The Addicts Want To Know: All About You the 3 Year Blogiversary Poll

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Can you believe it’s almost our 3 Year Anniversary?!  Yea, we can’t either!  We’ve been blogging here at TSTO Addicts for nearly 3 years!  How crazy is that?!  On Sunday August 14th we will be celebrating 3 Years since we starting bringing you Tapped Out Coverage!  Wow does time fly!

So…on that note, just as we’ve done for every Blogiversary in the past…we figured let’s get to know more about YOU! (this is a feature we know a lot of you love)

Yes that’s right…we want to know more about our AMAZING Community of Tappers we have here at TSTO Addicts so we’ve put together another little poll ….the results of which we’ll share in the coming days!   So we hope that you’ll take a minute to answer the poll questions so we can learn more about you, and you can learn more about each other!

Oh and don’t forget to ask your questions to us to learn more about Bunny, Wookiee and I! 

Alissa Bunny Wookiee St Patrick's Day

If you’re having trouble using the form above, here’s the direct link:

Addicts 3 Year Blogiversary Poll

Thanks for being a part of the AWESOME Community here at TSTO Addicts & for taking the time to participate in our poll!  You guys seriously rock!! 🙂

Have you participate in any of our last polls? (6 months, 1 year, 2 years)  What do you think the results will show this time?  How long have you been a part of Addicts?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 🙂

119 responses to “The Addicts Want To Know: All About You the 3 Year Blogiversary Poll

  1. Josephine Kick@$$

    Me 50 please? (Or do I really want to know, lol)

  2. Woohoo !
    TSTO has come a long way for me since March 2013 (3.5 years)!
    Thank you TSTO Addicts (everybody) for making the game app experience so awesome! 🙂

  3. Happy 3 year blogiversary! I’ve only been playing since the middle of 2015 Superheroes, and addicted since! Going through the poll reminds me how far anyone can get premium characters/combos while playing freemium 🙂 Thank you for being a great resource from the beginning!

  4. Hold Everything! !

    Am I the only one who spotted, ……the poll is just a distraction,
    No mention of the blogiversary video? ? ?

    We the people, demand our blogiversary video !
    Who’s with me?
    😃 🇬🇧

  5. A tapper in the oven? How could you?! 😉

  6. What’s a Poké-master?

  7. Hello rappers! Thanks so much to admins of this site for sharing amazing information over the years . I’ve been playing the game since September 2015. and been obsessed with it ever since. Can’t say what’s my favourite character/building (premium) because I’m a freemium player, and so far my only premium characters are Moleman , Bumblebee man, Blue haired lawyer, Squeky teen, Kearney, and perhaps some other I accidentally got via mistery box. My premium buildings include She & she lounge, which I purchased because Helen Lovejoy has a thing for it 😂 i also got Apu a month ago,that skin we got for 4th of July.
    In my opinion nothing introduced to the game cant be my most or least fave… Until Superheroes event a month ago. Until then i was entering the game 5-8 times a day, and i couldnt believe myself for thinking its boring. Because it was. Big time. I also hated the fact that im constantly asked for an update thats larger than my phone memory. So i barely played this. Since the minute it got over,i went back in and once again im on my phone 24/7 😂😂😂 Anyway… My favourite event was definitely Halloween 2015. It was my first event,and also im a huge Halloween fan, even though we dont celebrate Halloween here in my country. Christmas was also amazing, its my favourite holiday ever, so seeing it in the game was so special to me. Only thing i didnt like was Superheroes event and i feel guilty for not liking it 😂 Im very sorry i missed Stonecutters event, i adore that episode and will eat myself inside out for not knowing the game exists while it was on.
    So, thats it from me. Thank you so much TSTO addicts, and happy tappaversary! 😊

  8. I couldn’t answer many of the questions such as favorite this or that.
    Also couldn’t answer which bathroom I use as under the Obama transgender laws, I’m not too sure.

  9. Character / building combo:

    Favorite – Barney and Bowlorama
    My Springfield just didn’t feel right until Barney was unlocked! Got him on the first rebate deal offered.

    Least – Chester and Shed
    I don’t want a 1/2 built shed and a fake Fresh Prince of Bel-Air character that has never been on The Simpsons show.
    (Both answers were same as last year)


    Favorite – Jimbo
    I know SVT is going to win and he is super helpful, but I’m gonna pick Jimbo because of the visual tasks and his character on the show.

    Least: Funzos
    I never even considered buying those… ever.


    Favorite – Aztec Theater
    Looks cool. I wish Bad Dream House was an option because the flashing color lights animation makes it my absolute favorite. I would like to always have it animated.

    Least: Stacy’s dream house.
    Not really interested in a Barbie dream house knock off lol.

    Major Event:

    Favorite – Xmas 2014 (I got this mixed up with 2013 on the poll and selected the wrong answer lol. 2013 had the stupid wheel! Ugh.)
    Stonecutters was great and will probably win, but it was fun dropping off and receiving presents. Halloween 2013 was very fun too with the gremlins running around and collecting goo. Maybe I should have picked that one..

    Least – Easter 2014
    Stupid Red and Blue eggs, Easter baskets and Easter mystery boxes! Missed out on Hugs Bunny and Shary Bobbins and still don’t have them.

    I prefer the mini events over level updates.

    Mini Events:

    Favorite – Fire Department

    Least – Valentine’s Day

    Been reading Addicts since it started. I was reading the other site that closed down before this, and know for sure I was reading before the Halloween event.

    Thanks for 3 years of making the game more fun Team Addicts.

  10. I skipped all the least favorites, I don’t have any.

  11. Is there any particular reason why the Pride Month 2015 event is listed under “Least favorite major event” but not under “Most favorite major event”?

  12. Sorry to Alyssa, Wookie and bunny if my posts keep repeating, my phone is glitchy, just delete the duplicate lol

  13. Check all that apply… Wife…. girlfriend… Are you sure this is anonymous? 😀

    Why not Brazil? I haven’t kept track very well, but looks like at least 2 or 3 Brazilians here, plus the Olympics…..

    Hillary wants my vote. She’s got it! (It was in an ad on this page. It counts!)

    • I go off of the top ranking countries for visits….

      And that ad is from your viewing history…not this site. 😉

    • Brazil is there – it just got a more accurate name, “State of denial”. 🙁

    • Josephine Kick@$$

      Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president (insert your least favorite president here), his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.”

      “OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!”

      His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

      Finally, the President looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?”

  14. Hey love the poll and also I’m kinda of hybrid of freemium and premium and donut framer. Also who oldest out of bunny, wookie and Alissa and where did first meet each other

  15. Great poll, definitely prefer the mini events after superheroes 2 burned me out.

  16. Started playing 4 years ago, i’m now married and a dad with full time job but still find time to tap. Happy blogiversary guys! *freemium since day 1*

  17. I’ve never realised how long I had been playing TSTO until I was going through the list of events and realised there were only two events that I *didn’t* do (2012’s Halloween and Thanksgiving events) – and that was despite being at university at the time.

  18. “State of denial” seems like a perfect description of my country (Brazil)’s current political situation: denial of democracy, constitutional law, and civil rights. Thanks for including that answer.

  19. How long I’ve been playing was a hard question, since I think it’s been almost exactly two years. But I went with the more than two years option, since it felt more accurate than just more than one year. I wish there was a way to see exactly when I started playing…I even logged into my EA account to see if it showed the date I signed up somewhere in my account, but no, it didn’t.

  20. Glad to take part in this. It always reminds me of when I started playing more seriously. Easter 2014.

  21. Congrats on the milestone. I love the site and visit at least once a day to keep up to date. Keep up the great work.

  22. Jack Anonymous

    I hope people remember when they fill out their poll that mini events off a lot more buildings, decorations, characters and character skins than level updates. Also with level updates all those things cost in game cash. I hope people don’t forget this stuff then vote against mini events and they take them away.

    They are really chill but still fun and we get lots of cool stuff for free. I like them.

    • Don’t worry we’re not EA so things won’t get taken away based on this poll. It’s really just a fun way to gauge what the community here is thinking.

      • Jack Anonymous

        But if you post the results and we know EA checks your site (because you guys are so awesome) they’ll likely take them into consideration.

        • lol maybe…but I don’t think they’ll revert back to level updates after spending so much time and energy eliminating them…

      • You aren’t EA, but EA should just give y’all the reigns to the game design. Would do a much better job I’m sure 🙂

  23. Will you post the results ? I would love to see the rankings 🙂

  24. a silly suggestion perhaps, but it would be cool if the survey had a link to a table of events and their dates. I honestly am not sure how long i’ve been playing now, but if I could see when stonecutters was (before my time) or tapball was (had been playing for ages by then 🙂 I could roughly figure out that date. Would probably help with the least favorite event question too 🙂

  25. Love doing polls 🙂

  26. I know this makes me sound stupid but what is the difference between a freemium and premium player

    • Freemium spends ZERO dollars in the game…never buys donuts (that includes scratch-Rs). Only uses what’s free. Premium spends money in the game…

  27. This is great! So who created the poll? Love the way you made it funny: what toilet do you use instead of boring ‘are you male or female?’ or adding ‘Springfield Retirement Home’ to where we could go.
    Can’t wait for the answers and I can’t wait for the video Q&A!!! 😉

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