Addicts Weekly Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Due to POPULAR request….we’ve moving up our open thread time so that our friends outside of the US can participate too!  Let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Now…enough rambling from me….it IS Sunday and you know what that means, right?  Time for another Open Thread!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  The 26th Season of The Simpsons ended last week, what did you think of Season 26?  FXX is showing episodes featuring Sideshow Bob this weekend, how appropriate.  Will you check any of it out?  Act 3 of Terwilligers is ending this week…what were your thoughts on the event?  Sunday Night Baseball tonight features the Rangers at the Yankees, will you be watching?  NBA and NHL playoffs are both in full swing, how’s your team doing? It’s Memorial Day Weekend here in the US, and beautiful weather here on the East Coast.  How about where you are? Do anything fun this weekend?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!

Sideshow Bob I've Grown Accustomed to your Face

272 responses to “Addicts Weekly Open Thread

  1. @Craig — I don’t know if you will see this or not, but I had to sell your houses due to a flood. It seems that climate change is causing a rise in the water levels, and the area where those houses were is now under water, except for a few islands. Feel free to select a different set of houses to tap every time you visit! 😉

    • Craig (ibuylow2014)

      I did notice that you have done some extensive remodeling. That is cool. I will just have to find a new place for my daily rental. Maybe I will upgrade to a nice blue house or maybe a mansion.

  2. A very belated hi ho neighborinos! (Hey Alissa, Bunny and Wookie!)
    This is the first chance I’ve had to touch base with you guys, the new contract I have been working on has ruined my addiction (I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be the other way around :)!!!
    So the ten hour days are catching up with me, kinda missing touching base with all my mates here. After mining so hard, I missed the event end and wasted so much “currency”, but on the bright side I managed to get the Houseboat after the event; the only item I kinda really wanted was the Homer decoy to fit in with my Soilent Green factory 🙂
    I don’t think I’ll be very active over the next two weeks, I get to travel home then (I’m pretty sure it’s the 15th of June) so I’ll be back in touch an’ tapping regularly for that week.
    So how is everyone? Keen to know updates on life and the world, I feel so stranded here, I’m stuck in a city I’m completely unfamiliar with and so far from home, thank goodness for GPS or there’s no way I’d get around…
    Sydney is a nightmare for driving around, and most of my time is spent on the road (my poor baby is clocking the kilometres 🙁 ) but slowly I’m getting my bearings. For one of our first cities in Orstraylya-mate it just sort of grew, with no town planning like Melbourne, and boy does it show. Not trying to discourage tourists from coming here, but be prepared for the traffic if you choose to drive around!
    To be honest, the road users are very accommodating and polite, unlike Melbourne where it’s every person for themselves, but there are so many trucks, multiple speed zone changes, I’m paranoid I’ll get a ticket for doing something wrong 🙂
    My lil’ Springfieldville has suffered in my absence, I’m sure my friends have been wondering where the heck that more than regular tapper has gone, and I fear I’ll lose neighbourinos due to the prolonged delay in tapping, I try for at least once a day, but I’m up at 5:30am, home by 7:00pm, and honestly just flat out in between.
    Where I’m staying is kinda cool, it’s sort of a cabin park with about 70 cabins, and I’m fairly certain everyone here from chatting around is not local, and has been shipped in from some other state to fulfill work, I’m out there diagnosing / repairing Telstra telecommunications faults, and it really is a hard day, but the god thing is I do get to interact with the customers, so at least I have some human contact!
    I hope you are all well, and are coping after the overwhelming recent Terwilliger Event, I managed to get Brandine, but saved the remaining 40 sprinkles for the next big purchase, hopefully we’ll have some downtime before the next event but it seems EA is determined to throw them at us thick and fast!
    Best wishes to all, and I’ll try my best to touch base as usual on the AWOT 🙂

    • No worries! 🙂

    • Good to hear from you and about your doings, although just reading about your schedule and your situation makes me tired!

      It’s funny – I’ve only known a very few Australians (who weren’t family – I have Australian cousins) and the one who I got to know very well many years ago (we’ve fallen completely out of touch and I think he’s in NZ now) was also in telecommunications, on the tech side! Is that the leading source of employment in your country? 😉

      Enjoying a little calmer TSTO playing right now….I was able to go out for a few hours in the middle of the day, without having to worry about constantly checking in (in fact, not even caring that much that my characters had skill finished their tasks a while before I got home). I’ve started doing a little redecorating, to accommodate the new buildings…still have a little work to do, but I’ve called it quits for the night.

      Oh, and I hope you know that you don’t have to worry about losing me for a neighbor if you need to be somewhat inactive for a bit! My 5-day cutoff only applied to folks I don’t “know,” because there’s no way for me to know what’s going on with them.

      Well, it’s late and I’ve taken an antihistamine sleeping pill and I want to finish reading all of the new posts before out kicks in and I start to nod offffffzzzzzzzz 😉

      • Ta E an’ S…
        Well, ~8 years ago our then government finally decided to go Fibre to the Premises, replacing the incumbent Telstra monopoly on copper to the home. This would have given us ~1000mb/s, however that government was deposed primarily on the precept of removing the NBN (National Broadband Network), the new one decided to scrap the plans (already ~3 years in construction) to go for Fibre to the Node, basically reducing the speed to ~25 mb/s. Which is why Orstrayla-mate is ranked 29 I think in interweb speeds and rapidly heading to the bottom of the list. Telco is a major political battle here. Everyone wants the faster speeds and also Fibre but they voted the wrong spanker to run our beloved country. Tony, our embarrassment of a PM, has much to pay for…

  3. First set of visits (Thursday evening) after the event takedown update, picked up five donuts — three of which were from regulars here!

    • You must have grabbed some of mine – neighbor donuts (nonuts?) have been very stingy for me recently. 🙁


    Pretty sure most, if not all have seen this map but just in case I’ll post it here. It’s a full resolution map of Springfield. I think most is canonical (don’t quote me!)

    And a very hearty thanks to Team Addicts! Sorry to post on a Friday night ( I’m stuck at home with a gnarly back and trying anything to take my mind off of a brutal PT today)
    Hope all have a lovely weekend!

  5. Sliqstream – Just want to thank you for buying those Bob clones….really enjoyed getting to tap them and watch them do their thing! 😀

  6. @ cube3dex,
    posted to last weeks thread re:job if you have time/inclination to scroll back there 😉
    Otherwise hope you can relax after work!

  7. I don’t know about you all, but I am tired. I played non-stop during the Terwillenger event. Gonna take it easy for a bit. I am doing quests and visiting neighbors ONCE a day. If you visit after I have made my rounds, I will get you the next day. Right now I am visiting around 5pm EST (later if something arises). I am ONLY VISITING THOSE WHO HAVE VISITED ME.

    • Between 4-5 pm EST I meant to say.

    • Gonna ease back on the tapping for a bit as well, and to be honest I’ll probably be VERY inconsistent about visiting neighbors. Anybody that has a problem with that, please feel free to drop me from your list, no hard feelings i promise. That being said, I’ll do my best to keep plenty of buildings available to tap for those that decide to visit me. And no worries on tagging if nothing else is available (even kl is fine if necessary).

    • My friendvilles currently don’t reset until around 7:30pm ET or so, so does that mean you won’t be visiting me, because I won’t have visited you yet?

    • What happens if one of your neighbors has the same idea — he/she/it will only visit you if you have visited them? LOL 🙂

      As for me, I start with the first one in the list (not Other Springfield) and just click the next button (right arrow) and go from one to the next without worrying about who visited and who didn’t. When I get to Other Springfield, I’m done. If someone didn’t have anything to tap, I may or may not get back to them — doing so will make it harder to go through the list at the same time the next day, so they will likely be skipped for a day. One thing that helped was when I learned that I don’t have to wait for the popup box that says I’m getting 25 XP for the visit — clicking the next button (the arrow) automatically collects everything and awards the XP — so now everyone can be visited much faster than previously.

  8. @suerees – Really like 6-hour Monsarno campus!
    @Sliqstream – What does “top” signify in your town?

    • Hi Sandra,
      Lol it’s supposed to read “tap”. My bad; I’ll try to fix it with some shrubbery. I am redoing my town and the northerly portions are prettier and I’ve left them for neighbours to tap. The southerly portions are awful and I collect the money from those buildings.
      Hows the aunthood treating you? Randomly, I pictured you as a raven-haired New York transplant fed up with the city and living in the wilds of Canada with a large porch and moose in the field, tapping out to the sounds of nature. Lol and you live in big-city Massachusetts (mentioned by you). That’ll learn me 😮😬😋 Sorry for the heat wave your way. My older brother lives in NYC and is suffering from migraines. Regardless, hope you have a great weekend!

      • Lol! I actually live in a suburb outside of Boston, which to me is kind of a “baby” city…I grew up in NYC! I’ve living in Massachusetts for about 37 years now and like my little town, but I don’t ever see myself living in the “wilds” of anything. If there isn’t a healthy assortment of ethnic restaurants, good cable TV service, reasonable number and variety of stores and services in the area, and a good library, all within a couple of miles of my home, I’m not interested in living there.

        Oh, and the sound I’m usually tapping out to isn’t nature, it’s the TV lol!

        Not quite raven-haired, although it is somewhat of a dark brown.j

        Not happy about the heat we’ve been having, but it’s going to cool off tomorrow and stay that way until at least Friday. (Actually, they’re even predicting a couple of days with highs in the 50s!) Really looking forward to the good sleeping weather.

        Adulthood has been pretty uneventful, since my nephew is in the other side of the country (the California Bay Area). Started trying to crochet him a teddy bear (never done anything like that), but he’s looking a little weird so far…. I’ll keep going for a while more and see if he improves. (Actually, I’m thinking of taking a break from the bear first to try my hand at another crochet project I’ve never done – a sweater. I know this isn’t sweater season (and infants mostly wear onesie, I think), but maybe he can use it in the fall or winter (depending on what size out turns out to be).

        And you? What are you up to? What are your environs like, and do they suit you?

  9. To Ehutt: I noticed you removed me from your friends list either yesterday or today. Not sure why as we have been neighbors for close to 2 years. Sorry to see you go. Peace out!!!

    • Someone else called out ehutt recently about losing him as a neighbor. Wonder if a jealous gf has been playing around on his phone… 😉

      • Ehutt recently posted this on the away from game feed (as well as earlier in the Open Thread):

        ehutt12uk | May 26, 2015 at 11:00 am | Reply | Edit
        Ehutt12 will be away from the game for unknown period, from 28th May, 2015. I would like to thank Alissa, Bunny and Wookiee for all the help and tips, re this game.

        Thank you, too, my awesome neighboreenos! Will be clearing my friends’ list soon, just to let you know, as I might be away for a long, long time.

      • Ah makes sense, i just checked and he was gone from my list as well. I hope all is well with ehutt, and that we see him/her again soon!

        And thank you alissa for the ludicrously speedy reply!

      • Thanks Alissa. I must have missed that.

  10. Just as you can sell back a freemium item for a fraction of its original cost, I wish you could sell back a premium item for a fraction of its original donuts cost, so I could get a few free donuts in exchange for unneeded duplicate premium items from the Mystery Box!

  11. A/B/W – Love your new summer banner, btw! I’ll bet someone could make some real money marketing swim tubes like that!! 😀

    • lol hope your day has gotten a little better 🙂

      • Yes, somewhat, thanks, thanks to air conditioning and sushi. 🙂 And, after Googling the score for today’s Yankees game, I’m guessing you had an even better day! 😉

        • lol it was a good game 🙂 A little sunburnt but had fun with my Dad and that’s the best part 🙂

          Glad you’re feeling better!

  12. Does anybody remember an in-game hint at the end of the Christmas/winter event relating to the crashed sleigh having some purpose in June? Or Santa would be back in June, or something like this?

  13. Nice new masthead! That must have just gone up!

  14. I’m not feeling too well today and had a bad night last night, so I know I’m not in a good mood right now, BUT…

    I think I’m gonna scream if one more person posts a comment that starts with “Has anyone else noticed that…” followed by something that GAJILLION people have already commented about, even in the very same post’s comments section!

    Now, I realize that not everyone has the time and inclination to read all of the comments like I do, but, if your gonna post something that starts with “Has anyone else noticed that…,” I think it’s incumbent on you to at least make some sort of good faith effort to see whether someone else HAS already noticed that! 😤

    • well I hope you feel better soon 🙂

      • Thanks! My husband finally put the air conditioner in my bedroom window, so I think that will help some (at least with the sleeping part tonight).

        Hope you have a great time at the ball game! 🙂

        • Yea we usually don’t turn ours on until July. But with this crazy humidity/heat we’ve been having here mixed with me being preggo..yea I broke down and turned it on the last couple of nights. Just impossible to sleep when it’s so stinkin’ hot…

    • Has anyone else noticed that too many people start their posts with “Has anyone else noticed that…”???

      JK — LOL — 🙂

      Sandra, did you steal part of my brain? In Wookiee’s GMO post, I kept thinking of points I wanted to make, only to find elsewhere that you had already said the same things! In other words, you stole my ideas before I had them? I did manage to post a couple of things that finally got moderated, but the topic has gotten old so hardly anybody will ever see them now. Oh well.

      • Lol – well, great minds think alike, right? 😉

        And I can reassure you that at least one person will see your comments, since I read all of the comments in any post I’ve subscribed to, since they all come into my email box and I read them that way, rather than on the site. (I don’t know how anyone can keep up with new comments on busy posts by reading them on the site…too hard to know how many pages back to go to see a response to an earthly comment.) So, as long as it’s a post that I’ve commented on, I’ll always see all of the replies (except for the rare post that I comment on but don’t choose to subscribe to, like a couple of the daily questions at Christmas time, that weren’t likely to lead to people writing interesting stories and such).

        Okay, back to reading zillions of comments now!

      • @Sandra — I’ll bet your e-mail gets pretty full! I unsubscribed most of them and just get a weekly digest instead. I read them the hard way. Oh how I wish WordPress would mark posts you’ve already read, though!

        • Weekly digest?! Don’t those comments get pretty stale by then (not to mention you could have thousands to go through during busy times!)?

          But, yeah – at times like this, the mailbox gets very full, which is why I have to go in there several times a day to keep up. But the email address I use here is mostly for this site anyway (plus a few other low-volume things), so it’s not a big deal. It’s not the address I use for personal emails and such…

          The other advantage of not using the digest is there’s a Reply button on each email, so I can pretty easily reply to someone. (I used to click on the link for the post in general and then scroll around to find the comment I wanted to reply to (which sometimes was on an earlier page), and I still do that if I need to see the contents of the comment I’m replying to while I’m replying to it, but I *think* using the Reply button nicely puts the reply at the right “level” and I don’t have to go looking for the original post.)

          I’ve often wondered how other “regulars” here manage their reading and responding to comments… Think I’ll post a question about that in the next open thread post on Sunday!

    • I can understand those little things that can get on your nerves from time to time… As someone who did ask if any one had noticed something, I apologize for not noticing a post about what I asked about, I thought I had read them all………

      • No worries, Matt – I hope I didn’t make you feel bad. I was just feeling grouchy and, even though I do think that there was some validity to my comment, I probably should have kept it to myself, since most of the folks that don’t check the other comments before posting also probably wouldn’t see my comment, either lol! But as long as you gave it a good faith effort, then all’s good! 🙂

  15. Ehutt12 posted on ‘Away from the Game’, for all her neighboreenos. Thank you all!

    • Ehutt, you’re no longer in my friends list, just noticed this morning. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not but if it is….sorry to lose you as a neighbor.

  16. I took a look at the music-note count on each my neighbors’ cities and took the opportunity to dump a couple that were at zero (and one that was at 50 — hadn’t played in a week, and obviously hadn’t been playing before that either. I’m sure it was a case of someone starting their game, looking around, tapped some mutants, and then signed out again. So, poof, gone now! (I have too many neighbors anyway! LOL JK).

  17. I don’t mean to brag but, I think I did pretty well with this event! I crafted 2 cane fields, a Sani-John, 2 Farmers Markets, 2 Flower walls, a Welcome Bob Sign, a Gas and Grub, a Homer Decoy, the Simpsons Houseboat, an extra Cafeteria, Chimp Resources, and Library, and 2 extra Opera Ticket Booths. Now I’m hoping to get 2 more cane fields or 2 deserts (I’m not sure which I want yet).
    ….Ok, maybe a little bit of bragging.

  18. I read in news of demonstrations in Europe against a GMO company Monsanto based in US. Now I understand why the game building is named as such. ..

  19. Come on guys. No one is talking about sports here. How about them Texas Rangers sweeping the New York Yankees?

  20. Hey, I’m not sure if this has been mentioned before or not but I see in the store all the event things stop being for sale in a few hours but, the Farmers License says it’s still on sale for 9 more days!! Does this mean that there might be another act to this event? Is it an error on EAs part? or will we still be able to squash clones in neighbors towns for 9 more days to get crafting things?

  21. ctgirlinheart

    I’m done with the red box tasks. It just popped up for a 12 hour task so that is it for me. Whew!

  22. Finally able to take it easy with the game now since I’ve crafted everything I wanted to and more! Farmers market, gas & grub, 4 cane fields, a cactus patch and the Simpsons houseboat! I Plus 9 bonuts! Now it’s time to finish the money mountain 🙂


    As the event comes to close, I hope everyone has had the chance to hear Il Pagliacci’s Vesti La Guibba (Krusty’s Rice Krispies theme^^). This is the one and only Pavarotti. I bet you can’t watch all 3 minutes without crying! But don’t worry, it’s a good cry.

    • This was beautiful, thank you! We go to the NY Met HD Live events throughout the year in our local movie theater. I love how they have the subtitles, and you get the close ups of the stars, and especially the look into the backstage during intermissions. But sometimes just hearing the music and feeling the emotions is enough.

    • It was nice but I didn’t get any tears….

      and didn’t hear anything about Rice Krispies either, although I am craving a bowl of cereal for some reason… 😉

  24. So today (Monday) marks my 1year anniversary of playing TSTO. Thanks to everyone on this site for all the guidance and info that have helped me navigate thru the year. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

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