Turbo Tappin’ Level 42: Islands in the Revenue Stream & Krusty the Hair Colorist

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well Level 42 dropped on us today, craziness and panic!!!! Another Freemium character/building combo has arrived, but no new land!  Finally, many Tappers get their wish and the Itchy & Scratchy Studios (and Roger Myers Jr) is now in Springfield!

So now that there’s a new Level in our tapping devices, you know what that means right?  Time for another Turbo Tappin!  So with that let’s jump right in and Turbo Tap the Main Questline (Freemium) of Level 42!

This main questline has two different questlines that will run parallel to each other (Islands in the Revenue Stream & Krusty the Hair Colorist…and 1 bonus part at the end with Bart & the kids).  We’ve posted them on the Turbo Tappin’ as they appeared in our game, so your game should follow a similar pattern.

So now let’s get to Tappin’ shall we?

turbotappin level42

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 1
Krusty starts

Build the Itchy & Scratchy Studio- $800,000, 24hr build

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 2
Roger Myers Jr starts

Make Roger Myers Jr. Shout at the Writers– 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 3
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Be a Sad Clown– 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 4
Krusty starts

Make Roger Myers Jr. Negotiate New Media Rights– 10hrs, Earns $350, 90xp

Krusty the Hair Colorist Pt. 1
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Block Blue-Hairs from Krusty Burger- 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 5
Roger Myers Jr. starts

Make Roger Myers Jr. “Sign” on the Dotted Line– 2hrs, Earns $110, 27xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 6
Roger Myers Jr. starts 

Make Roger Myers Jr. Shout at the Web Designers– 10hrs, Earns $350, 90xp

Krusty the Hair Colorist Pt. 2
Krusty starts

Make Krusty Discriminate Against Blue-Haired People– 5hrs, Earns $200, 50xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 7
Bart starts

Make Kids Write Angry Letters– x8, 10hrs.  Make 10 Springfield Kids Writer Letters.  Earns $350, 90xp (non-premium) and $525, 135xp (premium)

Here’s some of who can go: Lisa, Nelson, Kearney, Milhouse, Bart, Comic Book Guy (not a kid, but can still do the task), Sherri & Terri, Martin, Ralph, Jimbo & Dolph.

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 8
Roger Myers Jr starts

Make Roger Myers Jr. Read Hate Mail– 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp

Krusty the Hair Colorist Pt. 3
Milhouse starts

Make Milhouse Take Krusty to Court- 4hrs, Earns $350, 90xp
Make Judge Snyder Preside Over Court
Session- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Blue-Haired Lawyer Prosecute Krusty– 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp (NOTE: BHL’s task will ONLY appear if you have him in your game.  You DO NOT have to have BHL to complete this quest)

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 9
Roger Myers Jr starts

Make Roger Myers Jr. Relax with a Cigar– 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Islands in the Revenue Stream Pt. 10
Roger Myers Jr. starts

Make Krusty Get a Piece of the Action- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Make Roger Myers Jr. Shout at the Animators-
8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

Maximum Itchyload
Bart starts

Make Kids Watch Itchy & Scratchy– x8, 8hrs.  Make 8 Springfield Kids Watch Itchy & Scratchy.  Earns $275, 70xp (non-premium) and $420, 105xp (premium)

Here’s some of who can go: Lisa, Nelson, Kearney, Milhouse, Bart, Comic Book Guy (not a kid, but can still do the task), Sherri & Terri, Martin, Ralph, Jimbo & Dolph.

And with that Level 42 main questline is complete!

A fairly short questline, but still pretty funny!  If you run this from start to finish, without using donuts, it’ll take you approx 6 days 8hrs to complete!  Not a bad timeline for this quest!

So what do YOU think of Level 42 so far?  Are you excited the Itchy & Scratchy Studios have finally made it into TSTO?  How about the new characters? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

40 responses to “Turbo Tappin’ Level 42: Islands in the Revenue Stream & Krusty the Hair Colorist

  1. Don’t know if this goes here or with the Christmas crashes, but I’m stuck on this quest line. My islands in the revenue stream part 9 is stuck on 1/1 Done!, but it won’t clear. Since I’m keeping pace with the toy factory, I’m setting everyone to four hour stuff, which means Roger has done the relax with a cigar about ten times and it won’t clear. I’ve also got all the kids and comic book guy stuck with watch itchy and scratchy for 8 hours at the top of their to-do lists(all except Lisa, Bart, and Milhouse since they go straight back to the toy shop). I don’t have that task available, but if I did, I’d have cleared it twice by putting kids to the 8 hour task when I wasn’t paying attention.

    • Also, this quest didn’t trigger for me until the beginning of level 44. I’m half way to level 46 now and it’s been stuck since the Christmas event started. I’m tired of putting random kids to 8 hours when I’m setting everyone else for 1 hour.

      • Are you referring to your XP level? Or your Game Play Level? They are not the same. You XP is just what XP level you have earned to date. Your Game Play Level is what questlines and walkthroughs you have completed from every Level release. You have to complete each Level Walkthrough to progress to the next one. So if you never Finished Level 42 questlines, they will not let you progress any further until you do.

      • No idea which level is which, honestly. My problem is in the other comment, which doesn’t seem to have been posted yet :-\ It’s more about a stuck task than the level I’m on…

    • Are you tapping on the character when the task is done or am have you tried Clearing it by going to the quest pop up in the task bar and tapping the task from there?

      • I can’t do either. You know how usually when you finish a task, if you go through the task menu it says “go to”, mine just says done and I can’t click on anything. I did click on roger the first time I did the task, and that’s when it got stuck.

        • I know what you mean, sometimes I will do the task again but when the thumbs up is ready, I tap the task instead of the thumbs up to see if it will trigger it. Even though it says “DONE”. Outside of the basics, contacting EA is really the next step if nothing else works.

          You could even try storing the Itchy & Scratchy studio that Roger came with.

  2. Josephine Kick@$$

    Thanks for the Turbo, I got the popup to build it, but had no idea what else was coming. I also got the anvil today… not my cup of tea & huge! I placed it for the brief quest, & put it back in storage LOL.

  3. Sorry it’s a good point

  4. Just had a speech bubble from krusty saying that ‘someone was about to get punched in the face by a fist full of money’
    Is this a random thing or is it part of the new lvl? I’m half way through lvl 39 atm so I figured it couldn’t be the new stuff yet? ??

    • He was halfway through a 1 hr task at the time.

    • Might just be a random glitch where dialoge for something else popped up. But let me run through the old dialog (and the new) and just check to see if that’s part of something else.

      • Thanks Ali x

      • MaudlinMandarin

        I had a similar speech bubble from Krusty as well. It popped up right after I had come back from visiting neighbours. I had Krusty on the Self-Importance task (the one where he is carring a large exclamtion point). Nothing happened after though. No donuts. No money. No follow-up.

        I thought it was maybe the new Itchy & Scratchy event, but I am only level 35.

      • crimsontadpoles

        I had that krusty message as well. I think it said something about ennui getting punched with a money fist. I’m only level 24, and this message didn’t affect my town or unlock any quests.

  5. I don’t know about you guys, but I got the patch at 4 am… (yes I happened to be up and figured I’d send someone on a job) and the first thing I thought was JET CAR QUARTER MILE TRACK!!! WOoooo
    Jet cars under the stars, no roundy-rounds here!
    I’m still working on the tower… would like to make it dark inside. WTB black fences!

  6. is that why i got locked out after buying 300 doughnuts and not receiving them once i finally got in?? and i STILL have NOT gotten a reponse back from EA, regarding my missing Mindy character since Easter!?

  7. Anyone know what the new fp reward will be?

  8. Krusty isn’t starting the questline. HELP!

    • back out of your game, hard close it and restart it. If that still doesn’t trigger it, back out again and restart your device. That should help get things going for you 🙂

  9. Why is my studio locked? I am level 42. Is it because I haven’t built Vugari yet?
    Thank you

  10. Did you say new land?

  11. 666XdarkkingX666

    I notice that with this update, that they decided not to bring back the nuke option to restart/redo you town and how it’s designed.. Now while I didn’t use it when it was available because I thought it would make me loose my items. I feel that it would be a good option due to not being able to put trees and other plants into the inventory.

  12. So you need blue haired lawyer to finish this?

  13. Homer Simpson and the blue haired lawyer

    Why can’t squeaky Teen do kids task he’s like 15 or 16

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