Daily Archives: June 26, 2020

Friday Filler – Sometimes You Hafta Do the Hard Stuff- Even If It’s Easy

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

Holyfreakinshirt!  What day is it anyway?  I know I’ve complained about this before, during this “interesting new version of normal.”  But dammit…nothing is normal right now…except for TSTO.  It is sooooooo normal, that it is making me insane.

There is little doubt that we are stuck in a rut…and the people who are “coming back to the game,” after layoffs of  year, or even two (especially those who have been gone less than two years) have GOT to notice.  If you are paying attention, you will notice that almost nothing has changed in format in months, and months and months.  This isn’t a new observation…but, it really is like seeing an “Under Construction” sign on a new building…leaving for a year or two, and coming back to see that only the sign has been repainted.

And I’ve had enough. I’m going to get answers.  I’m going to call “EA Bob” and find out what the hell is going on, (besides very little.)

Here’s my list of things I’m going to ask, when I grab him between pizza runs on his side hustle, from his clearly part-time job at EA.
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Game of Games the Sequel Full Dialogue: Act 2, Zero-G Whiz

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

We’re nearing the end of Act 2, time for a little light reading.  Let’s get to the full dialogue for Act 2…

P.S. For anyone unsure, Act 3 starts Sunday at 11am ET 🙂

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