Daily Archives: June 23, 2017

Addicts Bracket Challenge: Most Desired Building, Week 1

How much longer EA can keep Tapped Out going is up for debate. But what isn’t debatable is that there are plenty of buildings in the rich history of The Simpsons universe still not in our little game. We present to you TSTO Addicts’ Most Desired Building Bracket Battle.

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Should I Spend Donuts on Blackbeard & the Ghost Pirate Airship?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Time to grab toast as we travel back…wayyyy back…in time with Homer in the all new TTT (Time Travel Toaster) event!  We’ve flashed forward from the land of Egypt to the era of rum, jolly rogers, pirate ships and scurvy…and of course we’ve got loads of Pirate Era items in our Springfield just temping us with those sprinkles!

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Blackbeard and the Ghost Pirate Airship (or just Blackbeard if you already have the ship) to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this ghostly pirate to your town…

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Turbo Tappin’ Time Travel Toaster: Pirate Era (Act 3)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Raise the Jolly Roger!  It’s time to sail our way back through time as the Time Travel Toaster has flashed us into the Pirate Era.  That’s right for this third “Act” Homer will travel back to the days of Pillaging, Plundering, Rum drinking and Scurvy!

As was mentioned on the rundown post the Pirate Era runs until July 5th (when the whole event ends), and you’ll need Homer to get things started.

Don’t forget the Questline will help you get some bonus prize currency…so make sure you complete it to earn that extra currency…

Let’s take a look at the quick walkthrough for the third round of the Time Travel Event, as we go back to the days sailing the high seas and see if Homer can finally get back to be reunited with Marge….

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TTT Event – Pirate Era Calendar

Well…I am hoping that all of you “got it all” during the Egyptian Era portion of our little Time Travel Toaster Update.  I took my own advice, and bought the TreeHouse Slide…which seemed to help propel me to an early finish, without buying any of the other Premium Items.

I am hoping the same is true with the Pirate update, as I really do love things that float…and nothing floats my boat like a Pirate Ship! (the sexy pirate not so much… but fair is fair…right?)

This last segment is a tad shorter (thanks for listening EA) but kind of overlaps with the 4th of July…so here’s hoping EA didn’t forget the 4th!

The Calendar looks do-able. Batten the hatches…hoist the jib…and set sail for TREASURE! (or at least an animatronic facsimile thereof~).
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Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life For Me…TTT Pirate Era Is Live!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Arrrrgh!  Shiver me timbers! Grab your eye patches, peg legs and most importantly your rum because we’re travelling through time as the Time Travel Toaster has flashed us into the Pirate Era…

Remember…this is an automatic change in your game.  Nothing to download, it should just start up in your game..

Lisa, Homer & Moe will start this for you with dialogue.  This will be followed by a 4hr task for Homer.

Pirate Era (and remainder of the event) Runs until July 5th

Just what does Act 3 have in store for us?  Let’s take a look… Continue reading