In-Game Update: Springfield Games (Updated and Complete)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well…you’re welcome.  I went to lunch and as soon as I left the office EA decided to drop an update on us.  I swear it’s like they have cameras following me around 😉

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Anywho…a mini event just hit our games…the Springfield Olympics! Lisa will get this started with a 6s task. Followed by 6s tasks for Snake, Wiggum Quimby.  This will launch the event itself…. (and a 3hr task for Homer)

Back with more details as I go through them… More details below the fold…

As mentioned above after you complete a short series of 6s tasks the event itself will launch…

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Much like the mini events of the past…this is no different.  Complete a series of tasks to earn prizes.  Pretty simple stuff! 🙂

This event ends August 16th…which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, since EA announced that starting August 16th you’ll need to have a more updated OS system.  (See this post for more details)  Most of us suspected something bigger would be coming around that time….

Anywho let’s take a look at the goodies (as always I’ll break everything down in Podmore detail later.  Including the walkthrough for each part of the Games)…


There are 6 total prizes that you can unlock.  They’ll range from buildings and decorations to animations and characters.  Here’s a quick breakdown (in order they unlock):

ico_priz_springfieldgames_sportscauldron_lg_1Springfield Games Cauldron 


ico_priz_springfieldgames_pinstand_lg_1Pin Stand (Pin Collector Lisa awarded with questline)

ico_priz_springfieldgames_litcauldronfacade_lg_1Animation for the Cauldron 

ico_priz_springfieldgames_gokarttrack_lg_1Go-Kart Track

ico_priz_springfieldgames_gokarttrackbetting_lg_1Betting at the Go Kart Track (Similar to the Dog Track…) 

A couple of other things are awarded via the Prize Track that you can’t see…well mainly the Pin Stand..

As mentioned above you’ll get Pin Collector Lisa by completing the questline that unlocks with the Pin Stand.

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In addition to that you’ll also unlock a mini-game…the mini-game allows you to collect Pins.  Collecting Pins will earn you a character for your Springfield…Fatov!


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I’ve got to play around with this aspect a bit more, but I’ll break it all down for you in another post.

And now for the new stuff in the stores….premium stuff:

Note: The Tire Fire will earn participation Ribbons.  2/3hrs.

sportacus_menuSportacus- 85 Donuts…Returning from Tap Ball.  Should I Buy

christredeemerCristo of Springfield- 75 Donuts.  Will earn you more Ribbons (2/3hrs)

halfpipe_menuHalf-Pipe- 100 Donuts.  Will earn you more Ribbons (2/3hrs)

ico_stor_flagbundle_1Country Flag Bundle- 50 Donuts.  Flags from 30 different countries

ico_stor_trainingbundle_1Training Bundle- 125 Donuts. Boxing Ring, Golf Course, T-Ball Stand, Tennis Machine & Obstacle items from Tap Ball

unlock_springySpringy- 60 Donuts. Thanks Sam

2016-08-03 14.43.55Gym Locker Mystery Box- 75 Donuts…Contains a character from Tap Ball…Jockey Bart & Furious D, Tennis Marge, Ballet Ralph, Kung Fu Comic Book Guy or Toreador Abe (Note: this will NOT unlock until you’ve gone through a couple portions of the quest/prize track)

There’s also a rebate deal available on Lugash…(175 donuts, get 40 donuts back)

I’ll have Should I Buys available for all them items once I go through them and evaluate.

And that my friends is a quick, rough, breakdown of everything this mini event has to offer!  Again I’ll be back with the Walkthroughs and more details on Pin Collecting and Should I Buy posts for all the new premium items.  For now have fun with it! 🙂

What are your thoughts on the Olympic Mini Event?  Thoughts about the prizes?  How about the premium items?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

304 responses to “In-Game Update: Springfield Games (Updated and Complete)

  1. Can you tell me how, or if, I can eliminate the quests (like complete the dodecathelon) in the yellow boxes for a bunch of characters since the Olympics are over? Those quests wreak havoc with the Employment Office job designator. If you want to assign jobs for an 8 hour period (as an example) it will assign them to all the characters without those yellow Olympic boxes, but you still have a bunch of characters, with them, needing jobs. Hope this isn’t too confusing. I’ve tried to follow the directions for these yellow boxed challenges, thinking that they’d finally disappear, but they just keep coming back. Thanks in advance for advice on this.

    • It sounds like there’s a questline somewhere you didn’t finish. Do you have an olympic questline open in your task book?

      • Thanks so much for your comment. I was actually thinking that might be the cause, too, because that would make the most sense. But I can’t seem to find any quests in the task book that weren’t completed. 🙁

  2. Is the list of characters who generate ribbons limited to what is shown in the games task list or are there other characters with ribbon tasks? I think there are nine plus Lugash. Just wanted to check to see if there were more.

  3. Is the training bundle worth it

  4. Ok, I didn’t see this covered so I’m posting. I have a task to make Lisa play sax for pins. It’s supposed to be a one time task. I’ve done it 6 times and the task is still there. Am I missing something?

  5. So over time I’ve turned from a freemium player to a premium. I saw the locker option and saw my opportunity to collect skins I missed out. But for some reason the locker disappeared and I still don’t have all the skins….Nelson, Burns and Abe….. I’m seriously disappointed!

    • Are you sure it’s not there — have you checked your full inventory? It’s still there in my game. You might want to try closing and opening the game and, if that doesn’t work, uninstalling and reinstalling. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to call EA.

    • Nelson and Burns weren’t in the locker.

  6. Thank you Alissa.i have tried the questionnaires in english but Thatcher was not sussessful because Google translateur did not worklng and put the questionnaires back info dutch

  7. thank you Alissa. I have tried the questionnaires in english but That was not successful because Google translate did not working and put. the questionnaires backinto dutch

  8. Ok. This is probably a grumble I should take to EA but as always it’s nice to gauge first if I’m a lone ranter: what’s with the male character dominance in the event currency task lists. After a month of staring at a loading page featuring all-male superhero characters (and a thumb…), which really started to bug me, now we have another event where it seems to be the guys getting all the action and Lisa being Lisa. I understand that there are more male characters in the show and game – and especially in the early levels – but I’d like to see a little more female participation. Off to EA I go…

    • I’m always down for more female representation in the game. How about an entire event where the ladies of Springfield rebel? #SpringfieldLadiesMatter or something. Lisa, Lindsey Naegle and LuAnne could lead the charge with Marge trying to be the voice of reason and then joining the charge. We could finally get Sarah Wiggum, Martin’s mom, etc.

    • Maybe EA thinks Olympics are a male dominated event? Someone should tell them that their own US Olympic team is 52% female. And if they look to us neighbours to the North, they’d see 60% of Canucks are females in Rio.

    • Honestly, they probably don’t even realize it. Don’t take it personally, but DO draw their attention to it.

    • Tracy - 1ltwoody920

      Male dominance in Super Heroes is obvious….
      What mature (as in non-juvenile) female truly desires to run around in Spandex trying to impress each other (and themselves) with how ‘tough’ they are?

      • For what it’s worth, I concluded long ago that fashion and suchlike is far less about the gals impressing the guys as it is about one-upping each other.

      • Josephine Kick@$$

        Lately I’ve had the desire for camo & facepaint 😂😂😂

  9. Mystery locker gave me Furious D, probably because I had the majority of TapBall skins already. Pretty good deal.

    • If I could be sure to get that, and not Abe, I’d go for it as a good deal (although I already have a premium skin for Bart). I wouldn’t mind having a premium skin for Abe, and I actually line the look of that one, but 75 donuts is more than I think I want to pay for that.

      OTOH, I started a 7-day go with the collider, so, depending on how well I do with it, maybe I’ll go for it. (I did earn 9 donuts today by competing two daily tasks, which was nice…)

      • Tracy - 1ltwoody920

        How’s it working for you? Are you QEM-ing, or Blood Mobiling?
        I’m building my cash reserves so that I too can binge.
        Currently at Level 250
        I might make it to the next Mt. Simpson-more and get another face.

        • I bought a spate of rat tap trucks at the beginning (I prefer those to bloodmobiles), and now I’m doing my first go at KEM farming (on a small scale…just around 20 or so). I bought the 7-day collider package, and I haven’t yet decided what I want to do once that time runs out. I’m only in the 700s, level-wise, and I’m not sure it will pay for itself if I don’t keep farming (in fact, I’m pretty sure it won’t). So, we’ll see how I’m feeling about it when I get towards the end.

          • Tracy - 1ltwoody920

            It should be worth it.
            For me, my multiplier is 5x – a $100 purchase would normally yield
            10XP, but will yield 5 times that, or 50 XP
            With the 5X XP multiplier, that ultimately gives me 25X, or 250XP.
            with a sell back at 25% of purchase price, I calculate $40million would ultimately yield ~130 millionXP – BEFORE everything else is earned through tasks and rents and quests.
            If my calculations are correct, at spending $40 million, you should wind up earning 130 million XP, or 260 levels above your current one – close to topping out and earning 260 donuts.

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