Santa Daily Tasks, Elf Tunnels Tunnels 15

Hey All You Merry Grumples! šŸ˜›

Here we are again with the Elf Tunnels aka Santa Daily Tasks.

Santa 1

If you want ALL the details for Santa’s Daily Tasks aka Elf Tunnels (including Character Groups), please go to the MAIN Santa Daily Tasks Post.

Now for today’s Santa Daily Task.Ā Just tap on the Elf Tunnel itself to be taken to all available Tasks.


Or tap on the Santa Daily Tasks Shortcut Icon in the top right corner of your Springfield.Ā Santa's Daily Tasks Icon

Santa's Daily Tasks

Remember, if you have a task “stuck” or can’t get the next Tunnel to open try to go to Krustyland/Neighbors and back. Or exit out of game then go back in again. (It won’t let you start the new task until the other one is complete, this means to make sure ALL the money and items are collected.)

If you are missing Elves, see post HERE. (Just try to go in n out of Krustyland then ring the Elf Bell first to see if the missing ones appear.)

Here is today’s Santa Tasks.

Tunnel Task Length Character/Group
15 MakeĀ Springfielders Make Toys 4hrs (x17) Springfielders (So the ones that CAN go to Toy Shop as of now)
MakeĀ Homer Hoard Toys in the Basement 3hrs Homer
Make Homer Squish Happy Little Elves on His MyPad 2hrs Homer
24 Hour Complete Bonus Prizes Options (The Game only picks ONE to give you)
100 Gifts Cletus’ FarmĀ Christmas DecorationsĀ OR Wiggum HouseĀ Christmas Decorations, 1 Elf cletusfarmflipped_decorated_transimage
Ā wiggumhouse_decorated_transimage

Again, you have plenty of time for these tasks. The 24 hour timer starts as soon as you being the first task. You can still complete the tasksĀ past the 24 hour time, but you will NOT get the bonus 100 Gifts. So I suggest plan ahead to hit the timer BEFORE 24 hrs if you need those Extra Bonus 100 Gifts Each day.

There you have it. A general idea of what to anticipate for the Elf Tunnel Santa Daily Tasks. Have YOU completed any yet? Get the Bonus? What do you think of it all so far? Like the gifts? Let us know below.


47 responses to “Santa Daily Tasks, Elf Tunnels Tunnels 15

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im level 18 and toay im level 1 and i have nothig!!!!!!pplease you must help me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. How come sometimes I can’t see inside the tunnel I’m working on. I just finally finished having toy makers make toys (had to do 2 batches), but now I cannot get in by tapping the upper right corner, the tunnel door itself, or from the sidebar entrance. Just won’t let me in…. It’s happened before and usually it’s because the character doing the task is somewhere else and needs to be tapped first, but I don’t think that’s the case here. Everyone’s at the toy shop and has been tapped…. Don’t want to lose my bonus!

  3. None of the tasks are very hard. Just do them all at the same time and start them before you go to bed. For the 16th one just send a dimwit to ride the conveyer belt, and Lisa to lobby labor then go to bed. Wake up, finish the conveyer belt, then Lisa’s task, then send her off to make snow angles. You should be finished 6 hours after you wake up.

  4. Do you know if today’s tunnel will enable anyone new to go into the Workshop? I got screwed because I put Marge on her 16 hour gift task last night and Rev Lovejoy is still counseling couples.

  5. I have seen Homer flying around with the reindeer but cannot see this as an option! Help would be much appreciated!

  6. Thanks to the update, I won’t be able to log in at all today. I barely have 1x cell signal at work and it’s spotty at best. Usually I can stand near a window long enough to get it to connect once every 4 hours, but downloading 12MB of data just isn’t possible. I’ll start my Springfielders making presents overnight tonight and then open the tunnel tomorrow. Hate missing out on all of today’s presents from the elves, but I’m lucky was ahead on the present calendar yesterday and will just have to suck it up.

  7. I was so happy that I tapped the tunnel 1st before tapping on the toyshop. It saved me 4hrs.šŸ˜ƒ I found someone else that has all the daily tunnels tasks ready. That way I know what to do for the next day. I was told what to do since sat. Just wanted to be sure it was legit before posting. Figured I can help since I’m sure wookie,bunny,& Alissa are busy with Xmas.As for tomorrow it’s going to be hard. I don’t see tomorrow’s tunnel quest on here yet. Here is the task for tomorrow . Send dimwit to ride conveyor belt 6hrs, send Lisa to lobby against child labor 6hrs, make Lisa make snow angels 6rs,. Not sure when we get the conveyor belt. Do you guys have any idea? Thank you for always taking the time to help us addicts.

  8. Too many hours to complete the tasks. Come on EA! Take it easy on us. We have lives. This is the type of thing that makes me not want to play these “games”, because they really are not “games” they are activities. Yesterday’s 7 hours was fine, but I don’t want to be up until 1 am to complete tasks on a work day. Also, I saw what it takes to get the manger. I have clicking maximum visits per day and completing all these tasks and I am probably not going to get it. I have done everything I can.

    • Try spreading the task over two days. Extreme example: Say you can only play from 7 am-9 am, and from 6 pm to 11 pm, just 7 hours a day. To get today’s 24 hour prize:

      Day 1, get 7 to 10 toymakers ready to start work at 6 pm. Start them making toys at 6 pm. At 9 pm, view today’s tunnel task. Since you have task 1 in progress, this will start the 24-hour clock. (Don’t view the task before then, or use the tunnel to start the task.) At 10 pm, your toymakers will finish. Get them making toys again. (If you used 10 toymakers for the first batch, you’ll only need 7.) Sleep. Anytime between 7 am and 9 am on day 2, finish task 1 and start task 2. Go to work. At 6 pm, finish task 2 and start task 3. At 8 pm, finish the task and collect your 100 gifts with an hour to spare.

      For tunnels with one long task, try letting it run overnight, and schedule the previous tasks so they’ll be done just in time to do that.

  9. Will it be possible to get the Wiggum house christmas decorations later? Since it’s my first xmas event, I dind’t have Cletusā€™ Farm decorations..!

    • Not sure what EA will do with those who didn’t play last year so they missed the second decorations. Not sure if they’ll be available for donuts later, or not until next year.

  10. So a new level hit, I headed here first, but i guess i’ll have to wait a bit, i know you are already working on it šŸ™‚

  11. New is The Beer and Brawl 140 donuts
    Krusty Burger Oil Rig $8 million
    Barbecue Pit (brick) $100,000 which will be going in some lucky Springfieldite’s backyard

  12. Question (just out of curiosity, not because I’m actually going to do anything with the info) – I have 11 characters making toys for the first task right now. It shows it would take 2 donuts to speed that task up. Would 2 donuts really complete all 11 characters (or the 17 characters required to complete the whole task), or does that mean 2 donuts per character? Assuming it’s the latter (which I do) the display is kind of misleading IMHO.

  13. I just leveled up to 48. Did anyone else?

  14. Thank you bunny!!! =)

  15. I have 15 toy makers, making this task 8 hours long.

    Does any one have more/different characters?

    Apu, Barney, Bart, Hank, Moleman, Homer, Lisa, Marge, Milhouse, Ned, Otto, Frink, Lovejoy, SVT & Willie.

  16. Is it just me, or does anyone else find themselves actually setting alarms to be sure and clear tasks as soon as they’re done, so as to minimize the total amount of time that the tunnel tasks from start to finish? (Especially on a day like today, where it’s over 12 hours worth if tasks.)

  17. The Wiggum house is cute!
    I really do hope they have the secondary prizes available later on. Defeats the purpose of it for the players who already have them though.

  18. If you already had people making toys, start the task before you release them !!!!!

  19. i’ve been trying to play for over three hours and keep getting bart. anyone else?

  20. Tough one today. They should have saved it for the weekend….no way I way squeeze this in with only like 12 or 13 toymakers. Oh well, no bonus today. šŸ™‚

    • If you had them working overnight though…you get a head start. šŸ™‚

      • But we don’t know the tasks until it is too late. We should know them a day in advance. It would be easier.

      • For 2 lousy presents, I almost never bother to have my non-premium characters working in the workshop (especially overnight, when they could be earning big bucks doing 12-hour tasks). Between the 100-present bonuses, the 176 presents I get from visiting friendvilles, the presents I get from feds, elves, and the gift depot, etc., those couple of toy-making presents each is not worth tying up those characters for four hours at a stretch.

  21. Thank goodness I had my Springfielders on Toy Shop tasks last night and checked today’s daily task before I tapped them, so today’s quests are only 9 hours….result!! šŸ˜‰

  22. Yay! Wiggum Christmas House. It’s about time although it seems appropriate that Chief Wiggum would be the last to decorate.

  23. I am a little confused, I only have 15 characters making toys, I have all the characters. Am I missing someone? Is there a list somewhere of who can make toys, So annoyed I am going to have to do the first task twice. So is my bf as he only has 12.

  24. I have to wait till 10pm tonight before Homer can do the second task. I accidentally pressed for him to fly round town for 24hrs instead of his 4hr workshop task :-(. At least he’s not fhe first task so I should just manage to complete for the bonus.

    • It may not work…but try storing Santa’s Village and see if that kicks him out of flying. I know he’s link to the Simpson house, but the suit is linked to the Village…so it may kick him out of the task.

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