Should I Spend Donuts On the Mechanical Ants?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Ants have invaded Act 3!  Giant Mechanical Ants that is!  And they could be yours via the premium items of Act 3.  Now I know you may be trying to decide if these buggers are worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Mechanical Ants to your Springfield? Well now that Act 3 is in full effect let’s take a look at the pros and cons of adding these creepy crawlies to your Springfield.

Decoration: Mechanical Ants (Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Delta)
Donut Price:
60 Donuts
Bonus %:
0.75% bonus on all cash and xp for each Ant
Conform-O-Meter Impact: Obedience +10 each

The Ants Leave Stores on September 15th..

-Unlocks a permanent 10hr task for Bart (even just buying 1 Ant unlocks the task)
-Cool animation when on task associated with them (see below)

-Pricey for what they are an the fact hat they only offer a .75% bonus
-Not animated unless Bart’s on the task

Final Thought:
These are one of those if you want em get em kind of items.  There’s no real practical reason to get the Ants, other than you think they look cool and you want them.  It is nice to add the 10hr task for Bart, but the bonus % is pretty weak for 60 donuts (in comparison you can get a 2% bonus for the 35 donuts on the Jet Engine Bike).  So if you think they’re cool…pick them up.  But from a practical standpoint, pass.

My freemium friends…avoid these guys.  You may think they’re cool, but they’re really not worth the donuts.  Complete freemium pass in my opinion.  Save your donuts for something better down the line….

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do, and personally this is a pass for me.  However, this IS a limited-time item.  So if you’re thinking about getting it make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games (September 15th).


And now for those of you curious…here’s a look at the dialogue that pops up when you purchase an Ant:

Them Too!

Bart: Oh man!  Normally ants are small and un-mechanical.  But not these!
Make Bart Command Mechanical Ants- 10hrs, Earns $350, 90xp

At this point you’ll see Bart controlling them from outside Springfield Elementary (the Ants will appear on the roof)

2015-09-03 13.58.15

Bart: Sometimes you get something you’ve always wanted and worry it can’t possibly live up to expectations.  …this is not one of those times.

This will add a permanent 10hr task for Bart.

The more ants you purchase the more will appear on the roof of the school with the task.


What are your thoughts on the Ants?  Did you make the purchase?  How many have you picked up?  Do you enjoy Bart’s task?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 

49 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On the Mechanical Ants?

  1. Ive had that quest for over three months and I can’t find where to get the ants not on the game store or special items

  2. Cool 😎

    GOT them today in the sale!

    • Me too
      Stuck them in my egyptian area
      70 donuts after rebate
      for all 4 with a 3% kicker seemed like a good deal 🙂

      • Mine are protecting the caves and booty in my pirate area.

        (That came out sounding…ummm…not as I meant out to sound, lol!)

  3. I bought the set of four as soon as it popped up today. I was intrigued last year when they were new, but I had to have them this year. Were they 60 donuts each last year? I love fulfilling Bart’s dream. Let’s see if I can have them on task around the clock. Great animation!

    • I am seriously thinking about it. They are pretty cool and at a decent discount for all 4, plus a 3% total multiplier it seems like a good deal. Got to check my donuts and see if there is anything else I might want.

  4. Has anyone else’s animation of the ants attacking the school stopped working? I’m now just getting Bart with the remote outside the school.

  5. I was going to pass on these fellas but after reading this review I became intrigued so I bought one, the one that goes right above the door of Springfield Elementary. I have to admit that I like it so much, I may consider getting another one of all of them, lol. Fun addition to my town, and nice 10 hour task for Bart. The ants leave like a little burrow hole on the ground where you had them in your town, once they’re up on the school. Not disappointed in this purchase at all.

  6. They look cool, but I rarely use 10 hour tasks and the bonus isn’t worth the price. Oh, well.

  7. Ewwwww!

  8. I wish they cost Simpsons money.. They look fun.

    • If one of the ants could be bought with in-game cash (even as a unique item) and the rest were premium, that would have been nice. EA has done that for other non-unique limited-time items in previous events.

  9. Also it was during season 17 I started my current job and have worked almost every Sunday evening since so from 18 on most episodes would be “new” to me

  10. I love the ants. They have become my favorite item, beating out the donut torture devise.

  11. I’m definitely not buying them, but just out of curiosity, let me see if I got it right. The ants are, at first, like the giant grasshopper and the Rigellian queen, they stand still wherever you place them. BUT when you put Bart on his 10-hour task, they teleport themselves to the school? I’m sorry if this is a silly question.

  12. barleecreations (canid88)

    I can not bring up this blog’s home page, I keep seeing “not found”. I can pull up every other page just not the home page. I’m I (or my tablet) doing some wrong? Maybe I have to check my desktop later tonight.

    • hmm that’s odd it’s working just fine for me.

      • barleecreations (canid88)

        I had some internet issues on my tablet last night and I guess it somehow messed up something. I had to “request desktop site” on my tablet to get the home page to work right….. I wish I understood computers better, I feel so lost at times.

  13. Did I miss the self sustaining house getting added, just noticed it.

    Also Miss Hoover has a 10 hour task at Belle’s house

  14. Have them all, I do.

  15. I grudgingly bought these thinking they were just decorations, then I saw them in action. The animation is one of the best in the game, totally worth it in my opinion. Now I just need a good placement, thinking in a wooded area.

    By the way completely unrelated but is it true? No more Simpsons DVD’s?

    • Yea I think that’s been out for a while now. With the FX Now app and they don’t really need to do it.

      • Dang! 1/2 a collection will forever eat at my OCD. That and the only online access I have is my phone, really don’t want to watch TV on it

      • Except for those of us who live in rural areas and can’t stream 🙁

        Think of the rural children!

      • What is the last season to be released on DVD? Are the older seasons no longer being printed? Is this now a collectables thing?

        (I don’t have cable nor “FX” nor… I guess “digital” will be the only way to get Simpsons episodes. How sad.)

        • Honestly I don’t know off hand. I just know they aren’t producing new ones.

          • You can get seasons 1-17 and 20. Not sure if they’re still in print but not really rare. I had to replace my season 13 yesterday and ordered a new copy for $12. I did some reading and Al Jean says no more unless the show comes to an end then they’ll probably release the whole thing in a colossal collectors set.

  16. Craig(ibuylow2014)

    Nope, no buy. They are dead to me (queue the Pink Panther music)

  17. I want one but I can’t decide which one I want… Do you know which ant’s which on the school’s roof?

  18. I like ten hour tasks because I work ten hour shifts sometimes and I don’t have b to feel like I’m missing two hours with 8 hour tasks or have to wait longer with 12 hour tasks. 🙂

  19. Lol. Just bought these a few minutes before this post popped up.

  20. I think they are cool, especially with the animation, but too expensive. 10hr tasks are actually one of my favorite task lengths, so this would have been a plus. But I already have a nice 10hr task for Bart(man), so no deal.

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