Tag Archives: season 1 recap

Throwing Back Seasons with the Fuzzball – Season 1

Hey hey there friends!

So… the other week or so, Alissa told me that Totbox planned a hiatus from the amazing Throwback posts that I’ve come to love and while I’ll miss the hilarity that is Totbox covering episodes of the Best. Show. Ever., I wondered if it was time for me to step into the arena and take on each season of The Simpsons. Wow though. Writing about each episode of the show is a task and a half. How to find time to watch each one and then give it the due diligence like Tot? It seemed like something that might end up low on my honey-do list.wookieetabletfull2Of course, then coincidence and a confluence of events occurred. One of the goals we’ve had on the site is to provide a variety of different formats for content for y’all. We already have the occasional gameplay videos from Alissa and I hope you’ve checked out the 5 episodes of Addicts Live. They’re a hoot and I’ve really enjoyed being on the last few. The last frontier we hadn’t crossed yet was just doing a podcast. But wait… I’m already doing that. In case you missed my blatant self-promotion from a few months back, I have been recording a podcast of my own where I ramble on about life, the universe, and everything but mostly geek stuff. I’ve been having a great time and somehow have kept the show going for 23 episodes. This is where we get to said coincidence. Continue reading