And Now…A Word From Our Sponsors and a BIG Thank You!

My training in my youth was better than this. Really.

I was trained to write a “Thank You Note” almost as soon as I received a gift.  At Christmas, the marching orders from my Mom were, “You can’t play with your gift, until you write a thank you note!”  That was pretty good motivation, unless it was socks, or a sweater from my Aunt in Illinois.  But, you get it…

So…I SHOULD have written this last week…or, even the week before.  But, as you might remember, all hell broke loose in our Krustylands. Nukes were tossed, and mayhem ensued.  I got distracted…

But that is no excuse…and it is time to set the record straight!

In just a little over 3 weeks… 24 AMAZING ADDICTS donated for this round of school supplies and books for our adopted village school in Buyijja. Uganda.  We met and exceeded our goal, just in time…as the kids came back to school on the 4th.  The good news, is that they had testing for the first week, so Emma (Emanuel) our stalwart project manager had time to buy and deliver the books in time for classes to start yesterday.  PHEW!!

There are some amazingly generous people out there. 24 of you rose to the call when we needed it, and I can’t thank you enough for your support, kind words, and generous hearts!

NOW…we are back to the Biggest Project in our History!  One that will leave a lasting change for the better on our little school, today, and hopefully for generations to come.   It is the project we started 60 days ago…to Build a Dormitory and Vocational School on the site of an existing outbuilding.

The school faces three distinct challenges that can be 
solved with this project.
1. Temporary Boarding for Teachers and Students
who come from remote villages or are forced to remain
overnight due to inclement weather conditions. Due to
the success of the Buyijja Village School since regular
support for supplies and books began back in 2014, the
number of students has grown substantially, primarily
from under-served villages in the surrounding region.
As these children make the trip by foot, over miles of
jungle and open dirt roads, they often choose to spend
the night, rather than walk in darkness in the undeveloped,  unsafe roads and trails that surround the school. Temporary  boarding, with clean water, sanitary bathrooms, and solar  lighting would provide a safe, if temporary alternative.

2. Vocational Education in Farming with a safe
and secure storage area for tools, seed, and processing area.

3. Sustainable Food Source that helps feed students
and teachers, while educating a generation of new farmers  with responsible and sustainable agriculture practices.

This project will be done in three phases, the first of
which (Vocational Training and Farming) has already been  started. Construction and remodeling of the existing building  can be done in phases, with the addition of bathrooms,  a well, and rain collection/storage tanks being added  in the second stage. Final stage will include Solar lighting,  and furnishing the dormitory area with beds, work tables,
and food preparation area.


We got off to a great start…and then stalled a bit…so lets get this project rolling!

Thank you for your support and generosity!


Why do we do it?  BECAUSE WE CAN…

In a world full of conflict and selfishness…we give unconditionally to change lives. No government…no administration costs…every dollar goes right to work!

To those who will join us…I welcome you.

To those who consistently rise to show their support and generosity…there is only one thing to say…

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

7 responses to “And Now…A Word From Our Sponsors and a BIG Thank You!

  1. Mary Martha Riviere


  2. TallSpiderCandy

    I’m sorry I’m not in a position to donate more but will always donate something whenever you need, and happy to also share on social media, Patric! Good luck with your campaign and have a lovely day!! : )

  3. I wish I could give some money to this well worth project. Unfortunately at the moment I am just struggling myself and even cut down on heating as I have blowned my budget renovating a bathroom, it’s still on the very cheap side but on a pension it’s really difficult to juggle. It’s not a luxury to have my bathroom renovated, it was crumbling, I had no choice.
    I hope you will manage to get this project done. You are doing an incredible work. And I believe this is the best way to have things done. As I do not believe in big charitable corporations who are there to make more profit than what they give. Long ago when I was working and financially sound, I wanted to sponsor a child, but I was put off by the fact that they kept 60 cents for every $1 I would give! Administration fees! So like you I decided to go and do by myself. When I travelled to poor areas I would take some supplies for schools, toys, clothes etc. And distribute them directly.
    I did the same with the salvation army for xmas hampers. For the money they would ask I managed to do double the amount of hampers myself with all of the required items. I use to do this to brighten other people’s xmas, as we do not celebrate xmas in my family. Now I am struggling to make ends meet, but it will sort itself out. Pension money only allows survival, but I am grateful that I have at least that! Food on my table and a roof over my head.
    Good luck with the project…. got to go Simpsons time!

  4. Great too see things going so well Patric. I work for Thames Water & am able to donate through their campaign to raise millions of pounds to provide safe drinking water for villages in Africa. Some employees have spent time there installing water systems & teaching the local villagers etc. They will be thrilled to know how well you guys are doing .

  5. Time to donate TSTO Addicts community. Let’s make this project happen! Many thanks to Patric and everyone who contributes to this and and all the many other worthwhile causes to help those in need worldwide.

  6. Josephine Kick@$$

    Your timing is perfect Patric. Looks like a certain hillbilly will be motherless until the next mystery box comes around. He’ll live 😂

  7. How can one not be affected by these wonderful faces? This is the last day I will be in my 50’s and everything is making me weepy. I am so greatful to you and this life changing project that words are useless to express my feelings.

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