Addicts Open Thread (And Happy Mother’s Day!)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Before we start off this week’s Open Thread, we want to take a minute to wish all of the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!  We hope you have a wonderful day filled with smiles, laughter, hugs and kids that aren’t fighting!

It was on this day last year that I shared with all of you that there would be a new addition joining my family…and 6 months later the Tiny Addict arrived!  So I also wanted to take a moment to thank all of you, again, for all of your support, patience and well wishes over the last year!  Y’all are the best and we consider you part of our extended family!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread. All new episode of the Simpsons tonight…in Paris!  What do you think will happen in the new episode?

Act 2 of the Wild West Event hit our games on Tuesday, what do you think of the new Act?

How was your weekend? Do anything fun and exciting?  Anything fun planned for Mother’s Day?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


489 responses to “Addicts Open Thread (And Happy Mother’s Day!)

  1. So I’ve been experimenting & on the hunt for what buildings and decorations look good in out western area besides the ones EA has recommended.
    So far I discovered broken down Cletus train station pieces make cool western buildings & the Rembrandt cart fit in.
    What have you found ?

    • I put my Shotgun Pete’s Wedding Chapel there

    • I’ve been testing dirt everywhere I can, for my egular neighbourinos, I just realised my entire “Bart Fortress” (from CoC) and ALL other added extras are dirt compatible!

  2. Yanks can’t hit a knuckleball ⚾️ 😜

    Hope you had a wonderful day Alissa. (besides having to watch that game)

    • Oh i didn’t watch it lol We didn’t get home till after 9 and I was so tired I go a few things ready for today and was in bed by 10….

      But thank you 🙂

  3. Happy Sunday and have a blessed week! Happy Mothers Day to all!

  4. Happy Mother’s Day all! Last night my adorable 7 yr old asked what time I wanted my Mother’s Day gift. I said not before 7, so this morning I rolled over in bed and *whoomp!*, suddenly there was a little body on top of me covering me with hugs and kisses. It was a great way to wake up – and oh yeah, a quick glance at my Fitbit…..7:00 am on the dot. We had a great brunch with my mom at our house, and the kids gave me some wonderful homemade gifts and a hanging basket of flowers (our tradition to kick off the garden). I’m not one for big gifts. I just like my breakfast and my flowers, and of course my “I love you’s”, and I’m a happy lady. My poor husband has a terrible sinus cold, and I quickly realized that the nagging headache and nose pain I’ve been having for several days are actually a sinus cold too. So far, not as bad as him, but it was enough of an excuse for us to beg off any other commitments for the day. I was a bit tired from the sinus cold, and the weather turned drastically since a hot, sunny day yesterday to a cold, super windy (but still sunny) day today. we stayed mostly indoors and watched a movie, tapped (of course!) and my youngest helped me play a few games of Settlers of Catan on the iPad.

    On a TSTO note, I continue slogging on in the Wild West event. It’s not as great as Stonecutters or Superheroes, but it’s still pretty good and I’m enjoying it. I had such a crazy day yesterday that I lost almost the whole day, so did my best to make up for it today. My railyard is going to go into tomorrow though, but I’m only about 40 vitamins away from making another 35M in SH. Slowly inching my way to 700K. I’ve been making some good cash lately too, so I’ll probably buy a bunch of new land soon.

    One thing that’s really been distracting me this week is the horrible forest fire up in Fort McMurray, Alberta (Canada). I understand it’s international news now. Over 90,000 people displaced, and an entire town just completely wiped out. The photos and videos of people evacuating was more intense than any Hollywood special effects blockbuster. I have a fair bit of family in Edmonton and Calgary. My cousin who works in the oil sands evacuated safely, so that’s a relief. I’m incredibly proud of my 12 yr old daughter. Her and several friends, all on their own, decided to run a lemonade stand on Saturday. They made all the arrangements (with a little support from the parents, but they ran the show) and set up the lemonade stand with baked goods, a sign, etc. I helped them put a notice out on our community association Facebook page and the rest was history. They were successful beyond their wildest dreams – many people simply made donations, and another lady ran out and bought them several more jugs of lemonade to keep them going, people were posting pictures of them on our FB page and encouraging people to keep coming down. It was amazing. In the end, they raised $400 for the Red Cross wildfire fund, and with matching grants from the Federal government and the Government of Alberta, they made a $1200 difference in the world. My heart was so full of pride for these kids. While they did that, I baked 100 cupcakes. 50 for my son’s end of season hockey party last night, and 50 for the bake sale (it was so nice of them to give all us parents notice at about 8 pm Friday night, LOL!!). Took me several hours, but it was well worth it. Throw in the school dance I helped organize and work Friday night and a birthday party my daughter attended Saturday night, and it was no wonder I was a bit run down today! :)) Anyways, I had actually intended to keep this short this week. Hope everyone’s doing great. If you can, please consider a donation to the Red Cross for the wildfire fund, and have a great week!

    • That was a lovely story to read! 💜 Now I feel all – how does Sandra say? – warm and fuzzy!

      But yeah, what a terrible thing going on in Alberta… Hope everyone is safe.

    • jjleigh73…..what your children and other families children did is admirable! It’s very heartbreaking what Fort Mac is going through right now. Last night they received much needed rain….

      After such a busy week in your house and having a sinus cold I hope you feel better and get your feet up!


    • Yeah, I’ve been thinking about the fires a lot, too…we have an office in Lethbridge, and although that kinda the other end of Alberta, I’m pretty sure folks there have relatives and friends in Fort McMurray. So terrible! But it sounds like you’ve raised dine wonderful kids! 🙂

      Hope you’re sinus cold is mild and short…those can be quite painful. 🙁

  5. Hello everyone. I’d like some advice. I am trying to keep my Springfield somewhat small, haven’t purchased land past the $86,000 price or so. What items would you recommend for raising Vanity without the need to expand my land too much? Right now my Vanity is my lowest rating at 3 1/2 stars.

    • Simplest solution I can think of, buy a bunch of blood mobiles, if your town is arranged you could possibly hide them behind a few buildings, and once you obtain other items through time that offer vanity, can sell them back.

  6. 5th and D what a classic throwback! Love it!

  7. Today is the day we look at ourselves and think ‘oh there’s no way in hell I’d want to be my mother, I must have put her through hell’ and we turn to her and thank her for her unconditional, unwavering love and support no matter how little you deserve it. Love you Mom. Thanks for always being there. Miss you

  8. First Mothers Day for you Alissa and I’m sure it was a very good one, enjoy your day! Your daughter is soooo adorable and I love her little bow in her hair!

    Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there in Tapped Out land….hope you’re spoiled all day!


  9. That’s a super cute pic of Riley. Oh, and she looks just like you! Whodathunkit? Happy Mother’s Day to our host. The rest of you can share the envelope. 😉

  10. sonicboiny834 ryan

    Black gypsy, do you have a different screen name? Are we Neighbors?

  11. Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!

    I was looking at the buildings that were shifted to the side for the Wild West update and I’m wondering… Has anyone built a Chinatown for their Springfield? I’d be curious to see what you came up with. (Looking for inspiration)

  12. Also I’m sure many of you know about this, but the Lego Kwik-E Mart set is incredible. The amount of detail of the inside is amazing. Twenty two hundred pieces. I have some photos but they don’t do it justice. It’s awesome.

  13. Just watched season 7 episode Bart sells his soul. What an outstanding episode! I must have missed that one. I didn’t remember any of it.

  14. Err…

    Wasn’t mother’s day back in March?

  15. Now that EA has given us a free rush button for the final twelfth or so of the characters’ tasks, wouldn’t it be great if the job centre had the option to free rush en masse? I takes quite a while to do it via the census each time.

    Happy Mothers’ Day Alissa. Children really are the best!

  16. I think this may have got over looked a few hours ago when I sent it. Trying it again……..

    Hey there. Just wondering if I could get some help from bunny or Alissa. I am lvl 59, have been playing for over 2 years and have a solid grasp on how to play. But I just can’t figure this out……
    For the longest time I have had to quests for Marge that I can’t complete. First one is called: write a smear article, is 24hr, and says requires: quest ( as opposed to a building or another character)
    Second quest is: do a load of laundry, time: 1d 12hr, requires: quest.
    I just don’t know what to do….Iam stumped. Please help……..

    Dave b.

    • Not overlooked… just busy with family 🙂

      • And answered earlier in today’s OpenThread
        i.e. Do you own Luraleen (Lurleen?)
        (For those who don’t find it further down(?) / up(?) in today’s thread)
        Never can figure out if earlier should be described as up or down

      • Hi Bunny. I do not have Lurleen…..
        Is there a way to clear these tasks?

        Sorry about posting twice, I didn’t mean to be impatient, just thought maybe my post got lost in cyber space.


    • Not sure if it helps, but I believe those are two glitched quests that you would have done previously. I have those “locked” also, but remember doing them at one point in time. So its like, even if you did them, the quests don’t clear, if I’m thinking of the right ones.

  17. Awe 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!

    I started redesigning my town again today and have my old west area going. Long way to go on the rest of Springfield though.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  18. Hi Everyone,

    Happy Mothers Day to all.

    I’ve been tapping for quite a few years now (think about a year after the game started) To start with was not a regular player and would drift in and out. A couple of years ago I found this website and that’s when the addiction really started (Thanks Guys😜) It’s an awesome site, you guys do an amazing job, so informative and literally answer everyone’s questions (even when it’s been asked like a million times, people really need to start reading the posts) I’m a freemium player and don’t like to let go of my donuts very often (seriously I have like 700) I play way to regularly like really addicted, need to get all the prizes each event and as a freemium player that means a lot of tapping. Game wise, I’m waiting for lvl60 like so many of you are, not even half way to becoming a billionaire (boy SH is a grind) would like Krustyland to be part of our towns like SH and my town is literally a mess. Started off great but quickly went down hill. Will fix it one day. Also apologies to all my niegburs as I probably neglect them quite a bit, especially outside of events.
    Love reading all the info the site (app) and also what all you tappers have to say. Only started posting a few weeks back other then the odd question, everyone is so friendly and helpful. It’s such a great little community.
    Wow this post is a lot longer then I had intended😳.

    To Alissa, Bunny and Wookiee, thanks for all your hard work and time, it’s a great site. To everyone else, have fun and keep tapping.😀

    Thanks for reading.

  19. Happy Mother’s Day!
    Boy am I late to the party today!

  20. Well, my game was having a save issue, and I contacted EA about it. They told me they’d take my game back to a save from the start of the Wild West event. I gave them permission, thinking there’d be some sort of replacement for Act 1 prizes or at the very least some donuts. But no, I went in to find my town, $10m less on SH, some $1.5m short of money plus a whole strip of land gone, a whole lot of redesigning down the toilet (I’ve done quite a bit recently), and all the Act 1 prizes gone.
    I’m not actually too upset about losing the act 1 prizes (or even act 2, I don’t care much for skins), it’s just so hard to get back up and running. I’m gonna just do enough of the little trades to get the daily prizes and save up for act 3.
    I was so close to getting the mafia car, too! 😡😡😡😡

    On a lighter note, happy Mother’s Day!

    • I’d contact them back and ask for donuts compensation to replace the items you lost to be honest. You can do that

    • That’s unfortunate. Listen to your Bunny.

      I don’t know what kind of save issue you had, but I had one weeks ago. It turned out that it was caused by a permissions issue because of a change I made in my settings. Definitely exhaust your options before having EA rollback your game. I don’t know if you posted on here about it, but sorry if we didn’t get back to you with tips.

      • The problem was that I’d send all characters on tasks, then come back later to collect them, only to find they were still just free. I didn’t post on here, simply because I figured it was a bug buried deep in the game. I should probably stop making so many assumptions :P. Anyway, thanks for that pointer, I’ll most certainly be bringing any issue I was going to take to EA here first from now on.

  21. Just want to give a special shoutout to one of my neighbors, whose handle starts with “dj” (don’t want to give the whole handle without permission), for having been ridiculously generous with prospectors (115 to me so far!!). I am so very appreciative of your generosity and, although I can’t possibly return as many as you’ve sent, I will continue to try and tap all the ones you send me before they expire, so you can get benefit. Also, I will be dropping another chunk of prospectors to you (hopefully later today, when I’m done working) to try and keep up with my goal to return *at least* half as many prospectors to them as I’ve receive from them. (I wish it could be a lot more, but my wonderful neighbors send me way more prospectors than I get prospectors that I’m able to send.)

    I <3 dj!

  22. What’s the deal with the “Hail Ants” signs? I think I have 100 of them and I don’t even know what it means or what it’s from. Happy Mother’s Day all!

  23. Milhouse is celebrating and Luann is enjoying Mother’s Day…

  24. Did anyone else lose all of their event currency and prize progress yesterday? I contacted ea, they said they would email me, and they never did 🙁 am i the only one?

  25. Might be late on this but has everyone seen Eats Like A Duck, the Simpsons food blog? Pretty amusing.

  26. To all my neighbors, if you’re paying attention to the red light/green light system, you may have noticed my red lights have been on for a few days. They’re going to stay on for the rest of this act, maybe the entire event. No, I don’t have all the prizes, but I have no doubt I’ll get them with ease. So, really, spread those prospectors around to those more in need. I’ll keep sending them out, but I don’t mind one bit if you don’t “pay me back.” 🙂

    • I have a red light situated at my plaza, too. My reason is kinda like laziness. lol. I just haven’t felt the urge to visit neighbors since I have to have patience while the towns load…and no bonuts. EA bring them back!

      I’m dropping off some prospectors now, though. I have 100………

    • I’m sending you prospectors and you’re gonna like it!

      • Now that I know they’re from you I’m not gonna tap them. 😛 You sent me more than enough when the act just started. I wanted to go to bed; well, Alissa told me to, but I had to tap all them daggum prospectors!

  27. Happy 1st Mother’s Day, Alissa. Enjoy it!

    And to all the other mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day. May your families spoil you rotten today!

    And Ryan and/or Alissa (or anyone else in NYC) if you bump into my mom tell her I say Happy Mother’s Day!

    • Will do I have to get cat food on Franklin if she’s there I’ll let her know

      • Collecting my Wrinklies from the airport tomorrow morning and then driving them home so will have a 150km drive to hear all about their adventures in the big city!

        My dad loves music (Ella, Louis, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra etc) so he was really looking forward to seeing all the places that he’d heard about in some of his favourite songs!

    • Mine, too!

  28. For my leisure in this past weekend, I watched Insurgence, Ip man 3 and also company my lady friend to watch Thor 2. She have not watched any Marvel movies in theatres so far and I am re-watching with her to help her to catch up. I was scolded by her after she learned that I let her watch Avengers and Winter soldier in the past without knowing there are earlier movies in a certain sequence. So next weekend I will be watching Guardians of the Galaxy with her.

    For those who like Kung Fu, Ip man 3 is quite entertaining.

    • What is Ip man 3? I thought you had typod “Iron Man 3″…but you did it twice.

      You make me wonder if those movies are enjoyable out of order or without seeing the rest. Your lady friend might have been happy in her ignorance.

      • Yes, I know she is not a movie person and made her watch Avengers last time. Then later I let her watched the marvel films in sequence and she said, before this she rated Avengers 4 out of 10, but now it was 8!

        IP Man is a chinese movie. Its main actor is Donnie Yen who is also going to act in this year Star Wars. Donnie is good to watch for his Kung Fu. IP Man actually was his Character name in English translation. Donnie is a big name in Asia, in IP Man 3, they brought in Mike Tyson as a supporting role too. Go check out his fight sequences in YouTube.

  29. Mother’s Day Life Hack: if you can’t afford flowers, just pick all the dandelions and wild flowers in front of your house, and gather them together 🙂

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