Halloween 2016 Event 101: Monster Actors Guild (MAG) Points

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Halloween in our pocket-size Springfields!  Yes that magical time of the year when our towns turn dark, our water becomes mucky and there are monsters everywhere to battle.  And of course an all new event means all new twists and turns to make us all a little crazy….

Seeing lots of questions from you guys about the Monster Actors Guild (or MAG Points).  How do you get them?  What do they do?  How do you get it started?    Let’s take a look at all those questions and more as we break down the details of MAG points…

ico_eventlevels_bronze ico_eventlevels_silver ico_eventlevels_gold ico_eventlevels_black

You have the WHOLE Event to Unlock Everything in the MAG Prize Track.  So pace yourself..and don’t stress. 

In a nutshell…MAG Points are similar to the players club from the Casino Event.  It’s  another aspect of of the event where collecting will earn you more currency (for crafting and prizes), unlock Trick-or-Treating tasks for kids and get and exclusive gate decoration (and skins for it)!


How Do I Earn MAG Points?


There are several different ways to earn MAG Points.  You’ll earn them when you unlock prizes during each Act.  They can also be earned when you craft prizes, but not every prize.  Only some.  And finally they can be earned when you buy certain premium items.

For Act 1….here’s what each prize pays out in MAG Points:

townsquare_transimage Town Square- 180ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

belltower_transimageBell Tower- 270 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

ico_priz_thoh2016_burnscrypt_lgBurns Family Crypt- 180 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

countburnscastle_menuCount Burns’ Castle- 360 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

charactersets_spacemarshmallowSpace Marshmallow- 540ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

Remember you will NOT get the ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg until you’ve placed (and built if necessary) the items in your town.

Crafting items also earn MAG points, we’ll discuss that in the crafting post.  (too much to outline here).  But pay attention when crafting if you’re looking to earn MAG Points.  Only some items will earn them, and the number that you can craft to earn them is limited.  For example:


The Iron Wall earns 20 MAG Points when Placed, BUT you’ll only earn MAG points on the first 8 you craft.  So pay attention to the box when crafting to make sure the item you’re looking to craft earns MAG points.

Also during Act one the following premium items pay out MAG Points…

unlock_crazycatlady_iguanaladyfoggyswamp_menuCrazy Iguana Lady Bundle- 110 Donuts.  200ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg (when CCL is used, initally she goes into inventory)

skullisland_transimageThe Island of Dr. Hibbert- 70 Donuts, 530 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg on Placement

hellementaryschool_menuHellementary School- 90 Donuts, 175 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg

Halloween Party Walls- Pack of 10- 20 Donuts. (These Leave in 1 week, so on the 11th)


How Do I Start to Earn MAG Points?  What Triggers it In my Game?  I Don’t See the Panel in my Store?


As soon as you earn your first MAG Point, you’ll trigger it to start in your game (it’ll launch some dialogue explaining it and you’ll see the event panel popup for you).  So either via earning a prize, crafting an item or buying a premium item…one of those will unlock the MAG prize track for you.

What Can I Win from the MAG points? 

MAG Points is a cumulative total and you’ll need a total of 6,410 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg to earn everything you can from the Actor’s Guild.   Note: Remember this runs for the whole event.  So you don’t need to unlock everything immediately.  Don’t stress about it, you’ve got 35+ days to earn it all…

Note: Event Currency means it’ll payout that act’s currency when you get there.  So it’ll show Film Strips now, but that’ll change to Act 2 currency when we get there, and Act 3 when we get there.

1 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Milhouse’s Trick-Or Treat Job Milhouse Trick or Treat

355 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Martin’s Trick-Or-Treat Job martin_go_trick_or_treating

640ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 350 Event Currency 

925 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Nelson’s Trick-or-Treat Job nelson_go_trick_or_treating

1,210 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Medieval Gate 

1,495 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 350 Event Currency 

1,780 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Ralph’s Trick-or-Treat Job Ralph Trick or Treat

2,065 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 350 Event Currency 

2,350 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 350 Event Currency 

2,705 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Medieval Gate Upgrade ico_priz_thoh2016_medievalgate02_lg

3,060 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Rod’s Trick-or-Treat Job Rod Trick or Treat

3,420 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 100 Obols (Crafting Currency) ico_thoh2016_funeralcoins_pack1_lg

3,775 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Todd’s Trick-or-Treat Job Todd Trick or Treat

4,130 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 100 Obols (Crafting Currency) ico_thoh2016_funeralcoins_pack1_lg

4,485 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Medieval Gate Upgrade ico_priz_thoh2016_medievalgate03_lg

4,840 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 200 Obols (Crafting Currency) ico_thoh2016_funeralcoins_pack3_lg

5,270 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Dolph’s Trick-or-Treat Job dolph trick or treat

5,695 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 200 Obols (Crafting Currency) ico_thoh2016_funeralcoins_pack3_lg

6,050 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg 350 Event Currency 

6,410 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg Medieval Gate Upgrade ico_priz_thoh2016_medievalgate04_lg

Can I Unlock All of the MAG Items Without Spending Donuts for Premium Items?

Several of you were asking this question in the comments…and I’m happy to say yes you can.  TSTO is a game, unlike some other freemium games, where you can earn/win everything available during an event with diligent frequent tapping.
As I mentioned above you’ll need 6,410 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg to earn all of the prizes offered in the MAG Prize track.  From prizes alone, acts 1 through 3, you’ll earn over 4,700  ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg as long as you unlock all of the prizes for each act.  You’ll then need to earn an additional 1,700 ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg.  You can easily achieve this by crafting.
It won’t be easy, but you absolutely can earn enough ico_cur_thoh2016_magpoints_lg to unlock all of the prizes without spending donuts on premium items.

And that my friends is the basic info on the MAG Prize Track!

What are your thoughts on the MAG System?  Excited to unlock all of the Trick-Or-Treating Characters?  Think it’s an interesting way to earn more crafting/event currency?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

164 responses to “Halloween 2016 Event 101: Monster Actors Guild (MAG) Points

  1. I have gotten every Mag producing item and I am just ten short of the funal gate. Wtf? How do complete?

  2. I have reached the maximum level of mag points and unlocked the upgrade for the gate…. but there is no gate? How do I claim the upgrade?

  3. I missed the Marshmallow dude. I’m guessing I won’t be able to get everything?

  4. Thank u all for such a great site! I come here frequently for event info, and it’s rare that I don’t find what I need. This is one of those times.
    I’m a freemium player with great neighbors, and have progressed thru everything quickly, getting several bonut rounds from both acts 1 and 2, and I’m ahead in act 3. Since the update I’ve had the same problem some others have had with MAG points coming to a standstill. I did some math last night, and after getting Mad Doctor’s Castle, Haunted Stables, and Shipwreck, I’ll still be 80 points shy of the final gate upgrade.

    I’ve crafted everything I can and have completed the questline. Any suggestions? I haven’t noticed NOT receiving points for anything I crafted…please help!

    • I can assure you…that the Mag points will work themselves out, when you acquire all of the prizes. I have been stuck, about 350 MAG points away from the gate…but winning the Shipwreck gives me 450 Mag Points when placed. Case solved. The math is rEAlly squeaky…but achievable.

      • Thanks, Patric. I currently have 5565 MAG points, with only the MD Castle and Shipwreck to go. If I’m correct that I need a total of 6410 MAG points (6410-5565-315-450) I’m 80 short. All MAG point generating items have been crafted. Have u got any guidance on something I missed, or is this an EA issue? Thanks again for the help.

        • Hmm…I will have to circle back on the math on this one. Here’s the good news…the upgraded gate isn’t all that exciting. But…let me see.

          I currently have crafted everything except for the Shipwreck…and am “stuck” at 6170 our of the 6410 I need. So the 450 Mag Points will EAsily cap me off. But I DID buy the Shinning Hotel/Maze Combo…which earned MAG Points.

          I will go back through my actions, and see if I am missing something… but you need to go through your entire list of craftable items, and make sure that none of them still have Mag point earning available.

        • I just ran a full graph on this…there are 7120 Mag Points Available through Freemium Play…. There is no need to panic. I’ll have a post on this for Monday…with a full chart.

          • Looking forward to it!

          • I’m pretty sure I’ll be short too. After the 450 MAG points I’ll earn from the shipwreck I will still be 405 MAG points away from the gate. Unless there is some other way to earn MAG points. As I went through the crafting levels, I didn’t earn MAG points on things I already have, so it seems like long time Freemium players are at a disadvantage. I’m glad the last prize isn’t something really cool.

          • Thanks Patric! Ok I trust you….and No Sandra I completely forgot to factor in the prize track MAG points…cool I’ll get the gate

          • I got 450 MAG points for Werewolf Flanders, so it’ll work out. Maybe this changed, but I didn’t think it gave points previously.

  5. Rafael Vicente Oda

    Some items do not add mag points, even though is within the “first x award Y points” range. Happened to me with the street lamp and with the fence.

  6. I just unlocked the last trick-or-treat job. It’s a bit odd that every kid who can use the nightmare pile (i.e., those who trick or treated in the previous Halloween event) except for Lisa and Kearny ends up with a trick-or-treat task. I guess they wanted to keep Lisa away from it since she has other tasks during the story-line.

  7. Is it just me? Forward progress has been stagnant for days at a time….more than once…in both A and B games! I’m finding the obols and mag points very frustrating. I’ve crafted every possible thing for Mag points and then I had to collect about 500 obols to make any further progress. I did that, it took several days, and instantly I’m back in the same situation. Controls seem very tight, too tight to keep my interest. I’m a daily player and ended act 1 pretty short of earning the space marshmallow. Now it’s looking like I might end act 2 the same way, just shy of death. Anytime I have to wait days to make forward progress I definitely lose interest in the prize. And I refuse to set an alarm for 2 a.m. to make this work. I haven’t heard others talk about this much so if I’m missing something please please enlighten me!!

    • I dunno I’m barely playing (I’ve been so busy the last week I’ve only logged in twice a day) and I’m almost to death

    • When you say you’re a “daily player,” what does that mean? Unless you have all (or most) of the characters that can be used in this event, logging in once, or even twice, a day probably won’t cut it. I think you really muted to log in every four hours at least three or four times a day, if you want to get to the end of the prize track.

      As for the crafting, besides what I said above, it’s really just a game of patience…remember, it’s been set up to last for the entire event, so, at this point, we still have more than a third of the event left to go. And, the farther in you get, the easier it is to collect obols, as more kids get unlocked to go trick or treating.

      Finally, do you have, and visit, lots of neighbors? For this event, I recommend making sure you have 100 good neighbors….although you can only get event currency from visiting 30 of them, you can also get event currency when they visit you, so having a full complement of neighbors is really beneficial. (I have the bestest neighbors who have been really good about helping me with this event! I just feel a little guilty that, due to some personal and work stuff, I haven’t been as good a neighbor in return the past few days….sorry, guys, and I promise to fix that, hopefully starting today!)

    • Thanks for the replies. I love this site and refer here a lot!! I tap a few times throughout the day. I have 7 or 8 trick or treaters but no neighboreenos. I’m at construction level 9 and I’ve crafted every possible thing for MAG points . I’m waiting to earn the MAG points for Death, but I still have 6000+ boards to earn and I likely won’t make it. I guess the solution is to craft things without mag points and tgat I need to spend obolsbjust to level up the construction site and make more items with MAG points available. But obols are slow to earn too so it feels like a catch 22. I just don’t recall having to wait days for forward progress in past events. All in all, I think its a fun one! Happy tapping !!

      • You have no neighbours? It really helps with getting stuff and raking in money to get even more stuff so if you want add me to your friends list if you want- I am a regular player- never graffiti and play far too much for my own good lol ellieoftheflump x only stipulation is please do not graffiti as this can drag down folks points.

  8. Not sure if I’ve got this right but… in my game the MAG points awarded for the prize track characters only add to the overall total of the section with the green masks.. they don’t increase the level total in the construction (cash register icon) crafting section.. therefore unlocking death awarded me 540 MAG points towards the final trick or treat task but DIDN’T improve my crafting total or upgrade me to the next level in the crafting section…. However crafting items DOES award MAG points to BOTH totals: i.e. The crafting level increases and also the green mask prize track section total increases. I assume this is deliberate to prevent everyone from reaching maximum crafting level before the end of the event..😝😝my brain hurts

  9. Hello, do we know how many MAG points we will get when “death” is unlocked? I am 285 short for the next level but have nothing that gives MAG points left to craft at construction level 16.

  10. I don’t think I got MAG points for buying and placing CCIL, what to do?

  11. I did the math and found out that you can get a total of 2350 MAG points from crafting alone!

  12. >Shmoopski
    I tried it out with gargoyle wall and it doesn’t work for me. It does show the text “First 8 awards 20 mag points” but it won’t actually give mag points when you purchase the item.
    I was a bit desperate to try this cos I need 10 more mag points to unlock next job and I need over 500 obols to get mag points :'( .

    • I’m in the same boat. Only need 10 more MAG points, but have crafted I can for now. Sigh
      Also, I wish there was currency like the future bucks from the scifi event. I would like to keep crafting items like fencing, but cannot spare the precious obols to do it.

  13. Weird trick or glitch, I’m not sure:

    I built four pyres, the limit for MAG points but I didn’t have a place for all of them so I stored them. When they were placed in my town I could no longer earn MAG points, but when I stored them, I can earn more. I took them in and out of inventory several times and that seems to be the trick every time! I haven’t seen this posted so I thought I would share! Thanks!!

  14. What does the medieval upgrade do? I just earned it but don’t see any change.
    Thanks for the help!

  15. Question about MAG points in Act 2. I just placed and built the mosuleum, the first prize in Act 2, and I did not receive any MAG points. Does anyone know if MAG points are still being awarded for placing prizes in Act 2? Thanks!

  16. I was wondering, who are the characters that can fight the monsters in my town?

  17. I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to a question I have. I’m about to unlock “space marshmallow” which gives 540 MAG points, upon placement. I’m at the point in the MAG cycle where if I add that much more, I will receive 350 film. So my question is, once I unlock the “space marshmallow” would I be able to store it, wait until the act changes over to Act Two, place it and still get the MAG points..which will then give me 350 of whatever ‘currency’ act two has? Act one is ending in a day and I don’t want to waste the MAG points on getting film for a prize track I already completed, I’d rather get a jump start on Act Two’s ‘currency’. Any insight is appreciated.

    • I was actually searching this post because I had the same question. Above it says “Note: Event Currency means it’ll payout that act’s currency when you get there. So it’ll show Film Strips now, but that’ll change to Act 2 currency when we get there, and Act 3 when we get there…” so, when you unlock the marshmallow (if you haven’t already) it should ask you to place or store. I would store until act 2 and that’s what I plan on doing also.

  18. what to do: crafted some fence and get no mag points. put in game, store them and take them out. nothing.

  19. I’ve been playing for years. I know how often I need to jump on to get all prizes. Buuuut am I the only one not getting anywhere near enough film. I think my problem is the hounds. I’m having a lot of trouble with them hiding behind buildings. I have to go to the move screen and turn building and things off in order to find them. Am I missing something???

  20. I really hope EA sees the requests for a good sized increase with obols with the next two acts. The prizes that contain amounts like 10 obols are way too small. I would think 40-50 would be considered a good prize worth earning, and 3-4 obols per kid instead of 2?

  21. Was there ever a crafting post done yet? This post (and a few others) mentions that there will be one posted, but I haven’t seen it yet.

    • I think the statements you get are jokes referring to a pyramid scam. So it actually means nothing, you can’t really recruite anyone. The joke opens a little more with every update to you MAG level.

  22. Hi, MAG point progression states that I can now recruit 2 new friends to the MAG society. How is this done? Help please.

  23. Do you recommend the purcjase of the Island of Dr. Hibbert?

    2.5% bonus $$/exp for 70 donuts, combined with 530 mag points seems like a slam dunk but I’ve been away for a while and I’d like your opinions.

  24. Thank you for the detailed explanation, Alissa 🙂

    Noobs who were not playing during the Casino Event (and were not playing during previous Halloween Event) should have fun crafting Decor vs. spending Donuts!

    I said do not stress over what you didn’t obtain, or craft …. be happy and inspired by what you obtain in the game!

  25. Hey, quick question, I just started playing When does the construction place where u craft and what not become available to me??
    Username- AmberrRose26

  26. Add me I play hourly AmberrRose26 I started a few days ago but I’m a solid player and great neighbor! Lol

  27. Is there a post that thorough lyrics x plains the monster fighting gig? I have no idea what’s going on. I have a monster just sitting there with no one fighting him, and across the top of the pop up it says 8/8. But I only have 4 characters actually fighting monsters. It’s really confusing to me. Please help?

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