Daily Archives: October 11, 2019

Friday Filler – Navigating The News in TSTO and Life

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

Holyfreakinshirt! If I hear one more person quote another news source, other than THIS new source, I am going to lose it! ?And when I say “lose it,” I’m not talking about the “where’d I put my keys” kinda lose it.

Wait. What? There are different places you can go to get news about TSTO and the Simpsons?  Come on. Really? After all of this time, people actually go anyplace else than here to find out what’s going on?

This isn’t like the big debate over CNN or FOX, or any other traditional news sources (and no...I won’t go there).  It is about getting your TSTO news from any other source, than right here.  Why? Because Alissa cares!!

Wait. It’s not that I DON’T care…it’s just that Alissa cares, way, way, way more than I do. In fact, other than a couple of others who appear to have gone completely off the rails, (and yes, I am still just talking about TSTO) there is only one reliable, regular, obsessively up-to-date source of TSTO News around.

And no,  I’m not talking about John.
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Hey Addicts, Caption This!

Sometimes TSTO gives us humorous little moments when we capture our characters doing rather strange things.  These posts are all about those strange and funny moments!

When we can, we’ll be posting a Caption This! moment where we want you, the Addicts readers, to put on your writing caps and come up with what you think is happening in the screenshot. Post your captions in the comments below. We can’t wait to see how creative and funny you guys can be!

Hey Addicts… Caption This!

This Caption This! image is brought to us by MichaelR

So go ahead and caption away!

If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption this!” post, email it to us at TSTOAddictsblog@gmail.com you never know when yours might be next!