Should I Spend Donuts On E.P.A. Hoverjet?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The spies are invading Springfield!  Yes, the Secret Agent update has hit our games.  We’ve got hacking, drones, dossiers and a shrinking donut bank account because there are LOADS of spy items in our stores just tempting us with those sprinkles!

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the E.P.A. Hoverjet to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this gas guzzling jet to your Springfield…

Decoration: E.P.A. Hoverjet
Donut Price: 70 Donuts
Conform-O-Meter: Vanity +200
Bonus %/Earns: 2.5% Bonus on all cash and XP
Size: 8×10
Unique?: No, buy as many as you want

Leaves Stores April 25th

-Earn a decent bonus % for donuts spent (not amazing, but decent)
-Animated when tapped…

-No questline associated with it
-No tasks
-Has no impact on the event.
-Animation is the same as all the other hover items/planes.  Blades spin and it hovers slightly in the air but then comes right back down

Final Thought
Premium or Freemium:
Ok, so this is one of those if you like it get it items for both groups of players. , There will be a group of you that will buy it just because you like planes and things, and there will be another group of you that will pass because it’s just another plane.  Basically, if you like it…get it.  If you don’t pass.  The bonus % is decent, but nothing to write home about.  Certainly not something I’d insist you buy if you’re looking to boost your bonus %, there are loads of better items you can get to up your bonus %.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And I can tell you as a premium player, I’ll likely pass. I have enough things that hover in my Springfield.   Just remember this is limited time, and will be leaving our stores soon.  Whatever you decide, So be sure to make your final decision before it’s gone from our games for good. (or for now..)

What are your thoughts on the E.P.A. Hoverjet?  Will you be picking it up or have you already?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

49 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On E.P.A. Hoverjet?

  1. I say pass, because this long time tapper has plenty of vehicles, and – yeah – I guess EA is ignoring Easter / Passover? (Sorry noobs! many of us are still stuck with prior Easter event items! kind of a bummer you don’t get free Donuts for logging into game this year!) 🤔

  2. Off topic…anyone know why we don’t have a 1 hour crop at Cletus’ farm…never occurred to me before, but everything else in the game has a 1 hr mode…why not a crop at the farm? Maybe a fine batch of Happy Tobaccy?🌿🙄 He’s growing moonshine, after all….

  3. No it is too expensive but I am waiting for an article on te botanical garden😋😜

    • The botanical garden is a returning item, so there might be something on it already. It looks nice, has a pleasant sound when you tap on it, has an 8-hour income, no character tasks that I know of. Get it if you like it, but there’s no special benefit to it.

    • Yeah, I’m a new player too and I read the posts about the Botanical Garden here, but I’m still not sure if it’s worth my precious donuts. 😛

  4. Easter,WhatEaster

    The only thing Easter about Tapped Out is your homepage screen of your avatars in the Easter Egg field. Tapped Out (the game itself) isn’t good anymore, to be blunt. We are ‘hacking’ each other, instead of hunting eggs. I guess it will be fun to have the one little Easter black box message they’ll throw together on Sunday. Or, maybe they’ll make Maggie sacrifice an Easter bunny on a stone table…you know a loving Easter message for all.

    • So…you want an EASTER update? Am I getting that?

      Kidding…yes…it would appear the EA is once again cheaping out (not to be confused with Peeps). Bummer. But, many of us do have loads of stuff in storage from Easter’s past…I’ll haul mine out for a personal celebration.

      • Easter,WhatEaster

        Patric…thanks for responding. You’re a good guy. I appreciate the comment, and I am currently reading your new post from today (regarding fundraising). Take care, brotha…and in case Tapped Out (the actual game) doesn’t tell you this, I will: Happy Easter!!! I hope you get this message. Peace to you and yours.

      • Speaking of Peeps, am I the only one loving the dark chocolate dipped original (baby chicken shaped) Peeps!
        Happy Easter Everyone!

  5. Enough with planes, EA. We get it, you find yourself learned how to code planes into the game. Try spacing out your accomplishment a little bit so players don’t get sick of seeing planes everywhere.

  6. Josephine Kick@$$

    I bought it right away & love it 😊

  7. Well, it does stay in hover mode when the Spy Animations switch is activated, so there’s that as well.

  8. AAARRRGGGHHHH! OK sorry had to get that out. I had said I’d scream if they added another plane. I HATE these things, way too big and I’ve never seen a design I think makes them work.

  9. Is the castle HQ (the last craftable item) a separate building, or just a skin?

  10. Not buying this but I did buy the knightboat, better bonus and only 40 donuts with a rebate, 20 back

    • Yeah I bought 2 just because of the discount and they make me much happier than I’m sure this plane will. A pass for me, there are better deals that don’t take up so much space.

    • I’m trying for a fleet of those boats …. Will only harvest at best enough donuts for one more, though. They look nice, which isn’t always true for bonus generators.

  11. “witty comment with lots of likes”

  12. I’m a compulsive buyer. Usually I see these posts after I’ve already purchased the item in question. But, I didn’t even know this one was in the store until I saw your post.

    Still… it’s got a pretty good % bump (not as good as Little Lady Justice, which is also cheaper than the EPA plane). I’m torn!

    You said it’s not the best item to go w/for % bumps. What would you recommend? 🙂

    • Jetbike dealership


      • Right now, it would be a speedboat dealership.

      • Or KnightBoats …lots of them while the rebate lasts.

        Wonder if we’ll ever get a sailboat or catamaran…⛵️😄?We seem to have an abundance of power boats and yachts.
        (I don’t think the ghost ship or the Junks qualify, even if they do have sails)

    • 25 mystery boxes still remains the best donut-to-% deal, although the Fabrege egg comes close (but it seems one can only buy one of those, since I bought it this morning and now it’s not in my store anymore).

  13. Ugh, those aren’t jets! Call it a VTOL or tilt-rotor or something, you doofs!!

  14. I put it next to the EPA truck at the lava mountain🔥 (certainly something the EPA would be interested in🙀)…they might need an aerial observation.
    Norbert is oblivious, but the dragon seems concerned…🐲😭

  15. I liked it… until I saw the size. The animators tend to make planes/vehicles too big in comparison with the structures. Multiple planes (including this one) is about half the size of a mountain and it takes more room to create the angles that make the planes look correctly sized.

    If this was about the size of the attack helicopter or the small plane that came with the Around the World event, I would probably get it.

  16. The EPA Hoverjet fits nicely in my airplane museum, next to the airport.

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