Daily Archives: July 28, 2018

(Minor) SPOILER ALERT!! Moe’s Ark Event Info!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Some exciting news…

We’ve received the content package for the next event from EA!  Which means…we can share some details in advance with you guys! Remember, we’re all under NDA, so please bear with us as we can’t share EVERYTHING we know until EA tells us we can (which is usually how we operate anyway).  But we have the green light to release some basic info about the next event.

So no more guessing, we now know WHEN the next event will start and WHAT the next event will cover!  Pretty exciting stuff huh? 

So I know there are a bunch of you who like to remain spoiler free (and this, to me, will not violate our spoiler-free policy as this is information provided to us directly from EA.  They’re giving us the go-ahead to share…) I’ll post the WHAT below the fold. However, I will say the next event will start (as we predicted earlier this week) on Wednesday, August 1st.

So be prepared on Wednesday, August 1st for the event launch

Now on with the spoilers…