Addicts Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part, you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So, here is your Open Thread…..

The Simpsons are back tonight with an all-new episode! What will happen in the  new episode tonight?

Black History is over and it’s time for something new.  What do you think we’ll see from EA?

How’s your Springfield design coming?  What are you doing with your town? Share some photos in the comments below! (If you need a refresher on how to add photos to the comments check out this post)   

And finally, how was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?

Stay safe.  Wash your hands.  Social distance.  And remember, it’s ok to laugh about people being crazy hoarding all the toilet paper.  As long as you have toilet paper yourself…

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of! (Just no politics, it never ends well)  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!

54 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. Since the last event took forever, I’m working on getting all four of the final prizes. I usually finish 4-5 days ahead, but not this time. I now have two to go. I can’t wait for a new event.

  2. St Patrick s day and everything cancelled, you would think EA would have cheered us up with some green rivers,😠 no effort BOB

    • Honestly, I think the EA team are so scaled down now it’s an effort just to put out these boring grinds we are getting at the moment, never mind having a St Pat’s day or Mother’s Day coming up.

  3. I hope they make O’Flanagan’s Pub available tomorrow for St. Patty’s. My second Springfield is lacking. It hasn’t been available since 2016!

  4. I want green rivers for tomorrow

  5. Are we getting a new event this week? Anyone know. About a update coming soon?

  6. Hi, just want to know whether this is a bug, or I’m missing a building. I can’t complete Mabel and Virgil Simpson’s Logrolling quest. There is simply no “Do it” button to finish the quest. Any help is appreciated.

  7. Happy Sunday all!
    Don’t even know what to say. Kinda like house arrest.
    The Snickers hole is NOT working.
    Hope everyone is and STAYS healthy.
    Gotta do the normal weekly grocery day tomorrow and im seriously scared. I also find out what my job is gonna do in response to this craziness. Kinda stressed about it. I work for a correspondence school so it could cut my workload more than in half if i cant pick up my paper-based exams from the actual school. Online work only goes so far. Ok….we will all be ok. This too will pass, right?
    In the meantime….be excellent to each other.❤

    • Dave gritngile181

      Lets hope we all stay healthy and work mails you the papers. Millions out of work and school. Your enrollment could easily triple next week! The shame is. Youvwont have time for donut grinding.

    • Sandytoes, it seems that it will end eventually as China is beginning to show signs of recovery, the big question of course is when!

      • Amen to that! How about stupidity? When does that die down?

      • The UK 3 weeks behind Italy, still some bad to come

        • I know we are in Scotland and I am at high risk due to chronic health problems, even scarier is my 83 year old mum with COPD and a bunch of other stuff.

          • Sheesh….stay safe!!!

            • Thanks Sandytoes. Our 11 year old daughter was in tears a wee while ago worrying about the virus, there’s no getting away from it as everyone is obsessed with it, it has filled the entirety of most news reports and probably contributing to all the crazy stockpiling going on

              • All you can do is be smart….wash hands….you know, COMMON SENSE stuff we should be doing anyway! Its hard to calm your kids when they get an idea in their heads to worry about! You guys stay safe! ❤😊

  8. Let’s just all hope that EA Bob stays healthy through all of this.

    Even at his worse, it’s better than having no EA Bob.

    We’ll say a prayer for you and your family tonight EA Bob (along with all of those that have been affected by this). Stay healthy, stay happy stay safe. ❤❤❤

  9. SUNDAY!!!! its Corona Sunday…. since people are getting the Corona Virus i went to the store and stock up on Corona Extra, before everyone gets it…. left the Corona light stuff at the store… no one needs that… it’s not real beer… i don’t understand why people need to drink Coronas and have toilet paper around… they should just get adult diapers, no need to worry of pooping their pants and using all that toilet paper… besides Coronas don’t make you poop… Anyways…. have fun.. stay safe.. and keep everyone 6ft apart..

    • Thanks Alissa. My county, Montgomery County in PA, is the worst in the state in number of coronavirus cases. Scared more for my mom who also lives here. With no sports on and staying in more, I am doing even more gaming, so hope EA has something for us next week. The Black History Month event was at least a different theme, even if average in gameplay. I got all the prizes without donuts, so it could be done if you can log in 4 times a day.

  10. If anyone with kids want some good old fashion fun please feel free to TP our house.

  11. Happy Sunday to All …… an I hope All are safe from the coronavirus pandemic (wishful thinking, but I want everyone to be safe and not fighting for their lives in a hospital).

    I was going to suggest a Poll to vote on ” How Many Days ’til We Get A New Load Screen ” (I’m guessing after St. Patrick’s Day) 😂

    Stay Safe / Happy Tapping

    • it’ll be cool if we get a mini evet for that Patrick holiday… they can make the leprechauns in our town (the NPC) give out donuts when you tap them every ten times or 1 donut every 4 or 8 OR 12 hrs…

  12. Karen Ensminger

    Why did they make this last event so difficult to finish? I have 3 files and my husband and son each have one and none of us were able to complete the event. Very frustrating.

    • Karen

      When most of us complained it was too easy …. well EA listened (except their way of making an Event less easy made it the worst grind ever – unless you have lots of 🍩’s). 🙄

      I don’t think any Tapper completed everything unless they had used 🍩’s, or decided not to participate . 🤷🏼‍♂️

      If you still have a Mystery Box for Content, then you will probably find it more rewarding.

    • I busted my butt (not enjoying it AT ALL) to just barely start the last part of each act. That way it would stay on my task bar after the event was over. Now I am working on the last 4 pieces. I’ve finished one, and will finish the second around midnight. Then I will have to get through the tasks for each new character I unlock. Longest Black History Month ever!


    A teacher was going to teach her kindergarten class about Anatomy .
    She asked the class
    if they knew were there brain was .
    They all touched their head.
    She asked the class
    If they knew where their arms and legs were.
    They all touched their arms and legs.
    She asks Little Billy
    If he knew where his heart was.
    He touched his bottom.
    The teacher said no that’s not where your heart is.
    Little Billy said yes yes it is every time my grandmother comes over she picks me up and hugs me and spanks me on my bottom and says bless your little heart.

    See ya bye . 👽

    • i thought little Billy was going to touch his privates when the teacher asked where the brain was…. since apparently man think with their lower part head…. lol.

  14. Hi Everybody😁
    Just coming bye to say hi…
    Have both my “immune system compromised” sister (visiting from Florida) and my 92 year old mother (now living with us) at the house this week…am taking the covid virus issue super seriously 😐. Gave my sister an Instacart subscription for free grocery delivery at her house in Florida for a year and then decided to give myself one also. Don’t know how serious this will get in my area, but it seems like a good precaution to take for under $100 a year.
    If it were just me, I might not be so concerned, but my mom already has breathing issues and I don’t want to unwittingly bring the virus into the house.
    Both Kroger and Publix are included, so I feel like it’s a pretty good deal.

    Anyway…the big St Patrick’s Day event here in Savannah has been cancelled. They really waited till the last minute to announce the decision, so we may still get a horde of potential partiers descending on River Street from all over the southeast. All the locals are staying away from downtown for the next week, tho I guess most of us are already avoiding the tourist areas.
    I feel sorry for all the people who made travel plans and took vacation time to be here this year, but I’m glad the Mayor did the responsible thing and shut it down.

    I hope all of you are keeping safe and well…we’re lucky that one of our favorite pastimes is unaffected by the new social restrictions. My other sister that lives up here is going buggy cuz all her tennis activities and other social gatherings are being cancelled for the next couple months…I guess being anti-social is actually a good thing for a change🤪.

    Watched the Thursday night Stephen Colbert this morning…having no audience made it really hard for him, but he had a doctor on as the only guest with lots of really good (and truthful) information about the covid virus.
    I recommend going on Utube and checking it out if you feel confused by all the weird info being passed around as “true”.

    Well…take care everyone and do your best to act responsibly.
    Hope you all stay safe and healthy.😁

    • The wife and are supposed to take a trip down to Savannah beginning of May. Hope we still can. We love it there. I’m

    • ebron

      May You & Family be safe (& virus free!) 👍🏻

      Ordering anything for Delivery, or Pick Up, is the way to go (until this pandemic passes). You can even do your part by buying what’s necessary, but not overdoing it (the elderly, as we as those who suffer from a respiratory situation from asthma to copd have got to stay safe).

      Stephen Colbert Show was an eye opener with Dr. Sanjay 2 days ago –

      I don’t know what’s more surreal – the fact everything closed (Buffets to Circe Du Soliel) , the fact some employees were temporarily laid off / furloughed, the fact anytime you enter a building someone is taking your temperature with a thermal camera (that looks like a stun gun), the fact I got 3 weeks paid vacation leave (for the 1st time ever), the fact any St. Patrick’s Day celebration is not happening ….. let’s just say anywhere which relies on tourism is effected and the locals who work in that service industry are impacted, too. 🙄

      Let’s all enjoy the new Episode of the Simpsons tonight and hope we get more than “testing kits” soon.

      • Yes a lot of people are or will be impacted.

        I was living and working in Boston a few years ago when the marathon bombing occured (I could see the 26 mile marker from my office window). Boylaton street was closed for a week with the CSI guys analyzing the crime scene. When. It opened, I gathered a gang from the office with the idea of patronizing boylsten street. We out every day for a week at different establishments, leaving healthy tips. Those that work there rely heavily on tips and with things closed for a week they were greatly impacted.

        So when all of this is done, and if you are in a situation where you personally were not greatly affected monetarily, get out to some place where they can use the help.

      • Hey I have a great idea to stop the spread of this thing! Everyone now wants to take your temperature, right? And health and government officials are encouraging you to stay home, and away from other people. So just put up signs everywhere saying anyone passing by will have their temperature taken – rectal thermometers only for greatest accuracy! That should encourage the masses to stay home. Of course, then there is the issue of those that will come out, just for the temperature check………. Yeah, maybe this idea needs some fine tuning.

    • A good source of international updates and useful info without any screaming is Dr. John Campbell’s channel.:

      He is a UK physician and just quietly reports and comments. Includes personal updates from colleagues elsewhere also.

      If the link doesn’t get you there, just search YouTube for

      John Campbell coronavirus

    • Hi Ebron. Be very careful with the food deliveries. The virus can live on surfaces for up to 9 days. I wear nitrile gloves when I bring in my mail and packages. I “quarantine” the envelopes and packages in my dining room with dates on when they came into my house.

      As far as food— be sure to wear gloves when you bring the food inside. I “quarantine” the non refrigerated goods in my dining room, and those that go in my freezer or refrigerator.. I disinfect. You can use 70 percent rubbing alcohol on paper towels and wipe the outside of any plastic, cardboard or cans I wash my eggs in the shell with soap and water and throw out the carton. For butter, I take off the wrapping and put it in a plastic bag. You can’t be too careful. I’d rather use an over abundance of caution, than get sick.

  15. I just started reading an article on

    Here is a quote:

    In this oral history, the creators and stars of The Simpsons reminisce about making the iconic episode “Homer at the Bat.”

    Here’s the link, hope it works.

    After a couple of paragraphs, I just knew I had to share.

  16. Happy tapping all, all good hear, I think, plenty good ect, back to work after my week off, take care all

  17. Happy Sunday fellow tappers!

    Are you kitted out as per Patrics recommendations on Friday? Do you have at least 200 toilet rolls? 😛😛😛😛😛

    If you have to self isolate will you be mega tapping, will you start a new town from scratch or blow up your existing one then rebuild in between checking your tp stash and your temperature for the 27th time? 😷😷😷😷😷😷

    Seriously though stay safe guys and think about your elderly relatives and neighbours. 👪👴👵👪

  18. Happy Sunday everyone

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