Tag Archives: TSTO Water Baron Burns

Bart Royale – Act III Calendar

Let’s just get this out of the way… “This Event Is Too Long!”

There. I’ve said what needs to be said. EA? Are you listening?  TWO ACTS PLEASE…Three feels drawn out, and the prizes seem like afterthoughts, that you are just throwing out there to extend the event into three acts. Grinding…and more grinding ahead. It is EALPish… (EA Lazyass Programming).

On a plus side…I finished Act II with days to spare. As in…4 days early…which made the weekend nice, if Deb didn’t get the flu, and we didn’t have to attend a funeral (not Deb’s). But, I digress…

There is no magic to Act III. It is simply a matter of logging in every 4 hours…doing the assault/defend shuffle…and coming back 4 hours later to do it all over again.

But, Here are the Numbers You Will Need to Get It ALL in Act III…whether you want it or not…
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