Terwilliger Guide to Crafting: Act Three Crafting

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Terwilliger time in TSTO!  Yes, the Terwilliger’s are back and they’re set on making not only the Simpson’s lives a nightmare, but ours as well!  Mutant Veggies, Bob Clones, Jelly Blobs, upgrades and CRAFTING!  Ahhh!

I know many of you are panicking about crafting and just how you’ll earn enough Opera Masks, Fertilizer, DNA and Corn to get everything.  Well don’t worry, we’re here to break it all down for you.  And I promise, it’s not as much of a nightmare as you might think it is.  Just pace yourself, and remember it won’t happen overnight.

So now let’s breakdown all the fun of Crafting during Act 3…shall we?


I’m going to spare you guys from the basics this time around.  We’ve covered this ad nauseam all over the site.  But if you still need them you can check out our Act 1 Guide to crafting Post here.

In this post we’re instead just going to talk about the items added for Act 3, what they do and how they’ll impact your town.  With a few tips and suggestions along the way…

So let’s get started….

A few  general questions….

How Long Do I Have To Craft These Items, When Does the Event End?

Right now there is an end date indicated in the game of May 26th (0800 GMT, 4am EDT). So that’s the date we’re going by.

Yes, there are an extra 9 days built in somehow that show it should end on June 4th (the Monsarno Farming License countdown timer for example), but I’d rather play it safe than sorry.  So try to base everything off of the end date indicated of May 26th.

To Upgrade Or Not To Upgrade?  

ico_terwilligers_monsarnoupgrade_md  ico_terwilligers_operaupgrade

Again, we’ve talked about this ad nauseam as well.  Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.  We’ve broken it all down for you in this Monsarno Upgrade Post and this Opera House Post

When Should I Stop Upgrading?

You will NOT see a max for upgrading.  So when you stop is up to you.  Personally, I stopped once I hit Level 19 at Monsarno and Level 9 at the Opera House.  I’ve unlocked all of the tasks for characters and got the bigger increases on Theater Masks, DNA, Corn and Fertilizer.  But where you decide to stop is completely up to you.

It Costs So Much Fertilizer, DNA, Theater Masks and Corn to Get Anything, How Can I Earn More?

ico_terwilligers_upgrade_fertilizer ico_terwilligers_upgrade_corn ico_terwilligers_upgrade_dna ico_terwilligers_upgrade_theatremask

Yes, crafting just about anything in this event seems daunting.  It may feel like you’ll never get there, but remember it’s all a long term goal.  You won’t get there overnight (unless you use donuts), so it’s important to pace yourself.

Currently there are only 4 ways to earn Theater Masks, DNA, Corn & Fertilizer.  Sending characters on tasks to earn it, clearing Bob Clones in your town, Completing Cecil’s Daily Tasks & Sending/tapping Mutant Seedlings (Note the Mutant Seedlings only earn DNA and Theater Masks during Act 3).  So if you’re looking for tips to earn more…there really aren’t any.  Just keep sending as many characters as you can out on Theater Mask, DNA, Fertilizer and Corn tasks.

So now that more of your common Crafting questions have been answered….let’s take a look at what you can actually craft and the details.

Crafting Item Breakdown: Act 3 

For Act Three there are 3 items to craft initially and 2 more added as you level up the Opera House.  Let’s take a look at each item and how it will impact your Springfield..

cactus patch

Item: Cactus Patch
4,500 ico_terwilligers_fertilizer_lg  2,800 ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg
4×4 (Grass only)
Conform-O-Meter Impact:
Tree-hugging +10 
Can I Craft Multiples:
Yes, Should be at the same crafting rate
Benefit  in Springfield:
Decoration, no added benefit other than looks
Should I Craft?:
This is one I would say if you have an idea for where it should go, craft it.  But the cactus patch might be better if crafted in multiples for certain looks.  I would hold off on crafting this until towards the end of the event.  Since you’ll most likely want multiples.  


 Item: Homer Decoy
4,500ico_terwilligers_dna_lg 5,300 ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg
2×7 (Grass/Pavement only)
Conform-O-Meter Impact:
Vanity +100
Can I Craft Multiples:
Yes, should be at same crafting rate
Benefit  in Springfield:
Just a decoration, no real benefit.  
Should I Craft?:
This is one to go for after you’ve gotten all the other main items you want.  I do have this in my town, I grabbed it after I crafted the House Boat (I already had Gas & Grub and the Farmer’s Market crafted).  It IS animated (the Homer dummy rides around the line in a loop).  

Item: Simpson House Boat
Cost: 4,600 ico_terwilligers_corn_lg 9,600 ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg
Size: 5×8 (can only be placed in the water)
Build Time: Instant
Conform-O-Meter Impact: Indolence+10
Can I Craft Multiples: No, this is the one item you cannot craft multiples of
Benefit  in Springfield: Will earn you $200,20xp/12hrs.
Should I Craft?: This is probably the one item most of you have wanted throughout the entire event.  While no characters will interact with it, it is still pretty neat and from a classic Simpsons episode.  So this is a must craft in my opinion.  


Item: Outdoor Opera Seats
900 ico_terwilligers_dna_lg  3,400 ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg
4×9 (Anywhere in Springfield
Conform-O-Meter Impact: Vanity +10
Can I Craft Multiples:
Yes, Should be at same crafting rate.
Benefit in Springfield:
None.  It’s just a big decoration.  Will not earn you cash/xp, it’ll just sit there.  
Should I Craft?:
No.  You’re awarded TWO for free once you level up the Opera House to Levels 3 and again at Level 7.  And the two free ones should be plenty for your Springfield.  Don’t waste your DNA/Theater Masks on this one. 


Item: Outdoor Opera Ticket Booth
400 ico_terwilligers_corn_lg  1,700 ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg
2×2 (Anywhere in Springfield)
Conform-O-Meter Impact: Vanity +10
Can I Craft Multiples:
Yes, should be at same crafting Rate
Benefit  in Springfield: None.  
It’s just a big decoration.  Will not earn you cash/xp, it’ll just sit there.
Should I Craft?: 
No.  You’re awarded one for free once you level up the Opera House to Level 5.  And the free one should be plenty for your Springfield.  Don’t waste your Corn/ Masks on this one.

A number of you are asking what should you craft/what would we craft.  Well…you should craft whatever you want.  We’ve broken everything down, so you can see what provides the most benefit to YOUR Springfield (Act 1 is here & Act 2 is here).  So craft whichever items jump out at you, and what you like the most.  There is no right or wrong way here…do what you want 🙂

For those curious…here’s a list of what I have crafted & what I hope to finish crafting before May 26th..

So far I’ve crafted:
Farmer’s Market
2 Cane Fields
Gas & Grub
Simpson’s House Boat
Homer Decoy

Working on now…
Cactus Patch (i’d like at least 2 before the event ends)

Would like to have if time allows…
Welcome Bob Sign

I don’t really have an interest in the Monsarno Flower walls since most of that will end up in my Inventory once the event ends. 

But this is what works for me & what I want in my Springfield…the beauty of TSTO is everyone’s town is different.  So make yours different and unique to you 🙂


And that my friends covers all the details of crafting during Act 3!

Remember, crafting is meant to be a long term goal, so take your time.  Don’t feel like you need to craft everything overnight, because you won’t.  It’ll take some time to achieve all your crafting goals, so be patient.  And remember…don’t use donuts to rush crafting!  It’s just not worth it.  Save those sprinkles for something more important down the road.

What are your thoughts on Act 3 Crafting?  Which prizes will you be going for?  Which ones will you be passing on?  What items from the event overall have you crafted so far?  Which ones are you currently working on?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

96 responses to “Terwilliger Guide to Crafting: Act Three Crafting

  1. Shouldn’t it be the Thompson House Boat?

  2. I’ve finished crafting in both my A and B games after getting everything that I wanted. My characters are now back in their respective premium costumes (if they have one) to earn more and get event tasks off the list for as many as possible. Focusing on earning money and XP again – especially the former in order to keep up with spending money on the Money Mountain.

  3. Just wanna start off saying that you guys rock! Half the fun of playing this game is reading this site for sure, and the work you guys put into it is amazing, thanks for all your hard work! I’m not only a TSTO addict, but I’m a TSTO addicts addict! 😉 but anywho, I was just awarded Dame Judith finally! Now to focus on these craftables! I really want the gas & grub, but it seems I’m still so far away from getting the DNA I need, about 2000 more, but just realized that I’m only about 70 theatre masks from the homer decoy (which I didn’t really want at first but I kinda like it now), I need help, what should I do!? Grind hard for the next 4 days on DNA for the gas and grub, or just get the homer decoy tomorrow? I also really want the houseboat, which if I get the homer decoy it would almost be impossible to get the amount of masks I’d need for the houseboat (at this point I’d need 4000 theatre masks for it)… I could craft the gas and grub and the houseboat possibly, or just get the decoy… I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!

    • Personally…I’d grind hard for the gas and grub. it’ll have more benefit to your Springfield in the long run than the Homer Decoy (since Gas and Grub improves consumerism and offers a payout…where the Homer decoy is just a decoration)

      And thank you for the kind words 🙂

      • Thanks Alissa! I guess I was just jumping the gun wanting the homer decoy because I was so close! Gas & grub and houseboat here I come!

        And it’s the least I could do! You guys are great at what you do for us fellow tappers 🙂

  4. I started late in the event so I’m a tad behind (didn’t get the farmhouse). Crafted the farmers market today. I have the totals I’m aiming for but I’m getting discouraged with DNA. There aren’t many characters that work for it and the payout is awful even at level 19. If I can get the other 3-4 items I want for less than 100 donuts total, I may go for it.

  5. Simpson House Boat – that’s all I want to craft cause I’m done earning everything else prize wise …. 🙂

  6. I’m feeling good! I just got the houseboat today, and I already have everything else except the Homer decoy, a cactus patch, and a flower wall. I’m trying to get one of each, but don’t care that much!

  7. I still haven’t been able to craft much of anything. For some reason, it seems like it’s taking me FOREVER to get enough DNA, etc., to get anything. I have the farmers market, but that’s it! Do I get more stuff if I upgrade the building and opera house? I haven’t upgraded much at all. Is that the secret??? I want stuff but can’t see the chance of getting anything! ***cries***

    • Well my Opera House is at Level 9 and if I sent ALL characters for masks i get over 3k/day. Of course I don’t since DNA is important. But I would upgrade to Level 19 and Level 9 (Opera House)

    • At this point though I doubt you’ll make back what you spend to upgrade since there aren’t that many days left.

  8. Sorry if this has been covered already, but what is the best way to shore up on DNA right now? I have most characters on it but it’s brutal – no way to do more than a few hundred in a day. Ironically, good on everything else. Thank you in advance if you can point me in the right direction (or previous post)!

    • Unfortunately, there really is no magic method. It’s just grinding with character tasks unfortunately…

    • I’m in the same boat, Eric. I have very few characters who can earn DNA (of the 16 available in one category, I’ve only got 7), so I’m a little burned out from grinding. Doing the math, there’s no possible way to hit my target number. Grr. And blargh.
      Yes, grr and blargh indeed.

  9. I have a Glitch to report: My cooling towers (to the Powerplant) are not heating up (animating) while I have characters (Mr. Burns and others) doing a Powerplant task. Not a big deal but wondered if anyone else noticed this.

  10. Matthew Szekeresh

    Can anyone tell me what episode the Homer Decoy is from? For the life of me I can’t remember and its driving me crazy!

  11. Where do you view the license countdown?

  12. The house boat could have been an awesome item if it had some characters interaction, but o well.

    • “Bart, wanna see my new chainsaw and hockey mask!!”
      –best line ever

      • YES. I loved the animation of Bart’s eyes in that scene, pupils dilated and radiating with fright. Was the chainsaw before or after Homer rushed into Bart’s room with the knife and tray of brownies?
        I’ve had the slow, plodding theme from the Terror Lake episode in my head off and on ever since this event began. So glad Sideshow Bob is finally given the limelight he deserves in our TSTO world!


  13. I just got a series of tasks called ” Running Out the Clock” which requires upgrading Monsarno to level 25, upgrading the Opera house to level 15, and craft 10 items. I already have everything I wanted from crafting so now I will craft items to keep in storage.

  14. I want a second farmer’s market, so I feel like I’m back in Act 1 grinding to earn fertilizer (well, not totally grinding at this point…i’ve switched to a somewhat more leisurely approach to playing the rest of this event, now that I have all of my “must haves.”

    • I am aiming on the Simpson Houseboat, because it’s the best item after the Rakes from Cape Feare.
      Sideshow Bob has just met with his second arch-enemy in the form of Rakes, which has become a running gag on the show, he even run into them at Five Corners, and even underwater.
      Bob is sang the entire score of HMS Pinafore at the Simpson(Thompson) Houseboat, and when he got onboard, he also ran into a rake 😀

  15. I should have the decoy later today or tomorrow. Got everything else except the cane fields, cactus patches, and flower walls. Aiming for two of each but it’s a grind and wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the info here and my spreadsheet so I knew how to shift priorities. Fertilizer is really needed add is DNA. Corn I’m done with and masks are coming right along. Nice to know how many I’m getting a day and if I’m on track or over/under my targets.

  16. This is fantastic work!
    If you have the time, would you mind posting a thread were people could post how much of each item they have and what items they have crafted? Sorta like what you lot do with Family Guy Events. just a suggestion. 🙂

    • We’ll see what we can do 😉

    • I got 1 Gas and Grub, 1 Farmers’ Market, the houseboat, 1 flower wall, 3 cane fields, 3 ticket booths/security guard posts, 1 cactus field, 1 smokehouse, 1 sign, and 0 decoys. I will probably get about 1 cane field and 1 guard post each day the rest of the time. If I do not have enough for the last cane field, will get a second planter since they can be substituted in a hedge or granite wall. In this way I should finish the 100 mutants and 10 crafted items task, which may come in handy for donuts. I am getting something around 3000 notes a day, i.e. about 3 donuts. I am guessing I will get about 120-130 donuts during the entire event, making Francesca cost only about 2 weeks donuts from visiting friends, an entirely acceptable price. Last two nights have received 5 donuts after midnight for visiting 100 friends. (Thanks for the seeds, guys. Sorry I don’t have enough to repay everyone.) I could earn enough DNA and masks to craft the decoy, but prefer guard posts and cane fields. I am at lvl 52 and visit Springfield at least once an hour 20 hours a day. Hope that gives you some ideas. This post can be moved if a crafting results thread is created.

  17. I’ve only just got the Gas and Grub (back down to 29 DNA, sob!). I can get the houseboat but not the decoy before the end. Already have the farmer’s market and smokehouse. So I will probably my use my remaining supplies on cactus or cane field if I can get one.

  18. So if I have crafted all I want is there any reason to keep collecting the special currency? Is Act 3 the end? I have all the Act 3 prizes but will still collect notes to get the donuts but I am thinking I may be done with this for the most part.

  19. Got the houseboat this morning, along with the final freebie prize. Already have Farmers Market, Gas N Grub, and the Bob Sign. Working on the decoy Homer now, oddly enough I have more than enough DNA for it, but not enough Opera Masks. Hopefully those won’t be as daunting to get now that that’s all I need, at least for Decoy Homer. Wouldn’t mind the cactus deco, as long as I can gain enough extra stuff to craft two of them at minimum. Hoping for that extra potential week, would definitely help alot of us. Surprisingly enough I have not used donuts yet, not sure how I managed all this.

  20. On another note, skipping the homer thingy, but I am going to craft at least two more of the ticket booths. One I will use as a guard house for my Italian gated compound (aka Godfather) after I get the newest Villa. The other is a just in case for later.
    Thank you for all you guys do to help us out!

  21. I’m planning to put two cactus patches in front of the arboretum received in the Superheroes event. I really can’t figure out where to put the Homer decoy.

    • When I get mine, I’m putting it in the jail yard (once I revamp my town since its a total mess right now)

    • You could put it in the Simpson backyard with a tree covering each pole. Then Homer could ‘pop out from time to time’. And when Homer is relaxing in the pool, he can watch himself.

  22. Arrrgh Math! I would like a cactus patch (since it looks neat and it’s tree hugging) but I’m trying not to be vain. Since nothing produces a percentage and I already have one of each of the boat, restaurant, and market; I think I’ll go for a second market and maybe restaurant again (since the boat was a one time). I also have an odd feeling these craft items may become premium and freemium purchases sometime after the event. (Just a gut feeling yet I don’t recall them doing that in any past events lol). I know people are gaga over the decoy but personally I find it creepy.

  23. So far, I’ve got the House Boat, Gas & Grub, Farmer’s Market, Sani-John, and 2 cane fields. I reaaallly like the flower walls, but don’t have nearly enough DNA to get the multiples I’d need to do anything nice with them. Maybe we’ll see them offered for in game cash somewhere down the road like the Easter fences were. I could take or leave the Homer decoy & Bob sign.

    Gonna wait a little longer and see where my material levels are before crafting anything else. I’d be perfectly happy making a bunch more cane fields & some cactus patches.

  24. I am level 20 montsarmno (sp?) 15 sprayer and 9 theater and I have a huge bottleneck creating dna. I don’t see the benefit to upgrading anymore (though i might upgrade the theater to 10 just to hit the level ten goal). Any advice besides donuts? I have every character and have been fairly diligent about making all dna reward characters do thier tasks. Thanks.

    P.s. I’m down to just the homer dummy and the wall so i’m not super stressed, i’m just checking in.

    • I’m slow on the DNA, too. DO NOT UPGRADE the theater any more! It costs 900 DNA and that’s what you’re trying to accumulate! It seems illogical, but that upgrade quest should be ignored. It is NOT in your best interest.

      By the way, upgrading to level 20 Monsarno was a good choice since you want more DNA. I did it, too. Just a little bit more DNA per task and you’re spending only corn and fertilizer to do it.

  25. ctgirlinheart

    I didn’t think I’d be able to craft the houseboat and Homer decoy before the end of the event but I did both today! And without using donuts to rush anything. Now I’ll focus on Welcome Bob. Not a must item for me. And maybe upgrade Opera House 1 more level to get that task off my list.😲

    I have crafted:
    Springfield Farmers Market
    Gas and Grub
    Homer decoy
    Sani john Smokehouse
    2 cane field

    Thanks for the wonderful, helpful posts!

    • kimberlyah794

      If you upgrade to get the task off your list, you’ll just get a new task to upgrade some more. Just FYI. Completing the task *does* earn you musical notes, so if you’re done crafting and also trying to earn donuts, completing the task by upgrading can help with free donuts. Otherwise, it’s probably not worth it.

  26. kimberlyah794

    I’ve gotten the market, gas station, sign, and houseboat. Saving up for the decoy; I’m almost there. The DNA seems to be the hardest thing to collect. I want several cactus patches (at least 5-8) to place around my Satan’s Anvil and, if I can get enough patches, I’ll probably buy the Five Corners. I’ve got enough items that I’m contemplating upgrading Monsarno again, just to make earning DNA easier…

    I got Dame Underdunk today, so I’m glad I’m earning toward donuts now.

    • I agree. I’ve always thought of the anvil as a great place for the cactus patches. It has a rockscape, desert border with a few stray cacti, so I think they’d go well together. And if you have the land, it would make sense to isolate the design from town. It also seems like a good place for the jet engine bike since it’s off road.

  27. I have two farmers markets, a gas-n-grub, and the houseboat. I’d like to get another gas-n-grub. If I can get another gas-n-grub, and there’s still time left, I’ll go for the Homer decoy. BTW: I already have enough fertilizer and corn stored up for a third farmers market. So I might get another one of those too. I couldn’t care less about the Sani-john smokehouse, the cane fields, the Monsarno flower wall, or the cactus patches. I suppose I would get a Welcome Bob sign, but I don’t think I’ll have enough DNA after I get the other stuff I want.

  28. I’m aiming to get the cactus patch and the decoy Homer. Got the houseboat, farmers market, gas and grub, cane field and sani-john. While it would be nice to get the sign, it’s likely I won’t get it and am fine with it.

  29. I’ve been on vacation the last three days and scanning the comments since Sunday I haven’t seen this: Both my games now have a sidebar task (using a Bob) to upgrade Monsarno to 20 and Opera House to 10. Each game also has tasks (the other Bob) to smash 100 clones and Craft 10 Items. Too bad I had already crafted everything I wanted. I’m wondering if there is an additional prize at the end if I do these tasks?

    • Ignore it. We covered it on our walkthrough post…just distractions you can ignore


      • Thank you. At times this event has been such a blur. LOL

      • I say, Don’t “ignore” the smash 100 clones. Use it to your advantage. Just like last year’s smash the federal agents sub-event, using this 100 clone sub-event will “pull” you to the free clones. In short, you won’t have to hunt them down, you will go right to them. Makes smashing them easy. At least for those 100.

        FWIW I crafted Home Decoy and am working on the last 1000 masks for the Boat. Interesting part about the decoy, one orientation rotates clockwise, the other rotates counter-clockwise.

    • I wish…my sidebar task is for Monsarno level 25 and Opera house 15!!!

  30. If I’m lucky I can get enough DNA for both bob sign and homer decoy.
    I’m crafting 1 of everything except walls.

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