Daily Archives: January 17, 2019

Not Yet Spring Cleaning: Mystery of the Brown House

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

2019 in TSTO has started with a very weird questline.  Alice Glick has finally arrived in Springfield, and she’s brought a very weird mystery with her that the kids need to solve.  The Mystery of the Brown House.

The writers have definitely taken an interesting twist with this one, so I thought i’d be fun to share the dialogue for those who may have quickly tapped through it.  So let’s take a look at this Mystery of the Brown house…

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Not Yet Spring Cleaning Prize Breakdown: Alice Glick and her Animation

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

2019 is in full swing and we’re in the midst of our first new update of the year!  The Not Yet Spring Cleaning mini-event brings a new prize track to Springfield, one full of buildings and a new character!  For ease I thought I’d break the prizes down into two posts, one for the buildings and one just for Alice Glick and her animated task.

Remember, this event is designed to follow a series of tasks via the questline to unlock prizes.  For each of the parts of the Mystery of the Brown House questline, you’ll have to earn  via various character tasks in order to unlock the prize for that part.

So let’s take a look at Alice Glick and her animated task, the 3rd and 5th prize of this mini-event…

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