Should I Spend Donuts On Superheroes Issue 1 Returning Items?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Because all Superheroes need a sequel…Superheroes 2 has found its way into our pocket sized Springfields!  This super event hit our devices…and with it arrived a whole new Event to make us scratch our heads, and drive us slightly insane. So it’s time to break out those donuts for their super hideouts because there’s a whole store full of superhero inspired premium items!

Naturally, as with every event, there’s returning content in our stores that you can spend your donuts on.  Some returning items were once available for donuts and some were once free prizes that have come back as premium items.  Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything because it’ll be gone soon (especially if it’s making it’s second return to our stores).  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the National Bank of Springfield, Fruit Batman or P-Rex and the Tar Pits to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding these sequel returns to your town.

nationalbankofspringfield_menu Fruit Batman Punch Criminal 2 unlock_petroleusrex tarpits_menu

So this is more or less going to be a rundown of each item, since they’re returning and we’ve previously written info about each.  I’ll give you my quick opinion on them and then link to their older posts….


Item: National Bank of Springfield
Donut Price: 80 Donuts
Previous Price: Was free for Superheroes 1, it was a prize
Earns: $200,22xp/8hrs (payout has increased to a premium rate for those who already have it)
Size: 9×9
Conform-O-Meter: Consumerism +10
Highlights: It’s basically another building for Springfield.  It does come with a short questline (1part) and Clownface will have a task there.  Beyond that…it’s a building.
Is it Worth the Donuts: Personally, I wouldn’t spend 80 donuts for it…it’s a building.  I think look at how important it is to you for Clownface to have 24hr task and make the assessment from there.  It looks neat, but 80 donuts is a steep price for just another building…..
Previous Posts: Bank Rundown Post (includes questline and dialogue) 
Where Did That Come From Post

The Bank Will Leave the Store for Purchase on June 21st…so make your decision quick before it’s gone again! 


Character: Fruit Batman
Donut Price: 90 Donuts
Previous Price: 90 Donuts Superheroes 1 and original release in 2013
Earns: At a premium rate, so 50% more on cash and XP
Highlights: Premium Skin for Mr. Burns.  He does come with a questline, and you can use him in battles. (Tech)  He also has some fun tasks…
Is it Worth the Donuts: My opinion is really unchanged from last year…and the Battle impact doesn’t sway it.
Previous Posts: Should I Buy
Where Did THAT Come From

Fruit Batman Will Leave the Store for Purchase on June 21st…so make your decision quick before he’s gone again! 



unlock_petroleusrex tarpits_menu

Character/Building: P-Rex and the Tar Pits
Donut Price: 175 Donuts
Previous Price: 175 Donuts Superheroes 1
Size: Tar Pits are 11×9
Earns: At a premium rate, so 50% more on cash and XP, Tar Pits Earn $150,13xp/8hrs
Conform-O-Meter: Consumerism +10
Highlights:  He does come with a questline, and you can use him in battles. (Brain)  He also has some fun tasks…
Is it Worth the Donuts: My opinion is really unchanged from last year…and the Battle impact doesn’t sway it.
Previous Posts: Should I Buy
Where Did THAT Come From


P-Rex Will Leave the Store for Purchase on June 28th…so make your decision quick before he’s gone again! 


There are two freemium items that returned to the store as well…the Rad Mobile and the Fruit Bat Signal:

ico_super15_prize_radmobile_lgRad Mobile: Rundown $100,000

FruitbatsignalFruit Bat Signal $5,000

They’re freemium…buy them.  They only cost in game it never hurts to pick them up.

And that’s it my friends…the quick breakdown on the three returning Superhero items so far!   As the event goes on there will be more returning items re-released…so be patient as we see what each day/week/issue brings us 🙂

What are your thoughts on the returning items?  Have you picked them up?  Have them from last year?  Any items you passed on last year but picked up this year?  Why or why not?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

77 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On Superheroes Issue 1 Returning Items?

  1. I posted in the ‘Open Thread’ as well… Bartman/Radioactive Man/Bartman Cave/Kane Manor were available for 230 donuts as a combo 4 pack recently. For those of us who didn’t get Radioactive Man as a prize last year, it was a good deal to me. I did spend the donuts and got the ‘Dark Knight Inception’ Quest line for Bartman, but no quest line for Radioactive Man yet… it shows he has an 8 hour task ‘Relax’ that I can’t use because it blocked out and says ‘quest.’ Does anyone know if this task will appear eventually.. maybe after Bartman quest? I’m bummed no 8 hour.

  2. Any chance Petroleous Rex makes a return at the end of the event?

  3. I passed on Petroleus Rex last year but I think I could blend the tar pits into my town much better this year and how could I have ‘ The Fossil Fuel 4’ with just 3 (I’m assuming The Fracker and Charcoal Briquette are coming in the next two issues) ?!? I can’t! Just as I had to have Wind Lad and Citizen Solar, P Rex is a must to round out the collection. Doesn’t hurt that I remember how much I laughed first watching that episode.

  4. Surprised no one else noticed this, but some characters have a LifeLine, while others seem to have a LifeLife 😀

  5. I wish the tar pit was just the pit with no building next to it. I don’t really like the building design. Must think about it.

  6. Now that I know trading cards will carry over I’m on the fence about spending. I now have enough to get the store and car (the only items I want) but something cooler could be around the corner in act 2……

    • Also, looking forward to first act crafting guide

    • You seem to play regularly enough that I don’t foresee you not getting all the items in every act. But than again, I don’t know what you have coming up in your personal life and if it will take you away from the game.

      • I do have a move upcoming near the end of July ….do you know where to get boxes…cheap..preferably free….someone to pack them…move them…unpack them…cheap..preferably free…

        • We’re moving in 3 weeks…i just spent $150 on moving boxes, bubble wrap and paper to wrap stuff in…. It’s amazing how differently moving is when you’re “grown up”. When I moved into my first apartment i took whatever boxes I could. When we moved into this house I took boxes from work…lol Now..well now we’re “growed up” (as Tommy Pickles would say)..and it’s just easier to get what we need lol

          • Big wooden spool coffee table,milk crate and boards entertainment system, a couch that would look good on any front lawn,a soup spoon that doubled as a “spoon” spoon, 14″ TV, a rockin’ duel cassette player, and a friend with a beater pickup truck…….good times!

          • A big wooden spool coffee table, milk crate and boards “entertainment system” with 14″ tv and rockin’ duel cassette player, a soup spoon that doubled as a “spoon” spoon, a couch that would look good on any front lawn, and a friend with a beater pickup to help move all these glorious possessions….. Good times!

          • Oops

          • 12yrs since I last moved. If I ever did it again, I’d probably sell majority of stuff, excluding sentimental/family gear & just purchase new furniture on those 5yr interest free sales. Which also makes the new gear “modern”
            I hate moving with a passion 😰

          • I’ve moved across the country eight times. After number three a friend suggested the first thing I should do was get a dumpster and a date for a thrift store to pick up. Best advice I’ve ever gotten……

    • You’ve got plenty of time to amass cards: Get the two things you want.

    • Well, I hoped that with such price in cards, the bookstore would come with a character – but nothing, just short quest for Bart and Milhouse. I would say not worth the cards spent. Either way, I am already finished with prizes (with Old king coal walking in my Springfield – yay, he has quest in Burns summer house), I will save last 200 cards and I have all the rewards from Act one, then I will start saving cards for Act II.

    • I strongly suggest you craft every one of the decorations, as they’ll be gone after the act ends. It’s not difficult to get the requisite amount of trading cards for all of The Collector’s stuff. I only have the statue left to craft, which I can do so by tomorrow at the latest, and there’s still over 6 days left, which should be enough to amass at least 3000 cards or so.

  7. Can someone confirm whether P-Rex is used in the Mansion along with the others for the 4hr tasks accumulating those 4 blue chips to upgrade mansion.
    This will certainly be the deciding “purchase” factor.

  8. I like how you’ve done an ‘updated’ ‘should I buy’ with your views from last year. I think sometimes they could be swayed when brought back from previous events, thanks heaps it’s very helpful.

  9. I love Plopper and Clownface’s battle styles – go Spider Pig for farting at them!

    I didn’t realise til this event that I’ve somehow already acquired 5 Fruit Bat Signals…

  10. Random Question: Do you think there will be a 4th July update this year? Nothing in the files but EA might sneakily add some info in like they did for Whacking Day this year!

      • Very certain! LOL Any reasoning? I did some research and throughout the 4th July updates the amount of new content has decreased from a lot of new items in 2013 to a very few items last year! Not that much more to add but would love Arnold Schwarzenegger (Simpsons Movie), Bill Clinton and Klang and Kodos president skins! Maybe even Barak Obama if they would be allowed, very unlikely! What do you think AA?

  11. I remembered last year why I didn’t get rex (from the should I buy), but this year he is participating in the battles so I got him (after a few twinges over the price). I’ll let you know if I end up regretting it or not. 😎

  12. I kind of want the tar pits just for that alone. Not the lizard. I’m 20 donuts short though. Maybe it’s for the best.

  13. Between the two premium character/skin returns. Fruit-Bat-Burns would be my choice because of the price, but after completing the money mountain thing (plus, his Stonecutter skin), ol’ Montey doesn’t need another premium output alternative. I’m saving my doughnuts for something more epic. (I don’t have 1000’s of doughnuts to spend.)

    I didn’t get Spiderpig, nor Bartman in my B-game, so at least of these have a chance to make it there.

  14. Will you have a crafting guide for the first act?I’m new to the site and didn’t know how you guys do things!😊

    • Yup…it’ll be up in the next day or so..

    • I can understand why you weren’t able to access the site the last 8 months, busy travel schedule and all. But after your loss last night, I assume you’ll be quite free next couple months to comment regularly on this site.

      Congrats on the unanimous MVP award by the way.

  15. I don’t have the option to buy another rad mobile I got one last year is that why?! Can we only have one?!

  16. blackgypsyrose13

    I bought the tar pits for myself because I love the way it looks and have not yet regretted it. As for the other items I did buy them for 2 of my kids because I was told by them a few months ago that now I work in the office and not on the farm any longer I have plenty of time to caretake their Simpsons while they are at work, So my payback is to spend every single donut they have! Do I feel guilty? Not in the least! Although I have to admit there was a twinge of guilt when I signed in Friday to find that my oldest son had purchased a boatload of donuts for me but that soon went away when he asked me to remodel his town.

  17. Anybody else have extra donuts in their account all of a sudden? I had 100-something donuts earlier today, and now it seems I have 300-something. Not that I’m complaining…. 😉

    • DON’T contact EA, they will correct this glitch 🤓

      • LOL. It was because I contacted EA, I guess. I have a bug where my characters lost the 8 hr “drink at moe’s” tasks and reported it. It’s a known bug, and they gave me some donuts as an appeasement.

        I’m stuck on a quest because I don’t have the “drink at moe’s” tasks, which is a bummer until they fix it.

  18. I bought fruit batman and the lizard man. Both I missed as I did not have enough donuts in the last event. I managed to get the pig just in the nick of time in the last event.

  19. Thanks Alissa, much appreciated (and Happy
    B’Day). Was on the fence with P-Rex as found him expensive. Will pass.
    Does anyone know if the craftable items come with a bonus %? Will the Trading Cards carry over to Part 2?


  20. despite the price, i’ve regretted not having petro rex and the tar pits in my town, so i was eagerly awaiting its return. fruit batman was and still is a big pass for me. the national bank is a tough sell at 80 donuts, considering it was free as a prize before, but it looks way better than the premium first bank of springfield they’ll be selling during this event, plus these corner store style buildings are always nice to design around.

  21. Ugh, how can I decide what to spend donuts on when I don’t know if Spider Pig is coming back? Does anyone know? Pleeeaaase someone tell me he is. Can’t buy P-Rex if it inperils Spider Pig. :(((((

  22. The Tar Pits really needs a joint task, with Stampy fishing Barney (not Homer) out.

  23. I want spider pig 🙂

  24. P-Rex is called F-Batman in the part when he will leave the store..
    Other than that, thanx for all the info!!

  25. am i the only one having this problem with roads ?

    • Not sure if you had the same issue as me. When they introduced dirt roads, all my “highway” roads with a median turned to squares. It’s fixed now. If you remove them you can replace them back to how they were.

    • It has been this way since the bezinning of TSTO, so it isn’t a bug, but a feature.

  26. Fruit Bat Man wasn’t free in 2013, the bat signal was the freebie from that tie in, and the fruit bat man was the premium.

  27. I thought the Rad Mobile was $100k. Or did I misread that in my game. Will have to check when I get home. Or maybe they originally had it at $100k by mistake, like the 10 and 20 count band aid packs.

  28. I passes on P-Rex last year and “regretted ” it, insofar as TSTOA regrets go. Not sure he’s worth 175 donuts but got him anyway. The burns skin I did get last time and that one was anot instant regret.

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