Forgiveness and Rekindled Friendships

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Since we’re waiting for the Superheroes removal update, I’m going to deviate, briefly, from TSTO coverage to bring you an update on something else…..

For those of you that have been around this site since it launched, or at least within the first couple of months of launch, this story doesn’t need an explanation….but bear with me as I fill our newer readers (of the last 2 years) in on some of the backstory…

Addicts Logo Alissa Bunny Wookiee PNG

This blog was started nearly 3 years ago, and it was started on the philosophy that TSTO is a game.  And games should be fun.  It was also started by two old friends, myself and Mark.  In the weeks that followed the blog launch we added smart, wonderful people to the mix Wookiee and Bunny.  Who would soon become not just my friends…but my family.

It wasn’t long after the blog started, and Bunny & Wookiee joined the mix, that Mark would get pulled away for work.  His schedule just got so busy he couldn’t make the time commitment to blog full time.  We all understood.

And no, this isn’t a story about Mark.  No, this is a story about someone who came along after Mark left us.  You see, shortly after Mark left we added another voice to the mix….Pat, aka Cranky Old Guy.

At first things were great, Pat was part of the team and I considered him a good friend.  I’d bounce ideas off of him and vice versa.  And we all loved the perspective he brought to the site.  You know…that perspective of yelling at the clouds….


Of course, as many of you can tell by who writes on the site now….it didn’t last very long.  Roughly 3 months after starting to write for Addicts, Pat (and Ryan) left the site to start TSTO Friends.

The reasons why don’t matter.  And this isn’t a post to rehash the past…. let’s just say things were said and lines were drawn.  And it became…us vs. them.

But that all changed the day Riley was born.

You see, even though things were still said back and forth…the day Riley was born everyone grew up and it all stopped.

Pat, to his credit, started it.  He reached out to me to extend his congratulations and best wishes.  And offer up his thoughts for Riley while she was in the NICU.  And I extended my best wishes to his family, as he announced his daughter had gotten engaged right around the same time Riley was born.  As he put it…”the circle of life continues”.

After that time Pat and I had exchanged text messages often, usually discussing the latest TSTO Event or topic dominating the news headlines (let’s face it…99% political).  And yes, I even donated to his Uganda project.  (it really is good work he’s doing there)

Now that everyone is caught up, let’s fast forward nearly 8 months….

One of Pat’s five daughters lives in New Jersey, actually not that far from me.  Earlier this month he embarked on a cross country road trip with his wife and mentioned he’d be in New Jersey and we both suggested that we finally get together.

So, on a hot and sticky Tuesday afternoon in July Cranky Old Guy and I sat down and “broke bread” together.  Of course Riley, his wife and daughter were there as well…we both figured we might need a buffer or 3 😉

We laughed and talked over a few beers and great food.  We both apologized, and forgiveness happened.  As we realized we agreed on much more than we disagreed on.

Pat, his wife and daughter are all lovely people inside and out.  (and although I didn’t meet them, I’m sure his other 4 daughters are just as lovely) We talked about TSTO (naturally), but we also discussed his daughter’s upcoming wedding, his work in Uganda, college football…and of course baseball!  (his daughter is an avid baseball fan, and although she supports the Mets…ugh…at least it’s not the RedSox. 😉 )

You can tell he’s passionate about his work in Uganda, bringing clean water and better living conditions to the children in the Buyijja School.  As well as helping to improve wages for the teachers that educated them.  It is great work, and if you’d like to get involved (or donate) you can visit his Friends of Buyijja website here.

So, the hatchet is buried.  Forgiveness has been granted by both parties and we’re ready to move on.  Friends once again.

So Pat, thank you for reaching out, thank you for apologizing and thank you for a wonderful lunch.


Share your thoughts on the comments below…

71 responses to “Forgiveness and Rekindled Friendships

  1. It’s been a long time coming – and yes it makes me smile from here in Las Vegas – to see that there is no longer any animosity between those who love to blog about The Simpsons! 🙂 <3

    And also – boy has this game app changed since 2013!!

  2. I enjoy both sites for different reasons. Glad you buried the hatchet. Life is too short for hostilities over a “silly game”. 🙂 Sláinte!

  3. I was kind of hoping he looked like Rodney Dangerfield. Good for you both!

  4. Seriously? How could we stay mad with that darling little girl in the world!

    We all mature. Some later than others.

    I LOVED our time together. Can’t wait to do it again.

  5. Glad you were able to overcome your differences and become friends again. Friends and family are what make life worth living. I was afraid you were going to say you were too busy with Riley and you were giving up the Addicts! So glad you aren’t. Alissa, you are the heart and soul here, so keep up the great work. We really don’t appreciate you enough.

  6. I have been following his trip on friends and have also donated to his project. I had noticed a number of his digs at you guys then more recently his “this is good info at addicts – go take a look” posts. Glad to see you guys connected! Riley is adorable btw

  7. I love Reconciliation . Thank you for your transparency by sharing. As a minister and messenger of the Gospel (yes, I do tap, lol) it blesses me to know that He is a Repairer of our Breaches in our lives. RevJRO, Janice

  8. Well I am somewhat of a newbie but am grateful for all the time and effort that you guys take to keep us up to date and well informed.
    I am glad that you guys made up. xx

  9. Simpsons rule

    Hey I seen the website it look quite good TSTO friend also at least you fagave each other

  10. Really pleased to hear about this I was quite upset when the split happened…#moreincommon.

  11. Russian Tigger

    Life’s too short to carry grudges, they only pull you down.

  12. Stickin’ together’s what good waffles do.

  13. Josephine Kick@$$

    I arrived right after the fallout, so I wasn’t aware of the situation. Thank you for sharing this with us Alissa, we all need to be reminded from time to time that we need to soften our hearts to the past once in a while 😊 Sometimes it takes a little miracle He puts in our lives, we just need to be open to its possibilities 💜

    • I arrived way after the fallout… You learn that there’s usually a history at every place you go (even if it’s a good history). I was a bit curious when I learned about it, and I learned more (but still not enough), but I figured that was enough learning. lol.

      • Josephine Kick@$$

        I just heard there was another who was not to be talked about (as in no bashing). So I never put another thought into it.

  14. Humanity could be saved if everyone would forgive like that. Thank you for the uplift in very downlift times. ~Beautiful~

  15. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing. TSTO for the win! A great game, fun community, and a small peek into the lives of those who share a passion for a very adddictive electronic world.

  16. Mandy (amandajane797)

    Lovely to read. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes I do wish people would just remember ‘it’s only a game’. I for one appreciate the cameraderie shown here – life’s too short.
    Btw is it still Christmas??

  17. Nice story! I’ve always felt that it’s rarely worth holding a grudge for very long. Happy to hear that you guys were able to move on and up. Oh, and Riley really is a cutie pie! 🙂

  18. I am so happy that you both have resolution. As many people have commented I too feel that friendship and forgiveness is so wonderful in a time that seems to be filled with so much negativity. What a great story thank you so much for sharing it.

  19. Long time TSTO player and long time lurker here, just wanted to say that this was a nice and refreshing change. Especially in the world lately that we’ve been in, it’s nice to see healing instead of hurting.

  20. What a lovely story of friendship and forgiveness ♡

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

  21. Yay! I’m so glad you’re both friends again. I read both blogs (addicts and friends) and I’m really pleased for you both 🙂

  22. That’s awesome!

  23. Thank you for sharing your story. It was lovely! Life is too short for anything but forgiveness and friendship. How is Riley? I am sure she’s just getting cuter. Also, thank you all for devoting so much time to TSTO addicts. It makes our game play more enjoyable and gives us such nice online friends (like you!).

  24. Enjoy each others company while you can! Great story!

  25. Wonderful story, thank you for sharing!

  26. Is that Riley in the picture, she is so cute

  27. It’s wonderful to hear a lovely story like yours in a day and age where all we seem to hear is negativity or bad things in life. It’s great that the both of you were able to talk about the issue and see past it and what is more important. It takes a big person to admitt they have done wrong and want to make amends and bridge thise gaps. We’re all not perfect and have lost great friends over different views or other things.
    Being given the opportunity to make amends is a wonderful thing, great things come from it more often than not. The relationship may not be where it once was but at least you have the pleasure of being back in their lives as they havent meant something special in yours.
    Having lost great friends in my life who don’t want to accept an olive branch I find great solice that others are successful in rekindling friendships after hard times.

  28. I am 40 and live in India. I have ZERO people in my circle of friends who understand my addiction to TSTO. If I didn’t discover you guys, I would be alone. Friendship is sublime. I am glad you guys found that out. Hi , I’m Krishna and I’m an addict. 😀

    • Hi Krishna 🙂

    • I know what you mean! I play this game with my husband, but there aren’t many people around who share my knitting addiction…😀

    • Hi, Krishna! I love the way this community (both Addicts and TSTO in general) involves people from all around the world. I’ve worked with people from India in my company…what part of India are you in?

    • Wow – this is like an AA meeting – Hi Krishna, I am Paul and I am an addict!

    • Hi Krishna,,I am 44 live in California & no-one in real life understands my addiction,either!! I started the Disney Magic Kingdom but it doesn’t get my attention like TSTO does! Best.Game.Ever….

    • Hi Krishna! I’m Rachel, another crazy addict from the mountains of N. California. I don’t actually *know* anyone that plays either. Hubby doesn’t really understand the mobile game thing, though he does love Simpsons, so that’s cool. We’ve been watching The Show since the very beginning, though we didn’t have cable for a few years so we’re trying to catch up on the later seasons. I was so glad to find this blog! Lots of great people here. RachelS

      • I need to add a correction! I actually *do* know someone. One of my step-sisters has played about as long as I have, I think. She saw a comment I made here & added me as a neighbor. A bit later I was at a family gathering across the state near where I grew up & I found out she was my new neighboreeno! I think she still reads this, but I know she’s a super busy mom & teacher. Great fun!

        And of course, awesome story Alissa. I forgot that part in the ‘teeth’ post! Thank you for sharing. RachelS

  29. What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

  30. Life is too short to hold grudges. Especially grudges involving a game. Glad y’all were able to forgive each other, and that y’all had a great time together!

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