
Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So today is kind of a cool day in TSTO Addicts history…it’s our 1,000 Day of blogging!


Way back in 2013 when we first started this blog, I put a note in my personal calendar I share with my Hubby for May 10th 2016…a note to let me know when 1,000 Days of TSTO Addicts would happen.  And then I kinda forgot about it…until last week when I saw it come up on my Calendar widget:

2016-05-10 12.31.24

In 2013 I certainly didn’t think we’d still be here doing this…in fact I wasn’t even sure TSTO would still be around.  But I wanted a fun little reminder of it for my future self.  So when it popped up I was certainly surprised and smiled at the little reminder.  And thought to myself “if only I could tell 2013 me what this site would have become”.

As has been well documented by us over the last 2 + years, back when we were first started in 2013 we were just a little blog.  Happy with 1,000 hits a day and talking to the few people who commented on our site.  We never imagined this site would blow up into what it is today…with 70+million hits, hundreds of thousands of comments and over 3,300 posts! It certainly is crazy to think about it!

But here we are at day 1,000 with no signs of stopping now…

We love this community and thank y’all from the bottom of our hearts for making TSTO Addicts what it is today!  We’d be nothing without y’all…so from Bunny, Wookiee and I THANK YOU for the last 1,000 days!

So here’s to another 1,000+ days of tapping and story telling together!

Much Love,

-Alissa, Bunny & Wookiee

Group Final 20140428_161212

155 responses to “1,000

  1. Congratulations on 1k+ days, cheers to more! 😆 🍻

  2. Congrats to everyone
    Your enthusiasm when posting here makes TSTO more fun to play 🙂

  3. 1000 gracias por su blog, es excelente! Thank you very much 😉

  4. Are you $&$(#}^% crazy?!?!?

    You are thanking us?!?!?

    It is us who need to thank you. You have created an incredible community of caring, supportive people and that is all because that is how the three of you treat all of us – with respect. You do so much for us in relation to the game but it goes way, way, way beyond that and helps us deal with life outside of the game as well.

    I am an addict. That is a given. But much as I love this game I am far more addicted to this site then I am to the game!

    Thank you for all you do, have done, and will do to make this a fantastic place to spend time.

    And to answer my own question from the start…
    Yes, you are all crazy! You must be to put up with us 😄😄😄

    Thank you Alissa.
    Thank you Bunny.
    Thank you Wookiee.

  5. When I started this game about two years ago, 39 was the highest level. I’m level 59 now. Could not have enjoyed this silly little game without TSTO Addicts. Great job and keep it going!

  6. Thanks for everything you lot do. This site has been a huge help to me for the past half-year and I hope to spend another 1000 days with you lot.

    Much thanks!!!

  7. Congratulations guys. And tell Skylar happy birthday for me…

    • lol that would be one of our 5 neices…she’s Riley’s BFF as they’re only 6 months apart. So Sky will be turning 1 and I will let her know 🙂

  8. mikeymoore241

    Congrats on not just 1000 days of blogging but a 1000 days of producing the friendliest, wittiest and most informative site on one of the daftest of games.
    Your patience and warmth do you great credit and I’m sure I’ll bother you with another inane question soon!

  9. Congrats Alissa, Bunny, and Wookiee! I started playing at the very end of Christmas 2013 (somewhere about Jan 2) and it’s still one of my favourite events of all time, even though I missed a lot of the stuff. I really loved the community prizes, and I was able to get them all because of that format. I liked how the whole community of tappers could help carry those who can’t get into the game as often, but still love to play. I also loved those gift bags. You could dump so many into every single neighbour’s towns and go back to yours – the way they rained down and the sound effects were fantastic. I really wish they would go back to something like that. Anyway – that’s where I got my start and I discovered this blog in very short order. Was a silent reader for quite some time before I started to get more involved, but it’s been a blast and I still love to tap! Thank you all for your dedication to this site and the community you’ve created. Happy 1000th!

  10. Congrats!! But…why does this make me feel old and tired?

  11. Gefeliciteerd and congratulations from the Netherlands! This is such a rad blog – you guys should be proud!

  12. Congrats! And welcome to Day 1 of the next 1000!

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