Addicts Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  After a week off The Simpsons are back tonight on FOX!  What do you think will happen in the new episode?  Act 3 hit our games this past week…what are your thoughts so far?  Still worried about your Candy Apple count or are you finding you’re comfortably ahead?
The Kansas City Royals won the World Series, what are your thoughts?
Sunday Night Football tonight features the Eagles at the Cowboys.  Something you’ll be checking out?  Did your team play earlier today?  How’d they do?
How was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?  We’re now into November…anyone gearing of for the Christmas Season?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!Friend_with_Benefit_promo_3

355 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. Were they not able to fix the Unemployment Office not sending all characters issue?

    • I don’t think it was an issue. I think there are other mechanics built within the game that prevent ALL characters from doing it.

    • I don’t think they touched a thing. When it came back, that was just to put it back in after the event accidentally removed it (because the different teams at EA that make this game must not be talking to each other). All of the testing I’ve done shows that it works the same. I’m using Android. iOS might have a better experience.

    • I think the reason that some people don’t think its working, is because it will not send anyone who has a tast for a quest (the tasks highlighted yellow) So, for example, if there is a quest that says something like “Send all Springfielders to do this…” Then it won’t work for mostly everyone until you have completed the quest. People like Mr Burns it will never work for until you finish the money mountain. That’s how it’s always worked in my game anyway.

      • That’s probably one reason people think it’s broken. The other is that it ignores characters with tasks that are less than 60 minutes, like a 10m task. I’ll have to check again, but I’m pretty sure, even beyond both of those that some characters are still excluded. Lastly, not every time period is available, such as 8 or 24 hour tasks, even when they are if you select 60 minutes. It goes from, let’s say, 32 available down to 8 available depending on which time period you are checking.

        • It only does that ignoring short-tasked character thing on my Android devices. My significant other with an iPad does not have the same issue in his game, nor does my game have that issue if I use his device. So yeah, it does seem to be genuinely broken for some of us.
          (All characters had tasks added to give them all the standard lengths, BTW.)

          • Interesting, good to know.

            For what its worth it did work fine for me once (I’m Android only) and sent all my characters on tasks except for Burns (he had a yellow quest so that has been fine). But except for that one time it has always been something like send 72 characters for 60 minute, 58 for 4 hours, 42 for 8, and decreasing for 12/24 hours (character numbers not exact).

        • But the ignoring tasks under 30 minutes thing is only true for Android…iOS sends those folks on tasks just fine. Don’t know why they can’t make Android behave like iOS.

  2. A few questions about SH: I’m at about 25m real estate, should I keep pushing to the end? What is the best way of going about getting materials? Also, what have people put up there once completed? I’m sorta thinking of storing a lot of it and putting residential areas, monorail, and event stuff.

    • It’s up to you. I’ve “finished” my SH (in other words: I reached $1 billion). It was a real slog, and I hated that I had to put in so many hours to get there. In the end, it’s worth getting to $1 billion. You will get Billionaires heaven, and the Paris Texan character. Also- don’t put the SH buildings into storage. They all contribute to a hidden bonus multiplier that is significant. Please refer to past posts for more information about the multiplier.

  3. Should I spend doughnuts on the caldron? IF they bring back witch Marge will it have any more/less effect on the tasks?

    • How much will they release into the store anymore? This is Act 3. Unless Marge shows up at the last second, the cauldron is a waste of donuts. Craft a bunch of wailing walls instead.

    • She has a twelve hour task to stir the cauldron that’s one of my favorites. It’s a fun decoration to have, too, if you want to set up a spooky area. It also has a nice multiplier. (I know those are fairly cheap and plentiful this event, so that’s not necessarily a selling point, but it’s still a thing.) I would buy it if I didn’t already have it.

  4. Things have been going well. I’m getting closer to getting the U.F.P. Holiday Homer is done with his quests. I’ve been building lots of Wailing walls. Between all of the Wailing walls, and Tennis courts that I’ve crafted in the last few months, I’ve been able to raise my bonus multiplier from roughly 41 % to 207 %!!! Zowie! I stored a lot of my Springfield Heights buildings, because they’re ugly. But I’m reconsidering bringing them out again to raise the hidden bonus multiplier. I’m torn, because I really don’t like the S.H. buildings, and they take up a lot of space, but I want the bonus. I’m looking forward to the end of the Halloween event. I always like the exciting feeling I get when these events start, but I get tired of them 3/4 of the way through. On a brighter note….thanks to all of the Halloween and monorail doughnuts, I was able to get the Duff Brewery and Duff man. Woo Hoo! I’d like to get the Happy Sumo, and Liquor-n-Lotto next. I want Liquor-n-Lotto so that I can have Dewey Largo to help with monorail construction.

    That’s it for now. Happy tapping.

    • Well I bit the bullet and put all of my Springfield Heights back in my town from storage. I hate the SH buildings- they ruin the look of my town. I placed all of the SH buildings along the periphery in the back of my town so as to reduce the blight. I raised my Bonus Multiplier from 207% (as stated) to 320% (113% is hidden). I guess it’s worth it.

      • I stored all of my SH buildings at the start of this event because it helped with the lag. I don’t know why but storing them was the only thing sped up my game. It’s not perfect but it’s better. I’d like the XP boost but would gladly trade it for smoother gameplay. I’ll have to see if anything improves after the event but I don’t really like them all that much either.

  5. Wotcha Bunny , been watching Dr Who ? 🙂

  6. Happy Sunday from wet & windy Yorkshire. I’ve been crafting Christmas stuff today, so I turned on the Christmas movie channel to help me get in the mood. By an odd coincidence, my husband & son both found reasons to not be in the house.

  7. Anyone else having problems with TSTO not being able to load/connect to server? Have not been able to all morning and the rest of my apps and everything work on my iPhone 6s+. Whether I’m connected to wifi or not, it’s not connecting :/

    • Try turning off WiFi to see if it connects, then flip it back on. Otherwise… you are the only one I am seeing with the report.

    • i swear i’ve had this happen to me before, and was able to resolve the issue by logging into my game from another device. perhaps you or another family member has a different phone or tablet that you could use to try and log into the game?

      pretty sure there is nothing wrong with ea’s servers right now, as i’ve been connected all morning.

  8. Well today is the last day of my month long vacation. Got a lot done with the new apartment, got to know the city, spent time with my boyfriend and the dogs, did a lot of landscaping in Springfield, and now I’m ready to get back to the grind!
    The break was very nice and much needed after going through a family tragedy in May and not taking the proper amount of time off to heal and process, but now I’m ready to put everything back into my job, meet some new people, and fix my sleep schedule! I had the perfect internal clock and got up at 8am for years, now I’m goin to bed at 2 and waking up at 11! Not good.
    As far as TSTO goes…I’m definitely gonna make it to the UFP but the ReNeducation Center is gonna be a gamble, especially since I’m going back to work. Ohhh well 🎃

    • Good luck Ciara 🙂

    • Glad you’ve had a good break. I hope this is now going to be a lovely, happy time for you.

    • Belated condolences on your family tragedy. 🙁

      I know what you mean about the sleep schedule…I used to sleep until 7:30, so I could be at the office by 8:00. But ever since I got this disability and, because of medicating schedules etc, got to start work at 10:00 and work from home full time, I pretty much never get up before 9:00, and usually a bit later than that. Unfortunately, my body has decided that I need 9 hours of sleep now (I used to need 8, and even that was a PITA), but I’m having trouble falling asleep much before 1am a lot of the time. (Never used to stay up past 11:30.)

      Your month off sounded nice…I was supposed to have pretty much all of December off (I’ve been doing that for the last several years, since my company is very generous in the amount of vacation time we get), but I may have to work during some of that time because of a big acquisition were in the middle of. Technically, this mean I could lose some unused vacation time, but if I do have some unused time, I’m gonna see if my boss will let me carry it over “unofficially” (shhhh…don’t tell).

      Good luck on your return to work…hope you don’t have too many emails to catch up on! (It usually takes me a full day to catch up on my December emails when I go back!)

      • Thanks Sandra💜
        It was nice, but I found myself becoming a bit of a lazy slob lol. No reason to look nice since I had no where to be. Plus there’s only so much cleaning and organizing to do in a 2 bdrm apartment before the tv starts calling my name!
        I would love to have time off in December every year, sounds amazing. I’m not big on summer vacation (too young to have enough money to go to anywhere tropical or anything), but I’m BIG on Christmas. Whenever I start a new job I put in my vacation request for a week in December immediately. Even if it’s unpaid I don’t care lol.
        Unfortunately starting a job in November doesn’t give me much leeway as far as a Christmas vacation (this company is even open ON Christmas 😢) but I figure I just had a lot of time off so it’s not TOO much of a loss. Plus it’ll put me right in the bracket to get 10 days PAID vacay NEXT Christmas 😊
        Hope it all works out with your vacation! We all need time to recharge and reenergize.

        • Thanks! I have so much planned to take care of next month, but there’s a chance I may have to do some work here and there, which could make it hard to get up a good head of steam, IYKWIM.

          I’m not actually all that into Christmas these days….I’d much rather be able to take a month off in the spring or fall when the weather’s nicer. But the only reason I can get away with that at all is that, in December, almost everyone’s of the last couple of weeks anyway, so, from an “inconvenience” perspective (to other folks at work), it’s really only like I’m taking a two-week vacation, kinda sorta.

        • Oh, forgot to say one more thing….

          The best vacation deal I ever got was when I started a new job at a university on the second week of December, a week or two later, I got a free paid week off, because the university closed down survey year for the Christmas-to-New-Year week!

          • Ya doing work during your vacation kinda takes the fun outta things. That univeristy-job-vacation deal sounds great though! Honestly any paid time off is a okay with me lol.

            • I’m very fortunate in that my company gives us a LOT of vacation time, especially by U.S. standards (maybe because they’re a Canadian company). Granted, it helps that I’ve been there for over 23 years, but I currently get 32 vacation/personal days, plus 3(?) floating holidays, plus 7 or 8 holidays. Pretty unheard of here, especially for someone who’s not a C-level executive or anything.

  9. FWP Alert:

    I’m so Bored!! I’ve been thinking about spending my donuts on a new character just to keep things interesting but there is no-one I really want that is available. Thus I want a new Level update hoping they might drop a Character I actually Want.

    Wanting to start a table Chant “Level Update, Level Update” (you know the kind of chant you do at the dinner table with silverware in each hand as you pound the table)

    I guess with I’m done w(h)ining for now, so I guess I’ll put a cork in it :p

    • I’m with you , chanting now , can you hear me this side of the pond ? 🙂

    • Halloween has been such a meh, I’ve also been thinking of getting a new character but I’m still annoyed over the great Frink swizzed, so they’ll have to pull out the stops to get donuts out of me.

      • Yup , not even one new character . Trying to resist the urge to spend donuts as I am sure as soon as I do , there’ll be a level update or something else I want . Also agree with you about “The great frink deal swindle” ( can’t help thinking of the Sex Pistols and “The Great Rock And Roll Swindle” when I type that , ouch , showing my age here big time ) 🙂

    • FWP?

  10. Where’s Larry and Sam in the game??? Moe’s isn’t the same without Larry and Sam…

  11. matt-the-lemming

    I once thought the Springfield Heights buildings were oversized… But now thanks to this event I see their usefulness! My bonus xp has gone from 85% to 190% without making my Springfield look any different, thanks to hiding Wailing Walls behind a valet parking building and two business centers 😀 and they’re not even level 5…

    It’s a shame they took away the ability to focus on one crafting currency in act 3, if the bonfire still spawned zombies non-stop I reckon I could’ve reached 250%

  12. Unlocked the UFP this morning, it’s about as meaty ogre as it gets, plus I’m not real interested in it now that it’s past Halloween. But with 8 and a half more days to go until the end of the event, i don’t see myself struggling to unlock the re-neducation center. I guess what ea is saying is that math is for chumps! 😉

    • I too recently unlocked the UFP. onward to the Reneducation Center, which I believe has at least one Quest Line associated with it. I agree that a Giant Jack-o-lantern post Halloween is slightly disappointing. My ceramic one that I keep on my front porch, I merely rotate 180 degrees after Halliween and it becomes a Harvest Pumkin. Can’t do that with the UFP.
      Also, sadly, IF Witch Marge were to become available,it too will be post appropriate holiday.

      But at least now I can sleep through the night, let five or six hours pass without rushing for Apples.

  13. An apt homer picture in the season of Bond, James Bond!

  14. Not liking act 3 on this event, got more resourses than I need, cant get enough apples, think I am going to concentrate on earning donuts and building monorail, Halloween event not worth doing for me, roll on the Christmas event

  15. Get stung number one ☆

  16. Neighbours all aboard …choo choo choose me…my monorail is ready for a ride at last!

  17. Was anyone else dissapointed with how the quest line for the free homer skin seemed to just come to a sudden halt I was but was thinking what did happen could lead perfectly into level 59.
    MINI SPOILER ALERT: if not finished homers questline yet.

    After shooting Ralph with the arrow


    homer could go on the run from wiggum hunting him down meanwhile at home wiggum could be having trouble dealing with Ralph on his own which is where the level character could easily bring in Sarah wiggum. Who is one of the characters I’m hoping to see in our games soon.

    • A lot of the quest lines have seemed to end prematurely.

      I have this irrational hope that the questlines will continue later (next THOH?) and we’ll also get full fledged task lists. Homer has 2 tasks. I like the arrow shooting one, but the hopping isn’t so spectacular. Plus, that only accounts for two holidays.

      So, please bring Holiday Homer back with new tasks for every holiday, EA. I expect the first one on this Thanksgiving.

  18. Michelle pearson

    So it looks like we are going to end this event and go straight to the thanks giving event. We are going to be busy bees lol

    • Time to start pulling Thanksgiving elements out of storage. I have.
      Be nice if EA allowed us to store by event type: Valentine, Spring , Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, T-day, Christmas……

  19. Sunday ☆

  20. This 3rd act has me worried that I may not achieve all of the prizes if the adults don’t get tasks to make apples. I’m on pave right now according to the calendar, but not ahead like I need to be heading into the worm week. Starting Monday my ability to play during work hours isn’t there. Anyone else comcerned?

  21. I’m stuck going between the tower and the camp fire. I’ve looked everywhere and can’t figure out what the problem is, if it is a problem. Help! Oh, and GO PACK!

  22. Mandy (amandajane797)

    How are you Alissa? Amazed you are still feeling up to keeping us all calm here when you have your own big event looming!
    I do like your constant reminders that this is just a game. This event has been a bit disappointing but at least not as tiresome as some previous. Think I’m on track for all the prizes but not going to worry too much if I don’t. One thing that is interesting though is that I’ve persevered with the railyard and fancy that it isn’t quite as hard to reach the goals even without a full complement of characters (kids on apple duty). Steadily accumulating donuts…

  23. In about 30 hours my Brandine will be giving birth. Should I cash in a bunch of Spooky Walls ahead of time so I get a better money & XP bonus when the last baby arrives? Is there a possibility the game could have another item to craft that requires eggs?

  24. When we got the Sunken Temple and had to place it in the water, my first thought was of the Forsaken Fortress in L.of Zelda’s Wind Waker. (Didn’t say anything than, because it’s not a perfect match by any stretch) BUT now when it retreats into the water and the Beam of Light shines, all I wan’t to do is get in my boat, get my grappling hook and see what treasure is down there. :p

    Also the beam of light and those five Orbs, I’ve seen 3 versions. Five orbs circling around, three orbs circling while two hover above the beam, and lastly all five just hovering above the beam… Doesn’t seem any rhyme or reason to it.

  25. Do we know if there will be anymore crafting items? I don’t want to spend my items just yet but I have a multitude of all of them.

  26. A week and a few days to go. That’s both a reason to panic and a reason to stay calm. It’s almost over, then time for a new level update. That or time to spend donuts on the last prize.

    Which will you decide?

    • I’m still wanting to spend my donuts on Witch Marge, Devil Flanders, the Heck House, and the pumpkin/farm patches, all of which were not issued (at least not yet) in this event! Come on EA get with it.

      • I forgot that EA plans to release things at the last moment, preferrably after all enthusiasm has assuaged. I’m just going to buy Witch Marge and then I’m not even going to think about spending donuts on limited items for at least a week. 🙂

        • Didn’t realize EA does that, however for Witch Marge doesn’t really make sense. (Although it’s EA’s mentality lol) Even though I want the skin regardless, most of us would probably be more apt to buy a witch costume, I don’t know….BEFORE Hallowe’en? I mean I’m not part of their marketting team, but that would make sense to me lol.

  27. Hi – can anyone help me with the IRS building? I stored it so I could tap normally around my brown houses but it has now disappeared from my game :S

  28. Mornin’ tappers! And an especially good morning to our fearless (and uber-patient) moderators! Nice to see you around again for the last 24 hours, Bunny and Wookie, and hope you’re enjoying your much deserved (and I’m sure needed) rest, Alissa. Can’t wait for the eventual announcement of a new baby tapper, whenever the comes!

    Had a major social life yesterday…lunch with one friend and hanging out afterwards for several hours with another – that’s like two month’s worth of socializing in one day, lol! 😉

    Today I need to get some work done for work (work is very crunchy right now) and record the bills I paid a couple of weeks ago and balance my bank statement from last month (oh joy) and since other household chores. I’d much rather just lounge around and make some progress catching up on my TiVo backlog, but oh well…

    Okay…need to go downstairs and garret some breakfast and, even more importantly, some caffeine… Look forward to reading everyone’s posts and seeing what y’all are up to!

  29. Greetings from the UK branch of the rest home for tired and bewildered tappers 🙂
    Well I’ve got nothing…..
    And anyway I’m much too busy not having anything to do in my game .
    Zzzzzzz ….

  30. First ?😀

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