Tag Archives: What Tapaholics Want

Hey EA… it’s been a while but WE still want things!

Hey there Addictereenos! So I’m texting with Alissa the other day and she’s all “hey Wook… you think you’d have time to do a What the Addicts Want post?” and I’m all “Sure thing boss.” I think if I’d known (or remembered from the last time) what I was getting in to, you might not be reading these words right now. I dredge through the site looking for the last post to use as an example and realize it’s been two years minus a week since we did one. TWO YEARS!!! The horror!

Why would the Wookiee be so remiss in compiling what people wanted? Well the answer became quite clear to me as I did just that. From January 2015 to now, wading through comments and writing down what people asked for, there’s words to describe my efforts that aren’t PG enough for here. Then I remind myself how much I love this community and just get through it. Jebus knows I’ve gone through tougher things than compiling a list. Long story short… truly, all of you really have some great ideas as evidenced by the last list and this one. If you’re interested in what I highlighted this time… click more.

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HEY EA!!! Here’s some more of what the Addicts Want

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Boooooooooooooooo! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… EA stole my beautiful snow and made future so bright I gotta wear shades! Boo hoo!

Oh hey there Addictereenos… so I’m still lamenting the thaw in my town.  I really love snow-time in TSTO.  Of course that made me remember reader ideas about a weather button in our towns to bring back snow which got me remembering more of the great ideas you guys and dolls have.  Every so often, I try to highlight these ideas into one big post and here it is.

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What the Addicts Want (besides land and the monorail)

What’s up Addicts?

So a year has come and gone on this site and I thought the perfect way to start off a new year was with another listing of things YOU want in the game.  The last time we did one of these lists was back in January and February.  Since then, we’ve collected quite a few from those posts, our Tapaholic Requesterinos to EA and in assorted comments I saved. If I forgot anyone, I apologize and I admit to editing some items for readability or conciseness.  There really are some great ideas below.

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New Feature On Addicts

Hello Tappers,

Just wanted to post a quick housekeeping note about our Addicts site…we’ve now added a new page to TSTO Addicts called Tapaholic Requesterinos!
This new section of Addicts is where the Addicts writers will post their future update requests, but it’s also a place for you to let EA know any ideas you may have for the future of The Simpsons Tapped Out! (you know just in case they’re listening, and as Addicts we like to think they are)
You can check it out and post your ideas at Tapaholic Requesterinos

We look forward to seeing what our fellow Addicts want!

Happy Tapping Friends!
