Daily Archives: September 13, 2016

Turbo Tappin’ Sci-Fi Springfield: Act 3

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The nerds have invaded Springfield!  Ok just one nerd, and he’s not all that bad.  And only in Springfield can Professor Frink, with the help of Homer, open up a black hole that transports doppelgangers, robots and Stephen Hawking (!) to our pocket sized Springfields!

Act three arrived earlier today, with a whole new questline to work our way through!

As was mentioned on the rundown post Act 3 runs until September 20th, and you’ll need Hawking free to get things started.

Remember, the questline is there to guide you.  So when you get stuck on something, or haven’t unlocked something, just follow along with the questline and it’ll take you through everything you need to do to complete the Act and unlock everything you need in order to play properly.

So let’s take a look at the questline to see just what you need to do to close the black hole and FINALLY restore order to Springfield…

sci-fi turbotap

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Servers Down…Again

Update: Just about 5pm on the east cost of the US and I’m successfully back into my game….looks like EA’s rolling everyone back into their games.  So hopefully if you’re stuck you’ll get back in shortly. 🙂

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Just popping in with a quick update…looks like the servers are down once again.  And it’s similar to what happened at the start of Act 2.  (and this one is impacting me as well)

You go into your game and you get the dreaded Bart Screen.  Then you hit retry and you get a popup saying you’ve logged out of your game, would you like to log in again.  When you try to put your current password in it pops up saying an error occured.  VERY ANNOYING.

2013-11-22 01.28.41

2016-09-13-13-24-32 2016-09-13-13-24-45

And now i’m seeing this message when i hit login on the Splash Screen…


Not sure if they were hacked again, or something else is going on.  But for now know that they’re down for many players…and more and more are realizing it as they approach their 4hr mark to log back in.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation here and see what if anything transpires…

Sci-Fi Calendar: Act Three

Hey all you Mechas!!

With the Final VERY short week of the Event now live and running in our silly lil games, there are just a few items left to be earned for our Personal Prizes. You know what that means…



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Sci-Fi Event Act 3 is Live!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to the wee early morning hours…at least here on the East Coast. It’s just after 3am on the East Coast of the US…but who can sleep with Stephen Hawking conspiring to take over our Pocket-sized Springfields with an army of deranged Robots?!  Act 3 of the Sci-Fi Event is upon us….so have at it my friends!

Remember…this is an automatic change in your game.  Nothing to download, it should just start up in your game..

Hawking will start this for you with dialogue from Stephen Hawking and the Robots.  This will be followed by a task to play the Sci Fighter game and defeat Mecha Hawk, the newest Robot. (I’ll warn you it’s not as easy as you think.  Some details below).  This will then be followed by a 4hr task for Hawking at the Polyvac.   Oh, and you will have to complete the Act 2 questline (Smack to the Future Pt. 10).  So if you didn’t complete it yet, you won’t see the new questline.

Act 3 runs until September 20th

Just what does Act 3 have in store for us?  Let’s take a look…

sci-fi icon
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