THOH 2015 Halloween Event is Live!

UPDATE BUNNY: I see many of you concerned on your S’mores counts in your game. I just wanted to clarify something for you… it is AS INTENDED. 😉

Basically the game is showing you ONLY the countdown for that particular item you are earning for. NOT the total amount you have collected to date. I think this is a way of letting you know just how close you are to gettting that particular prize. The total amount will still show on your S’mores counter in the Lower Left Corner, but when in the actual Act 1 Prize Screen, just the amount for the current item you are on will show.

Crafting Resources: /180
Spooky Cabin: /360
Pirate Kang: /1620
Model Donut: /2880
Gate to Nowhere: /4230

Another side note, watch WHO tells the story and the Nightmare needed to Upgrade. If you need Zombies, Martin has to tell a story to swap the spawn back to Zombies. Lisa Snakes… etc. Make sure you are spawning the RIGHT item out of the Campfire. (See turbo tappin for each Story release)

PART 3 BART TELL STORIES BUG ALERT: The patch has been released to fix this issue.  

I have NOT been able to duplicate this in my game, but Bunny was able to.  When you get to part 3 you’ll have to send Bart to tell Spooky Stories AND you’ll have to send 4 youngsters to listen to Spooky Stories.  This is a suggestion we received from a reader in the comments who tried it on their A and B game: Send Bart FIRST (and send him via the Campfire, don’t use the Do it option on the task book.  Send him direct from the Campfire) and let that task finish BEFORE sending the youngsters.  Clear Bart’s task and then send the 4 youngsters.  This should get you past it.  So send Bart alone and let him finish the task.  Then send the kids to listen.  If you don’t there’s a good chance it’ll lock up on you.

If you’ve already had the game lockup on you, unfortunately there’s no “quick fix” for it.  You will have to contact EA to get them to clear it for you.  At this point don’t try contacting them (although you can still use the forum thread linked below).  They are aware of the situation and a patch is coming.  It’s not necessary to spend the time and energy dealing with EA right now because they’ll just tell you to wait for a patch.

Also, there’s an EA forum link for this here:

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Live!  If you’ve downloaded the iOS Update earlier you’ll just get the downloading updates screen, like when you see an in game update.

It’s out on iOS and Kindle…but I still don’t see anything on Android.  I’ll keep an eye out though. and on Android (if you don’t see it on your list of apps to update, search the store for The Simpsons Tapped Out, should show update there)

It will Auto-Start with some dialogue from Homer followed by tasks for Lisa and Bart.  

As always we’ll be back with more in a bit…

Remember…this is a APP STORE UPDATE.  So you will need to download the latest version of TSTO from your App Store BEFORE you can see this.  You’ll know you’re on the latest version because the splash screen and icon will change.  I know inevitably there will be people saying the game didn’t tell them to update, so they’re behind.  CHECK YOUR APP STORE!

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P.S. The unemployment office is currently having issues.  Don’t worry about it for right now…it’s either event related or their attempt to fix it.

So as usual let’s do the rundown…

Images will be posted a little later.  Usually with Events EA updates the files hours before it hits the store so we have plenty of time to pull the images etc.  However, this hit literally a minute before it went live in the games…so I didn’t have a chance to pull the hundreds of images.  So content first, images second.  🙂 

Once you reach Part 3 of The Call of the Campfire you’ll be tasked with building the Spooky Campfire (you know the one teased last week), this is a FREE item, but it’s MASSIVE.  12×12 in size.  Also, an instant build.

Spooky Campfire

The Spooky Campfire is going to be the key to the whole thing.   You send characters to tell stories and earn payouts earn you other things….like Zombies spawning from the Campfire.  You can also (shocking) upgrade the campfire to various levels.  (more details on this stuff in a bit)

Once you complete Part 4 of The Call of the Campfire that’s when you’ll start to see all of the event stuff popup.

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First thing you’ll notice is Zombies now spawn from the campfire.  Just tap on them to get them to disappear (but WAIT until Part 5 triggers, as you’ll need to tap on 10 to clear that).  For me each zombie dropped 1 brain and 1 s’more.  (S’mores are the prize currency and brains are a crafting currency)

As we’ve been seeing with recent TSTO Events this one will once again be broken up into Acts/Phases…3 of them.  The first one ends in 2 weeks (10/20).

You’ll also be able to earn prizes AND craft prizes with this event.  In addition, you’ll earn prizes from the Campfire as well.  The more nightmares you tap the more you’ll get.

So let’s break it down step by step…

First the new items in the store…

Several new items in the store available for purchase:

ico_priz_shinningmaze_mdThe Shinning Maze- 55 Donuts. Earns a 2.25% bonus on all cash and XP.  This item leaves the store when Act 1 ends (10/20)

ico_priz_ancientruins_mdAncient Ruins- 55 Donuts.  Earns a 2.25% bonus on all cash and XP.  This item leaves the store when Act 1 ends  (10/20)

charactersets_milhouse_radioactiveRadioactive Milhouse- Outfit for Milhouse.  75 Donuts

charactersets_lisa_saxophoneSaxophone Lisa- Outfit for Lisa.  60 Donuts.

charactersets_martin_wizardWizard Martin- Outfit for Martin. 75 Donuts.

Now let’s talk about those Act 1 Prizes

Like previous events you can access the Event Hub (which is where you’ll see the prizes, craftables etc) via the event icon in the bottom right of your main Springfield screen:

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Once you’ve brought up the Event Hub you’ll see the first icon listed shows the Act 1 Prizes: (it’ll show Act 2 and 3 when they’re Live)

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Here’s the breakdown of the prizes:

ico_priz_thoh2015_currencybundleCrafting Resources- 180 S’mores
(50 Bones, 50 Brains, 50 Bunny Ears, 50 Snake Eggs)

spookycabin_menuSpooky Cabin- 540 S’mores

charactersets_kang_piratePirate Kang- 2,160 S’mores

charactersets_modeldonutModel Donut- 5,040 S’mores

gatetonowhere_menuGate to Nowhere- 9,270 S’mores

Let’s take a look at the craftables so far…

From the same Event Hub you’ll find the Crafting Section.  This is the second icon down:

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Here’s a breakdown of what you can craft and the costs…

spookygrove_menuSpooky Grove- 300 Brains

ico_thoh2014_crafting_spookyhouseSpooky House- 500 Snake Eggs (remember this was around last year)

Tapped_Out_Spooky_TreeSpooky Tree- 100 Bunny Ears

The_Impossible_TowerThe Impossible Tower- 300 Bunny Ears

Tapped_Out_Dead_TreeDead Tree- 100 Bones

unlock_hugoHugo- 900 Brains and 900 Bones

How do you earn crafting materials?

Via the Prize track (as they’re the first prize)

You’ll also earn them by crushing various nightmares from the campfire.  The following nightmares will yield the following crafting supplies:
-1 Zombies yields 1 Brain ico_thoh2015_zombiebrains_md
-1 Snake yields 1 Snake Egg ico_thoh2015_snakeeggs_md
-1 Bunny yields 1 Bunny Ears indicator_bunnyears
-1 Skeleton yields 1 Bones ico_thoh2015_skeletonbones_md

ALSO…if you have the following from previous events they’ll help spawn crafting currency:
Ninja Homer- 4 Snake Eggs/4hrs
Mayan Marge- 8 Bunny Ears/8hrs
Shadow Knight (Bart)- 12 Bones/ 12hrs
Count Burns- 24 Brains/24hrs
Mausoleum- Earns 8 Skeletons/8hrs
Pet Cemetery- 10 Bunnies/10hrs
Freak Mobile- Earns 12 Zombies/12hrs.
Hollow Snake Log- Earns 12 Snakes/12hrs

Now let’s talk about  the Spooky Campfire Prizes

The Spooky Campfire will also yield prizes…

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You can earn the prizes by collecting (tapping) various nightmares that come from the Campfire.  Here’s the prize breakdown:

ico_priz_bramblewall_md5 Bramble Hedges

creepyshed_menuSpooky Shed

ico_priz_bramblewall_md5 Bramble Hedges

ico_priz_spookytent_mdSpooky Tent

And it just continues that pattern…

The prizes correlate DIRECTLY with upgrading the campfire.  The more you upgrade, not only do you get prizes you’ll increase the rate at which nightmares spawn from the Campfire.

Here’s the upgrade list:

Level 1- Starting Level (Zombies Spawn)
Level 2- Requires you to clear 200 Zombies.
Level 3- Requires you to clear 200 snakes.
Level 4- Requires you to clear 200 bunnies
Level 5- Requires you to clear 200 Skeletons
Level 6-Requires you to clear 200 Zombies.
Level 7-  Requires you to clear 200 snakes.
Level 8- Requires you to clear 200 bunnies
Level 9- Requires you to clear 200 Skeletons
Level 10- Requires you to clear 200 Zombies

And it will continue this pattern…

Earning S’mores


As we’ve mentioned above, the Act 1 Event Currency is S’mores.  You’ll need to collect/earn S’mores to unlock the Act 1 prizes (remember you’ll need 9,270 S’mores to earn all of the Act 1 prizes).

There are a couple of ways you can earn S’mores…

-First by tapping on Zombies that Spawn from your campfire.
-Second you can earn S’mores by sending kids to Roast S’mores at the campfire.  The more kids you have the more you’ll earn.  It takes 4hrs for the task to complete & it will also earn you nightmares.  Here’s a list of who can roast S’mores and what they pay out:
Lisa- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Michael D’Amico- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Janey- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Database- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Jessica Lovejoy- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Hugo- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Jimbo- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Kearney- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Rod- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Shauna- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Sherri and Terri- 8 nightmares, 16 S’mores
Squeaky Voiced Teen- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Todd- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Gino- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Nelson- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Dolph- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Laura Powers- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Greta- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Martin- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Uter- 4 nightmares, 8 S’mores
Milhouse- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Ralph- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores
Bart- 2 nightmares, 4 S’mores

Neighbor Actions

Once you reach part 7 of The Call of the Campfire you’ll unlock neighbor actions.  Neighbor Acts are Formless Terrors.  You send them to other Springfields.

Formless Terror

You can earn Formless Terrors from tapping nightmares, occasionally they’ll pop out with s’mores and crafting materials.

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You can also tap on 3 nightmares per neighbor’s town. Nightmares just like the ones that spawn from your campfire.  If you find them in your neighbors town they’ll drop cash, crafting materials, and formless terrors.

How Do I Unlock Different Nightmares from the Campfire?

Nightmares unlock when you send different kids to tell scary stores at the campfire.  However, you have to wait until the game allows you to tell the next story.  They won’t all unlock at once.  You have to go in order as well…here’s the list of who can tell a story and what they unlock (and in what order):

Martin- Unlocks Zombies
Lisa- Unlocks Snakes
Milhouse- Unlocks Bunnies
Bart- Unlocks Skeletons

Those are the four nightmares that can come from the campfire.

After you’ve told the story, you can continue to send that character on 30 second tasks to tell stories.  Each story will take 4hrs to tell and yield 4 s’mores and 4 of the nightmare that that character brings forth (ie Martin will yield 4 Zombies, Lisa 4 snakes and so on)

Note From Bunny: Bare with Alissa, she’s got a lot going on. I think the part  above translates to this… 

Once they tell a story, they can be sent back again later to tell that story again and swap the current Nightmare spawning from the Portal to their Nightmare. It originally only takes 30 seconds to do so, but later will change to 4hrs. However, you do NOT have to wait the full 4hrs for the Nightmare Spawn to swap. That’s pretty instant and you’ll see a Pop Up telling you what item will now Spawn from Campfire. “**** are now spawning from the Campfire!”

And that my friends completes the basic rundown info for the THOH 2015 Halloween Event!

What are your thoughts on Act 1 so far?  Like the concept of this event?  Excited about any of the prizes?  How about any of the craftables?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

979 responses to “THOH 2015 Halloween Event is Live!

  1. When does the Halloween mission end?

  2. Hi there, dunno if this is unrelated or not. M’nther wont go over the water tower thing to spawn those octopus looking nightmares. How can I get him over there and off the campfire? He goes to the tower on my partners TSTO, and has done since the attack M’nther thing has come up. Cheers 😁

  3. I have two mauseleums and all skeleton-yielding kids telling stories, but everytime I click on any of those things to generate the skeletons, I keep getting snakes and zombies instead. It’s been doing this non-stop for four days. I now have nine hours left before the “20 bonus donuts” from the daily task sequences ends, and I’ve been trying in vain to get 80 skeletons in order to win the donuts. It’s infuriating. Nothing is generating what it should. Snakes and zombies, that’s all I’m getting, even when I’m not supposed to be. I’m gonna lose out on getting those donuts cos of this bug in the game. Pretty annoyed after all the work I put in to achieve all the requirements and unlock the five daily tasks.

  4. I am trying to do the last Shopkeeper’s Challenge. It says to send youngsters to fight nightmares. If I tap “do it”, it just takes me to the brown house. Nothing happens, the house just earns its regular amount. When I tap the kids, it doesn’t give me an option to fight nightmares. Can anyone help me figure out what I am supposed to be doing? Thanks in advance!

  5. My nightmares have stopped spawning! I get the exact amount from those telling stories and sending kids to fire and they pop out at the end of four hours like usual, but all the extras that travelled the street no longer appear! Taking ages to complete shopkeeper challenges!!

  6. a helpful comment would have been apprieciated not a flipant one! im a lvl 58 with a lvl 65 bonfire who has no nightmares spawned on completion of telling a scary story and being told im overrun with no nightmares to be seen, so aswell as not upgrasing my campfire im currently unable to fulfill the shopkeepers challenge of the day.

    • What kind of help do you want? Just ignore the message. It’s been popping up at the wrong time THE ENTIRE event. Honestly, just ignore it…it’s a bug. If you’re seriously worried about it (and honestly you shouldn’t be) then contact EA. But it’s really not worth contacting EA over…it’s just a bug that’s been happening for the whole event. You just didn’t notice because you always have nightmares spawning.

      And the nightmares aren’t spawning because…well…they stop spawning with Act 3. And if you’ve read the Act 3 post…you know the newest one on the page…it would tell you that in several places. So the best help I can offer you is to read the newest post on the page, because I can’t help those that don’t help themselves…

      And if you’re really concerned about the message…like you think it’s life altering or is going to cause your game to implode then contact EA. But I promise you there reply is going to be…either it’s a bug they’re trying to fix and they’re “working on it”. Or “there’s nothing wrong with your game”. So in this instant contacting EA will be a waste of time…so honestly the most helpful advice I can give you is…just ignore it.

    • My advice would be to try not to rely on one person. Ask if anyone has any different advice. If they don’t, then you’ll know if the advice Alissa gave you is as good as it gets or not. You could also try asking at other sites, including at

      I know this game can be frustrating, I’m frustrated too, but please try not to transfer that frustration over to our kind hosts. Here, have some 🐍🐍🐍🐍. I hope that’s the one you needed. 👻

  7. i to am suffering with the “your town is overrun” message while not having any nightmares visible in my town also i have not seen any formless terrors for a while. i am also getting the “your (as in my) town is overrun” message when visiting a friends town???????????

  8. It says my town is overrun with nightmares, but I can’t find them, even if I leave the app open. (I know they are fast and can zip by) Also, when I tap on the nightmares in my neighbor’s Springfields, I don’t get anything. I have to tap on the snake, zombie, bunny or skeleton.

  9. CaerbannogBunny

    When I visit friends & tap their nightmares it only gives me jellies/brains/etc. from a few friends. Then it just gives cash, friend points, and exp. from everyone else. Should I be getting the Halloween rewards from every neighbor every time?

  10. It says i have spooky tent…but don’t see it anywhere…help!

  11. DO you know if we will be able to buy anything with “cash” this year? I saved up $3million for this year and I am rather disappointed so far….

    • I’m sure future levels will use cash and then there’s the things like the IRS, Money Mountain, and Aspirational Items which EA comes up with. You could always use your cash to XP farm and earn free donuts.

    • I take it that when there is crafting there is no money purchases. Always donut purchases, though.

      I guess it’s an okay thing to not sell these things. Makes the event a tiny bit fair that everyone has to roast s’mores or dance nakey or whatever is required.

      Those millions people had were useful for the XP Collider but not for this. I have a couple 100k…which will be gone soon unless I win at the tracks again.

  12. I have another question (sorry). All of my non Halloween related quests need Bart and Lisa to be completed. It is pretty annoying that I can’t build or do anything for the whole rest of the Halloween event, on the other hand, it would be pretty cool if I got everything for the event. What should I do?

  13. Help! I only have 1800 out of 4230 s’mores! I only have 1 day and 12 hours left! Is it possible to finish on time to get the gate to nowhere, or is there no way to achieve it on time? Does anyone know? You don’t get any s’mores from visiting friends, right?

  14. I started late so I’m stuck playing catch up. I’m about 3k away from the Gate. How fast do zombies, etc. spawn? I assume the campfire level is a permanent 5% bonus to spawn rate, but I didn’t see anything about what it was initially.

  15. @Alissa, Even the ones you craft using zombie brains, etc.? Should I buy multiples of lets say, the spooky house, or wait until the end of the whole event.

  16. why can’t I get bunny ears or skeletons? It’s not giving m an option to have millhouse or bart tell stories??

  17. This is probably a stupid question, but I have gotten all the craft items that are available, will these items become unavailable in the second act? Will the second and third act have the same currencies (bunny ears, zombie brains, etc.)? So should I spend everything on doubles, or wait for later?

  18. It seems no matter what I try all my fire spawns is snakes! Even my pet cemetery and mausoleums spawn snakes. They will show a bunny or zombie or skull icon but when I clear them all I get is a lot if snakes running around… Same thing no matter who tells a story 🙁

  19. my snake rock is not earning snakes same goes for pet cemetery

    • Well…the snake rock doesn’t earn snakes. The Hollow Trunk does. So that would explain why the rock isn’t paying out. As far as the pet cemetery…it’s supposed to pay out bunnies. Check to make sure you’re looking at the pet cemetery and not the regular cemetery.

  20. Will the resources totals (zombies,eggs,bunnies and skulls) be carried over to act 2?

  21. You guys are awesome! Will you be doing a should I buy for the hollow snake trunk, ancient ruins and shining maze?

  22. Hello…friendly neighborhood lurker here…just stopping by to say thank you to the addicts for keeping me on track and to my neighboreeno’s for responding in kind to my dropped terrors – you’re helping me sort of catch up. I couldn’t get the update for three days, it just sat and pretended to download, and as a freemium junkie this was oh so frustrating. This post especially educated me on how to utilize the tasks in this event. You guys rock, as always and now I’ll return to my lurking….you may hear from me again at Christmas. ….

  23. Hmm, all my snakes disappeared. Well, they’re invisible.

    I released them from the campfire, then went to my neighbors before “harvesting” them. When I got back I changed the campfire to zombies. After looking around, seeing only 1 or 2 zombies, I was informed that my town was “full of nightmares”…

    So, I click around and hit a zombie…and get 3 “hit” animations and am rewarded with eggs and brains. Haha!

    I tried “hard closing” and logging out. I guess the only solution is either to tap on all invisible snakes or maybe to reinstall the game. I wonder if they will appear next time I set them to come from the campfire…

    • Well, the snakes have started to appear again. I changed to Lisa story telling and while it wasn’t immediate, they’ve shown up again. Weird glitchy game. *shrugs*

  24. Help! I cant let Bart tell a story! IT just doesnt show up as a task. And to upgrade my campfire i need skeletons. Nut Bart cant be unnlocked. What can i do?

  25. In my experience, telling a story always takes 4 hours, regardless of whether it’s the 1st time or the 10th time you have a kid doing so. I don’t know where the “30 seconds” claim comes from. It’s no big deal; I can deal with the 4 hours it takes. But it’s strange that this page and at least one other I’ve read make the 30 seconds claim.

  26. I’m now trying to upgrade to level 5. I just got all the bunnies for level 4 but Bart is on a quest for another 12 hours so I can’t start collecting the skeletons yet. If I keep it on bunnies or any other item besides the skeleton, does it count towards levels beyond 5? Basically after I get done collecting skeletons, would the others be counted when I get to that particular level?

  27. Not sure if it has been asked yet, but will Act 2 use the same resources (brains, ribs, eggs and ears) for crafting as Act 1, or should I use them up before the end of Act 1?

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