Ain’t No Mountain High: Everything You Need to Know About the Money Mountain

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Yesterday Level 52 hit our Tapping Devices and with it arrived a permanent mini event involving Mr. Burns and his Money Mountain.

The Money Mountain is meant to be a long term “project” for you to work on over time in Springfield.  It’s massive and expensive, so breaking it up over time will help lessen the blow to your in game cash bank account.

We covered the basics in our rundown post, but now it’s time to get into the specifics of the Money Mountain and just what happens when you start the quest in your Springfield…


*Note: There is a glitch going on currently with Mr. Burns and the Money Mountain.  Details on it are below.


Update 5.8.15 9:18 PM EDT: Patch hit our games tonight and the Burns glitch is now fixed!  So if you couldn’t see the task before try hard closing and restarting your game and ensure the update downloads (it’s in game so nothing to get from the app store) and it should now be working for you.

There is a KNOWN bug going around that will make Mr. Burns’ task to empty his pockets disappear somewhere between $6,000 and $8,000 when you’re on Level 2.

It will not impact everyone.  I’ve got it in my game but Bunny’s been able to get past level 2 onto Level 3 without an issue.

This is a known issue and EA is working to resolve it.  Hopefully a patch will hit soon. Unfortunately, there is no “quick fix” for this that we can offer.  It will take a patch to resolve.  If you’d like you can add your “me too” to this thread started over on the EA Help forums:

To let EA know you’re impacted by the bug too.  But they won’t be able to resolve the issue until a patch hits the game (in other words calling/chatting EA support won’t help your game individually this time.  All they’ll be able to do is add your ID to the impacted list)

So sit tight.  Hopefully the patch will hit soon.

So, as we always do, let’s start with the basics…

What’s the Requirement for Money Mountain?  Do I Have to Be On Level 52?

Nope, the Money Mountain doesn’t just apply to players at Level 52, despite it arriving with the Level 52 update.  The Money Mountain applies to all players Level 25 and above.  So many of you are seeing this quest popup in your game…despite not being at Level 52.

How Does the Money Mountain Quest Start?

A ! will popup over Mr. Burns starting the Rolling In It task for Mr. Burns and Homer.  That kicks off the mini event.

I’m At Level _____ (something higher than 25) and I Haven’t Had This Task Trigger For Me.  What Do I Do?

First, don’t panic.  It’s not a big deal.  You probably just have too many tasks open/lined up in your game.  Eventually the Money Mountain will trigger for you, so don’t worry.  Again…it’s not timed.  🙂

When Does the Money Mountain Quest End?

Currently, there is no end date.  It’s meant to be a long term goal, so take your time with it.  There’s no rush to finish.

What’s the Purpose of Money Mountain?  What do I Get If I Complete it?

There are 11 Levels to Money Mountain if you complete all 11 Levels you’ll unlock the Monty Moneybags skin for Mr. Burns.


What Happens When Mr. Burns Throws Money Into The Money Mountain? 

It’s costing YOU money every time Mr. Burns throws money into Money Mountain.  So YOUR in game cash will disappear each time you send Mr. Burns to “empty his pockets”.  So again..take your time with it.  It’s meant to be a long term goal.

How Much Of My In-Game Cash Will Be Needed to Complete the Whole Event?

The total through all 11 Level is $5,500,000.

Money Safe 1600 Donuts to Cash

Do I Have to Do This Event?

No.  It’s not a requirement for anything, except to get the Monty Moneybags Skin.  So you do not have to complete it to move onto any level/event in Springfield.  It’ll just remain in your task bar.

Does Monty Moneybags (the Skin you earn) Have a Questline?

Yes, he’ll have a full 4 part questline (which we’ll cover later in this post).

Does Monty Moneybags (the Skin you Earn) Earn at a Premium Rate?

No.  He earns at a SUPER premium rate.  He’ll earn even more than a premium character would.  (we’ll break his tasks down later in this post)

How Big is Money Mountain?  Do I Have to Keep it In my Springfield?

It’s 11×11, so pretty big.  And no you don’t have to keep it in your Springfield.  You can store it at any time in your inventory.

moneymountain base

What Will Money Mountain Do?  Does It Earn Anything?

It’ll change appearances with each level increase, it’ll grow in height and more stuff will be added (we’ll have images later in this post).  It will not earn you in game cash/xp.  It’s basically a giant decoration and will earn you 450 Vanity points for your Conform-O-Meter.

So now…let’s get into more specifics about the Ain’t No Mountain High mini event and breakdown each level.


As mentioned above, as long as you’re on Level 25 Mr. Burns will start this quest for you.  It’ll kick off with Rolling in It. Which will give you a task to complete for Homer and Mr. Burns.

Rolling in It
Mr. Burns starts

Make Homer Enjoy His “Day Off”- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Mr. Burns Peruse the Latest Issue of ‘Snobby Hobbies’- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp 

THIS will start the Ain’t No Mountain High Enough task.  And you’ll see the levels popup on your screen…


Here are the requirements for each Level…as well as what the Money Mountain will look like after each level…

Level 1

Make Lisa Sulk– 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp
Place Mr. Burn’s Money Mountain– Costs $5,000.  Requires Level 25.  11×11 in size. 

moneymountain base

Level 2

Make Mr. Burns Spend 10,000 Money– This Requires $1,000 of your own money and 10 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 40 Donuts)



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Level 3

Make Mr. Burns Spend 15,000 Money- This Requires $1,500 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 60 Donuts)



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Level 4

Make Mr. Burns Spend $25,000 Money- This Requires $2,500 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 100 Donuts)



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Level 5

Make Mr. Burns Spend $50,000 Money- This Requires $5,000 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 200 Donuts) 



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Level 6

Make Mr. Burns Spend $100,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$5,000 each time @ 30min.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (10 total hrs)
$10,000 each time @ 6 hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (60 total hours)
 (Instant Upgrade 250 Donuts)



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Level 7

Make Mr. Burns Spend $300,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$15,000 each time @ 30min.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (10 total hrs)
$30,000 each time @ 6hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (60 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 300 Donuts)



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Level 8

Make Mr. Burns Spend $500,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$25,000 each time @ 2hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (40 total hrs)
$50,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 350 Donuts)



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Level 9

Make Mr. Burns Spend $750,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$37,500 each time @ 2hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (40 total hrs)
$75,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$150,000 each time @ 16hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (80 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 412 Donuts/400 if you do Smithers task)
Make Smithers Wander Aimlessly- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp



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Level 10

Make Mr. Burns Spend $1,250,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$62,500 each time @ 3hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (60 total hrs)
$125,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$250,000 each time @ 32hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (160 total hrs)
 (Instant Upgrade 450 Donuts)



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Level 11

Make Mr. Burns Spend $2,500,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$125,000 each time @ 3hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (60 total hrs)
$250,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$500,000 each time @ 32hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (160 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 500 Donuts) 


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The level 11 image above is how the Money Mountain will look in your Springfield when the task is complete.

Once you’ve completed all 11 Levels you’ll unlock the Monty Moneybags skin.  However, in order to get the skin you must first trigger the questline by Mr. Burns.  He should appear with a ! right after you’ve leveled up to Level 11.

The Monty Moneybags skin will be placed in your inventory….

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Once you pull him from your inventory here’s what his character unlock screen will look like:

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Here’s a look at the questline you’ll see appear once you’ve completed Level 11…

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 1
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Mount the Money Mountain- 24hrs, Earns $1,800, 450xp

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 2
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Celebrate Atop the Mountain- 4hrs, Earns $525, 125xp
Make Smithers Become a Hideous Drunken Wreck- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp 

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 3
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Frolic in Currency- 12hrs, Earns $1260, 300xp

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 4
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Explore the Caverns of Cash- 1hr, Earns $210, 88xp

And finally…here’s a look at Monty Moneybags tasks and payouts…

Task Length  Earns  Location
Explore the Caverns of Cash 1hr $210, 51xp Money Mountain
Celebrate Atop the Mountain 4hrs $525, 135xp Money Mountain
Narrowly Escape a Tunnel Collapse 8hrs $825, 210xp Money Mountain
Frolic in Currency 12hrs $1,260, 300xp Money Mountain/Visual
Mount the Money Mountain 24hrs $1,800, 450xp Money Mountain/Visual


Whew!  And there you have it my friends…everything you need to know about Money Mountain and Monty Moneybags!

My best advice…don’t worry about it right now.  Money Mountain will still be around after the Terwilligers Event is over.  So right now focus your time and character tasks on earning that crafting currency for Terwilligers, because that is limited-time.  Think of Money Mountain as a side quest.  Something to do when you’re bored in TSTO & don’t worry about it right now.

Also, one quick note.  Since this is a permanent addition to our towns..this post has been permanently linked on the menu of TSTO Addicts.  So you can quickly come back to reference it at any time by going to the navigation menu of TSTO Addicts and it’s listed under Tips and Tricks. 

What are your thoughts on Money Mountain?  How about Monty Moneybags?  Have you started the quests or are you waiting?  Thoughts on Monty Moneybags payouts?  Will you be storing or keeping Money Mountain in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


365 responses to “Ain’t No Mountain High: Everything You Need to Know About the Money Mountain

  1. I’m stuck at 95,000 money at Level 6. No matter how much money I make Mr Burns throw onto the mountain, the money never goes over 95K to 100K and I never get to upgrade to level 7. Should I try clearing my game data and my cache or should I contact EA? Anyone else have this glitch? Thanks.

    • I would first try clearing the game data and also uninstalling/reinstalling. If that doesn’t work contact EA (EA will make you try those steps first anyway)

    • Clearing the cache appears to have fixed it; I’m now at Level 7. Did not need to clear data or uninstall / reinstall. I can’t believe it was that simple. Thanks, Alissa!

  2. I was hoping I would get the money back

  3. Here’s another “happy glitch” I found which they don’t seem to have fixed yet. When you finish dumping the required amount of money onto the mountain to upgrade to the next level, instead of upgrading it, just go to Burns and send him on another money-dumping task. THEN, while he’s doing it, upgrade the mountain. Even though you got charged the value of the previous level for that task (say, 25,000 if you were previously on level 7 and used the 2-hour task), when it finishes it’ll add the value for the new level (i.e. 37,500). It’s worked for me for three consecutive level upgrades. I only used the 2-hour task on these occasions, but by logic it should also apply to the longer tasks (which could potentially save you even more money).

    • Edit: it does work for the longer tasks too. The thing is, when completing each level, you have to make sure to add the exact amount of money required to complete that level. This way you’ll be able to start a new task before actually clicking on the mountain to upgrade it. If you add more than required, the tasks will no longer be available until you upgrade, and you’ll just lose all the extra money you’ve added.

  4. So all of Burns’ vest tasks take place in or on Money Mountain? I don’t get to see him walking around town in his vest?

    I’m still on the fence about this…haven’t placed the mountain yet, although I’ve done everything that’s a prerequisite to that. If I don’t place it, I guess I’ll have Bobo in my task list forever, right?

    (Lol – autocorrect wants to name his bear “Bono”…doesn’t really seem to fit somehow…. 😉 )

    • Yup all in or on Money Mountain. He’ll walk around in the vest if you put him in it and don’t assign a task.

      And yup…Bobo will taunt you forever..

  5. I just finished my Money mountain quest, took me like 3 weeks? (Give or take a few days). The higher level you reach, the longer it is for you to finish a task (3h, 10h,1d8h). And the base XP reward is 10% of the money cost.

  6. I’m working on level 8 now, and I have an additional option to add $100,000 in 16 hours that’s not mentioned here (although I see you did include the 16-hr task on higher levels). Was that added in a later update?

  7. So I have some observations. As it happens, my game “happy glitched” the money mountain up to level 9 way back when. That seemed like a good thing at the time. Now that the Monsarno event is over, I’m having Mr Burns toss money onto the mountain. I’ve noticed that each time I do this, I get a really big XP payout: 6250 XP per 3 hour task. Now I’m glad to be getting all of that XP now, but I can’t help but wonder how much XP I lost when I happy glitched up to level 9. It’s a trade off I suppose. I saved a lot of cash with the glitch, but lost out on a lot of XP. I would have liked to have all of that XP for getting Bonuts. Anyway….what do you think? Anyone have any opinions or observations?

  8. I just had an even weirder glitch than the next one (and it’s been what, more than 3 weeks?). I was $10,000 short of upgrading to level 6 and I had Burns throwing money at the mountain. I accidentally clicked on the mountain and it just upgraded itself to level 6, and I now have the “do it” button next to the empty $ meter, even though Burns’s task didn’t end (he is still throwing money at the mountain). I’m assuming this ongoing task won’t count in upgrading to level 7, though, since that money was already spent.

    • Oh wait, it’s even weirder than I thought. The upgrade message I got when the above happened was that of level 5 (“this is turning out…”), even though I was already at level 5. Now, the money mountain window now says I’m at level 6 (and yes, the job Burns just finished did count as a $5,000 headstart), but it still has the look of level 5! WEIRD. I’m wondering if it’ll stay like that until I upgrade to level 7.

      • Also… I now have Burns throwing money at the mountain again, but the golden bear icon still appears unchecked at the top of my taskbook.

        • I have noticed that an odd thing is happening in towns. You can tap on a neighbors pool and upgrade it for them. Pay the money. Or at least it looks that way. I wonder if the same is happening with the Mountain and a neighbor is upgrading it for you… so to speak.

      • Correction: it turns out the level and look did change, I got confused with the level sequence (since the active visual in the money mountain window refers always to the next level, not the current one). All the rest is true. Sorry for the flooding!

  9. Im so disappointed with the farmers market. Its so small! I thought it’d be bigger…

  10. I have 2 tasks related to this at the moment, “Empty Pockets onto Mountain” and “Shovel Money onto Mountain”. The second one I think is new. Costs 10000 and takes 6h. I don’t get what is different and since I didn’t read all of the above (only searched for “shovel” and got nothing) I am just doing this instead…

  11. The mountain stops looking deflated once you get the car on top. Then it starts looking nice. Since it is fairly cheap to that level. there is hope for the cash strapped.

  12. Stochasticity

    Has anyone calculated the minimum time required to complete this (assuming sleep, etc.)?

    Basically it seems a big waste of time and money. It aught to be called the Money Pit instead of th Money Mountain.

    • Yes, it is a total money sucker. But, Meh, If I keep playing like I have, it will pay for itself in about an even decade (assuming old Monty will be needed for other tasks.) Which kind of bites, but is way better than the infinite years it will take the Popsicle Stick Skyscraper and Giant Magnifying glass to pay out. Also, having that Golden ‘throne’ in there somehow makes up for the Giant Toilet that never surfaced.

    • EVERYTHING in this game would be a waste of money, if we had to pay real cash for it. But what use is there for fake in-game currency other than spending it on buildings and decorations anyway? What else were you saving for? The money mountain is just another aspirational building for those who like to spend fake money on really big watchamacallits, only with a more interesting questline. I don’t get all the fuss – if you don’t like it, just don’t do it, forget about it and move on.

  13. this task/quest still hasn’t trigger on my account. 🙁 i’ve posted in the EA forum as well, but still nothing. what can i do?

    • Just wait. It’s NOT timed, and not really an important task to move onto anything. If you have a lot of tasks in your task bar (or pending still that you don’t see) it won’t trigger for you. Takes a little while…just wait it out eventually it’ll hit.

  14. I’ve actually got a glitch on Level 6. My only option is to spend $5000 x 20. No option for the $10000×10. Have done it twice so far, still says I’m at zero, Is this another common glitch? Report to EA?

  15. Has anyone else noticed that the payout on XP for Mr. Burns is not correct?

    I’m working on Level 7 of the Money Mountain at the moment, where the reward for the 30 min. task is 1500 XPs. My Conform-o-meter bonus is 67.6%, which should mean a reward total of 2514 XPs but I’m receiving 2472 Xps, or 64.8% bonus.

    I put the 2% bonus jet bike into storage, and then the bonus payout was 62.8% and not the 65.6% showing in my Conform-o-meter.

    At this level, this could be a shortfall of 1,000 XPs a day (30 min. task X 24 times) for an addict with time on their hands!

    Any thoughts/ideas/flaws in my maths calculations?

  16. Something i noticed: I am playing TSTO with my colleague and he had the bug/glitch while I didn’t. This morning he told me that his went from Level 2 with a glitch to a level 5 (or 6) right away and now he can get Burns to throw his money again. Mine was still at level three at that time but once I was able to upgrade to level 4 it went straight to level 6. Is that a lovely present from EA or is it another glitch? – Not that I am complaining. 🙂

  17. I got a strange one but good I noticed as mr burns fishishes the final task before the upgrade on the mountain if I send him to throw money right before I upgrade the mountain I get the first upgrade on the next level at the previous levels cost.

  18. chris hubbard

    Its funny people are complaining about it being 5.5 million. Its a vanity item with a bonus. If you bouggt other vanity items for millions what is the difference oh a big one. This one will give you burns costume that earns more. So shut up. If you spent 8 million on the oil rig that gives nothing back you are just being a cry baby. Its a game. Its a vanity item with a bonus that you can spend and upgrade over time. Gives people who are maxxed out on the game something to do between levels.

  19. In a weird way, MM is kind of like an aspirational building (like the Escalator to Nowhere, Popsicle Stick Skyscraper) but is more easily attainable. Instead of needing 5 million right away you can get it a bit at a time. AND you get a cool…no…a SUPERCOOL skin for Mr. Burns!

    Hopefully, this is the start of even more similar structures. I would LOVE to see something like having to build the nuclear (pronounced “new-cue-ler” of course) submarine from scratch like the MM.

  20. johnny appleseed

    Ive been playing this recycled task given game for a little over a year now & its getting super boring. The whole ripping off the clash of clans thing was a complete show of running out of ideas. (Just like the countless tapping of other seasonal recycled tasks). If EA doesnt come up with something refreshingly new…I’m outta here.

  21. $ 5.5 million for just one Monty Moneybags skin for Mr. Burns ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! This is a robbery ! I’m not going to play this task !!!!

    • I forgot to write ! The total cost is 5 and a half million. During the day, most due to $ 1,800 . To recoup your investment needs about 3055 days! Or about 8 years!!!!! Totally not profitable, unless you have the time ! Lot of time!

  22. cjbrownlv788

    the Monty Moneybags skin for Mr. Burns
    It can wait all year
    I need $1260000 for the Slaughter House
    Once this Event is over with
    Tappers learn their own priorities in this game 😉

  23. My Money Mountain task glitched, but it eventually moved through on its own. I’m now on Level 3. I am pretty sure mine started the glitch at the end of Level 1, though. Burns had done maybe 4 of the 10mins tasks, and then suddenly the task wasn’t there anymore. So I had him just go back to the fertilizer (2hr) task. Oddly enough, when Burns completed these 2hr tasks, Money Mtn would progress. Not every time, though. It was weird. MM progressed to Level 2 after a couple of the fertilizer tasks! Then, MM kept progressing off and on through Level 2, until all of a sudden, Burns came up with a 30mins MM task! He did it once, and moved on to Level 3. So I wouldn’t worry so much about a patch. Mine worked itself out on its own. Just be patient. 🙂

  24. Everytime i read the title of this post, Marvin Gayge and Tammi Terrell voices start singing in my

    “Cause baby,
    There ain’t no mountain high enough
    Ain’t no valley low enough
    Ain’t no river wide enough
    To keep me from getting to you babe”

  25. Hello Alissa, Bunny and Wookie, I’m not asking, I hope, for a spoiler, but from what you can ‘see’ will we have to complete the full 11 levels and achieve Monkey-man-Burns (“See my vest, see my vest, it’s made of real gorilla chest!” 😉 to then progress to a future Level 53? I guess I’m asking is EA trying to come up with high-level delay tactics 😉

  26. moneymadem398

    I cant wait to get monty moneybags

  27. Is it fixed? I got to level 9 quickly and cheaply with the glitch, but like Katy, didn’t want to spend donuts to speed Smithers’ 24 hr task, so I won’t know if it still still works until Smithers is finished. Even if it’s fixed, I still saved a lot of time and money! If I can’t still exploit the glitch, I’ll probably put off further funding of the mountain until after the curt event is over.

  28. Got to level 9, but then being a freemium player I didn’t want to spend the doughnuts on rushing Smithers’ 24 hour task. Still nice to be able to keep the majority of my $4mil capital though, and be a LOT closer to unlocking moneybags 🙂 thanks for the heads up ladies and gents!

    • bet you are regretting that now…

      • OtriviaLaLavia

        Did the same as Katy & don’t regret it. I’d rather spend several million of my $20+mill. in game dollars than my donuts. Grateful I got to level 8 spending very little, but I’m in no hurry to finish so I’ll just take my time spending several thousand game $s every so often. Now if the glitch was still usable I’d spend the time to rush the mountain build, but as freemium, not my donuts.

        On another note I see that EA’s all over glitches that put THEM at a disadvantage, but when PLAYERS are being disadvantaged by glitches, not so much.

      • No reason to.

    • I did exactly the same thing, all without spending a penny; I never sent Mr. Burns at all! He was busy at Monsarno the entire time. Waiting for Smithers to finish wandering aimlessly now. Then Mr. Burns will have to upgrade to levels 10 & 11 the old fashioned way. I love that he tops the mountain with a solid gold Bobo!

  29. Hard closed, in game update, glitch fixed, Darn it!!

  30. Awwwww, EA fixed the glitch 🙁
    Managed to get to Level 6…

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