Daily Archives: April 30, 2020

Simpsons Wrestling 2020: Act 3 Premium Questline, Beefy Bishop

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Update time in Springfield!  We’re all getting antsy sitting at home, so it’s nice to have an update to focus on! What’s in store for us this time? Well, it’s time for Burns and Aristotle Amadopolis to have yet another clash of tapping proportions!

With Act 3, one new premium character was introduced. In addition to helping with event currency, the Beefy Bishop comes with his own, beefy, individual questline, so let’s take a look at the full dialogue questline now…

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Simpsons Wrestling Prize Guide: Act 3, Prize 5 Dr. Bonebreak

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

*Ding Ding Ding* Round 3…

The Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 3 we’re tasked with collecting Foam Fingers!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the second part of the story.

So let’s take a look at prize 5 on the Wrestling Prize track…Dr. Bonebreak…

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