Should I Spend Donuts On Superheroes Issue 2 Returning Items?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Because all Superheroes need a sequel…Superheroes 2 has found its way into our pocket sized Springfields!  This super event hit our devices…and with it arrived a whole new Event to make us scratch our heads, and drive us slightly insane. So it’s time to break out those donuts for their super hideouts because there’s a whole store full of superhero inspired premium items!

Naturally, as with every event, there’s returning content in our stores that you can spend your donuts on.  Some returning items were once available for donuts and some were once free prizes that have come back as premium items.  Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything because it’ll be gone soon (especially if it’s making it’s second return to our stores).  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Crap Silo & Plopper or Burns State Prison to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding these sequel returns to your town.

montgomeryburnsstateprison_menu plopperspiderwsilo

So this is more or less going to be a rundown of each item, since they’re returning and we’ve previously written info about each.  I’ll give you my quick opinion on them and then link to their older posts….


Item: Burns State Prison
Donut Price: 90 Donuts
Previous Price: Was free for Superheroes 1, it was a prize
Earns: $300,30xp/12hrs
Size: 11×11
Conform-O-Meter: Obedience +10
Highlights: It’s basically another building for Springfield.  It does come with a short questline (at least it did last year)…
Is it Worth the Donuts: Personally, I wouldn’t spend 90 donuts for it.  I earned it for free last year and it’s been sitting in my inventory ever since.  Not worth the Real Estate in Springfield…
Previous Posts: Prison Rundown Post (includes questline and dialogue) 
Where Did That Come From Post

The Bank Will Leave the Store for Purchase on July 4th…so make your decision quick before it’s gone again! 


plopper attack crapsilo_menu

Character/Building: Plopper and the Crap Silo
Donut Price: 100 Donuts
Previous Price: 100 Donuts Superheroes 1
Size: 4×4
Earns: At a premium rate, so 50% more on cash and XP, Silo Earns $200,22xp/8hrs
Conform-O-Meter: Indolence +10
Highlights:  He does come with a questline, and you can use him in battles. (Brain)  He also has some fun tasks…
Is it Worth the Donuts: Yes. I’d get him all over again, all day every day and twice on Sundays.  Hands down…a great buy.
Previous Posts: Should I Buy
Where Did THAT Come From


Plopper Will Leave the Store for Purchase on July 4th…so make your decision quick before he’s gone again! 


And that’s it my friends…the quick breakdown on the two returning Issue 2 Superhero items!   As the event goes on there will be more returning items re-released…so be patient as we see what each day/week/issue brings us 🙂

What are your thoughts on the returning items?  Have you picked them up?  Have them from last year?  Any items you passed on last year but picked up this year?  Why or why not?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

85 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On Superheroes Issue 2 Returning Items?

  1. Myearitchesfromuranus

    Anyone else have Gil disappear? I wanted to buy donuts to afford Teddy Roosevelt and when I came back he was gone. Even the 4th of July icon I the menu is gone. This just happened last month 😁

    • Exit out and come back in again. Try restarting device even. Double check to see if it reset and Gil is still wandering streets. It should be in the main opening screen of the Menu. If still no luck, contact EA

  2. omg.. I REALLY want plopper.. I debated for so long last time he came around.. and now I am again.. with 175 donuts.. why is this so hard?! why am I so cheap?! LOL

    I am going to push the button guys. I am GOING to buy it.

  3. Has anybody else had an issue with their donuts being used to advance in the friends superheroes prize line? I’ve just opened the app to play and almost all my donuts have been used to advance 3 levels in the friends prizes, but I never tapped on anything, literally opened the app and I’m greeted with OK confirmations of levelling up.

  4. Looks like EA thinks you guys need more to do. New and returning 4th of July stuff, plus a new questline, all on the heels of issue 2 going live.

  5. Looks like EA did some serious recalculating on the neighbor fight prizes. I got 3 more prizes when I logged on today.

  6. I actually like the look of the prison. Plus, I love the origin. However, I have a hard time spending 90 donuts on a building. I wonder if the jobs using it will be premium now.

  7. 90 donuts is steep, but I still think Burns’ prison is one of the cooler-looking buildings in my town. But the point is moot now because the National Park and Teddy are a total must-buy.

  8. Love getting my favorite president for the 4th!!!! The advancement through the social prizes wasn’t necessary but I’ll take it, I think I was three away from getting STEM-antha to getting him and Gluteus, and was left 3 from Pie Man Epic Statue which I then unlocked today. A pop-up told me I unlocked Trading Card Box when I logged in also, but I most definitely did not get the 500 Trading Cards. I’ll live but if this happened to everybody I won’t complain if they give us all the 500 still!

  9. I’m sure this will be addressed in a later post, but thought I’d mention it here. They totally revised the social prize award calendar. It’s now much easier to get the prizes. In fact- I woke up this morning to discover that I was awarded three more prizes overnight. I got Stemantha, trading card box, and Gluteus, and I’m only two fights away from the next prize too.

    Also- 4th of July stuff is back. I bought the Nighthawk diner. Woo hoo! Abe Lincoln, George Washington, and Richard Nixon also available. Old Faithless too.

  10. Dylan Ledbetter

    Loving this event!! Didn’t get to play last Superheroes cause I was in Disney so I’m SO SO SO happy that they brought it back!!! The only problem is, I plan on getting ALL of the superheroes that I missed last year. So if anyone sees me out on the streets begging for money, please help a brother out! I’m a tapping addict!!! 🙂 lol

  11. It seems you like Plopper..

  12. Kinda off topic here but I suppose you guys are writing a post about the in game update that just hit. I just wanted you to know that they made a few changes on the social battles prize track and when I entered my game I got STEM-antha, the trading cards box and Gluteus (I already played 41 battles).
    At first I thought they hadn’t actually given me the trading cards, and that’s the whole point of my comment here, I think it’s important to let everyone know on your post, the trading card box was on my inventory and I had to tap “use” to be awarded the 500 trading cards. I’m glad I found out, saved me the trouble of contacting EA.
    If you already knew that, I hope I am at least helping you to confirm that it happened to someone else. Anyway, I hope it helps somehow 🙂


  13. talon8770 / rick m

    just got some free stuff with the july 4 update. I was way behind on neighbor battles and was half way to kisock after the update i got kisock a felon and box of trading cards. I fell behind because my son got married last weekend the my 98 year old grandfather died the day after, so there was no time for anything really but this was a suprise good going ea

  14. OT, but July 4th hit a little early, and they loosened the HECK out of the Friend Battle requirements. Suddenly I’m on the second-to-last prize!

  15. I picked up plopper right away. I’m a freemium player, so I was bummed when I didn’t have the donuts for him last year. I’m glad donuts are easier to come by now!

  16. They fixed the social battles!
    I got a download just now and when I signed in, I got 3 prizes one after the other.
    I really want One Week wonder Films and thought I’d miss out.
    Thanks for listening to feedback, and changing things, EA!!
    And, as always, thank you to the TSTO peeps. Y’all amazing for keeping us so well-informed. And entertained. 🙂

  17. I’m the sort of player who likes to keep all buildings out, sorta like a trophy room. “I got that one during the first Superhero event, boy was it hard-earned.”

    After getting Orphan Alley and seeing it is somewhat out-of-place, I’ve been eyeing some buildings to store. Burns State Prison is one. I like the origin of it, but it takes up a bit of space. It’s also, what, one of four prisons?

    Thinking that after this event, I’m going to do a bit of Spring (well, now summer) cleaning.

  18. If you’re a fan of 16 hour jobs, Burns’s Prison has one for Louie, Legs, and Fat Tony…

  19. Aw. Wish they would sell us a Skin for Spider-pig or something for the players who already had him. ( I think they did something like that during the Casino Event? )

    Anyways, I guess I should be happy for the new players who want some more methane gas in the air of their Springfields.

  20. I got Plopper (aka Spiderpig, Harry Plopper) straight away as I didn’t have enough donuts last time. Glad I bought it!

  21. Good morning all. I hate to be “that guy” and comment out of thread but I’m hung up on something. I’m stuck with the “Use felons to fight heroes in other towns” challenge. Any idea on how to complete that? I’m sorry if it’s already been covered on here. Thanks!

  22. Spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider pig can…..

  23. Thanks, I concur. I purchased Plopper yesterday and he is helping.
    Bu no Prison, earned last time, is in a corner and I think I will store it.

    Next up, SIC, as in Should I Craft, Returning Items?

    BTW, Super Hero Lisa has a short Quest Line AND can earn currency in Burns Summer Mansion to advance THAT part of the game.

  24. I was waiting for Plopper & the crap silo missed it last time. Plopper cracks me up, I keep hearing the 🎧 The Spider pig song in my head.

  25. It seems Plopper cannot collect blueprints, atleast he/she was not able to do it yesterday. Its a bit shame, but still great to have that iconic character 🙂

  26. In my humble opinion:

    Plopper? Get. Get now. This one’s a no-brainer.

    The prison? Meh. Springfield seems to have an awful lot of prisons and the only reasons I’d buy this is if you’re a completist or are just really into Frank Gehry.

  27. Grabbed Plopper right away. His animations are great.

  28. I won’t be able to buy Plopper because I still need 10 donuts… which I will get as a bonus prize one day after he leaves the store.

  29. There is a glitch when I fight the felons and the only option is to retreat I had to forfeit 2 matches so far I’m wondering i this has happened to someone else to before and if they know how to fix it?

    • I don’t know of a way to get out of it. I know the two occasions it happened to me was because I was hitting the fight/fist button too quickly to get through the battles faster. I ended up forfeiting, but you could try doing a hard restart on your device.

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