Addicts Open Thread

Note: The House of Cards hit the game this morning. (You do need to have completed Have a Vice Day Pt. 9 (Apu’s 24hr task) to see it. )  But as you guys know I take my weekends to recharge my brain and spend some quality time with my husband and Riley.  So i’ll get y’all a breakdown tomorrow on it…

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread. The Simpsons are all new tonight, what do you think will happen in the new episode?  How do you think the episode tie-in items will come into play?

Casino Act 2 started last week, how are you doing on the prize track?  Friday the chip payouts from tapping gamblers increased from 10 chips/tap to 20 chips/tap, are you enjoying the increase?

How’s your Casino designing coming along?  Having fun with figuring out where to put all these casino inspired items?  Building your own Vegas Strip?  Have you checked out our community design post?

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, do you have any plans?  Do those plans include green beer?  😉

How was your weekend? Do anything fun and exciting?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


725 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. I just had the funnies/creepiest visual glitch in the game. Ned finished his party task and then I sent him to the dump to help fill it up. He didn’t walk there, he glided. It was crazy! I had my husband came look real quick because it was so funny. My hubby said that the penguin has nothing on Ned. (Blues Brothers reference) Ned’s got all the nuns beat. 🙂

    • Lol . loved that film but the penguin scared the crap out of me. Beware nuns who have large rulers and aren’t scare to use them…. 🙂

  2. How long will it take someone to gamble all their tokens and get the first prize ?

    • About 45 minutes! Was able to clear gamblers & casino task very quickly when it hit but had to wait until lunchtime to start using tokens…

      Used 118 out of 218 so far…
      got the 1st prize;
      Got the Safari Casino;
      Halfway to the 2nd prize

      Liking it a lot so far 😄😄😄


    Happy Thursday Tappers,
    It’s an hour and a quarter (at the time of writing) till 8am GMT
    Don’t want to let them out the casino, don’t want to tap gamblers, can’t visit neighbours, just waiting, watching the clock, 🕡 tick, tick, tick, tick,
    Y’all awake in U.S.?

    • Hi Lee, what’s for lunch😉
      I’ve been completely obsessed with SH, once I decided to finish it, I can’t stop help me. Then EA threw in St Patrick’s day along with Easte, (so weird), I was trying to get Ned as far as I could before act 3 think I got to part 5. I was so close til. 3:00 am, but knew if I was awake when it it I wouldn’t get any sleep at all, not to mention husband kept rolling over saying put the iPad down! My tapping had nothing o do with casino!
      I got to go check in to my town wanted to say hi first as I know once I get there will be hours till I get out! I’ll be home alone, well not alone with me dogs so I can tap all day!😊😊😊😊😊
      I’m proud of you not drinking for two years! I don’t do martinis but thanks anyway. I stick to wine, California Chardonnays only and I do like good beer! My favs are from your country, or the crafted beers. Been cutting back though as I need to loose this extra weight to help my back!
      Happy tapping!🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

      • Hey neighbourino! You are soooo close to SH completion, just logged out of TSTO and you were around $934m! I still keep hearing the “Traffic lights…” music 🙁

  4. Hey Alissa, since Lee forgot, what was lunch today? Mine was 2 pieces of chocolate😊.
    Lee my friend, you are slipping first not #1 Sunday morn and now no lunch questions, better have a 🍺

    • I had a turkey sandwich…

    • I didn’t forget Cindy, it was on my mind, just too busy 🙂
      and Sunday was computer problem, not my fault, 💻
      and thanks for the beer but I haven’t had a drink for almost 2 years
      Have some martinis 🍸 🍸 🍸 🍸 🍸
      watch out for 🐊 🐊
      Hope you’re OK
      Wednesday night I watched a documentary about sinkholes in Florida caused by limestone and clay

      • I forgot on last post to tell you yes sink holes are horrifying, no warning pep just loose cars worst is houses! People here aren’t to smart they build on swamp land to make money, they clear it, throw some top soil over it and build the next week. No time for settling. There are way too many homes built where they don’t belong. They built a huge condo complex right on water couple of years ago just pushed sand up leveled it off and away they go right on inter coastal waterway and gulf. If we get another hurricane or even tropical storm they can kiss that goodbye. Like so many other problems with FL most are man made, trying to change a environment, drives me crazy! I’m not most popular person being an environmentalist in FL is like having the plague! 🌩⚡️💨🌪🌊

  5. My big brown bear sucking on the pacifier seems to have disappeared. I noticed because I always see him/her in neighbors’ towns but not in my own anymore. I never stored him/her & it’s not in inventory. Any ideas how to find him/her? I have looked all over my town on several days.


  6. I had to share the fact that I’m FINALLY going to have Billionaire Haven from Springfield Heights later today! (I’m just one last upgraded building away.) When it first came out, I worked on it constantly then got tired of it and ignored it for months on end. I picked it back up a couple months ago when I was all done with aspirational buildings. I’m excited and relieved to finally get that last prize.

  7. Today is my birthday and I’m forty thirteen , ( yup , ouch huh !) going on thirteen. Going to watch the horse racing from the Cheltenham Festival on tv this afternoon having placed a couple of small bets and see if I can give my bookmaker “a damn good thrashing” lol . Then it’s Chinese food tonight which we have to buy from a supermarket and cook here as the nearest takeaway is 20 miles away which is a real bummer for someone like me who loves Chinese food so much he should have been born in Beijiing ! Have a good day everyone . 🙂


    💲 🎲 Win a Canyonero 🎰 🃏

    Visitors to my casino get the chance to win a special edition Canyonero (like a pub meat raffle) 🙂

    I had an idea along these lines, but yesterday I glimpsed something similar in a neighbour’s town, despite looking again, I don’t know who it was, nor what the construction was like. So apologies to whoever I stole the idea from. (MA Border has something similar with left handed roadster)
    🚙 🎰 🚙 🎲 🚙 🃏 🚙 🙂

    (neighbours will know, it was about time I tidied up the casino area)


    R.I.P. Sylvia Anderson

    • Yus my lady……. 🙂

    • Oh I missed the Space 1999 TV series. Till today, I can still remember some of the nightmarish images from the show.

    • Awww. Hadn’t heard. 🙁

      • Yes, it was on our news Wednesday first thing, maybe wouldn’t get mentioned on your news? I don’t know how big their stuff was in U.S.A.

        • Oh we’ve had them here…I’ve seen all of Thunderbirds (including the movies), but I got really hooked on Captain Scarlet (IIRC). I didn’t like those marionation shows when I was a kid, but, as an adult, I found them quite amusing to watch.

    • Thunderbirds…are…go! I did not hear about her passing, Lee. I loved Thunderbirds and Space 1999. In fact, I just re-watched Space 1999 about a month ago, but still have a few episodes to go. We will miss you, Lady Penelope.

    • Had to google her because I didn’t recognize her name but the image looked so familiar. Watched and loved the Thunderbirds but was confused because in South Africa it was dubbed into Afrikaans and broadcast as Redding Internasionaal (Rescue International).

      I loved her pink Rolls Royce.

      RIP Lady P 😞


    Happy Wednesday Tappers

  11. Alissa I like Disney people! I can recite quite a few movies too, my go to movies quite often on gloomy days or when cable goes out. I do believe in fairies!
    Will admit to being a science fiction fan and also scary movies/books not the gory ones, the scary ones.
    How is house coming along?
    TSTO related, got my black diamond tower today, now just need safari casino and will be happy as a clam, are clams happy, how do we know?

  12. P.s. Sorry for typing errors didn’t proof and eyes leaking water,, I’m so frustrated.

    • I’m so sorry you feel so bad. Have an ice cream cone, on me! 🍦

      • Thanks Sandra, didn’t eat a ice cream, but did just have 2 chocolates favorite candy, very yummy. Celebrating I finally found a nice & honest screen guy, he is coming to fix next Monday! I’m so excited I will be able to leave house again, going a ill stir crazy, but much better knowing an end date. To top it he is half the price of others I talked to!
        How is your cold? Hope you are felling better.

        • I’m feeling a good bit better, thanks. Not quite as tired and sick feeling, but still sniffly and starting to get sore under my nose, despite having stuck solely to lotion tissues (it would be SO much worse if I hadn’t). Looking forward to when it’s finally completely in the rear view mirror, for me *and* my husband.

          • Glad you are both on recovery road. Had to write & tell you I just checked my friends list to see where I’m at on SH list (33), but you were 22!!!!!

            • Wow – I do a lot better on your list than I do on mine! I thought that, with my newly minted Billionaire status, it would put me higher up on my leader board, but I think I’m even lower now. (Guess a lot of my neighbor’s also decided to grind to get Paris…)

          • Enviousnessmously of you both, soooo many “events” lately, I’ve been trying to trafficlight SH in the midst of it all, but have fallen way behind you two!

        • I’m sorry you were having such a frustrating time. I’m glad you found a new screen guy and that will be one thing you won’t have to worry about anymore. 🙂

  13. Hey Everybody, so most of you read my alligator story. Some might now my screen gift damaged in the bad storm we. Had about three weeks ago…..
    So here is question of the night would you rather have to hose (wash) a Pygmy rattlesnake that was right by my bed room door or deal with an alligator?
    I myself pick the alligator they are big you can see them they usually run away from you if not all you have to do his whack them with a long stick, shovel etc ( I have two very big walking sticks, bigger than and round very good strong wood). The rattle snack I didn’t see till I was hosing down under table and he as jumping all over place scraped the crap (can I say that word here) out of me couldn’t yell cuz didn’t want dogs to know, their bite could kill my boys since they are small!
    So snake or alligator?
    You know I really don’t need any more problems! Both guys that were supposed to come give me estimates didn’t show and no call. I HATE that you wait for them then no courtesy of phone call!
    So tomorrow morning I’m dragging out ladder, going to fix one on ground first as that is how snake got in. Probably will have to wait a back rest and fix roof one day after. They won’t bey screen probably will measure and have plastic cut and put it in (bottom piece) and going to try sitting on top of ladder and sewing with beading thread I have then duct tape over thread on inside which faces up (so rain) then go on out side and try to get on top somehow and tape over the under neath Tape.
    I have to keep my boys safe and can’t get help. Wish me luck with the top one. If anyone out there has a better idea let me know.
    Thanks guys, I’m at wits end, the snake pushed me over!
    I really need to move to smaller, safer house!

    • My biggest outdoor household pest concern is whether a skunk might decide to discharge on or near my house. Can’t imagine living somewhere where I might have to do battle with alligators and/or poisonous snakes.

      Definitely time to move!

    • Sorry. Sounds like the question of bigger or smaller pest. Smaller spiders over bigger ones, but spiders over rats and mice. If I was used to them like you are, probably gators over snakes, yes.

    • Oh dear, that sounds like an ordeal. Stay safe and take care

    • Hi HH . Snake or alligator huh ? Neither thanks . Makes me glad I’m in a country where the worst we have to worry about is whether the local semi-tame goats will get into your garden and wreck it ! Keep safe and I’m with you in your troubles if only by thoughts alone . 🙂

    • I think I’d rather an alligator than a snake easier to catch but both sound so scary to have in your house!!!


      I’ll take the alligator any day! Ok so it’s not an alligator. It’s a small crocodile and the picture was not taken at home but in the Okavango Swamps in Botswana about 30 years ago.

      Where I used to live we would get all sorts of venomous snakes – puff adders, spitting cobras, cape cobras, green and black mambas – but no rattlesnakes! And once while I was dozing in the sun next to the pool I woke up to find a likkewaan (a type of monitor lizard that can get to about 1,8m) licking my foot! Fortunately my brave shriek gave it a huge fright and it ran away. That was a drawback to living on a small holding across the road from a game reserve but it was totally outweighed by occasionally being able to see a white rhino from our garden! Life in Africa 😄

      Now that I live in town the worst I have to deal with are mice/shrews/rats caught by my cat and the occasional frog… Give me a crocodile over a frog any day 😊😊😊

      Hope you get your house sorted without hurting yourself HH8 – wish I could give you a hand but I’ll have to settle for sending loads of calm healing energy your way!

      • Thanks maborder! I’ll take any wild being over a frog, my phobia is crazy, I know it but I’ve tried to get over it and can’t quite get there. I’m so much better then I was, I can go out in lanai if I see one, before I would not go out even if it was on outside of screen. I can workin yard knowing the gator is watching, see a snake slither away, but 1st sign of frog and I’m done in that area! The frogs in FL change colors even to transparent ewww with these beady black eyes and they JUMP(not just straight ahead but sideways just to scary). I’ve had them jump on me one was in pool at other house I was laying on a raft with eyes closed and plop right in middle of me chest I screamed so loud had 3 neighbor’s come running, husband & 2 dogs! Never lived it down! Lol my friend from England was here he asked “why isn’t your fountain running”, I replied can’t go over & fix bloody frogs? He laughed so hard, his son & him went to fix & I heard this great roar with laughter, he said “a frog just jumped on me big bald head”!
        Thanks for your support! On way to getting problem fixed screen guy comes next Monday!
        BTW everybody, even my doggies know frogs bad, they chase everything but the frogs, have yet to have any dog chase them out! So…lucky husband gets to catch them, I bought him a purple frog net on five foot stick(stick is purple)😉

      • A WHITE RHINO!!!!

        Dear Lord, I would die happy if I saw one! (Zoos don’t count.) I am *so* deeply jealous I almost hate you and love you at the same time!

        • You’ll have to come visit South Africa as we are blessed with loads of amazing wild animals. I now live in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape and we are completely surrounded by game farms and game reserves – within about two hours drive from here you can see most if not all of the big five. 😄

          We definitely have white rhino in the area but not sure if we have black rhino as well. Unfortunately, having rhino means we have rhino poachers killing these amazing animals for their horns. It is such a serious problem and it doesn’t seem to bother the poachers that the animals often die horrific deaths nor that they hover on the brink of extinction – that just pushes up the price! I like that our constitution prohibits the death penalty but this is a crime where I might be prepared to reconsider my stance on it…😁😁😁

          • I would love to see your country! Being a Leo, I love lions. Used to go to San Francisco zoo when I lived in California, would sit in lion house when they feed them to listen to them roar. Zoos don’t count though. Would love to see rhinos, elephants, zebras, well almost all wild life.
            Don’t much care for Florida zoos as animals are in the old style zoo cages, etc they don’t try to create nice habitat, plus it’s so hot most of them take shelter wherever they can so usually can’t see them.
            I was so excited when I saw my first alligator in the wild!
            One of the great benefits of this site is getting to “talk” to people all over the world! Thanks for writing, please stay in touch!😊

          • Hey HH8

            Will definitely stay in touch. While the addicts continue to provide us with such an amazing community I will be right here!

            I am obviously biased but we live in a truly beautiful country. And I know every country is beautiful in different ways, but one of the benefits of living in the ‘3rd world’ is that we have loads of undeveloped land with loads of game that is still so accessible. And across our borders we have Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique etc which are all incredibly beautiful too. We get to do things like sit in Devils Pool in the Zambezi River right at the lip of the Victoria Falls with the water roaring over the edge just a meter or so away and you can look right down the falls. Priceless! The picture below is not me but shows you what I mean 😄


            Lions used to frustrate the h… out of me! I used to go to so many game reserves and never saw lion in the wild. I was convinced that when they heard I was going to a game reserve in the east they would go on holiday in the west! Even went to a game reserve in Zimbabwe with the highest concentration of lion outside of the Serengeti but no! Finally saw them in Chobe National park in Botswana (where Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton – not sure if it was the 1st or 2nd time😄). I now understand why tourists get eaten by them. Two lionesses were playing about 5 meters off the road and were purring! So like my cats I wanted to get out and stroke them – but didn’t!!. They then moved off into the long grass and and set up an ambush for a large waterbuck but it got away. A little reality check 😄😄😄 especially when we saw the rest of the pride deeper in the long grass enjoying the remains of the one that didn’t get away!

            Sorry for going on and on but I’m passionate about our natural heritage and how privileged we are to see animals in their natural habitat. And with the rate at which companies are trying to mine for shale gas and other resources all over the place, some of these places may not be there for future generations – along with the animals that live there! So it’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen!

            And now I will get off my soapbox 😄😄😄

            • What the heck is keeping those people from being swept over the edge? Yikes!!

              Your land sounds amazing and much more dramatic than where I live. A long time ago, I had an Internet friend from South Africa and she sent me a little “care package” with a pair of socks with animals on it and some local currency (I think I sent her some of ours in return) and maybe something else I can’t remember right now. I had a German and an Australian Internet friends too early on (when I think such a thing was a bit more of a novelty…I think we met on the Usenet newsgroups), and it was fun exchanging little “care packages” with them, too. (I actually got to meet my Australian Internet friend IRL, and he brought me a stuffed wombat – I have a bit of a thing for wombats – and a package of Tim Tams (yum!).)

          • Hey Sandra

            There is a ‘wall’ about 50cm wide along the edge which together with shape of the little island (that the photographer is standing on) means that the water in the devils pool that goes over the falls is only about an inch deep and is really calm. The pool part gets a little deeper but think of it like a jacuzzi with an infinity edge 😄

            The ‘fun’ part is getting to the island… When I did it we could walk along the edge of the falls to what is known as Livingstone’s island but we had to swim across a channel about 10 meters wide that was flowing over the falls (but not as strongly as what you can see in the background of the pic 😄). You head up river a little and then swim upstream and allow the current to curve you around to the island. Couldn’t do it carrying my camera so I don’t have pics 😄

            In the wet season you can’t do this because getting to the island is too dangerous and at the height of the dry season you can walk to the island and step into the devils pool (if there is even water). Nice thing is that being so close to the falls there are no hippos or crocodiles but I wouldn’t swim anywhere else in the Zambezi!

            We are lucky here because we have very developed cities and infrastructure but still have amazing bush and animals. To me America has some incredible landscapes (Rockies, badlands, Grand Canyon, Maine in autumn, redwoods, snow and so much more) but it doesn’t have the same level of wildlife that we do. Standing in the back of an F250 at a water hole with 60 or so elephants coming down to drink, some coming as close as 2 meters away, is breathtaking.

            If you ever feel that your comments are too long please just look in this direction! I got you beat 😄😄😄

            • What you describe sounds more like a documentary than a place where people actually live and play TSTO, lol! Really amazing and hard to imagine having all of that in your “backyard”…

              I’m not sure whether the biodiversity really is less in the U.S., though — I kind of think not, given the size and, more importantly, range of climates and types of land (there’s a simple word for that, but it’s escaping me right now) — but I think our biodiversity is somewhat less “dramatic.” We don’t have a ton of really big land animals, but bears can be pretty impressive as can full-grown moose.

              I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon or any of those kinds of natural wonders (well, I’ve been to a couple of smaller types, I guess), but one of the things I like about living in Massachusetts is that I’m only a 4-hour or less drive from a all kinds of very different types of places — you like ocean beaches? Check! You like mountains and lakes? No problem. You like big cities? New York is within that zone. You like smaller cities? Boston’s just 16 miles to the east. You like quaint New England towns? Got ‘me all over the place. You like farmland, got that, too. You wanna go skiing? No problem. (Granted, if you’re in the mood for a desert or a bayou, you’re out of luck.)

          • Hi Sandra

            I completely agree about the biodiversity in America. It’s sheer size also means you have far more diverse biomes/climatic zones then most countries, from the deserts in the south to Alaska’s snowy landscapes in the north.

            But as you put it our wildlife is quite big and dramatic – but just as I would not like to deal with lion or leopard on foot nor would I like to deal with grizzly’s or black bears! I was told how to differentiate between them when visiting my brothers in Canada but fortunately I’ve only been there in winter when they are safely hibernating! And being run over by a moose would probably spoil my day a little 😄

            Would love to spend time traveling around America. My knowledge is all second hand based on Discovery/Nat Geographic channel/books and I would love to see it for myself. Always had a soft spot for the Boston area from books I read as a teenager. It seemed to have a nice balance between the very modern and the very old but without being as intimidating as the size of NY – though I’m keen to see it too!

            Time to travel more… 😃

    • Sorry all, but ‘gators an’ ‘diles don’t really give me the brown trouser moments, as an Orstraylyan my more immediate concern is all the critters you can’t see, like all the utterly deadly snakes and spiders. Living next to a sanctuary for flora and fauna I have many of these “guests”….

  14. I have been so down and out… Literally havent done anything with my life for 3 years…just had to say that

    • I’m right there with you, so know how you feel and it’s a horrible feeling! I’m so sorry, I hope you feel better soon. I have good and bad days, but you have to work at making good days.
      Start with doing 30 minutes of something that makes you happy everyday, then at end of day list ( either in your head or journal it paper or device, best to journal it so you can look back) thin and say out loud 3 things you are grateful for, can be as small as you are breathing, a smile someone gave u, hugging a dog/person, anything, u get the point. It will help to center you, make u feel better and maybe lead you to do something with your life. Sounds corny, but it does work honest give it a try.
      When you feel alone, hop on here talk about your town or life in general you will connect with good people that care without having to actually go out and make new friends. The people in her save my butt all the time.
      Take care of yourself😊

    • Sorry you feel that way. What would you rather be doing? Sometimes life can be too exciting. (That’s a statement that I’d make.) Always remember that the grass is often greener on the other side. Maybe you aren’t counting some things that have happened in your life. Maybe you need to see more movies. I know I do. It’s fun to go out sometimes. Maybe bowling or pool. Or swimming. 😉 maybe writing. You could chat with me. We could come up with new words. Laughter. Building. Lists! 🙂

      I hope you feel better.

      • I go out etc thats not what is missing for me. I miss the career which i started but cant seem to finish…i feel like i lost all that used to be me😢

        • Tell us more (if you feel like it)…. What is that career and what’s holding you back from achieving what you want to?

          IMO, with something like this, the past isn’t worth thinking about too much…it’s over and done with. Better to think about today and tomorrow, both of which you bring you new chances to do things differently, if you want to.

          • Its quite complicated to explain….its dentistry…i have dreams about it even when im not thinking about it…its a lot more compmicated to talk about here…

            • Is there one small step that you could take tomorrow (or Monday)? An article you could read, a call you could make, a slight tweak on your usual way of doing something? Or is it a financial issue? Maybe you could research grants?

              I don’t know the answer (since I don’t really know what the problem is), but I’ll bet your a capable, smart person. So, I challenge you to think of one thing, no matter how small, that you could do towards your goal or ideal situation. One small step you could take. Don’t even think or worry about the ultimate destination…just focus on what one tiny, baby step forward would be. And then I challenge you to do it.

          • There is one thing i can do, but im not sure why i feel so much doubt and lack self confidence…

            • Well, let me ask you this…. What’s the absolutely worst thing that can happen if you give that step a try? How much worse off will you be than you are now? (Or use my mom’s test for how serious something is – “Will little children die?”)

              If it’s just a confidence thing, then make sure you’ve done some research and have at least a clue about how to proceed intelligently, then just pretend you’re someone who’s already done what you want to do and succeeded with it. Basically, it’s the “fake it ’til you make it” strategy, and it really can work quite well!

        • Its either they say yes or no….just that there was been a lot of disappointments and i cant face anymore

          • Well, think of it like being an actor or something….most non-famous actors go to a bazillion auditions before they finally get a gig. And sometimes a “no” can really be just a “not yet.”

            If you do get a “no,” see if you can get a “why” along with it. That way, you can maybe up your odds for the next try!

            (It’s really hard talking in such generalities….since I really have no clue what we’re actually talking about, I don’t know if what I’m saying makes sense or is helpful at all.)

    • *hugs* just for you chezledent ♡

  15. Are yall saving up chips for Act 3? Or spending them towards bonuts?

    • Bonuts, trying to save up enough to get a certain item that is rumored to return, which I will not mention 😀

      • Awwww that’s not very nice, not sharing with us (jk) as it wouldn’t make Queen Alissa very happy & admit you are scared of her very very scared lol. Wonder if I already have in my town hmmmmm.😄

      • How dare you. I don’t want it, whatever it is. 😛

      • Hmmmmm….
        Am freemium, and had been tapping away with this event regularly.
        I appreciate EA’s tact with this one, the eager tappers can get to bonus donuts, I went through three rounds. Then, I had the choice to keep donutting but chose to collect tokens (I had over 110 by the time act 3 began…) to ensure I had a chance of tapping through all rewards and as I am now only tapping in 3-4 times a day, i still will achieve all act “prizes”.

        • See, being a no-lifer I get in the game more than enough so far and at least til now haven’t missed a prize. (Don’t want to jinx myself lol) So in that sense I would rather have the bonuts. Pretty much the same reason I’m still doing railyard. Thanks to the glitch my monorail is finished, but still want the weekly donuts even if it doesn’t amount to much. Kind of a downer when I read that some are already on the fifth prize and I’m still working on the Burns skin though lol. Probably should have saved a few.

          • I haven’t missed a shot at the monorail bonut boxes yet! Today, it seemed that all the rail yard wanted was metal (the one thing that’s really hard to get). But the funny thing is that when I take a hour in the evening between casino rounds to use all of my metal earners at the rail yard, I feel so rich! I think the rail yard is going to be much more fun after the event than it was right before it, because it’s going to seem so much easier now! (Of course, it also helps that I bought Jesse at the beginning of the event.)

          • sonicboiny834 ryan

            I didn’t hoard either. I’m about halfway to the Burns skin (my most coveted item this event, thankfully haven’t seen it in a neighbor’s town yet). I’m not worried at all. In fact like waiting a little bit. Nero’s just finished building when I got enough tickets to get Safari, by the time that’s done I should be close to Burns. With Notre Dame and everything else, trying to design all this new content. I’m more than happy with a moderate pace.

    • Saving Courtesy Chips for fun but that’s a personal choice. I don’t think it matters. However, does anyone have an argument to save the gold chips (slot machine, card table and dice game) so that you can win the new colour of chip in act 3?

      I’ve been using them to get bonuts.

      Any thoughts?

  16. Hi all when do you think we will get

    St Patrick’s day
    Gil deal
    Level 60

    • St. Patrick’s Day event, sometime in March
      Easter event, probably shortly after the St Patrick’s Day one
      Gil deal, when EA feels they don’t have enough money
      Level 60, its a myth, due date only known by the elusive Sasquatch 😀

    • I think we might get a donut sale on St paddy day items tomorrow the 17th March mostly returning items and perhaps one brand new highly priced item. As for easter they might do a mini event straight after this one or a build a giant easter egg type thing!

      The return of the platinum scratch card instead of a gil deal and level 60 whenever EA feel like it…but usually in the middle of something else lol!

      Just my thoughts…

    • My predictions:
      St Patricks Day – today
      Easter – today
      Gil Deal – today
      Level 60 – not today

    • So…..Amy was it your fault EA combined St Patrick’s day with Easter? 😉🍻🍀🍀💐🐇

  17. Is the weather better today Alissa ?

  18. Love this casino event. Can’t wait for act three! I’ve already gotten the Black Diamond Players Club and all the craftables so far. My casino ‘strip’ is more of a massive rectangle but looks good I think.

    On another note, we seem to be stuck at level 59. I’ve already gotten enough XP to level up for the bonuts 4 times. Now I need over 3.4 million to get the next lot. I’ve never needed that many.

    So level 60 can’t be far off (I hope). I’d really like to see Larry Burns as a freemium character for the next level. He was one of my favourite randoms. I think he’d fit in quite well.

    What does everyone think? What do you want for level 60? How far away do you think it is? Will we have another event first? I love hearing what other tappers want 😃 👍


    Happy Tuesday Tappers
    ♠ ♣ 🃏 🎲 🎲 🎰 🙂

  20. Sorry off topic, I just bought Akira and I can’t seem to find his 8 and 12 hr tasks? Is there something wrong with my game or is it that he doesn’t have them. I am a freemium player so I don’t know

    • Maybe you have to complete the quest to unlock all jobs

    • Have you been through his questline yet? Very often, characters’ tasks get unlocked as you move through the questline (although I don’t remember specifically about Akira anymore).

  21. Hi addicts!

    Finished upgrading to level 3 crafting last night and just unlocked Cregg a couple minutes ago 😀 Now I’m halfway to my first round of bonuts (mmm bonuts)

    In non-TSTO related happenings, I submitted a video speech for a contest at a university a while back and have received an email saying I’ve been selected to move onto the next round of competition next month! I’m very excited as public speaking has always been something I’ve enjoyed. The topic was women who empower others (as the contest takes place at a women’s college) and I chose to speak about Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani education activist. Her story is so wonderfully inspiring, it’s such a privilege for me to be able to talk about her. The contest is coming up soon so I’ll let you know how it goes then 🙂 It’s also my second week of March break which means I need to get my act in gear and get some school work done (in between spending time with the family that is)

    Have a great week everyone and happy tapping!

  22. Please read my comment under reply to Kat from tonight I meant to generally post it not as a reply, was crying and not paying attention. Thanks everyone for being out there and letting me ramble! I’m so frustrated right now wish I could scream but scares my dogs so I end up crying!
    Btw Kat know how you feel I’m sitting on a plane ticket I bought to go to CA expires soon, can’t go so I just loose the money and no break. I can change it for anywhere as its with SouthWest,. Hate throwing it away, loosing the money, and the broken promise from CA!

  23. Alrighty, let’s see if this worked!

  24. Hi addicts. Do the casino tokens you collect in act 2 remain with you in act 3 please?

  25. Maybe this has been answered but do the gold coins used for gambling continue into act 3? I don’t think I’ll get craig demon so I want to know if I can keep my coins to help with act 3 prizes. Any info would be great. Thanks

  26. I maxed out my friendship points a couple days ago. Today I was tapping gamblers in my friends’ towns and in LizTime’s home I got a donut! WhoooHoooo!

  27. I finally got Billionaire Haven! I spent all weekend grinding and got about 100 million just this weekend.
    The first thing I did was sent Paris Texan to the casino. She can do her quest when the event is over.

  28. Glad you had such a great time!

    The butterbeers sound really good, but I remember seeing the price somewhere at dinner point and being shocked at how expensive it was. Not sure I could bring myself to ever have one, let alone three, but more power to ya!

    And thanks for the heads up on the Simpsons ride…as someone who avoids motion sickness like the plague, I guess I’d have to skip that one. 🙁 And, yeah, I’d avoid going on anything called the Tilt ‘n’ Hurl, too!

    (Of course, with my current disability, I don’t know when, if ever, I’ll be going on a plane again, so this is all pretty academic anyway.)

    And good job keeping up with the even, too! 🙂

    • Everything there is so expensive! They sell wands that you can wave at windows or signs and make magic happen, I was set on getting one with my bday money, then I saw the price – $50! I did not buy a wand.

      • I did splurge and get some wands while in Diagon Alley at Universal… though… I did not get the really higher priced ones. Somewhere in the middle. They had the lil fake plastic ones that you could wave at the windows too and were a bit less. If Alissa didn’t pull me away… I could have spent a lot longer there and probably more money that I ever should spend in a Theme Park (if I had the money. Lol.)

        • I went there prepared to drop some dough but I got there and decided to take pictures of everything I loved instead. And drink a ton of butterbeer! I did pick up a sweet Monster Book of Monsters wallet/phone case. it’s so fuzzy. I slightly regret not getting an elder wand but I might try to make one of my own.

        • I was BORED….

          • blasphemy!!

            • lol sorry I’m not a pot-head 😉 Although this honestly shouldn’t surprise anyone. I’m not into Star Wars, i’m not really into video games (with the exception of TSTO), not into Star Trek…i’m a Disney girl who can recite lines from Friends for just about every occasion. And who can recite historical events…whether Disney or US Government related. I’m my own kind of nerd lol

          • Pot-head (heh)? Me neither, but I like all the things you listed and I’m a Disney princess. I mean, girl. I mean, nerd.

  29. hey there, just hit level 3, wondering what everyone’s strategy is for crafting items now…. player’s cards, buildings.. what is everyone doing?

  30. Sideshow Raheem

    I have a question. Does Jesse Grass disappear from the store if you finish growing the tree without buying him? I have some time to go still as I’ve only just started part 8 of the tree questline, but if he does disappear I’ll have to make sure I save donuts to get him next.

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