Tag Archives: Next Event in TSTO

Game of Games the Sequel: Turbo Tappin’ Act 2, Zero-G Whiz

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Act 2 of Game of Games the Sequel is upon us, time for a little Turbo Tappin’!

Even though today’s Saturday, I’m breaking from my usual posting routine to bring you Act 2’s Turbo Tappin’…

For Act 2 we’re tasked with collecting Energy Drinks!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the second part of the story.  So let’s take a look at the details behind Act 2 and the Turbo Tappin’ Version for Zero-G Whiz

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Game of Games The Sequel Act 2 in Live! The Rundown and What You Need To Know

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Who’s ready to tap?  Game of Games The Sequel Act 2 is upon us, so let’s get to it!

Remember, this Act will still be playable until the event ends on July 16th.  However, Act 3 will start on June 28th. 

Things kick off for Act 2 with some dialogue between The Game Master, CBG, and Strawberry…

The Game Master: *grumbling* Just gimme a minute, Strawberry. I’m working on world domination here…
CBG: Strawberry? Wait a second…I know who you are!
Strawberry: Yeah, you literally just said my name. I’m Strawberry.
CBG: No, not you. The Game Master!

This triggers the Act 2  questline, Zero-G Whiz, and is followed by 30m tasks for CBG and the Evergreen Terrors, as well as a task to collect Act 2 Currency (150).  Zero-G Whiz is the questline that will take you through unlocking all of this Act’s prizes.

Let’s take a look at what else is in store during Act 2…

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Game of Games the Sequel Full Dialogue Act 1: Dubstepping Up Your Game

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Act 2 is slated to start TOMORROW, June 19th (which also happens to be my birthday…that’s for the extra work EA 😉 ).  Act 1 isn’t going anywhere, so if you didn’t finish it you’ll still have time to. Look for Act 2 to start around 11am ET.  (1500 UTC)
You’ll need CBG and the Evergreen Terrors (x4) free for the first round of tasks (and those earning event currency).  Also, 1 new premium character combo will be released.  150 donuts for the combo.

Now on with the full dialogue for Act 1…

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Game of Games the Sequel Prize Guide: Act 1, Prizes 1-4 Captain Blip’s, Tennis Ball Shooter, the Dubsteppa, and the Arcade Cabinets

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Time for another fun and exciting event prize post!  This time around, with no characters or costumes for Act 1, we can condense all the items into one glorious post! *high five for time saver*

So let’s take a look at the prizes on the Act 1 Game of Games the Sequel Prize Track: Captain Blip’s, Tennis Ball Shooter, the Dubsteppa, and the Arcade Cabinets…

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Game of Games the Sequel: Turbo Tappin’ Act 1, Dubstepping Up Your Game

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Update time in Springfield!  Just when you think they’re going to skip a week, EA jumps in at the eleventh hour with an update! What’s in store for us this time?  Well, it’s a return to last year’s Game of Games event.  The Game of Games sequel!  Loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up…

The Game of Games the Sequel Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 1 we’re tasked with collecting Arcade Tokens!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the first part of the story.  So let’s take a look at the details behind Act 1 and the Turbo Tappin’ Version for Dubstepping Up Your Game…

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Game of Games Sequel Act 1 in Live! The Rundown and What You Need To Know

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Update time in Springfield!  Just when you think they’re going to skip a week, EA jumps in at the eleventh hour with an update!

Anyway…what’s in store for us this time?  Well, it’s return to last year’s Game of Games event.  The Game of Games sequel!  Loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up…

Once again we see another multi-event in Springfield.  So love them, or hate them, they’re still here.  So let’s all try to make the best of this…

Anywho….things kick off with 60s tasks for Bart, Milhouse, and Martin.  

After you’ve completed these initial tasks you’ll kick off the Game of Games Sequel…

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Simpsons Wrestling Full Dialogue Act 4: Superior Mega Ultra Slam

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Now that the Simpsons Wrestling Event is about to wrap up it’s time to take a look at the dialogue for the exciting conclusion of the event!  Will Burns beat Aristotle?  Will Bart Save Wrestling? Will the Iron Yuppie get a new suit?  Time to find out.

Enjoy the full dialogue for Superior Mega Ultra Slam…

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Simpsons Wrestling Prize Guide: Act 4, Prize 5 Iron Yuppie

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Time for the final round…

The Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 4 we’re tasked with collecting Golden Microphones!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the final part of the story.

So let’s take a look at the final Wrestling Event Prize…the Iron Yuppie

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Simpsons Wrestling Prize Guide: Act 4, Prizes 1, 3, and 4 Burns Excess Pile, Coot Society, and Championship Belt

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Time for the final round…

The Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 4 we’re tasked with collecting Golden Microphones!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the final part of the story.

So let’s take a look at prizes 1, 3 and 4 on the Wrestling Prize track…Burns Excess Pile, Coot Society, and Championship Belt…

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Simpsons Wrestling: Turbo Tappin’ Act 4, Superior Mega Ultra Slam

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Bring on Round 4!

As we’ve said previously, the Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 4 we’re tasked with collecting Golden Microphones!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the fourth, and final, part of the story, the exciting conclusion where Dr. Bonebreak saves Springfield!

Let’s take a look at the details behind Act 4 and the Turbo Tappin’ Version for Superior Mega Ultra Slam…

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