’t even get up until around 9am most days…much preferred the 24-hour clock on the elf tunnels approach, since 16-hour task days are pretty much impossible for me to complete by midnight.)

    Fortunately, I’ve earned all of the Act 1 prizes and I’ve gotten a couple of rounds of bonuts (don’t know how people are getting those daily…takes me about a day and a half, per), so I’m in okay shape. But I feel like I’m not doing as well at this event as I have with the others, even with pretty careful strategizing. Oh, well!

    • I feel you sandra! The farmer’s market seems so out of reach but we still have plenty of time 🙂

    • I crafted the farmers’ market by mistake last night. I had been helping my daughter with her baby all day, and was so tired, I fell asleep playing the game and woke up to see I had it. I wanted to save the fertilizer for upgrading the Monsarno building. I don’t know how I had enough fertilizer for it. All I can say is like some people walk in their sleep, I keep my tablet by the bed and think I tap in my sleep. This really should be researched. If I figure out my secret, I’ll share it with you.

    • For what it’s worth, I’ve been seeing it in a neighbor’s Springfield since the second day of the event, but I’m pretty sure that particular neighbor speeds things up with donuts (and I’m not sure those donuts are legitimately obtained, but have no proof of that). Anyway, I’m sure it will all make sense later in the event.

      • Craig (ibuylow2014)

        I got the Farmer’s Market started today. Totally freemium, but I am on this **** game constantly. I am now working on upgrading only. I waited until I got the market before I started working on Level 8.

  5. I’m getting a kick out of the blog’s new banner. I love how everyone has “Bob hair”.

  6. I was hoping to squeeze 3 more bonuts out of the last few hours but the red box has hit me with the most outrageous misfortune. It’s as if it knew when I was sleeping or not sending people to do the long jobs and has maximised my wait for the 100 spades at every turn.
    Ho hum, I’ve done pretty well up to now, but it’s frustrating to be thwarted at the last turn.
    The super-annoying thing is that there is a very slim chance I could still do it, but I’m wondering whether I’d be better off just to throw the towel in and try to get a head start on the new currency instead. Dilemma.

    • Well, I decided to give it a go! I’ve had a pretty good run and now only need another 800 in 7 hours. The problem is that it is now 2am, so those 7 hours should really be being used sleeping.
      It’s not helped by the fact that Cecil’s first job was a 4hr one. A couple of 1hr jobs and i’d practically be home and dry. Oh well, I’d best put some coffee on – need to stay awake at least another couple of hours…

    • Craig (ibuylow2014)

      I will hit Act 2 with less than 100 spades needed to pursue 3 sprinkles. So, the mean ol’ red box hits me with a 16 hour task that ends 5 hours too late. (Random algorithm my cute little derriere)

      • I’ve been stoically ignoring the red box as it seems to favour yhe 16 hour tasks. ..

        • Craig (ibuylow2014)

          I ended up being 57 spades away from a donut bonus. Or, in another way, I was 3 minutes from getting a 150 spade payout which would have also put me over the top. My fault, I waited to long to start that quest and it cost me.

      • The red box was my friend. I milked it mercilessly – spreading out my 16hr tasks to minimise the hit. It helped me to 8, yes eight, bonus tries. I had a glitch where once it gave me two goes, so I was fortunate enough to snaffle 27 free donuts. Nice.
        And, yes, I made the last lot comfortably in the end – although I did have to set the alarm for the middle of the night.

        • Craig (ibuylow2014)

          Just goes to show that someone like you, with a little planning and forethought, can have the game work for you. I, on the other hand, let the game play me!!!

      • Whir… whir… whir… click!
        Ok, now realising the benefits of the red box (took a while to process ;), cheers Swiss!

      • The red box in Act 2 is going to be interesting. I have a feeling there could be a bumper donut payday available if you’re prepared to invest the effort. Bring it on!

  7. Right… a little rant coming. I’m based in the UK, and as some of you may know, in December last year the High Court passed an act forcing the five big ISP providers to block all torrent and streaming sites. For those of us who like to watch online when the programmes come out in the States, this was a bit of a blow… some more so than others. For example, The Walking Dead is shown in the UK the day after it is in the States, so hardly a problem; The Simpsons seems to have caught up so it’s only a week behind now, and I would have liked to have watched it today, but c’est la vie. However, many series have much greater delays, like Family Guy which is a full season behind, and American Dad which (as far as I can tell) is years behind… and that’s not even mentioning the many series we don’t even get over here.

    I was using Cucirca to watch my programmes, and even after the ban, it wasn’t long before proxy sites sprung up everywhere, so it was easy enough to still get online; however, the High Court has now included all these proxy sites in their ban as of last month, and my last working one went down yesterday. Now, before anyone gets on their high horse about piracy and copyright infringement, I’ve never watched a film online as I prefer to watch those on the big screen and on a big TV (I have a DVD collection that would have put Blockbusters to shame), and I always watched the TV episodes I watched online again, when they premiered on TV in the UK. I’m sure I’m in the minority of users, though… I just like to watch my programmes as soon as I can.

    My issue is with how much of a big brother society my country has become. If you think you’ve got it bad in the States, try coming across here. 65 million people living on this tiny little strip of land, and now over 6 million surveillance cameras. It seems that whenever there’s a little joy to be had over here, someone in government gets together with the lawyers and health and safety and goes out of their way to remove it. It may be safer and less lawless over here than a lot of places, but the offset is that it’s mostly bloody boring and what there is left to do is so expensive… there’s hidden taxes everywhere, as all this legislation that no-one really wants has to be paid for somehow. My girlfriend is from New Zealand, and has been over here for nearly 20 years, but more and more recently, we’ve been discussing emigration back to her native Kiwiland, as neither of us can see many factors for staying in the UK anymore.

    I know this sounds like a harsh rant simply because I couldn’t watch the latest episodes of the Simpsons and Family Guy, but it’s just another bit of icing on the cake as far as I’m concerned.

    Anyway… does anyone know of any sites that are still active as of this point?

    • Can you not just spoof your IP address? Would that fix it?
      I dunno, pretend you’re in Switzerland or something? (where it’s not illegal to download, just to upload). Or have I misunderstood?

      • It’s the internet providers that have been forced to block the sites, so I don’t think that would work.

      • TOR and Truecrypt yourself Matthew, ALL governments have relented that these are impenetrable methods of IP obfuscation 😉

    • Nice rant. So who are you voting for May 7th? : O

      • God knows at the moment. I wouldn’t trust any of them to wipe their own backside properly, let alone run a country.

      • Quick query for a UK audience, what on earth is up with your london mayor, we’re seeing alot of that freaky haired eccentric on local TleeVbee latetly…

    • i use torrent sites like kickass when i can’t find something anywhere else, but i try to use them as a last resort. more commonly, i use blog sites like ddlvalley to download via links from file sharing sites like 1fichier, hugefiles, zippyshare, etc.

    • Mate, in the last week or so Australia just passed all of the same laws, almost identical restrictions, and our VPN / proxy access is fast closing…
      I feel for you, more compromises in freedom to ensure freedom.

    • wildthornberry88

      Also from UK… have you tried pirate proxy?

    • www . tvlinks . sx

      you can find almost any tv show there, and www . primewire . ag

      for your movies not yet released. Hope that helps.

  8. I should have enough fertilizer to craft the Farmers Market by Close of Business today, BUT, looking at the Greyed Out Tasks OS some of my characters, it looks as though Monsarno Research will be upgrade-able to level 14.
    Sigh, that suggests that we will forever be “chasing” upgrades and never be able to “craft”.

  9. With only a couple of days till the new mystery boxes disappear I decided to buy some more today. I’m well chuffed because since the new boxes came out I have spent 74 donuts (if you take off free ones in the boxes) and I have calculated that I have won 570 donuts worth of prizes! Some of the prizes were in the free ones I got from playing 5 days in a row but as a freemium player I’m very happy 😀 I have won one lard lads, one fire tire, three channel 6 vans, 3 itchy and scratchy billboards, Kearny, SvT, blue haired lawyer, lemon tree plus some rubbishy ponds and bomb shelters etc. Not a bad investment tho and all that for a total of 74 donuts which is much less than one lard lads would have cost in the first place!

  10. Should we just keep stockpiling fertilizer and corn? Will the fertilizer and corn continue through to Act 2, with the spades set to change to something new? It seems that if there is going to be another big item to craft, a la the Farmers’ Market, AND more levels to Monsarno, then we would be better served to not even craft the FM yet. I’m already not crafting any of the decorations available to be crafted, just saving up to get the FM. So I was just putting out feelers to see how everyone feels about this theory. Thank you three for all that you do for those of us who come here seeking advice and knowledge.

    • It’s up to you…yes Fertilizer and corn will continue to act 2. Spades will disappear and a new currency will take its place. Just depends on your strategy in playing. It’s not a bad idea to stockpile the fertilizer and corn

  11. My anonymous town disappeared tonight. Level 42 126 ish donuts, all sweat donuts. No cash. Phooey.

  12. Hi to all…grumpy bum here.
    I have surgery on right carpal tunnel 21st May. Can’t do anything for the nerve pain from the cortisone as it is probably going to be permanent!!! Just got to try to desensitise it…hahahaha..yeah…I breathe on my wrist and electric shocks race up my thumb and dr tells me to TAP it?!?!?!
    Specialist also informed me that the funny ‘soda pop’ bubbly feelings I get in both hands in my ring fingers and my little fingers are yet another little tunnel way up in my elbows being compressed…so more fun! Not sure what they will do for that..meanwhile I think I may be just about at the point of having to give up driving now as the strength in my hands and wrists is becoming noticeably worse each day. That’s my complete loss to independence then!!
    Jamie is able to start doing his learners permit in six months so I hope I can manage till then,….then it’s gonna be payback time…you know the old…can you drive me here? I need to go there!…etc etc…well then it will be MY turn to want to be chauffeured around! Lol
    @Sandra…this is all from the hypothyroidism so heads up for you to keep on watch dear. There are exercises to help avoid most of the problems if you want to google them for yourself, your parents and your hubby.
    Well guys, I just wanted to check in and let Ya know I am still holding together with bits of string and tape for the moment! Lol
    Hugs to all, Julie.

    • Julie….I’ve been thinking of you and wondering how you’ve been doing. I’m so sorry you’re having a terrible time with your wrists, it’s never easy dealing with pain and all the other issues.
      Sending you a big hug and hoping you feel better soon. All our snow is gone and golf season has started here. I’ll take a picture next time I’m walking the golf course next to my house and email it to you.


      • Thank you Val…I owe you an email BIG TIME,! I finally got one off to MARY Jo last week…but now owe her one again! Lol…I’m thinking of changing my name to Rome!!…it wasn’t built in a day and I most certainly am taking as much time to get things done. 😉

    • Always nice to hear from you, Julie. Hope things work out for you, just hang in there. Take care.

    • Hugs back, Julie!

    • Oh Julie that sucks about the nerve pain. I’m hoping that the surgery at least helps the carpal tunnel though and maybe the nerve pain will lessen over time. Enjoy being driven around though once he gets his permit. Just rewards for all the times you’ve done it for him.
      Can’t say I’m in much better health at the minute. Neck is being painful despite physio, although it has improved somewhat. Got 4 more sessions of physio and approx 6 weeks till the estimated recovery date given by the consultant I saw for my medical report. The other side has admitted liability for the accident and the injury finally so things are moving quickly now. Been offered a compensation figure too but I’m waiting until the 6 weeks are up as once I settle, I can’t go back if I’ve not recovered by then.
      I’m also suffering with hayfever right now and getting migraines a lot because of blocked sinuses. Taking anti-histamines and using nasal sprays but they’re not always helping. It’s annoying, especially because I have a migraine right now and am sat at work waiting for co-codamol to take effect. If it doesn’t work then I will have to take the rest of the day off as sick, so I can take the very strong painkiller I have at home, and I don’t really want to do that.

      • So sorry to hear your neck isn’t doing so well Nessy. I have cervical spondylitis in my neck and tell everyone that they should be thankful cos at the moment I am just a pain in the neck…but if it were in my tailbone…they’d have a different pain to deal with!!😆😉
        I am glad the lorry driver admitted fault so you are able to be compensated without the big legal battle otherwise…the legal eagles usually end up with most of that money anyway.
        I sympathise with you’re getting migraines…my mother suffered with them for years and I saw what she went thru. Horrible things. I’ve had three in my life and never want to experience them again!
        You’re on your springtime up north, aren’t you..hence the hay fever. We’re supposed to be in autumn…last week we were still in the throes of summer then overnight we hit middle of winter! I kid you not…last week our overnite temp was 19*C…yesterday-.7.2*!
        Take care dear and I do hope your neck improves more for you!
        Big hugs. Julie.

    • Hey Julie,

      Great to hear from you, here is a hug and a I miss you!

      • I really needed that hug thank you! Lol…hosp just phoned to say I have to go back to see ortho on Monday now! About the thumb pain so another trip! ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!
        Can’t even begin to describe how much I miss everyone’s towns and playing game..but at least I get to catch up with you all on here. Big thank you to Alissa, Bunny and Wookie for this ability.
        Hugs to all, Julie.

    • SO sorry about all of your troubles!! I really hope that it doesn’t come down to giving up driving…that would be awful. Funny thing – I didn’t learn how to drive until I was 27, because I grew up in New York City (which had great public transportation and owning a car is expensive and a big pain to park) and then I moved to Boston for school, where, again, there was public transportation and no need (or money) for a car. But then I learned how to drive and moved out to the suburbs and now I can’t imagine having to do without driving!

      Thank you for sharing your medical “journey”….although our disabilities are different, mine is also a nerve pain issue and I’m particularly interested in your “desensitization therapy,” since that’s what one of the spine surgeons sent me to PT for. In this case, it really just amounted to my trying to build up a tolerance for doing what’s uncomfortable, but, in my case, I’m not really sure it was working (or that the therapist really knew what she was doing, though she was very sweet). So I’m interested to hear what they have you doing, even though legs and wrists are not exactly the same things…

      I can’t imagine dealing with what you’re dealing with, and doing out with such grace and cheer. I love it when you can post here, but I don’t want you hurting yourself…perhaps you can get some voice recognition software, like Dragon Naturally or something, so you can dictate your posts instead of typing them?

      Oh, and my husband and I will be sure to continue taking our Levothyroxin and having our thyroid levels monitored! 🙂

      • Hey Sandra…I have been naughty and been driving since I was 13 on the roads…then come 17 when I could do so legally…I was petrified in case the police recognised me from previous trips around town! Lol guess that’s the beauty of country life.
        As I just stated to Atlantis…Mackay hosp just phoned for me to go back and see spec there on Monday about the thumb pain so will know more about this desensetizing then I guess. Will also talk to him about this new development with the elbow compression. My daughter seems to think I have a disease that started in my fingers and is working its way up my arms to my brain and she says it’s from when I was abducted ny the aliens!! Mad girl! Lol I have her and Ken looking into the voice recognition software for me. They built my wee computer for me and informed me last week that Ken has just built a computer for a business in Mackay and has built an accounting programme for the shop as well as they couldn’t find a suitable one elsewhere…that boy has been hiding his light under a bushel!! Clever little chappy!
        Just answering these few post have both my hands in pins and needles again so I’m not sure what else I can do other than look at that sort of program.
        I shall comply with the wishes of the hands and retire for the day!! 9.10am and already I am on minimum usage for the day!! I truly am going out. Of my mind with tedium and boredom! I’d dance around the yard naked but for sure as eggs the neighbours would sue me for compensation for the mental anguish!! Ah well………
        Cheers dear.💓

    • Hey Julie, best wishes for the surgery, all will be good! Craig also mentioned pains in the elbows, I’m now starting to get mild aching in the left one, perhaps a heads up for us both as well 😉
      It’s good to hear you have family around to support, and that you’ll have a taxi soon!

      • Thank you Matt. I saw Craig’s post the other day…yes you’re rght…I do get on here and keep my eye on you all! Lol. The elbow compression makes the ring fingers and little fingers have the pins and needles feelings…although I think mine feels like I have shaken up a bottle of bubbly!! It feels like it is effervescing in there on me…will discuss that with spec on Monday now….he may just decide to put me in a big box and label it…DONT DISTURB FOR FEAR OF REACTION! Lol I do hope yours and Craig’s elbows don’t get worse on you. I actually don’t have pain in mine, so for that I am thankful…just the weakness that is associated with the compression…and when I think about all the nerves, and blood vessels going thru these little tunnels, I guess the muscles will be weak if they aren’t being fed properly or getting the right nerve info. Not that I think my brain has been sending the right info to anywhere for a long time! 😜
        I’m just a tad worried about my taxi driver!! Last night I heard him making strange clucking noises in the hallway and I asked him what he was doing…and he said…pretending to be a dolphin! Then he further explained that he was testing out his echo finding abilities by making sounds at the wall to see if he could hear the sound bounce off as an echo! And I am thinking of letting THIS child drive my car with me in it?!?!?! I live in fear!!
        Cheers dear, Julie.

      • Hello Julie, we just had a special onFYA TV on blind being taught an echo location method to hone those remaining senses, perhaps he saw this, and being young and male didn’t want to own up?
        If not, er, definite worry, especially if he starts practicing whilst driving!
        Took myself to the local apothecary to suss the elbow (i’m getting fore, middle and thumb numbliness / twingy-pokeyness… yup, my quack hates my descriptions…) , scans, etc await to be scheduled, despite being male I do try and keep on top of health 😉
        Good to hear you are keeping an eye on the flock, I know you’re gonna be fine.

  13. I can’t see who has visited my town during this event and I wish I could. Am I missing something?

  14. Does anyone know if we will still need our mutant seeds for the next act? I have some saved back, but if we wont need them, I’d rather give them out to all my friends instead of lose them.

  15. Well, I would like to talk about the “Leader Board.” It is based on having random mutant seed pods dropped in your town, OR, spending donuts for them, I am so respectful of my neighbors that they are not knuckling under and buying seed pods to save face. We seem to be all on the same page of if you’ve got them,use them, but if not, let it ride. The leader board has nothing to do with how ardently we are playing the game. All it has to do with is who will be pressured to spend donuts to let their neighbors feel appreciated. From my end, Neighbors, I really do appreciate you, but I will not be duped into spending donuts for seed pods to emphasize that. What I notice is spades collected, which is far more telling than the seed pods. And Hey! A big shout out thank you to my numerous, wonderful, creative, funny neighbors, whom I don’t truly know, but in some surreal way think I love you all.

    • Just my thoughts, re the Leader Board, Janis810. Thank you!

    • Last Halloween I was getting more mutant aliens to set loose in neighbor’s towns than I’m getting with this event’s mutant seeds. I didn’t buy any in either event, but for whatever reason I’m earning less of them in this event. Just an observation, but it also means I don’t have enough to spread them around to all my friends. So while I am still visiting everyone daily, I simply don’t have the seeds to unleash in every town I visit.

    • You tell it like it is sister neighbireeno!

    • FWIW to you, I’ve never felt “pressured” at all to buy the seedlings. I have bought the 25-count of seedlings several times simply because I like the idea of helping my neighbors who may be newer players, and those who have dropped seedlings in my town. In addition, I reap event currency for dropping seedlings in friends’ towns, and they earn event currency for tapping the seedlings in their town. So we both benefit. What’s not to like?

    • Yep. I have more spades than any neighbour, but am 11th on this list.

    • Agreed (hey neighbourino!), sprinkly goodness is much better spent on content, and being a reasonably regular tapper, having a ton of spades and trying to disperse seeds as I receive them (so sorry if I’ve missed anyone! ) being 26 (and pretty much stuck there) on the leader board really doesn’t make sense to me 🙁

  16. kingofstillwater

    How come the Wookie doesn’t post as much as he use to

    • Wookiee is in school so he’s trying to get through the last couple of months. He’s still around, and has been working on some posts. But we all agree school comes first…

  17. Tapebelt…..I love the new changes in your town. Awesome! Beautiful town! 👍

    • I definitely agree. I am so lucky to get to see what Tapebelt is doing. Thank you.

      • And I feel lucky to have awesome neighbors like you two… And all the others I’ve met on this site. It’s pretty cool being able to actually communicate with my neighbors in some form. And to think i played this game for so long without having more than 2 neighbors….

  18. Erhm I think I found a new glitch. I keep sending people on their corn/fertilizer jobs and whatnot, repeatedly, but now my ferilizer seems to be stuck at 12180. Just had a bunch of characters finish their job,and it didnt’ budge.

    • Is there a cap you can reach per week and then any “extra” doesn’t count? ‘Cause not even my corn is going up and I just tapped two corn dudes.

      • After like the 7th restart, tapped corn and it started tallying again. Guess I just lost the items for the characters that just got off jobs when it wasn’t working.

    • Hard close and restart TSTO…

      • Did that a few times already, every hour or so I go in, tap a few corn, close TSTO, and go back when I get a sound alert.

        • hmmm if it doesn’t correct tomorrow I’d contact EA let them know what happened. Hopefully they’ll also replace your missing items

  19. I kinda miss community prizes

  20. I noticed that mutant seedlings were placed in my town by someone who is not on my friends list, origin or FB. Is this a glitch?

  21. Just a quick question will the farmers market still be avaible threw out the event i only have 8000 fertlizers so theres no way i will get it within a day.

  22. Hmmmm my comment from 10am hasnt been approved👀

  23. Thanks to my weekly mystery box containing 30 donuts today, I finally have enough for Barney! However now I’m torn over whether to wait until the event is over to get him, or do it now so I have one more character to participate in the event.

  24. All I need to fill is my Tree-Hugging stars, yet I have buying Multiple Minnow Ponds and doesn’t seem to be doing the trick – I thought that was the best item for Tree Hugging (Help me Jeebus!)

    • The two best freemium items for tree-hugging (on a per-square basis) are the $385 flowers and the boardwalk trees. If you’re having trouble fitting a bunch in to your town’s design, remember that you can also hide them behind buildings if you need to!

    • I like the Greenpeace boat — it doesn’t take up any land area and gives a fairly good point boost to the tree hugging score!

    • The minnow pond is the best freemium item you can get, it gives 400pts (check out the guide under the Tips and Tricks menu – Conform-O-Meter / Tree Hugging). Tree-hugging is usually not that tricky to max out but you might need to buy a lot of ponds, trees, flowers, etc. to do it.
      As you prettify (?) your town you’ll find it maxes out naturally, but it’s worth buying some of the more helpful items to speed things along.

  25. You eager beavers might regret crafting the farmer’s market when the next prizes are revealed, patience is a virtue 🐌 🐢 🌽

    • Unless we already did our due diligence and know we are gonna want the farmer’s market, perhaps even most of all. That’s also a virtue if I’m not mistaken… 😉

      • Due diligence? Sounds like seeking out spoilers to me 😉
        It’s tempting, very tempting, but I think I’ll wait for the surprise of the in-game reveal.
        But then, the Farmers’ Market doesn’t actually appeal that much to me (although it is far and away the best thing that can be crafted up to now).

  26. I just watched Avengers Age of Ultron on Fri at the theatre. The last movie I paid to watch in the theatre was Mission Impossible Four I think. Movie tickets are so expensive these days.

    • No wait it was Wednesday midnight show. I resisted not to play tapped out during the movie even though time is up to collect my fertilisers and corns.

    • Ooo! How was the new Avengers movie? It’s not out yet where I am.

      • Nice. My experience was marred by some construction work going on outside the cinema in this mall at 130am! I have complained to the cinema and they will be compensating.

      • I saw it on release day and without spoilers can honestly say it’s an extremely awesome film and i will probably go see it again at some point.

  27. sorry if this was already addressed but I couldn’t find it so though I would post. The countdown clock says 1 day and some change. When Act1 is over do I lose the chance to craft those prizes? I still don’t have enough for the farmers market need about 5K in Crap and doubt I will make it. Should I pull the trigger and craft some of the other stuff or hold out because we can continue crafting after the new prizes are added.

  28. Relatively new player here checking in for the first time. Love this site! Asking forgiveness in advance for any stupid newbie questions.

  29. Popping in to say hi after having a couple of really busy weeks. Just started a new youth group, work has been madness and then seem to have had a meeting or something every weekday evening.

  30. I do hate when they release a patch but don’t make it an optional download.

    I lost a day of play because I was out of the range of wi-fi. I wish they would just pop up a message that a patch is available and they recommend you go get it. I want having issues but I couldn’t play till I got it.

    Also, I HATE THE DAMN MUTANT BUNNY!!!! I always end up bringing up it’s menu rather than tapping on the plant I’m going for, and for some stupid reason they won’t let us store it.

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