Ain’t No Mountain High: Everything You Need to Know About the Money Mountain

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Yesterday Level 52 hit our Tapping Devices and with it arrived a permanent mini event involving Mr. Burns and his Money Mountain.

The Money Mountain is meant to be a long term “project” for you to work on over time in Springfield.  It’s massive and expensive, so breaking it up over time will help lessen the blow to your in game cash bank account.

We covered the basics in our rundown post, but now it’s time to get into the specifics of the Money Mountain and just what happens when you start the quest in your Springfield…


*Note: There is a glitch going on currently with Mr. Burns and the Money Mountain.  Details on it are below.


Update 5.8.15 9:18 PM EDT: Patch hit our games tonight and the Burns glitch is now fixed!  So if you couldn’t see the task before try hard closing and restarting your game and ensure the update downloads (it’s in game so nothing to get from the app store) and it should now be working for you.

There is a KNOWN bug going around that will make Mr. Burns’ task to empty his pockets disappear somewhere between $6,000 and $8,000 when you’re on Level 2.

It will not impact everyone.  I’ve got it in my game but Bunny’s been able to get past level 2 onto Level 3 without an issue.

This is a known issue and EA is working to resolve it.  Hopefully a patch will hit soon. Unfortunately, there is no “quick fix” for this that we can offer.  It will take a patch to resolve.  If you’d like you can add your “me too” to this thread started over on the EA Help forums:

To let EA know you’re impacted by the bug too.  But they won’t be able to resolve the issue until a patch hits the game (in other words calling/chatting EA support won’t help your game individually this time.  All they’ll be able to do is add your ID to the impacted list)

So sit tight.  Hopefully the patch will hit soon.

So, as we always do, let’s start with the basics…

What’s the Requirement for Money Mountain?  Do I Have to Be On Level 52?

Nope, the Money Mountain doesn’t just apply to players at Level 52, despite it arriving with the Level 52 update.  The Money Mountain applies to all players Level 25 and above.  So many of you are seeing this quest popup in your game…despite not being at Level 52.

How Does the Money Mountain Quest Start?

A ! will popup over Mr. Burns starting the Rolling In It task for Mr. Burns and Homer.  That kicks off the mini event.

I’m At Level _____ (something higher than 25) and I Haven’t Had This Task Trigger For Me.  What Do I Do?

First, don’t panic.  It’s not a big deal.  You probably just have too many tasks open/lined up in your game.  Eventually the Money Mountain will trigger for you, so don’t worry.  Again…it’s not timed.  🙂

When Does the Money Mountain Quest End?

Currently, there is no end date.  It’s meant to be a long term goal, so take your time with it.  There’s no rush to finish.

What’s the Purpose of Money Mountain?  What do I Get If I Complete it?

There are 11 Levels to Money Mountain if you complete all 11 Levels you’ll unlock the Monty Moneybags skin for Mr. Burns.


What Happens When Mr. Burns Throws Money Into The Money Mountain? 

It’s costing YOU money every time Mr. Burns throws money into Money Mountain.  So YOUR in game cash will disappear each time you send Mr. Burns to “empty his pockets”.  So again..take your time with it.  It’s meant to be a long term goal.

How Much Of My In-Game Cash Will Be Needed to Complete the Whole Event?

The total through all 11 Level is $5,500,000.

Money Safe 1600 Donuts to Cash

Do I Have to Do This Event?

No.  It’s not a requirement for anything, except to get the Monty Moneybags Skin.  So you do not have to complete it to move onto any level/event in Springfield.  It’ll just remain in your task bar.

Does Monty Moneybags (the Skin you earn) Have a Questline?

Yes, he’ll have a full 4 part questline (which we’ll cover later in this post).

Does Monty Moneybags (the Skin you Earn) Earn at a Premium Rate?

No.  He earns at a SUPER premium rate.  He’ll earn even more than a premium character would.  (we’ll break his tasks down later in this post)

How Big is Money Mountain?  Do I Have to Keep it In my Springfield?

It’s 11×11, so pretty big.  And no you don’t have to keep it in your Springfield.  You can store it at any time in your inventory.

moneymountain base

What Will Money Mountain Do?  Does It Earn Anything?

It’ll change appearances with each level increase, it’ll grow in height and more stuff will be added (we’ll have images later in this post).  It will not earn you in game cash/xp.  It’s basically a giant decoration and will earn you 450 Vanity points for your Conform-O-Meter.

So now…let’s get into more specifics about the Ain’t No Mountain High mini event and breakdown each level.


As mentioned above, as long as you’re on Level 25 Mr. Burns will start this quest for you.  It’ll kick off with Rolling in It. Which will give you a task to complete for Homer and Mr. Burns.

Rolling in It
Mr. Burns starts

Make Homer Enjoy His “Day Off”- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Mr. Burns Peruse the Latest Issue of ‘Snobby Hobbies’- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp 

THIS will start the Ain’t No Mountain High Enough task.  And you’ll see the levels popup on your screen…


Here are the requirements for each Level…as well as what the Money Mountain will look like after each level…

Level 1

Make Lisa Sulk– 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp
Place Mr. Burn’s Money Mountain– Costs $5,000.  Requires Level 25.  11×11 in size. 

moneymountain base

Level 2

Make Mr. Burns Spend 10,000 Money– This Requires $1,000 of your own money and 10 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 40 Donuts)



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Level 3

Make Mr. Burns Spend 15,000 Money- This Requires $1,500 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 60 Donuts)



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Level 4

Make Mr. Burns Spend $25,000 Money- This Requires $2,500 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 100 Donuts)



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Level 5

Make Mr. Burns Spend $50,000 Money- This Requires $5,000 of your own money and 30 minutes each time.  You’ll have to complete it 10 times to finish this level.  (Instant Upgrade 200 Donuts) 



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Level 6

Make Mr. Burns Spend $100,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$5,000 each time @ 30min.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (10 total hrs)
$10,000 each time @ 6 hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (60 total hours)
 (Instant Upgrade 250 Donuts)



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Level 7

Make Mr. Burns Spend $300,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$15,000 each time @ 30min.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (10 total hrs)
$30,000 each time @ 6hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (60 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 300 Donuts)



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Level 8

Make Mr. Burns Spend $500,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$25,000 each time @ 2hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (40 total hrs)
$50,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 350 Donuts)



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Level 9

Make Mr. Burns Spend $750,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$37,500 each time @ 2hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (40 total hrs)
$75,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$150,000 each time @ 16hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (80 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 412 Donuts/400 if you do Smithers task)
Make Smithers Wander Aimlessly- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp



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Level 10

Make Mr. Burns Spend $1,250,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$62,500 each time @ 3hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (60 total hrs)
$125,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$250,000 each time @ 32hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (160 total hrs)
 (Instant Upgrade 450 Donuts)



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Level 11

Make Mr. Burns Spend $2,500,000 Money- At this point, you’ll have a couple of different ways you can do this.  Here are the options:
$125,000 each time @ 3hrs.  You’ll have to complete 20 times to finish.  (60 total hrs)
$250,000 each time @ 10hrs.  You’ll have to complete 10 times to finish. (100 total hrs)
$500,000 each time @ 32hrs.  You’ll have to complete 5 times to finish (160 total hrs)
(Instant Upgrade 500 Donuts) 


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The level 11 image above is how the Money Mountain will look in your Springfield when the task is complete.

Once you’ve completed all 11 Levels you’ll unlock the Monty Moneybags skin.  However, in order to get the skin you must first trigger the questline by Mr. Burns.  He should appear with a ! right after you’ve leveled up to Level 11.

The Monty Moneybags skin will be placed in your inventory….

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Once you pull him from your inventory here’s what his character unlock screen will look like:

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Here’s a look at the questline you’ll see appear once you’ve completed Level 11…

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 1
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Mount the Money Mountain- 24hrs, Earns $1,800, 450xp

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 2
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Celebrate Atop the Mountain- 4hrs, Earns $525, 125xp
Make Smithers Become a Hideous Drunken Wreck- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp 

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 3
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Frolic in Currency- 12hrs, Earns $1260, 300xp

Mr. Moneybags Pt. 4
Burns starts

Make Monty Moneybags Explore the Caverns of Cash- 1hr, Earns $210, 88xp

And finally…here’s a look at Monty Moneybags tasks and payouts…

Task Length  Earns  Location
Explore the Caverns of Cash 1hr $210, 51xp Money Mountain
Celebrate Atop the Mountain 4hrs $525, 135xp Money Mountain
Narrowly Escape a Tunnel Collapse 8hrs $825, 210xp Money Mountain
Frolic in Currency 12hrs $1,260, 300xp Money Mountain/Visual
Mount the Money Mountain 24hrs $1,800, 450xp Money Mountain/Visual


Whew!  And there you have it my friends…everything you need to know about Money Mountain and Monty Moneybags!

My best advice…don’t worry about it right now.  Money Mountain will still be around after the Terwilligers Event is over.  So right now focus your time and character tasks on earning that crafting currency for Terwilligers, because that is limited-time.  Think of Money Mountain as a side quest.  Something to do when you’re bored in TSTO & don’t worry about it right now.

Also, one quick note.  Since this is a permanent addition to our towns..this post has been permanently linked on the menu of TSTO Addicts.  So you can quickly come back to reference it at any time by going to the navigation menu of TSTO Addicts and it’s listed under Tips and Tricks. 

What are your thoughts on Money Mountain?  How about Monty Moneybags?  Have you started the quests or are you waiting?  Thoughts on Monty Moneybags payouts?  Will you be storing or keeping Money Mountain in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


365 responses to “Ain’t No Mountain High: Everything You Need to Know About the Money Mountain

  1. I have a question. It is posible that i didint get my monty moneybags outfit because i cant complete the quest and i cant find it..

  2. Wish I’d known it was not being given back… the money that is.. kind of thought it would be like a huge piggy bank tward the end I realized I was wrong.. I got to money bags and just feel like I was ripped off… should of looked it up sooner I guess ><.

  3. I got mine at level 31

  4. …so, my money mountain is nearing the end of level nine (ok, ~slowly~ nearing the end of level nine), and the only related task available for Mr Burns is to empty his pockets. For half an hour. A measly 15k at a time.

    Technically, he shouldn’t even be ABLE to still empty his pockets there, right? Anybody else seeing this?

    Or was there an adjustment made to these tasks while I was grinding events, railyard, and heights? I totally could’ve missed it while sleep-tapping…

  5. After completing the Money Mountain I experienced the same issue as “RD” posted on Nov 16. The “Monty Moneybags” suit never appeared. Tried uninstall/reinstall and nothing.

    • Best thing I can tell you is to contact EA

    • Did you get this solved? Same issue here.

      • I thought I had the same problem and contacted EA. Turns out, when you go to start the quest, you just have to scroll through the inventory menu that pops up to find it (I actually got 2, not that I can ever use 2). It’s not in the Characters menu. I also did the re-install, so it may have been that. Hurray, see my vests!

  6. FYI Level 9, Smithers wanders aimlessly for 24 hours. Task still requires $750,000. One of Burns tasks is 10 Hours of dumping truckloads of money @ $250,000 and 25000 XP – which is a change from where it was back when it was introduced and the plot line detailed by our overworked hosts.
    $250,000 @ Three times 10 hours for 30 hours total, instead of $75,000 @ Ten times 10 hours for 100 hours total.

  7. Question for those that have completed money mountain – once it’s done, do you have the option to display it at any of the levels (similar to the Radioactive Man statue, giant snowman, gingerbread mansion, etc?). Thanks!

  8. I am on level 59 currently and just completed the money mountain a few days ago. I want to start the monty moneybags quest line but the skin won’t appear in my inventory. I tried browsing through previous responses and didn’t see anyone else able to resolve this issue. I spent over an hour today on live chat with EA and they are telling me they have added the skin to my account twice and it should be there x 2 now. I still can’t see it despite multiple log offs/ons. The final response from EA was that I have too much stuff in my inventory and if I unload some of it, the skin will appear.

    Tried that, adding back extra characters and NPCs, and sellling off anything and everything I could, but still no skin. Any thoughts on this? Anyone else had something similar?

  9. I’m on level 3 so far and have not recieved any donuts for upgrading. Why is it doing that?

  10. Did you say you get 500 donuts for completing?

  11. I upgraded to level 7 spent 100k and never got my XP points for the task idk if it was the dialogue that occurred that messed it up. Plus I also got 10 day supply of 5x multiplier so I would’ve been a huge jump since I also just leveled up. That’s not normal is it?

  12. Okay so in our game theres the moutians and behind rhem are buildings is this part of it or no??

  13. I am on level 26 and I still don’t have money mountain

    • Let me ask you this, are you only looking at the Level of XP you are on at the bottom of your game screen? Or have you actually completed Level 24 and into Level 25 via Game Play. Done with Dr. Hibbert’s Questline? In other words, where are you on the actual Game Play Questlines & Walkthroughs. That is where the triggers are. The actual Game Play Level.

  14. Will I be able to change the appearance of themoney mountain after I got it, or will it just stay this ridiculozsly big? I don’t even know if I want to finish this quest…

  15. Alissa thanks for your reply. I checked burns and it’s not in his inventory. When I try to start the ” make Monty moneybags mount …” Task part 1. It opens my inventory… But again there is no skin..? I’ll try to reload game and see if it shows up… With all the springfield hts. And monorail activities going on I’ve had a lot of crashed and screen freezes so I’m guessing it’s a glitch.. I’ll keep trying and if I figure out where moneybags is I’ll post it for anyone else experiencing same issue.. Thanks again.

  16. Ok, finished money mountain and I remember getting the Monty moneybags skin but like others I cannot find it in my inventory or on my character … I had the issue way back with sacagwea Lisa.. Any thoughts or is this a glitch ea is working on?? Thanks

  17. Finally complete this! Phew!

  18. I’m on Mr. Moneybags Pt. 2, Smithers’ task says it’s at -56/1! I’ve gotten it down to -54/1, but I really hope this won’t go on.

  19. I’m in level 7. I should spend 30000 for the 6 hour task. I’ve just lost 100k for the 6 hour task. Did EA change the Money Mountain tasks to fill the mountain in the last update (level 56)?

    • Not that we know of. The options you will see will all depend on how much you have left to go on it.

      • I’ve reached the level 8 in the money mountain. Now I have to drop 500k on the mountain. But instead of 25k every 2 hours or 50k every 10 hours, now my options are 50k every 30 minutes, 100k every 2 hours or 250k every 10 hours. This changed after the level 56 update, or at least I think it did!

        • There are some changes being reported. Checking what we have left in our games as most already have it complete. Will update. 😉

          So far… my numbers are still matching up for the Levels I see.

  20. If I store Money Mountain, will I lose my progress?

  21. Just finished my mountain, got the message “You’ll find the Monty Moneybags outfit in your inventory”, tapped “Do It” on the first task which sent me to my inventory but no outfit. I know I was in the right place because I did see the locked Baseball Jasper skin I earned but don’t have the character for. Tried going to Krustyland and back and restarting my phone, but still not there. Anything else to try or is it time to go to EA?

    • Sounds like it’s time to contact EA. But first double check to make sure it’s not already on burns.

      • I found it it was in my inventory but not on the characters only tab for some reason. I have so much stuff in my inventory I thought I scrolled through it all but I then went to the characters tab and since there were other skins there I stopped looking. Today I was looking through all my inventory for something else and found it. Before I added it to Mr Burns I checked the character tab and it still wasn’t there. So heads up to look through your full inventory thoroughly if you don’t see it right away.

  22. How do you earn so much money at level 27? I have bought a few premium characters and houses and decorations but it’s hard enough to save up 30k to buy a plot of land, let alone the 5mil to finish this! I could buy cash with donuts but I heard you shouldn’t do that, that you should speed up tasks instead. What would be the best task(s) to speed up? Thanks for any help to this newbie!

  23. lvl 9- I can smell that real gorilla chest. Heh. 1 mill every 10 days or so. Curious. How much does the Monty burns skin actually earn. Maybe ill just wait for the surprise. I’d assume 1500-2000 cash every 24hr

  24. Ugh. So boring and tedious.

  25. What is the point. Why do we need to spend all of our money?

    • You don’t. It’s something to keep you busy…and for all those people complaining they had tons of money and nothing to spend it on.

      You do get a super premium skin for Mr. Burns though (which earns at a higher rate than premium)

  26. Just wondering, what would happen if you stored Money Mountain? Would you lose your progress? Or just get rid of the icon in the taskbook?

  27. So I set Burns on a 10 hour mount money task….and then suddenly tap ball wants burns to “brew tonic”. Does anyone know what will happen if I put Burns in storage and then bring him back? Will I lose the money that I had Burns shoveling? I guess i will just wait, but it’s a bummer.

  28. I am currently on level 10. It’s a lot of money to spend but seeing how much money and XP Burns will get you with the vest I figured it’s definitely worth it. I’ll have that money back in no time. Keep on spending fellow TSTO’ers. BTW, Alissa (^) you are one beautiful woman!

  29. The money i give for the last part in level 11 returned to me when the task was over, i relieve the outfit too.

  30. Help! I’ve given money mountain all the money for level 11 and it says done but nothing more. The golden bear is still in the quest book which takes you to the money mountain screen. I’ve hard reset. Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Stored the mountain the cooling towers and burns mansion. But nothing has made the screen pop up and given me the outfit??? What do I do? Any advice would be amazing!! Thanks!!

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