Should You Buy and Everything Else You Need to Know About the Beach Hideaway..

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Ah Autumn…leaves are falling, that crispness in the air has arrived and there’s a brand new season of TV on!  Ok so it’s fall, and it still feels completely like summer (at least here in New Jersey) BUT…the last part is true.  There’s a whole new season of TV shows…and the Simpsons Season 28 starts this Sunday!  To celebrate the Season Premiere EA has launched a fun Episode Tie-In Mini Event in our games..something to gear us up for Sunday.  So bust open those wallets, because there’s a store full of premiums just waiting for you!

And what better way to continue on with a little summer fun than the newest premium item brought on by this mini event…the Beach Hideaway?

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks as awesome as this because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Beach Hideaway to your Springfield?  Heck just curious as to what the heck it is/does?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s breakdown all the ins, outs, pros and cons of adding this Ocean Front Hideaway to your town…


Building/Decoration: Beach Hideaway
Donut Price: 40 Donuts
Real Estate: 1.5 million ico_heights_realestate_lg when Purchased (just for Hideaway), 36.74 million ico_heights_realestate_lg when fully upgraded
Bonus %: 2% on it’s own, 20% when fully upgraded
Conform-O-Meter: All items are Vanity. Hideway itself is Vanity +200 each accessory part is Vanity +20.

Leaves stores October 4th
Yes, I know there isn’t a timer associated with it in the Build Menu (and I really hate when EA does that…) BUT this item is associated with the Season Premiere Event and is tagged in the files to leave when the Mini Event is over.  You can choose to believe me or not, but honestly would you want to take the chance?

So I’m going to run this SIB a little different than past ones.  It’s really going to be more of an item breakdown than anything.  And for the purposes of this one I’m going to break players down into three new categories.  Instead of Premium and Freemium, I’m going to break this down into:

-Those Who Buy Premium Items Because they Like Them

– Those Who Buy Premium Items Because They Want to XP Farm but still want their town to look nice (so “practical” purposes)

-Those Who Buy Premium Items Because They Want to XP Farm and Don’t Really Care if Their Town looks over cluttered it’s all about the Bonus % ….

And i’m going to start with my opinion on this one….

Here we go…

ico_priz_seasonpremiere2016_beachhideawaypack1_lg ico_priz_seasonpremiere2016_beachhideawaypack2_lg ico_priz_seasonpremiere2016_beachhideawaypack3_lg ico_priz_seasonpremiere2016_beachhideawaypack4_lg ico_priz_seasonpremiere2016_beachhideawaypack5_lg

Let’s start with those who Buy Premium Items Because They Like them

This is a FUN decoration.  It’s relatively inexpensive and when fully upgraded it’s got some awesome additions.  It can be a super neat addition to your Ocean and it’s a reasonable price.  So I do think this is a win for those who just like nice items in Springfield.  Pick up one of these 🙂

Now for Those Who Buy Premium Items Because They Want to XP Farm but still want their town to look nice

What I said above.  This is a FUN decoration.  Inexpensive and can add a nice feature to your Springfield.  Plus when it’s fully upgraded it’ll yield a 20% bonus on all cash and XP!  Perfect for XP farmers!  However, because you’ve got to place every component in the water to get the full 20% bonus…and it can take up a TON of room when trying to make it look nice..I recommend only getting 2-3 of these.  Otherwise you’ll have no room in your water for anything else.

And finally for Those Who Buy Premium Items Because They Want to XP Farm and Don’t Really Care if Their Town looks over cluttered it’s all about the Bonus %

Buy them all.  Get all 5 and fully upgrade each.  That’s 100% for 200 donuts.  There isn’t a better deal in the game.  And as far as space…well it doesn’t matter too much to you because you can just stack them all in a corner, get your bonus % and be done with it.

Bottom Line..

No matter what kind of player you are, you should grab this item (at least one of them).  It’s inexpensive, looks awesome and offers a nice bonus % to give you a boost along the way.

Now let’s breakdown the Hideaway itself…

Much like other items in Springfield Heights the Beach Hideaway offers Real Estate Points as you upgrade the item.  Something to give you a boost on your way to 1 billion ico_heights_realestate_lg (if you’re not already there).  Here’s a breakdown of each level…and what’s required to unlock it..

beachhideawayse_transimageLevel 1 is where you start, that’s the base of the Hideaway.  And you earn 1.5 millionico_heights_realestate_lg for buying and placing the Hideaway.  You’ll also receive a 2% bonus on all cash and XP for just the Hideaway.


hideawaywalkwaynoroof_transimage hideawaystairs_transimage hideawaydeck_transimageLevel 2 is the first upgrade, and comes with 3 accessories to decorate your Hideaway.  (the dock, stairs and cabana).  Upgrading here earns an additional 1.5 million ico_heights_realestate_lg.

To reach level 2 you’ll need: 20 ico_heights_coffee_lg and 20 ico_heights_yogamat_lg


hideawaybridge_transimage hideawayhut_transimage hideawayplatform_transimage Level 3 comes with 3 different accessories to decorate your Hideaway.  (the bridge, cabana and platform).  Upgrading here earns an additional 3.29 million ico_heights_realestate_lg.

To reach level 3 you’ll need: 25 ico_heights_coffee_lg and 30 ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg


hideawaywalkway_transimage hideawaybridge_transimage hideawaygazebo_transimage Level 4 comes with 3 more accessories to decorate your Hideaway.  (another bridge, the Gazebo and Covered Walkway).  Upgrading here earns an additional 9.26  million ico_heights_realestate_lg.

To reach level 3 you’ll need: 30 ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg and 15 ico_heights_goldawards_lg


hideawaywalkwaynoroof_transimagehideawaypool_transimage  hideawaywalkway_transimageLevel 5 is the max comes with 3 more accessories to decorate your Hideaway.  (another walkway and Covered Walkway and the hideaway’s pool).  Upgrading here earns an additional 21.19  million ico_heights_realestate_lg.

To reach level 3 you’ll need: 30 ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg and 20 ico_heights_goldawards_lg

Fully upgrading your Hideaway, and placing all of the accessories will earn you a 20% bonus on all Cash and XP as well as 36.74 millionico_heights_realestate_lg.  (this is for EACH Hideaway you complete)

And now let’s address some questions you guys may have…

Do I Need To Have All of the Accessories Out To Get the Fully 20% Bonus?

Yes.  You MUST have every single accessory associated with the Hideaway out to receive the full bonus %.  Items in storage DO NOT count towards your bonus %.

Is This A Hidden Bonus %, like the other Springfield Heights Items, or can I see this in my Conform-O-Meter Bonus Box?

This is not a hidden bonus.  You will see it added to your total bonus % when you tap on your conform-o-meter stars

Will This Stay In Stores Forever?

No, as I mentioned above this is associated with the Season Premiere mini event and will leave stores on October 4th…so get it while you can.

Where Can This Be Placed?  Can I Place it On Land?

No.  Ocean only.  It must go in your ocean water, but it can go Springfield Side or Springfield Heights side. Update…It can also be placed on the beach (sand).

How Many Do You Recommend Buying?

Like I said above…if you just like it for it’s looks I suggest at least 1.  If you want the XP % but still want to have a nice looking town I suggest 2 or 3 (they take up a lot of room).  And if you don’t really care how your town looks…you just want the most XP you can get, grab all 5.

I purchased 3.  And all 3 are next to each other in my ocean on the Springfield side…

How Should I Place the Accessories?  What Makes sense Design Wise?

It’s really up to you how you place them.  That’s what makes this game fun!  Everyone can add their own design/flare to their town.  But here are a couple of examples from my game…

2016-09-22-14-03-38 2016-09-22-14-00-50

And here’s another design idea from ebron, thanks for sending it in! 🙂



And here’s another design sent in by Taz… 🙂


And here’s one from Corbe77:


And there you have it my friends…the full details on the Beach Hideaway the latest premium item to hit our Store to boost Springfield Heights!

What are your thoughts on the Beach Hideaway?   Have you purchased it?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield?  Share some of your designs in the comments…and don’t forget to sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

255 responses to “Should You Buy and Everything Else You Need to Know About the Beach Hideaway..

  1. I can’t believe I just discovered this item! I fall into the “buys premium items for XP but still wants my town to look nice” category. I was scrolling through premium items looking for the best ratio and decided that this was one of the best that I didn’t already have. I didn’t even plan on upgrading much because of how much space the heights buildings take up (I’ve already removed both mansions to make room for other buildings). For whatever reason I did one upgrade and realized EACH extension also gives bonus. Amazing! By far the best deal for anyone looking for XP. And yes, lots of fun to play with designs in the water.

  2. So I’m looking to get into KEM farming but my bonus is too low to really make an impact. I got myself to level 107 from the free 24hour thing I got when I unlocked the xp generator and spent 1mil and i saw just how effective KEM farming is, I also saw just how inefficient it can be past level 101 with low % so I’m looking to spike that first with all the donuts I have (222 currently) so I’m much better prepared long term. I monorail grind already and do the mini games to, but I’m looking to grow my bonus % quickly, so my plan is to:

    a) grab all the engine bikes I can afford when it comes into my vault.

    b) play the burns mystery box as many times as I can and place all the % items in my town and sell the non bonus items for some cash (I have all unique items already).

    c) buy 5 beach hideaways and fully upgrade them and worry about making them look nice later on.

    Which option do you recommend to quickly raise my bonus %? I have no problem Springfield heights grinding as I’m trying to buy all that property now anyway. Also, if you pick c, which should be my next choice afterward?

    • No charts, I promise 😄.
      First up…get going on the Beach Hideaways…they cost no donuts or in game cash. Grind away and place all the parts for all five hideaways and you will boost your XP by 100%. There’s nothing else in the game that can compete with that.

      Since the Hideaways cost neither donuts nor cash, you can buy mystery boxes at the same time. Try to buy 8 in a row and you will be rewarded with both a 10 donut and 30 donut reward (which you can use to buy more mystery boxes😃), as well as boosting your XP%.

      Instead of the engine bikes, I recommend watching the vault for great buys on XP bonus items..then buy multiples if you can. The last time I had nuclear bombs in the vault, they were seriously discounted (20 donuts) and I bought 20 of them. Anytime you can buy 2% XP for under 30 donuts, get as many as you can afford.

      I recommend KEM farming, even on a small scale. If you can only afford 20 at a time (or less), you will slowly see an increase in your donut stash…which you can use for Mystery Boxes…which will increase your XP%…which will increase your KEM yields…which will mean more donuts for Mystery Boxes (and on and on….you see where I’m going). If cash is an issue, try to build up a house farm to increase your daily income…I recommend the 8 hr houses which can be collected twice a day.

      The increases in XP and donuts will be slow at first, but it begins to snowball after you’ve been doing it for a couple months. Within a year, there’s no reason you can’t increase your bonus by over 600% (or more if you are determined). The increases after that are almost automatic…your income and donut hauls will be more than you need for most events.
      This is all I’ve done to boost my XP to over 1000%…no tricks or shortcuts, just focusing on XP% over buying the fun stuff for a while. Once you get comfortable with your intake, you can kick back and buy whtever you want. Good luck👍😁.

      • Thank you for all your help, by the way, beach hideaways cost 40 donuts each for me since I missed the event I’m assuming. Still think it’s an immediate must buy?

        (From this article)
        Building/Decoration: Beach Hideaway
        Donut Price: 40 Donuts
        Real Estate: 1.5 million
        Bonus %: 2% on it’s own, 20% when fully upgraded
        Conform-O-Meter: All items are Vanity. Hideway itself is Vanity +200 each accessory part is Vanity +20.

        • I didn’t remember any of the Springfield Heights properties costing donuts…that really sucks. Still a great price for 20%XP, tho, and yes, I would still do them first. (Most items in the store will get you 2% XP for 40 donuts, so they are still 10 times better than most purchases). Mystery boxes still second (unless vault items have a limited time left on them…then go for it).

      • I fully concur with that.
        It takes a while to get there, but it is so rewarding. Game cash numbers at close to half a billion. Bonuts numbering over a thousand.
        (I occasionally buy donut for real money, to keep EA happy)

      • My B-Springfield has even 10 Beach Hideaways, due to a game crash while placing the 5th BH. Apparently the BH counter was reset by it. WOOHOO 🙌
        The downside is that it takes up a lot of sea.

    • I forgot to mention…run the XP collider as much as you can. Definitely when collecting on KEMs, but the sooner you can run it 24/7, the better.

      • I recoup the 25 donuts within a day without KEM farming or the buy/sell of BMs/RTDTs. The rest is pure profit.
        (In real life I don’t eat donuts. They at much too sweet for my taste)

        • Mmmmmmmm…donuts…or cake…or pie…or…..(I definitely have a sweet tooth🙄😁🍩🍰🥧👍)

          • Thank you for all the help, I appreciate it, it’s nice to have a genuine plan in mind instead of just doing stuff as I go along and realizing later I should have done differently.

            Take care

        • Josephine Kick@$$

          Mmmmm donuts 🍩🍩🍩🍩

  3. Jeff Jeffdy Jeff

    I bought one for 40 donuts and fully upgraded it 9/5/2017 and it only gave me 11%. Is that expected?

  4. I am so happy you posted this Alissa, otherwise I would never have know about the bonus% when upgrading levels.

    Thanks a million 😀

  5. MydadlookslikeFlanders

    Awesome. I’m going to buy at least one ASAP. Thanks for the info!!! 🙂

    • MydadlookslikeFlanders

      I’m going to buy my third one tonight! They are rad and I can tell the difference in my earning already

  6. I have five of them. For some glitch reason I was able to the extions twice for each of them 🙂

  7. Hello. I wanted to know if the beach hideaway still pays 20% when fully upgraded. Also what does it take to upgrade it.
    Thanks for your help

  8. Corisa Holowenko

    Well.its October 12….the island is still here…looks to me like its going to be permanent. So I will buy. ..One question about heights ‘do i have to have the extensions on my playspace as well as the main building to get the bonus?’

  9. Anybody se something wrong with their bonus percentage? I was at 198% after i built and upgraded all 5 beach hideaways, now today it says 131.65%. This is after i got the sepulcher of evil which should have added more. maybe a glitch??

  10. morganabanana22

    All five

  11. I’m not sure I understand how the bonus percentage works. I bought all five hideaways, and have built up four of them to level five. Working on resources for the last one now. However, my bonus percentage on my conformometer only went from 148% to 180%. Still worth the donuts in my opinion, but I’d think I would be closer to 230% by now. Can someone help me understand?

    • Actually, never mind. I figured it out. I had missed some of the additional pieces in my inventory. Once I placed ALL of them, my bonus percentage looked right.

    • Have you got any of your upgraded items in storage? You have to have every item on display to get the full percentage. I think it’s 2% per item.

  12. Spelled Hasenpfeffer Wrong

    Thanks to the beach hideaways, I think I’ve inadvertently morphed into a chronic donut farmer! :O

    At first, I only had enough donuts to buy two hideaways. Upgraded them right away. Liked the look of them. Got very excited seeing my bonus multiplier jump up. But with only 35 donuts remaining, I couldn’t buy another one. 🙁

    So, I splurged 25 donuts for 10 day’s use of the XP collider. (First time!) Had previously bought only a single day’s use on three separate occasions.

    And now I’m checking into the game every four hours to collect income from buildings and tasks and build up a block of Kwik-E-Marts. This is 3x more frequently than I used to play. How did this happen!? 😀 What is my life!?

    So far, I’ve churned up enough donuts to buy all 5 beach hideaways. Yay! And now I’m trying to stockpile a few hundred donuts for Halloween. Wish me luck, fellow addicts!

    Thanks, TSTO, for the scoop on the beach hideaways. I would’ve been oblivious about this (madness) if it weren’t for you. <3

  13. Thanks to Alissa’s post I’ve now bought 3 of these! LOL! And because I’ve been having such a good time designing with them I am even considering buying one more (or two, eek). I wish I had more water open. It is a shame you can’t just buy certain pieces separate as I am really enjoying the walkway sections, I would have even bought them in packs.

  14. On the SH hidden multiplier, do the additions to the buildings need to be in Springfield to get the max bonus or can they be in storage? All my building are out but the elevators and such are in storage.

  15. Typo alert! For levels 4 and 5, the copy-and-paste left the text at, ” To reach Level 3…”

    No biggie, but thought it might be a quick/easy fix! 🙂

  16. Is their a post on hidden bonuses. I have no idea if I have any hidden bonuses. I might have items in storage that could boost my earnings. I don’t do the farming thing but items that give a published bonus that I don’t want to see are hidden behind my Springfield heights buildings and expansions which are in a row to look like one massive hotel and I have the mansions in a similar row…. the amount of stuff I’ve hidden is unbelievable

  17. Wow! You have inspired me…

  18. So I’ve decided to give Springfield Heights another go… started buying the buildings again and upgrading. Other than Number 1 Stonecutter who has a task for earning Lattes, are there any other ways to earn SH currency? Aside from Cookie, Googoplex (which costs money), PolyVac & Insanity Cauldron. Just checking I’ve got all options covered 😊 Thank you

  19. What the hell, I bought all of them (and have already fully upgraded all except one). They do take up a lot of space with all the additional pieces.
    While we’re on the subject of waterfront clutter, do the Ocean Suites and Private Islands also award an XP bonus, like the rest of the limited-quantity Springfield Heights buildings?

    • Ocean suites, no. Private islands, yes, but only once they’re at Level 2.

      • Thanks! That’s good to know, especially since I think I still have some Private Islands at level 1… was there a post about this that I missed?

        • Don’t remember whether it was mentioned in a post or not, but definitely in lots of comments…frankly, besides the fun social aspect, one of the reasons I read all of the comments (yes, time-consuming, I know…) is because my fellow tappers sometimes post super-helpful info in addition to the invaluable info that our trusty moderators provide.

  20. The Beach Hideaway can be incorporated with the Private Island (Level 1) as the latter’s rooftop lends itself really well to this. There are so many design possibilites that I’m going to try out at my leisure. It’s great to have a reason to visit my ocean area and designing is just the. best. ever. reason to do so😎…..💜X

  21. I feel stupid because I just know I missed this, but does this have to be fully upgraded before 10/4 or can it be done over time??

  22. Wow I feel like I’ve been reading a book for years and just found out I missed a chapter. So many questions. I got the link to the hidden xp multiplier, so that’s covered.
    I am an ocd “ct” my town has to make sense,, or it bothers me a LOT. I don’t know how some people can just toss everything everywhere and not scream. But to each their own. I wrote a long response to the “what kind of tapped are you” which got lost to hitting a link accidentally, I didn’t have it in me to write it over, so this is a short version. I cut my SH literally In half with a fence , and made the other half into future Springfield.
    I am not too concerned about missing out on xp multipliers, but I really want to know why people would buy many KEM’s, rat trap trucks or blood mobiles, and how does one farm donuts besides challenges, and finding Maggie.
    Teach meh!

    • It’s pretty simple: XP = leveling up, and every time you level up you get donuts. The best ratio of cash spent to XP comes from building KEMs, but the trucks are a good way to wrack up a whole lot of XP at once if you have hundreds of millions. The higher your multiplier, the more effective the process.

    • Why would someone buy loads of KEMs, rat trap trucks, etc.? For the XP. You get to the point where there’s nothing new to buy for in-game cash, but every purchase still yields XP. XP = level-ups = doughnuts. And that’s what doughnut farming is. Buy a bunch of high-XP yielding items and watch the doughnuts roll in. Then sell them all back and start again.

    • Well, if you want to farm Kwik-E-Marts or bloodmobiles/rat trap trucks effectively unless you’re willing to become concerned with your XP multiplier, because that’s key. Basically, that kind of farming involves buying those items for the XP that they earn (and then selling them right back afterwards, to recoup some of the cash you spent), because, as you fill your XP meter you level up, earning donuts each time and then, when you’ve reached Level 939, you get a set of those donut boxes (like you get with the Maggie game, more or less), potentially allowing you to earn up to 3 donuts each time.

      You need to be at a point where you either have a good amount of cash saved up (for rat trap truck/bloodmobile farming, which is faster, but expensive) and/or have a really good income stream (to support the cost of a reasonable-sized Kwik-E-Mart farm.

  23. So I bought all 5 beach hideaways, and I’m now upgrading all of them. When all is said and done, my (visible) XP% will be about 432%. As of right now, my hidden XP% is at 262%, and my visible XP% is 414%- for a total of 676%!

    This begs the question: Is there a point at which it makes more sense to farm rat trap delivery trucks instead of farming KEM’s? I’m looking at this from a game cash basis. Right now, it makes more sense to farm KEM’s, because I’m able to reap a good harvest of doughnuts without affecting my game cash level. But if your XP% reaches a certain level, it might make more sense to farm rat trap delivery trucks.

    Has anyone ever done the math on this?


    • It’s always better to KEM farm. The cash to xp ratio for KEMs is much higher than the rat traps. That ratio stays the same no matter how high your multiplier gets.

    • You may want to try this glitch i discovered… First you clear your town as fast as you can. I use the character icon in the top left hand corner, with the irs radius on. I tap the icon then the character as fast i can repeatedly until my town is clear. For my town this means theres alot of cash and xp hovering all my town for a few minutes. Once i clear my town, but befofe all that xp is auto collected, i head over to my KEM farm and finish the builds, i farm around 60 KEMs. After that i immediately go and start either the go kart or springfield downs race, whichevers ready for that cycle. I usually move the screen off of the building (i dont if that matters, just being as detailed as possible). If the glitch works once the race finishes youll hear the bonut round chime but it will be louder and a bunch of bonut rounds will appear. I usually get 3 or 4 extra rounds every 4 hours. I think the game glitches and counts all that xp floating over the town, but doesnt collect it. Also the xp meter doesnt change, but you still get the bonut rounds. Ive been using this glitch for 5 or 6 weeks. I shared it on an open thread but only sandra and tapebelt tried it, to no success. But that was before i discovered the importance of the KEMs. You need that extra XP floating for it to work. Of course this could be isolated to my game but i figured i would share one more time. Hope it works for you.
      PS. The xp collider needs to be on, but since you KEM farm im sure its on all the time.

      • Thanks for the info. I had a suspicion that KEM farming is always best, and that has been what I’ve been farming for awhile now. I would love to go back to the rat trap delivery truck method, but the math doesn’t add up for it. I still use the truck method when I’m short on doughnuts and something really great comes up, but for the most part I KEM farm every four hours.

        • SILLYBOY- I’ve only ever used the rat traps or bloodmobiles and I’m more than happy with what that gives me. However I’m just curious to know how many KEMs you buy & sell every four hours. I’d like to carry out a comparison test over a weekend when I have more opportunity to access my game every four hours. I have a high XP % but not much spare land. Thx in advance….💜X

          • ELLA – You can’t compare bloodmobile/rat trap truck farming and KEM farming that way… The thing about KEM farming is that, if you farm the right number of them (and the “right number” is different for each player, depending on how much income he/she is getting from characters and buildings), you can earn donuts from them without having your cash reserves go down, so you can keep doing it pretty much indefinitely. (Also, it has a higher cash-to-xp earnings ratio.) Over the short term, you’ll always make more donuts farming rat trap trucks or bloodmobiles, but you’ll burn through a lot of cash to do it.

          • I farm 40 KEM’s every four hours. However- My XP% is so great now, I’m reaping lots of cash and doughnuts, and I could easily ramp it up to 44 or 48 KEM’s if I wanted. I recently spent a lot of game cash on Rat Trap delivery trucks, because I wanted to get all 5 beach hideaways before they left the store. So My game cash went down to $12 million. So now I’m trying to raise my cash level again. For now I will be farming 40 KEM’s until my cash is back up above $20 million or so. I don’t think it will take very long to recoup the cash.

            • SILLYBOY- Thx for your reply. I just was wondering how much space I would need should I give it a try. I wld prob need 25 -30 but I don’t have enough room atm. Thx again for your detailed response. Appreciated….💜X

            • SILLYBOY- Thx for your detailed response. Much appreciated. I’d prob need 25-30 with my multiplier but I don’t have the room atm. I think during winter break I may shuffle stuff around in my SF & when I have more opportunities to play every 4 hours….💜X

    • Wait what’s the difference between your hidden and visible xp and how do you see them?

      • You can see your visible XP (and cash) multiplier by tapping on the stars in your Conform-o-Meter. You can’t see your hidden XP multiplier…that’s why they call it “hidden.” But you can see the effect of it by collecting two identical houses (has to be ones that pay out a decent amount of XP to begin with, like the white ones), one with your Springfield Heights buildings out and then the other house after you put one or more of your Springfield Heights buildings in inventory and you’ll see the difference in the amount of XP you actually get.

        More info available towards the end of this post:

  24. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I XP farm and before looking at this post, weighed up the cons of buying this item for 40 donuts and decided I could do better buying jet engine bikes (30 donuts/2%). As there is nothing in the store to indicate the potential 20% bonus, I would have missed out if I had not checked this site. You guys rock!!!

    I have now bought all 5 and fully upgraded 2. My XP has already jumped about 80%, something that would have taken weeks buying jet engine bikes.

    Speaking of which… Jet Engine Bikes are no longer in my store. Have they moved away from decorations? Are my eyes playing up? Or have they been removed by EA. Anyone else missing them…?

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