The New Normal in TSTO? Making It EAsier to Get Frustrated

There is simply no doubt that the YEAR In TSTO – 2019 Edition has been a complete (or incomplete?) bust so far. At the very best, every “update event” has been a thinly-veiled series of small tasks, wrapping around a new, substantial tool that makes “getting everything” EAsier…but also, likely signalling something more sinister.

This has nothing to do with the Disney takeover (which has nothing to do with the game at all) and likely has much more to do with recent major changes at EA, and gaming in general. TSTO rode the crest of “mobile device gaming wave,” and the waves are hitting the beach…and turning into a burbling line of foam marking the declining levels, as we ebb to low tide. (Which is ironic, given the current state of rising tides in the real world).

If you talk to any game designer (and I know a lot of them) the era of mobile-device gaming is pretty well done. Like comparing the “good old days of network TV” with the current wealth of content from streaming companies, it isn’t the content that has changed, but the delivery devices. It’s simply too difficult to keep adapting old programming to new technology, and remain profitable. But, that is an entirely different conversation.

When you are in your seventh decade of life, you have the choice to think  “everything will just keep going on like this forever,” or be realistic, and realize that there is a cycle to everything. Gaming is no different. You can keep pretending, and be surprised when it ends, or realize that it is the nature of all things.

There are too many signs to ignore…even for the bliss-ninniest of the bliss ninnies.  BUT…THERE ARE STILL LOADS OF WAYS TO ENJOY THE GAME…Which I am happy to share. These coincide with the “updates” and the tools given us during these updates. But remember…they are great tools, that also double as harbingers of the next reality.

Let’s take a look at the past Four Months of activity.

Yes. We are a Full Trimester through 2019…and have very little (compared to previous years) to show for it.

January 9th – 22nd we had the “Not Yet Spring Cleaning” event. Certainly too early for any talk about Spring…but, it turned out to be the first of a TON of “Retread content events,” a trend that has been the benchmark of 2019. EA gave us just two new characters, Alice Glick and Lewis Clark.  What was the REAL key tool here?

The Golden Goose Reality, which allows us to earn Free Land Tiles every 12 hours…until you run out of land to buy…which I haven’t, so I do.

On January 23rd, right when we expected it, we got “Love Springfieldian Style” which actually felt like a “regular event” with ELEVEN new characters and SIXTEEN new buildings being offered.  Pretty cool…even  though people complained that it was 4 separate mini-events, tied into one 4-week event, it was still great…and loads of fun. It ran through February 19th. Like clockwork. Business as usual.

What was the “Super Tool” offered Here?  The FULL TOWN Snapshot tool, which allows you to archive your town for posterity. Yes. I added that last part in there on purpose.

It is a way to capture a full look at your work…which in my case goes back over Six and a Half YEARS of work. I was/am grateful for this tool.  If/when the game comes to an end, I will have a full screen shot I can print and mount on my wall…to remember a substantial chapter of my life.

Then instead of giving us something on the next Wednesday (as they had been doing in the past) they waited a week, and gave us “The State of Despair” mini update… with only TWO new characters, and TWO new buildings. It ended after two weeks.

March 13th-26th …the “Classless Reunion” event brought us a bunch of skins…no new characters.

But the HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK was offered as a chance to get almost everything ever offered in the game. It overshadowed an otherwise “meh” update.

After two more dead weeks (including a REALLY lame April Fools Joke posted by the twit-leaders on the forum) we got “Marge at Bat,” with NO NEW ANYTHING… except for some new dialogue that used a lot of OLD content… But offered a chance to buy a CRAP LOAD of TENNIS COURTS for a bit of grinding in Springfield Heights…which primarily was used to Boost Your Bonus Percentage.

And we did.  A ton.  I went from a little over 600% to over 900% before I got bored with it all…and realized that I had a problem.  The SAME problem I have had for over a year now. Adding all of the items for the Bonus % increases, took me ever closer to the Hard Item Limit (which now sits at 13,000 items). Until last week, after expanding my Golf Course (which required a lot more landscaping), and grinding to earn the REAL golf holes (which I wrote about in another post), I got the dreaded  “You Have Reached The Limit Allowed” message.

It made me realize that whether the game goes on or not…I may be toast, unless they once again, increase the item limit.


And since then?  Nothing. 

So, I admittedly, like many of you, I used this “Down Time” to get a bunch of cheap stuff from the Yearbook (mostly stuff I got because I was bored, until I hit the Item Limit), and took a long time to expand and finish my golf course (which I’ll cover in another post).

I needed to figure out a way to use the Crap Load of Tennis courts, because I didn’t want to mess around with hiding them all…so I turned it into “Krusty’s Very Minimum Security Prison for the Rich and Privileged.”

I have a HUGE peninsula of tennis courts, protected by water…with a fallen statue of Krusty at the gate.
It is adjacent for convenience, to one of the Criminal Retreats (Fernando Vidal’s Villa- complete with contraband), The Recording Studio/Record Label buildings (what record companies do to artists is criminal), and Stacy’s Dream House (what the Stacy/Barbie franchise did for body dis-morphia is criminal).

It is rounded out by  Herb Powell’s mansion (come on…the guy is a car dealer!), the House of the Future (forgetting the present in pursuit of the future is criminal!) and the “Presidential Estate” which belongs in the prison complex for obvious reasons (pick your President of choice).

But……………………………………. Unless they increase the item limits, and offer something that is worth Grinding/Tapping/Farming to acquire, I may be done.

At least for a bit.

It is pretty clear that EA has made it EAsier than ever before to Donut Farm. The % Bonus boost was a “freebie” for a bit of grinding…and an obvious gift.  The Golden Goose made it EAsy to expand your land to the limit. And, the Yearbook is/was such an obvious way to let everyone catch up (and perhaps drop some rEAl money in the process), that it only needed the final tool to bring it all full circle.

The Full Screen Capture Tool. It’s like taking a picture of your vast collection of favorite things, before you pack it all, and haul it off to the landfill.

I know this about myself, and the concept of “posterity.”  I am a true “collector” (admittedly bordering on a hoarder according to my kids).  And the fact is…I have come to the realization that none of our kids want 95% of my stuff.  It means a lot to me…because I have stories that go with almost all of it. But when I’m done, so is the stuff.

It’s the same with TSTO.  It’s not the collection of Bonus %, or the amassing of  game cash…it is the memory of where I got everything…where it fits into my town…and the fun I had getting it, building it, and making up stories to go along with it.

I will share some of those stories and screen shots in the future….along with my newly redesigned golf course.  But at least for today, with the current Item Limit keeping me from further designs…I am done.

Unless they actually raise the limits again, and give us something to do. In which case, I am still amassing donuts. Hope springs eternal.

88 responses to “The New Normal in TSTO? Making It EAsier to Get Frustrated

  1. HI all

    I dunno – I also have the Family Guy (TQFS) game app… THEY seem to be consistently offering mega-updates. Unlike TSTO

    • Yea, we have a website dedicated to TQFS…

      They update but don’t let the updates fool you. It’s not a good game.

  2. Keith1Roon991

    I miss the edge I felt when grinding an event trying to get it all, and the fun I felt when I completed each act, now doing a 12 hour cycle with some kem farming, got my % at 1000 and accumulating great wealth, just hope I get a chance to spend it all before they turn the servers off and give us time to finish my town and take a final snapshot, just a Hello we are still here and working on something great would be nice from EA 🤞, here’s hoping lol and glad you guys aren’t going anywhere as I spend as much time on this site as I do on the game lol

    • Well, for me…it’s always been about the community. We are a pretty fun, tight bunch…with loads of ways to play. We’ll just have to adjust to the “new normal,” and keep going. EA has been far more responsible than most, in giving fair warning. So, nobody is going to turn off the lights soon.

  3. For me EA don’t know how to make a profit.My opinion the yearbook it should have been limited time and we buy donuts with something with it.

  4. Garyth Hayward

    The only items I don’t have are not in the yearbook so that was a bust for me.
    I’m about ten items from the limit so that’s essentially stopped me from playing.
    And I don’t want to nuke the town and start from scratch because I have a plan in my head as to what I am working towards.
    I sit hoping for a sign.
    This was my zen garden. And now I can’t do anything. It’s irritating.

  5. The yearbook has enough to keep me going for a while. Still plenty of characters to grab.

    The lack of info from EA is frustrating. But honestly I prefer playing my own way, farming donuts for the yearbook, than another annoying mini event. I know some like that format, but I don’t. I like the all-consuming major event.

  6. I would hate to see TSTO end anytime soon. But if the game is to end, I would ask EA if they could give the game one final patch that allows players to continue playing the game offline. Allow everything to become available to players for donut and/or ingame cash purchases.

  7. Maybe an odd question…
    In one your your wide angle pics, there appears to a rectangular section of clouds. Is that what they are? I don’t think I’ve had something like that in my game. How did you get those?

    • It’s on the town portrait photo, the one that’s exported to your images, it’s just land that’s not purchased.

      • Thanks!

        I thought it may have been some kind of decoration. I had stopped trying to take a big photo after multiple issues with the feature.

  8. To all the long-time players thinking of giving up the game, you risk creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Why not start a new world from the start. I started 2 others in September and it is a good diversion when I get tired of the main one.

  9. I like to maintain a optimjstic outlook that there is still more too come from the game. Apart from KEM farming for yearbook items which have filled in a lot if gaps in my town design Ive looked into what characters have still to be introduced nevermind buildings or decorations.

    Not including the unlikely event they would add any Phil Hartman characters (Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz would be soooo good in the game) here is the list I compiled…
    Chloe Talbot
    Goose Gladwell
    Sara Sloane
    Dexter Colt
    Mrs. Bellamy
    Garth Motherloving
    Gabriel (Social Worker)
    Francine Rhenquist (Lisas bully)
    Jack Crowley
    Astrid Weller
    Trent Steele
    Wally Kogen
    Seth and Munchie (Hippies)
    Renee (Moes girlfriend)
    The Leader (Movementarians)
    Cooder and Spud (Carnies) (!)
    Apu’s Mother 
    Laddie (Barts dog)
    John (John Waters character)
    Frank Ormand
    Larry Burns (!)
    Evan Conover 
    Tobias Drundridge
    Ashley Grant
    Tabitha Vixx (!)
    Buck Mitchell (!)
    Charlie (Plant worker)
    Brad Goodman
    Dean Bobby Peterson
    Medicine Woman (Simpsons movie)
    Colin (Irish boy Simpsons movie)
    Bill and Marty
    Maya (Moes girlfriend)
    Zachary Vaughn (Teacher)
    Jack Lassen (Teacher)
    Ms. Cantwell (Teacher)
    Dan Gillick (Mob accountant)
    Annie Dubinsky (Krustys agent)
    Cowboy Bob
    Andy Hamilton (Prankster)
    Jakob and Dorit (Israeli guide/daughter)
    Roz Davis (Plant worker/Homer rival)
    Colonel Leslie Hapablap

    A (!) indicates those I really want… So a lot of new additions then. Keeping my hopes up!

    • Of those you listed, I’ve always wanted (in this order) Troy McClure, Lionel Hutz, Cooder & Spud, and Seth and Munchie.

      I don’t understand what the big deal is with not having Phil Hartman characters. They don’t have to be voiced. I just want them with an awesome quest dialog!

  10. But I’m just getting the hang of playing! Now that I know what the percentages are for, anyway. So I hope it isn’t over. What other free game is funny, basically pretty, and has lots of Halloween options? (I’m a Halloween nut, obviously. 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃)

    • In any scenario…your ability to increase % bonuses…and continue to play and build will go on for quite a while. So…play away. We just won’t likely get much NEW content.

  11. OK, call me a “Bliss Ninny” but I’m the optimist here. I love TSTO, and I don’t think they’re ready to shut down. I’m guessing that they’re just scaling back because it costs a lot of money to constantly come up with new content. I’ve been playing since near the beginning, and remember LOOOOOONG lags between events. Some are calling this the “new normal,” but technically, it’s the “old normal.” This was what it was like “back in the old days of TSTO.” I don’t mind it at all, EXCEPT, as Patric pointed out… the item limits are keeping a lot of us from designing our towns the way we want to. So if money is the problem, EA— YOO HOO! ARE YOU READING THIS???!!! Why not partner with sponsors the way Candy Crush and Words With Friends does? Offer a donut everytime a gamer opts to watch an ad from one of your sponsors. And, PLEASE raise the item limits. Please? Pretty please? With sprinkles on it?

    • You are a Bliss Ninny. There. Happy?
      I’m seriously not done with the game, no matter what direction they are taking. Tweaking, changing, moving…it’s going to have to be part of the new normal…to allow me to work with the Item Limits.

  12. Another way of looking at this downtime could be that EA are catching up on down time from previous years when there have been events that ended and then a new one starts immediately or a few hours later.
    I don’t believe that they have ran out of ideas for new events and content since there is still so much more to add to TSTO like a movementarians event or another Springfield Heights/Road to Riches/Friend Point Prizes update and characters like Clancy Bouvier, Bill and Marty, Annette the Squishiee lady, and Stephanie Brockman are some of the things that could still be added.
    What would you all still like to see in TSTO?

    • Something new and fun. That’s pretty much all I’d want at this point. I’d even love to see some stupid crazy stuff like “the happy little elves in teddybear country” event if only it had some serious GAMEPLAY to offer.
      If it won’t come? There’s hundreds of good games out there 😉

  13. I, like most others, am getting a little impatient waiting for another event or update. That being said, I’m still working on designing my town to my preferences so I’m willing to give EA a little more time. The major difference in play for me is instead of a 4 hour grind every day, I’m playing every 12 hours or so which with the status quo seems right for me. I do hope though, if this is the end or near the end, that EA will post a notice so those of us that are ready to move on, can do so and those of us that are happy to continually design and resign can fill our town to our hearts delight without wondering if a building or decorations are coming that makes us rethink our designs. I’ve enjoyed the game for several years and while I hate for it to go as long as I can design and resign my town, I’m ok with saying goodbye to new content.

  14. Aside from the fact that there’s nothing to do in the game (for me), the thing that upsets me the most is the lack of communication from EA. I don’t know if this is purposeful on their part or something else. If EA is done giving us updates for this game, then I want to know now. Does EA realize that by dragging this down time out that they’re in danger of losing a ton of players (and potential donut buyers)? Maybe that’s their intention? Maybe EA is trying to bore us into quitting the game so as to make it easier for them to shut it down?

    As for the future of on line gaming…….it seems strange to me that these companies would invest billions of dollars into development (in order to reap billion$ in profits) just to let the industry die. I don’t get it.

    Maybe this game has run its course. OK. I can accept that. If I were running EA the next logical thing to do would be to offer a new game to the public that works just like TSTO. They already have a ready audience.

    I’ve enjoyed playing the game, and I will continue to play it, but only if EA gives us new content and events. I don’t think I can do much more with my town as things stand now. It’s just mindless tapping with no purpose.

  15. I admit there’s no reason that I couldn’t continue to design (and re-design)…but with no new content, my enthusiasm for the game has waned. I was checking into the game every couple days, but now I’m just ignoring Homer’s prompts…there’s really no reason to collect cash or donuts at this point (I already have more than enough of both) and going through the motions just seems kinda sad and pointless. Will still be checking this site every day, but I’ve stopped playing the game for now. I really hope EA can find a way out of the financial quicksand and re-structure in a way that includes TSTO, but I don’t expect much any time soon. Breaking up is hard to do…

    • I’m quickly getting to the same point you’re at. I’ve been praying so long for some time between events to actually sit down and design some parts of my town that I just never got to because of the constant events. Now I have all the time in the world and I just don’t see the point. Without knowing more is coming I just don’t have the motivation. I’ve continued to KEM farm pretty regularly but it’s really becoming a chore now. I think I’m just ready for a lengthy break from the game. There’s a possibility new content in the future might bring me back but by then I might not care anymore.

      • I was that same way…for a couple of days. But, I am now reworking areas of clutter…and even have a plan to get back some of the Item Limit madness that I am facing. Mostly…just looking at new ways to use the items I have.

        • There’s only so much town tweaking I can do without getting bored. I’m not an artist, but I know this about art: There comes a time when an artist determines that the painting (or sculpture, or whatever) is done.

          • That is true…if you are just creating a single piece of art. The Buddhists create art out of sand…then sweep it away, to start over…representing the transitory nature of life.

            I am more of the “I bought a Box of LEGOS with to build the Millennium Falcon”…I built it, but now I have all of these pieces I can use to build something else.

            Ebron is the master of this… but, there are several of my neighbors whose towns are always in redefinition mode.

            • Thanks Patric…
              Really hoping the design bug will strike again soon and I’ll get over the “no new stuff” malaise.😕

            • Found something to dabble at in the meantime…you might be interested…Roller Coaster Tycoon. Zoom, Zoom…😁

  16. Lisahadathought

    Well I’ve decided to take a break from the game. This morning I put everyone into fun tasks to keep them busy while I’m away. I took a picture of my town for safe keeping. Thanks to the sky finger I’ll get in every once in awhile to clear buildings but I’m done with the railyard, daily tasks, and character jobs until ea gives me a reason to return. Hopefully an update is in the works. I’ll be checking in with you for any news though.

  17. My kids say to me “what’s the big deal. You’ll find another game to play.”
    That’s just it…i won’t. Im not a gamer.(Unless you count EBay….then game on!) Im a hoarder in the same sense. This is it for me. Plus this community is another reason its been so fun. We can all bitch and laugh and kearn stuff together. Oh well. We’ll just have to see i guess.

    • Remember, this isn’t an Obit for TSTO or Addicts lol

      I promise we’re not going anywhere. We’ll see what EA decides to do going forward, but we’re not going anywhere.

      P.S. I still don’t think this is the end of TSTO.

    • I used to feel that way about Minecraft as it was the first video game I really got drawn into in any meaningful way. Then I discovered TSTO and gradually played Minecraft less often. I still play it sometimes but could live with out it now.

      • Same. Just starting a new realm because this is so slow. Someone should make a Simpson’s map, or at the least a huge pixel art homage to the game we all WANT to play, TSTO. Both games appeal to my sense of creativity.

  18. Another 2019 feature is the donut farming brake feature. Bloodmobile/rat trap truck farming WAS a quick simple way to get a couple hundred donuts in a few minutes for high %bonus/high cash players. There’s now a limit of around 25 donuts at one time where the game will restart. (I haven’t explored the limit. It’s been very repeatable about restarting the game and me losing the backed up bonut screens if I buy more then 5 bloodmobile at one time.) It’s a change to the game that some players, like me, just have to adapt to.

    Patrick, I agree with your assessment of TSTO. EA’s 4th qtr 2019 report stated their mobile gaming was under performing. An earlier report mentioned it was very expensive to launch a new mobile game. TSTO appears to be in the bottom half of EA mobile game popularity behind sports games based on list position. 2018 seemed like a make or break year for TSTO. IMO, TSTO didn’t meet the challenge. TSTO is still going, but it seems at a lower budget to keep the game profitable.

    I’m still playing, but not as much.

    • I don’t believe the Bart Screen of Death is a conscious plan of donut deterrence, more likely a re-allocation of server time/space by EA. TSTO is kinda low on the food chain, so it seems logical that we would be booted in favor of users of higher revenue generating games. Since we all seem to be getting dumped pretty regularly, whether we’re farming at the time or not, I think the loss of donuts is an unfortunate side effect of server allocation, not a goal in itself. I actually don’t think EA is giving any thought at all to this game right now, let alone hatching nefarious plots to dump us at exactly the right time to minimize donut farming.
      Just my opinion, tho…who knows what’s going on…🤔

      • Good points…
        And a more pragmatic view, is that the server disconnections while farming for Bloodmobiles is not related to a throttle at all…but merely the fact that the server connection is lost, due to a large stream of information being passed. I’ve had it happen when I try to move too many items in designing…as well as when I am clearing KEMs…but also, when I am doing nothing at all. The server re-allocation is likely real. The paranoia about donut limitation is just that…being paranoid.

  19. Is the Tennis Court glitch still a thing (bonus % boosting) of has it been removed. I must have missed that bit 🤔

    • It was available during the entire “Margie at bat” event.

      • You call that abomination an “event” Pat?! First you didn’t even call it an “update”… Shame! Shame! Shame! Now picture a nun with a bell walking behind you 😉

  20. I can see how disappointing the new norm must be for those who have already made much greater progress in the game than me.

    I actually quite like the new norm, I have made so much progress due to GGR and the green tennis courts. I probably spend less hours a week playing the game, which from a wider perspective is probably a good thing. I can’t deny though that the end of the game would be disappointing, but I feel like I’m moving toward ( so not quite there yet! ) accepting this eventuality but hoping that it won’t be too soon. Another year would be nice 2 years nicer.

  21. I think the game is about done. I just wish before it ends they would allow us to also buy the land and other items for cash. I have over a billion dollars and nothing to spend it on. I can’t tell you the last time I visited a friends town. I’m thinking it time to start looking for a new game (I’ve also completed Tiny Tower and Tiny Tower Vegas) so let me know if there are any other games that might take some time to complete.

    • Goosebumps Horror Town is kinda fun, but way too easy to spend money on. I found myself justifying spending cash too quickly and deleted it. If you don’t mind spending a little real cash and you’re not a compulsive spender, check it out.😈😁👻

    • Just downloaded “Roller Coaster Tycoon”, another town (amusement park) building game…just started playing, but the reviews are good. Also just started “80 Days”, a world traveling build-a-story/puzzle game with great reviews (and it’s an Editor’s Choice selection in the app store). You might also try “Monument Valley”…right up there with TSTO as one of my all time favorites (another Editor’s Choice winner). 😁

  22. Is there any way to get the golden goose now? I missed it and would like to get more land!!! Thanks in advance for any advice!

  23. I’ve been playing TSTO from the very beginning, I’ve got everything that has been added to the game, payed for donuts, I’m at the point of deleting the game and saying goodbye, cut my losses, which is a great deal, hurry up EA!!!

    • Just curious. How does “deleting the game” cut your losses? (I guess if you need space on your device deleting the game might help.) What was the appeal of the game to you?

      Maybe the events are over or less frequent. If less frequent, I guess you could spend your free time on other activities or a new game. Given Moore’s law, if EA should easily be able to up the item limits over time. This would be good for the designers. Though you could always start a new game. It is like having more Legos. A new game also allows you to have more friends to visit and compare designs.

      If the whole purpose of the game to you is do the quests I guess it could be over. I would imagine the EA would go to one major event every quarter if they wanted to slowly shut the game down.

      To me everything points to keeping the game alive for designers. Time will make it cheaper to add new land and items.

  24. It’s over…it’s all over 😢

    • I think so as well it was a fun few years. I’ll probably keep it on my phone until next week but if nothing by next Wednesday it’s time to say good buy.

  25. I wish they will give us the possibility to play again the old update as some of us didn’t play from the beginning or miss some of them for example the western update or the casino update.
    Please, i want the western update

  26. I am thankful we can capture our towns/cities with the photo. It’s been a pleasure coming here daily. You will all be missed. Thanks for all the entertainment this site has provided.

    • lol we’re not going anywhere. This isn’t an obituary for TSTO or this site.

      • Didn’t mean it to sound like you guys were done, sorry. Just expressing my thoughts because if the game does end, I likely wouldn’t stop by here anymore, at least not nearly as I do, and the conversations about the game would likely become monotonous to me. Nothing personal.

        • Remember…reading this site is free. 😉

          And if there are no updates I can promise you we won’t be doing walkthrough posts lol

  27. I wouldn’t mind amassing donuts, but the constant Bart screen has made it quite annoying. I tried the usual uninstall and reinstall, but it didn’t help. I, too, fear an end is coming. Please EA! I don’t need new content–just leave me my town!

  28. The camera update messed up my ability to play easily on my Fire tablet, but I keep on keepin’ on. My town is a mess because I can’t see a big enough area, so I have just bean p!acing items for now. I have a Nook tablet that I added more memory to so I can start playing on that and fix my town over the Summer. I have tons of tennis courts, too, because why not? LOL I keep farming and buying yearbook goodies. I have been playing since late 2013 or early 2014, and I still play daily, and I enjoy it. Hopefully something new comes our way soon.

  29. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Patric! Let’s give in to hope!

    • Pragmatic hope… if possible, is what I will garner.

    • It could well be the case that the Yearbook is to tide things over. I have spoken to several guys from EA on live chat & they insist there are no plans to end the game. As for updates they had no info, which I expected, seeing there job is to provide support only.
      However it is very sad to hear so many long term players thinking of leaving the game, you cannot blame them. You can only design & redesign for so long.
      I’m going to give it another couple of weeks, if nothing changes by then it’s bye bye from me.

  30. Rusty Shackleford

    Some really nice designs Patric.

    I think the Yearbook was designed to buy some time and keep people busy while changes were being made at EA.

    Hopefully a summer event is coming soon.

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