Christmas Present Prizes: Breaking Down the Festive Plunger

Hey Howdy Hey My Elfish Tappers!

Well….unless you’ve been caught in a major snowstorm you know that Christmas has arrived in Springfield! A light snow is falling & Santa has arrived in town!   By now we’re all busy sending those elves and residents to the workshop to make presents!

With this event EA is repeating a similar prize structure to what they did for Halloween, only more prizes, and releasing the event (and prizes) in stages.  For the first phase, which lasts until Christmas Eve (12/24), you can win 8 prizes by collecting Presents.  The fifth prize awarded at 5500 Presents is the Festive Light Plunger.  

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Let’s take a closer look at this plunger, and just what happens when you take the plunge in your Springfield!

Festive Plunger

WARNING Mild Dialogue Spoilers Ahead

Once you’ve collected 5500 Presents the Festive Light Plunger will automatically be awarded to you and you’ll see this popup:

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Much like Friendship Prizes, if you’re visiting a neighbor when you hit the 5500 Presents mark this message will still popup and your Plunger will be waiting for you in your inventory once you get back to your Springfield.

The Light Plunger will be placed in your inventory, so you’ll have to go into your inventory to retrieve it.  Just tap on the “use” icon to place it in your Springfield:

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Before you even place it in town…some minor dialogue from Homer will popup.  You will then be prompted with the task to place it and tap on it.  Here’s the full rundown:

Taking the Plunge

Homer: When you see an unmarked plunger that could be connected to anything, my rule is “plunge it”.
Place the Festive Light Plunger
Plunge the Festive Light Plunger
Homer: This decorates everything for me in one plunge?  I shall never break my ankle trying to put a light-up Rudolph on the roof again.
Completed Task Earns 100 Presents and 10XP

This is by far my favorite prize of this event so far.  So many Tappers have been asking EA for a way to turn everything on at once…instead of tapping on each and every house to switch the lights on.  And finally it’s here!

Now whenever you want to decorate your Springfield for Christmas…just tap the Plunger!

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And when you want to take the decorations down…just tap it again!

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So here’s the deal with the Plunger:

-A decoration for Springfield.
-Does not add any bonus %
-Turns all the Christmas Lights in Springfield On or Off with just the tap of it (houses only)

So that about covers all the details on this Festive Plunger!

What do YOU think of the Festive Light Plunger?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield?  Do you love having the ability to turn all the lights on with just the tap of the screen?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

48 responses to “Christmas Present Prizes: Breaking Down the Festive Plunger

  1. did they take away the plunger in christmas 2015 update? I can’t find mine to save my life!

    • I love the festive holiday plunger and the new 2022 halloween plunger for houses as well now. If I leave the plunger in town after the holidays finding the plunger can be a serious challenge to find if your town is well developed. Luckily I tend to put it back into inventory after the holidays, only to refer back to this article to remember the name of the plunger in my inventory under miscellany. If you have it… Don’t forget to layout the New Year’s Ball soon. Happy 2023 Tapping! =)

  2. So I don’t know if it’s a major glitch or something with my iPad but has anyone else experience their lights all being turned off on their homes at one time. At first I thought maybe I got crazy at tapping and I shut something off but now it’s happened three times so I think it’s a glitch

  3. This little device is so great and helpful! So happy with EA on this event. They’ve knocked it out of the park this year!

    I hope that someday there will be a “mega button” to tap all buildings and characters to make it easy for people with huge towns to quickly collect/end tasks. I’m thinking of something like a reverse nuclear button so to speak.

    Some might think that’s lazy, but I’d use it. (Sort of like the ghost bomb from a previous Halloween.)

    Happy tapping everyone!

  4. Now EA just needs to make a collect all mechanism or even a set everyone’s task using the courthouse would be nice . I wouldn’t even mind spending 400 donuts on something like that . Loving the holidays though avid tapper since game came out

  5. It’s a cool addition, definitely something a lot of people wanted.

  6. Apologies in advance if I’ve posted this in wrong place I was just wondering what majority of people are doing if when visiting neighbours there town is overrun with Feds do they tap on presents instead? As I have 98 neighbours I write down those whose towns are overrun and try them 24 hrs later – I rotate my neighbours so I try to leave presents to all my friends over a 48 hour period just wanted some opinions?

    • Can’t speak for everyone but I just tap on presents.

      • Ditto: I just tap presents instead. I like the feds button but, quite frankly, the limit of 20 feds means that only the first six neighbors can use it three times — the seventh gets two taps, and the remainder get to tap buildings. I don’t have time to mess with coming back again (or resetting my visitation clock for this neighbor). Despite this tiny flaw (and others that have been identified elsewhere) I still feel this is the…

        …Best. Event. Ever.

        …and worthy of a burrito: :burrito:

  7. I love the Festive Light Plunger however I unlocked it right after I finished turning on all of my Christmas lights, with about 100 houses to tap let’s just say I wasn’t all that happy the moment I got it.

  8. Has anyone seen the sky lift ride in someone’s town? I know I’m not crazy…I saw it when visiting friends the other day now I can’t find it again. It wasn’t in crustyland either…at least I don’t think so. Where did this come from? Are we getting this?

  9. Very handy. Nice addition to the game. Thoughts:

    – I like that it’s animated when you tap it (I especially enjoy the sound effects when turning off the decorations). I just wish it would stay lit/blinking when decorations are set to active.

    – It doesn’t switch the decorations on the Springfield Chruch (turning on/off the Sponsorship). I wonder if it’s because I also have the Heck House facade and having three confuses the toggle.

  10. Sorry about the 2 same comments I hit post and then I was sent to a page saying my server was going through routine maintenance and to hit refresh in 5 minutes, weird.

  11. I absolutely love this prize!!! I was dreading going through all my houses and turning them on, one by one. I won all the christmas skins last year,
    which was awesome, but when I was turning them off all I could think was “this sucks”. Great addition to the game! Now we just need a “task all” button! Also I’m ready enjoying the Fed button, it’s nice to be able to get through my 100 neighboreenos in about 15 minutes instead of the normal 30 plus minutes. I enjoy looking through my friends towns but some days I just don’t want to look for a building/ house to tap, I want someone else to do it for me! Perhaps a Gil button! He’ll do anything even if he doesn’t get paid 😀

  12. I love this prize!!! I was dreading going through all my houses and turning them on, one by one. I won all the christmas skins last year,
    which was awesome, but when I was turning them off all I could think was “this sucks”. Great addition to the game! Now we just need a “task all” button! Also I’m ready enjoying the Fed button, it’s nice to be able to get through my 100 neighboreenos in about 15 minutes instead of the normal 30 plus minutes. I enjoy looking through my friends towns but some days I just don’t want to look for a building/ house to tap, I want someone else to do it for me! Perhaps a Gil button! He’ll do anything even if he doesn’t get paid 😀

  13. William Bergheimer

    Anyone know how to use bonestorm santa? I Supposedly won it today, but when I tap santa, there’s no way to change him (I thought it was a Santa skin). I checked, and it did leave my storage and still shows as received in my character collection list.

    • William Bergheimer

      I found him while awaiting moderation. I had to change view to hid buildings, he was hiding behind my wax museum. An NPC huh? Odd I never got the tap bonestorm task I see listed online…

    • It’s a separate NPC that will walk around your town. Go into your inventory and get him 😉

  14. To be completely honest. It is really hard to tell when the lights are on or off anyways.

  15. Bed goes up, bed goes down, bed goes up, bed goes down…

  16. I can tell that this would be very handy next year! (Or maybe sooner…been thinking off maybe doing a “Christmas in July” thing just for fun this summer.)

  17. By far the best do-it-in-one-tap addition to the game. Now, with the amount of characters in the game, I’d like to see the same king of thing happen with tasks. How cool would it be to send characters on 4h tasks during quick office breaks. That would definitely satisfy my TSTO fix once or twice during working hours. 😉

  18. Annoying that it doesn’t include the new skin for the church, that’s still a manual change :/

    • That may be a good thing…. I think the sponsored church building is tacky — I’ve only left it on this long in case it was needed for some task or another, but so far it’s not been needed and I’m hoping it’s not needed in the future.

  19. Just wish we could mess with neighbors towns, turn everything on or off on them 🙂

  20. Thanks for clearing that up, I had no idea what was happening elsewhere in my town when tapping it.

    I do wish it activated the spotlights on the Claus Co. building, though. So far this building hasn’t been a part of the event at all.

  21. Terrific little addition. I really like how the EA developers keep coming up with small ways to remove tedious and/or repetitive actions from the game. Like this decorations switch, for example. My other favorite was when they added the “tap to go to character needing task” button in the upper left corner. It used to be horrible having to find each and every character to give them something to do. Then there’s the “go to next neighboreeno” button…

  22. I. Love. This. Prize.

    Just about makes the entire event worth it.

  23. it also does the candy cane power plant, not just the houses

  24. Merry Christmas everyone! Luv this-now if we could have one to turn on all of our animations! 🙂

  25. It also adds certain decorations to the houses. Like a Santa Sleigh on the purple house and angels on the Van Houten house.

  26. I love it! It is fun. It reminds me of those big plungers at the national tree lightings. I click on it a couple of times a day…

  27. Very useful. When tapping my houses, the xmas decorations can be randomly turned on and off by accident. This plunger keep things in order.

  28. Got it, love it!

  29. Best thing ever!

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