Tag Archives: Home Improvement

Super Safi’s Monday Morning Musings 96 – Home Improvement & Married… With Children

Morning Musically-Minded, Medically-Minded, Masticators!

(Today’s post is sponsored by the letter “M”)


Over the past 600+ episodes, The Simpsons has taken us on an amazing journey involving music, science, and food to name a few concepts.

And what better way to start your week, than by discussing some of these concepts Monday morning?

So let’s get started this week by talking about a couple of popular ’90’s television shows.

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Friday Filler – EA Keeps Surprising Us…But In A Good Way?

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

I mean it. I REALLY need a weekend off. But, we’ll get into that in a bit…

The big surprise, is EA surprised me, and allowed me to skip writing a DID (Designing In Downtime) post on Wednesday…because there was no Downtime!   Boom! 

Just when we were CERTAIN that we wouldn’t see anything until at least the first of week of October, we get this mini-update, filled with…uhm…let’s see…what is it filled with again?

I get it. It’s the start of Halloween, and the writing is pretty funny again…but, dammit…THEY STOLE MY SPLOOSH!!!
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