Something’s On It’s Way….

Update 7:40pm EDT: New Images!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

About 20 minutes ago THIS was posted on EA’s TSTO Facebook Page:

EAFBAugustLooks like we’re going back in time for the next TSTO Update my friends!  Could this mean a Mountain Expansion?  Could it be a whole new event?  Oh who cares?!  The important thing is WE’RE GETTING AN UPDATE…THIS WEEK! 

What do YOU think this all means?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

Update: New images released via EA’s Instagram…check out these great skins for Bart and Lisa!



In case you can’t see it.  It says:

“War is coming to Springfield! Ready your sword and shield! Your bow and quiver! Your wizard hat and inhaler! Coming this week, The Simpsons: Tapped Out gets a new update!”

Thanks to Reader Mt Orange for the tip to check their Instagram!  This community ROCKS!!!

153 responses to “Something’s On It’s Way….

  1. LAND!
    Only one strip but I’m soooo happy

  2. Update available now in UK store

  3. it’s NOW!!!!

  4. Am I the only one closing and reopening my app every 10 minutes?! My idea: your own custom character with your own default task.

    • oooo i like that idea! (and no…lol)

      • Alissa, what would your some of your task be? Mine would be “watch game” at duff stadium “bounce” at moes tavern “lead counseling session” session “play poker” w/ rich Texan, homer, Abe Lincoln, and fat Toby lol 45 second task: “play freemium game”

        • Definitely watch a game at duff stadium for sure! Some others would be: Change Basement Locks, moderate comments, write posts, Tequila at Johnny Fiesta’s, relax on the beach. 🙂

  5. Blast! I just put everybody on 24 hr tasks 3 hours ago as updates are usually Wed….Oh well. Hope it’s a good one though….

  6. I’ve got $13.3 million and 42,000 KL tickets, let’s do this thing!

  7. Giggity

  8. I am hoping for something clash of clans at the same time as being the mysterious god finger in tapped out, I am also the “chief” of a stacked level nine town hall base and the leader of a 45 person clan (in other words, I’m pretty good). Also Hoping there is some element of attacking other villages.

  9. Yeeaaahh! Something new & exciting & different. I am in. Looks good for autumn.

  10. Hey Addicts! Are we all super-stoked about the UPDATE!?
    (deep breaths… deep breaths….)
    Anyway, I’m just wondering (based on your supreme knowledge) when we should expect the update to land this week?
    I’m fairly sure that Valentines, Easter and SC all landed on a Tuesday, but could have been Wednesday lol.
    I’m too excited to wait another day!

    • I’m thinking today…BUT with EA these days who knows! lol

      And yes…Halloween, Christmas, Stonecutters all on a Tuesday 🙂

      • Hurrah! The anticipation is unbearable. After what seems like such a LONG lull in-game we all no doubt have high hopes.

        It would be interesting to see the results of an addicts poll asking which of the following people would like most from the update:

        1) A permanent expansion to Springfield including new land (like SP).
        2) A permanent expansion in a separate instance (like KL).
        3) A limited time event that ISN’T pay to win (like SC).
        4) A new level update.

        I think the above would be my order of preference.

  11. Not sure I want a full on Event. I have only just recovered from the StoneCutters, which was the best event ever, but totally all consuming. We know there is going to be a big event for Halloween so I would be happy with just a big game expansion at this point.

  12. Gils deal came down on schedule. I was one of the ones who was glitched so that’s a good sign. Happy tapping

  13. So very random but with EA having games like the Sims and SimCity one would think they could have at least some semblance of organization in the TSTO build/buy menu. Categories, something. Not just one long list – that doesn’t even cycle to the end from the beginning and vice versa. Just saying the menu navigation in TSTO is horrible compared to other EA games.

    Sorry, I know that’s unrelated but I’m cranky and wanted to vent. 😉

    Still totally excited about the update tho!

    • I totally agree with you! My inventory is jammed full of items that I want to keep but not necessarily place at the moment. Trying to find specific things takes an eternity when you’re decorating a new building for example, whether it’s your own inventory or the store list.

      p.s, I’m aware it’s alphabetical, it’s more to do with how long it takes to get from A-Z.

  14. I am SOOO ready for new content. I’ve got over $1.3M, 150k tickets and 300 donuts burning a hole in my digital pocket. Every character is waiting for an assignment. I’m ready!!!! (Of course I just finished with my 5 days of vacation and head out at 5am Tuesday for a conference)
    Like many others here, I have Tapped Out of boredom and loyalty in the hopes of something different and new.
    I’ve built the Sit n Rotate, I’ve farmed Bloodmobiles, I’ve even been playing FGTQFS! (Please! Don’t make me zap, spray or bomb any more mutant Stewies. I live in San Diego our ComiCon has never been taken over by a meniacal octo-baby, seriously where did that come from?)
    I just hope that whatever the update is, it has lots of solid storyline to go with the tasks and masks. That’s what makes this game special. Maybe even a new video, we haven’t had one of those since Marge arrived. (I love the videos, I have rewatched all of them and hoped that they would continue through the game…oh well).

  15. From the comments posted here, some are suggesting it will be an event spoofing ‘The Game of Thrones.’ I can’t offer any insight on that as I have never seen it. So if it is, I just hope it is not less enjoyable if you’re not privy to having seen the series. I suspect I won’t get some of the inside jokes in the quest dialogues. It’s okay, I suppose. I’ll just be happy with something new to break the current lull, I guess.

  16. OMG Homer Bart and Lisa are the same as 3 characters from clash of clans.

  17. I’m So Excited! I just needed to know what was coming up next. The lack of news was driving me crazy. I hope its tomorrow.

  18. Ahhhh, if it comes out tommorow that’ll be great but either way it should be a nice birthday treat!!!! 🙂

  19. Game of thrones spoof?

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