Should I Spend Donuts On Bartman?

Hey Howdy Hey Crime Stopping Tappers!

Holy 90’s Bartman!  It’s Superhero time in Springfield!  And when you think Superhero, how can you not think of Bartman?! In fact many of you have been asking just where this purple caped hero has been!  Well he’s officially arrived in Springfield!  Now I know many of you are trying to decide if this 90’s hero is worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to help you decide what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Bartman to YOUR Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this Purple Cape Crusader  to YOUR Springfield!


Character/Skins: Bartman
Donut Price:
60 Donuts

-Premium skin earns 50% more cash and XP on all Jobs
-His 4hr task earns Superhero Event Currency
-Can help attack Felons, in fact he’ll attack a felon in 3hrs
-It’s Bartman!

-A skin for Bart, not an independent character.  So you’ll have to have Bart available to use.
-Doesn’t come with a building/decoration…

Final Thoughts
Much like Spider Pig…this should be an instant buy for you premium players!  First of all it’s another chance for Bart to earn at a premium rate in your Springfield…BUT he’ll also help with Felons.  The fact that he can defeat them in 3hrs (like Spider Pig) is a nice advantage for earning those handcuffs.  This one was an instant buy for me…and if you’re a premium player it should be for you too!

This one is a little tricky.  I know many of you won’t have enough donuts to get Bartman AND Spider Pig.  So if give the choice between the two….I’d go with Spider Pig.  (he’ll attack felons & he’s an independent character.  Independent characters are always better than skins)  However, if you have the donuts (or think you will before Bartman’s gone from the store)…pick him up!  He’s a great buy and can really help you with the event!

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell you I picked Bartman up right away!  However, whatever you decide remember this is a limited-time item and will disappear when the event ends.  So make sure you make your final decision before March 31st or he’ll disappear from the store!

Bartman’s Permanent Tasks:

bartmanfightboss       bart_bartman_go_on_patrol_active_image_4     bart_bartman_victory_pose_image_4

Task Length Earns Location
To the Bart Cave! 1hr $105, 26xp Treehouse
Test Gadgets 4hrs 15 Event Currency Outdoor
Go to School 6hrs $225, 55xp Springfield Elementary
Discover Origin of Mystery Meat 8hrs $420, 105xp Springfield Elementary
Go on Patrol 12hrs $600, 150xp Outdoor
Brood 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Treehouse

Also has 3hr Attack Felon Task when Felons are present in Springfield.  

What are your thoughts on Bartman?  Did you make the purchase or are you waiting?  Why or why not?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

78 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On Bartman?

  1. If you buy the Bart Cave, does he do his 1-hour task there, instead of the treehouse?

  2. I am really kind of sad and surprised they are not offering Bartman and the Bartcave as a package. 🙁

    • They’re both still fairly priced. If they were a package it’d just be a 115 donut price tag. By splitting it up it allows people to just get bartman if they want for a cheaper price 🙂

  3. Level 50! More new items to add to the town! Collecting FP points! Collecting Pies, Capes, and Hells Bells I can’t seem to master this felon capture to get these Damn handcuffs. What’s the deal with that? Is there a glitch? Why is it that when spider pig finishes with the first criminal and gives you the handcuffs, why can’t you send him again for another three hours to get more handcuffs? But task goes back to 75 pies. Crafting these zenith city items is not as simple as it looks. I even use 10 of my valuable donuts to get the loft because I worked at this for two nights straight. Lost a lot of sleep! And still no handcuffs.
    Am I the only person feeling like this?

    • Burrahobbit_L27

      No you’re not alone. I feel frustrated with the drop rates too, especially since I can’t time myself to log in exactly every 8 hours, leaving me with a release rate of 2 convicts around every 22 hrs. Don’t get your point about the glitch though.

  4. johnnyicemaker

    First Donut spend I have made is for Bartman. Brings back memories of my youth watching the show. I only had 60 Donuts saved up until now, and when I saw Bartman was available I jumped at the chance.

  5. I just got an update about the Bartman cave, is it worth it?

  6. Saving up for Duffman so annoyed that everything worth anything in this event is donuts. Would love to get more cool stuff. And the crafting of Zenith City items is seeming to just not happen. Handcuffs and capes. Ugh!

  7. Level 50!! 🙂

  8. Level 50 is here. 🙂

  9. Level 50 just hit!

  10. I bought him immediately, but was disappointed that he didn’t come with the Bartcave. If EA still release this (separately), that’s a rip-off.

    On a side-note, shouldn’t we have a level 50 update any day now?

  11. He does look cool, but is a pass for me. I already have a premium skin for Bart from Kamp Krusty, so it doesn’t seem to be worth it.
    He helps with felons, but like other have said, the bottleneck is not in the defeating of felons, but in their production.

    I echo Robert’s comments: where are the female heroes?!?
    EA seems to forget than women even exist. Or are a secondary consideration… Not impressed there. 🙁
    Gimme a premium hero skin for Lisa or another girl/woman, I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

    • Bangles Dupree

      I wish I had something interesting for Mrs Hibbert to do besides be drunk or argue with her husband. I got Brandine and she has some funny tasks, BUT you can’t see them because they are mostly indoors. We could definitely use more female heroes and better outdoor tasks.

  12. If Ralph Wiggum were to say “that is so 1991” during the quest line, I would be sooooooooo happy.

  13. I’m still on the fence about Bartman but may still get it if I collect the few donuts on time.

    But on a side note in a friend’s town I saw Mr. Burns with a bat man outfit on assuming it was a premium costume I went to check out the price and it wasn’t there did I miss it?

  14. He doesn’t have a Do the Bartman task? Wha!?

    • Agreed! The animation would be hilarious…

      Sadly though, that reference might be lost on all but the oldest of Simpsons fans. I’m pretty sure I still have that album kicking around my parents’ basement. Of course, the “Do the Bartman” Bart and the more modern “Batman” Bartman are pretty different… 🙁

  15. If I was writing this piece, it would have had just one word:


  16. oh yes, i bought him right away, just like spiderpig. even though I try not to spend too much on sprinkles in general i usually buy some for events and managed to get both of them. I just hope nothing else amazing pops up as I’m out of donuts now 🙁

    • I heard rumor that Fruit-Bat-Man is returning for ***** if you’re interested. I don’t know when he’s supposed to return or if the rumor is even true, but that’s what’s been going around.

  17. Coolest. Bart Skin. Ever.

    Had to get this one. For someone like me who grew up watching The Simpsons, and who also remembers how they knocked the Cosby Show out of first place, I had to get this one for old times sake.

  18. I’ve been going back and forth rather to get Bartman (already got Spider Pig) – If I had more criminals, I would already have Bartman – but since the 3 people I already have defeat criminals faster then I can get them, it’s making Bartman NOT a “need” buy. I may still get him, but just waiting right now to see if I can talk myself out of it and save the little donuts that I have left for something else later.

  19. It is only a skin and I do not need any help to defeat Felons. So no.

  20. To be honest his 3 hours felon kill isn’t really that much of an advantage. The bottleneck for Felons is how slowly they are generated by the prison, not how quickly you can knock them down. Even with the basic three attackers it’s easy to keep up with them. there’s a slight advantage for both Bart and Spider pig that they are less likely to be needed in a main plot quest line, but as both have personal quest lines it’s pretty moot. To be honest, that slow rate of criminal generation, and the capes from the HQ, are by far the toughest part of the collector quest. I unlocked collector faster than anyone else I know of, and have been tapping as often as I can, but I’m still not sure I can unlock all the items before issue 3 comes along. I’ll get the three in CBGs quest, and the phone booth is ok, but running the numbers it’s going to be really tight whether I can get the Zeneth City Times. does anyone know if the crafting options and/or ingredients will vanish with issue 3? I really want to know because if I’m just a couple of capes away from the last building (which looks likely), I’d drop a couple of donuts to get it.

    • You have until the end of issue 3 to craft.

      • Excellent, thanks for the clarification! That really takes the pressure off, especially as most people I can see are a fair way behind me so if I was struggling to make it in time they would have no chance. I got the SS membership and have been playing every four hours, so I don’t think it’s possible to go much faster without burning donuts.

  21. I bought him. I thought about it for a day or so as I’m a semi-freemium player. Non of Bart’s other skin appeal to me that much so I only have free ones, the CoC might become premium someday, but I like Bartman so I bought him 🙂

  22. fairiesnboots

    I don’t have a skin for Bart yet and it’s the classic Bartman so even though I pay freemium and this will put me at zero donuts I might just have to get him. But I’m kinda holding out to see if they release the fruit bat man skin for Mr Burns. Tough choice!

  23. Freemium player here, I scooped him up immediately. Yeah, he’s just a skin, but imo it’s the coolest Bart-skin of all time. Plus, donuts are coming fast & furious during this event, especially if you’ve maxed out your friend points. Spider-pig? Thought he was the dumbest, lowest-common-denominator part of the Simpsons movie, never considered purchasing him. Overall, liking the event, but why are there no women involved? We can’t even get Clobber Girl? They’ve made strides in recent months, but the women of Springfield are still sorely underrepresented in this game.

    • Thanks Robert, I think I’ll plop down some donuts now. I’m also a Freemiumer. I was stockpiling my wad for the Black Friday 2015 event, but this is the original skin. I don’t really care that he does his thing in three hours and not four, that doesn’t make any difference to me. It’s fricking Bart-Man!!!

  24. I’d rather spend the 60 on the French Waiter or Bumblebee Man. As you said, independent characters are always better than skins.

    • Bumblebee Man is great. I ummed and aahed before getting him but I’m glad I did. I’m a particular fan of Hank Azaria’s characters though.

  25. Spent all my doughnuts on that silly floating fortress. I’m only 13 short but I got home from work 10 hours ago and even with 5 hours sleep I’ve gotten 6 doughnuts just for hitting the 4000 pie mark twice plus two from visiting Neighbors. It’ll be mine in no time. Btw I find myself only using Fruit Batman to capture felons. He’s the only one who can capture them who doesn’t have a currency earning task and at 3 hours he keeps up pretty well. Too bad, I Love some of the other animations

  26. santasLTLtapper

    No task to “Do the Bartman”? Im gonna pass.

  27. Not sure where to post this, but I purchased all the land available to me. When I was tapping a neighbor’s town, I noticed that he had way more land than me. How is this possible? Did he hack his game? Is my game not working properly? This is bothering me way more than it should, but I need answers.

  28. How does he not have ‘Do the Bartman’ as a task? What kind of world are we living in?

  29. im hoping that i will geather enough donuts to get spiderpig and bartman but if i dont succeed,in your opinion which one should i get

  30. I bought him but only because I have donuts in the bank. If donuts are tight I would say don’t bother, unless they increase the amount of felons that get released. Then think again. Or unless you REALLY want a Bartman skin, of course.

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