Halloween Is Nearing the End…

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Just a reminder that the Halloween Event Ends TOMORROW November 15th at 0800 GMT (3am EST)


This means that you will want to make that final push to gather up all the things you want from the Event before it goes with the Event.


As far as what is going to happen AFTER the Event… well, we can’t know… until it is over. Lol. Until then all we can do is speculate. So, patience. We all have to verify what happens after together.

Now as far as to what is going with the Event, here is a brief rundown…

  • Questlines linked directly to the progression of the Event will go. Like the Main Questlines that pulled you through all 3 Acts.
  • However, the questlines linked directly the the prizes you’ve won will remain. (so Frinkenstein, Werewolf Flanders etc)
  • The event removal will require an app store update to fully remove it from your game.  So don’t panic when 0800 GMT hits and the event isn’t out of your game…  It will require an app store update to remove everything.  Usually those hit around 1-2pm (EDT)

I know some of you still try to push that last few minutes of collection as far as you can. If you turn OFF the auto update feature in your App Market, you may give yourself an extra day or so just know that ANY time after the 15th is borrowed time and you are doing so at YOUR OWN RISK. EA can force the update at anytime after the 15th and make you update. So use any extra time wisely and get what you need before you have to remove the Event completely.

So tap those last few monsters and relax and wait to see what EA has next in store for us.

Are you sad to see the event go?  Or ready for it to finally be over?  How did you do with the prizes?  Get everything you wanted?  What are you hoping to see next?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


94 responses to “Halloween Is Nearing the End…

  1. What I think is eerie,…. my number of donuts reached 666 at the end of this Halloween event!

  2. Love the event but my phone started crashing like crazy. I was only tapping once a day there at the end it got so annoying. Sorry neighbors, I gave up on visiting towards the end. By the time I got done tapping out my own town I was over it.

  3. Update available on android! Oh Yeah!

  4. I enjoyed it a lot. Got all the items in the quests, got lots of bonuts, good times were had by all.

  5. There was a questline that seems like it no longer exists on my taskbook 🙁 it had a pink car logo and I thought I could do it after the event but it’s gone now.. can anyone tell me what it was? I tried looking for it but I couldn’t find anything (also not sure what I’m looking for).
    Thanks for help!

  6. Done with Halloween… 1230pm est and no update on IOS. Come on EA…

  7. I liked this one but came up short on the first act. I got four rounds of bonuts on the 2nd and 3rd. It’s nearly 11am and on 11/15 (CST) and no update yet.

  8. I enjoyed the Halloween quest this year more than last years. Lots of buildings and decorations. I made a Halloween town for the kids to trick or treat through. Having the different stages was smart. It kept me playing all month. I do kind of wish it ended a week sooner. I’m ready for Thanksgiving.

  9. I got everything from Act 2 and 3, but I missed out on Count Burns Castle and the Space Marshmallow from Act 1. (I started the event a couple days late.) The only thing I wished I could have gotten would have been Count Burns’ Castle, but alas. Maybe it will return next year.

  10. No update yet?????

  11. I’m ready to see this one end. The big monsters weren’t much fun in my opinion, and altogether too suggestive of other things. Tremors was a great movie. It didn’t translate well into Springfield, IMHO. The whole movie theme seemed pointless. I started this game just as the Halloween event started last year and thought it was a lot more fun, particularly sending and receiving formless terrors. It was nice being able to buy the ghoulies from last year, although I really wanted a formless terror. Some cool buildings, but I already had all the spooky houses and cabins I can fit. Looking forward to getting a rat-wolf-cow when it’s over.

  12. Love the Halloween event, I’m ok with the length but as most people said, wish it could start a little earlier. As far as the story line this year to the event, I thought it was pretty weak.

  13. I got everything from the event, but I think I’m done with the game. It just takes up too much time for nothing. Events are way too long and they’re always exactly the same mechanics.

    • I’ve been thinking the same thing. There’s variation with events, but not much. And the game is becoming a part-time job with very few breaks between events.

      I think I’ll stick around, but from here on out, I’m going to not be as obsessive about checking in. I’ve been checking my son’s game this event, and with fewer check-ins and fewer premium characters to help out, I still managed to get all of the prizes.

      And I’m going to be more thrifty with my donuts…another annoyance is the amount of premium stuff vs. stuff you can buy with in-game cash. Probably a result of how many free donuts we can earn now.

  14. I’m glad this event is over. I’ve done all I can do. I’m not yet ready for the next event but I’ve turned on the Holiday lights. I have Cletus’ farm and Nelson’s house with lights on year round as there’s always something house on the neighborhood with decorations up far too long.

  15. This was one of the best events ever!!! Bring on the snow! 😀

  16. Tracy - 1ltwoody920

    Been busy the last couple of days. And now ~22 minutes and the event is over. So I ain’t a gonna send nobody to fight monsters. Just gonna wait and see what will happen.
    Time to bring out Sacagawea Lisa and Pilgrim Flanders.

  17. Calvin Smelliott

    I got all the prizes, Boobarella, made a spooky-house farm, won a BUNCHA BONUTS and am ready to move on from Halloween. It is mid-November! 🙂 I’m super excited for the Christmas update! WINTER IS COMING TO SPRINGFIELD!

  18. I am happy to see the halloween event will be ending. It is the one I wait for the most besides Christmas. This year’s event was very boring. I was able to get all the characters but nothing really exciting really happened. The only good thing was the extra donuts when each act finished early. Let’s hope Xmas will be something to look forward too

  19. Getting gravedigger Billy is by far my favorite part of this event!!!

  20. will the cobblestone road be available after the event? it doesn’t show as a limited time item

  21. Wandering Spartan

    Enjoying the bonuts, but won’t mind seeing the event go.
    I might have gone overboard building the abandoned houses – they pay the same as a purple house, but only cost crafting currency.

  22. As I’ve mentioned before I was away and couldn’t play for four days during Halloween and that got me behind schedule. I’ve still managed to unlock or build everything except Frinkenstein. If I hadn’t been lazy I would have been closer to getting him too, maybe I even could have reached that prize but I had other priorities. I just now unlocked the large obol pack which was what I needed to build the shipwreck.

    I think two weeks per act and three acts is too much. It’s hard to keep up interest for six weeks, especially when I finish the story less than one week into each act. That the story is not that interesting doesn’t help either. I think the story should consist of more but shorter tasks to keep the flow in the story, when the tasks are 12 hours long or more I lose interest in the story. I think the ideal would be 4-6 hour tasks, with shorter tasks in the beginning to get the story going.

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