The Luck of the Irish! St. Patrick’s Day Is HERE! (UPDATED and Complete)


Top o’ the mornin’ to ya Tappers!

The wait is over…St. Patrick’s Day has hit our little Tapping Devices! (FINALLY!)  More details as we uncover them (as always we’ll update THIS post with the latest on the update) but for now enjoy the green waters of Springfield!

Homer kicks off the event (in my game in auto-started) with dialogue between him and Lisa. (Bunny’s Homer was on a task and still 2 hrs left, dialog still auto-started.)

Note: It may download to your device and you’ll see green water but nothing new will happen.  If this happens to you (it happened to me) hard close your app (app manger, close app) and restart it.  It should trigger the event to start for you. If not, then log out, restart your device, and log back in. (This worked for Bunny’s games.)

SPOILERS below the fold for those who don’t like to know the information before they play themselves….Well we’ve waited for what seemed like forever BUT it’s finally St. Pat’s in Springfield again.  AND for those who’ve waited a long time to see if items will be re-released well… YES!

Here’s the rundown of what’s included…besides the green water:

Event Scheduled to End March 25th


oflanaganspub_menu      Tom_O'Flanagan
O’Flanagan’s Pub is BACK!
Costs $1,900, 24hr build and comes with Tom O’Flanagan!

Shamrock Topiary (Returning)
Costs $10,000 and improves Vanity

Leprechaun Statue (NEW)
Costs $25,000 and improves Vanity


Sham Rock Cafe
Sham Rock Cafe (NEW) 120 Donuts comes with a Yupprechaun

Yupprechaun (more on that later but Wookiee gave us a brief Where did THAT Come from on them in his Leprechaun post)

Wishing Well is back! Costs 150 donuts and comes with the Leprechaun. Leprechaun
Provides a 4% bonus to on all cash and XP.

No quests or tasks associated with the Yupprechaun. The Leprechaun has a very simple and short one that will require Cletus and will trigger once you place the Well (see below).  They both award extra cash and XP.  You just tap on them they give “spit out” cash and XP and then run away! Just try to see where they go or you’ll have to search all over to find them. (Or take the easy way out and store the Cafe or Well and replace it to bring them to you.)

Catch the Leprachaun

Cletus: Did a mythical creature just run across my yard? Oh miracle of creation! Brandine, get my shotgun!
Cletus: I’ve hunted raccoons, gators, possum, bargains, and briefly Nazis, but I ain’t never hunted no leprechauns.
Cletus: Scraped one off the highway once. It had tasty hearts, stars, and clovers, but I didn’t care for them horseshoes or balloons.

Catch the leprechaun by tapping on him ten times! (This will alternate between giving you XP and $$ each time you catch up to him and tap him again.)

Here’s the first part of the main quest that’s Auto-Started by Homer (THIS triggers the O’Flannagan’s Pub Build):

Training Day Pt. 1

Homer: March is here!  And you know what that means: time to make my New Years Resolution!
Lisa: Didn’t you make a resolution in January?
Homer: I did.  It was to stop postponing making New Years Resolutions.  It isn’t going well.
Lisa: So what’s your resolution?  Hit the gym?  Read more?  Improve your lexicon?
Homer: Lisa, what have I told you about making up words.  Gym?  Ridiculous.  My resolution is to prepare for St. Patrick’s Day down at O’ Flanagan’s Pub so I don’t end up face down in the gutter by accident.  This year, I’ll end up there by choice!
Tom O’Flanagan: And I won’t be taking any excuses like I did last year!  So leave your hangovers and heart attacks at home!
Build O’Flanagan’s Pub- Costs $1,900, and a 24hr build (unless of course you already have it)
Send Springfielders to Train for a St. Patrick’s Day Beer Bash
– 12hrs x10 Springfielders (earns $420, 100xp, premium characters earn $600, 150xp) Here’s a list of who can go: Homer, Apu, Frink, Hank Scorpio, Barney, Duffman, Otto, Sideshow Mel, Luigi, Smithers, Dr. Nick, Hans Moleman, Kearney, Miss. Springfield, Tatum, Lugash, Jasper, Skinner, Willie, Mr. Burns, Comic Book Guy, Rev. Lovejoy, Moe, Marge, Wiggum, Sea Captain, Snake, Grampa, Quimby, Mrs. Krabappel, Brockman, Dr. Hibbert, Carl, Lenny, Fat Tony, Legs, Louie, Agnes, Abe Lincoln, Herman, Wolfcastle, Tom O’Flanagan, Lou, Eddie, Chalmers, Arnie Pye, Rich Texan, Bumblebee Man, Flanders, Krusty, Kang, Selma, Patty, Disco Stu, Booberella, Kodos, Cletus, Suzanne the Witch, Kirk, Luann, Tribal Chief, Mr. Costington, The Grumple, The Yes Guy, Kumiko, Brandine (if she’s not pregnant of course) and Mindy.  

It looks like there WILL be a special incentive to login to your game on Monday 3/17 (St. Patrick’s Day…for those of you that don’t know).  And it may be sweet treat related.. 😉

Other things NOT Event Related but in the update:
Good news for those of us trying to figure out what the heck to do with all of those Valentine’s Day items….You can NOW put the V-Day Items in Krustyland!  So stick those Pink Gazebos, Fountains & Fences (among other things) in Krustyland and get them out of your inventory!

That’s it on this rundown Tappers.  We’ll be back with more detailed break downs of the premium items, walkthroughs and Where did THAT come Froms…for now enjoy the update!

Oh and you can check out all of the latest on the St. Patrick’s Day Event on our St. Patrick’s Day Event Page!

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX.  The Simpsons ™ and ©  FOX and its related entities. All rights reserved.

204 responses to “The Luck of the Irish! St. Patrick’s Day Is HERE! (UPDATED and Complete)

  1. Bunny Which more important wishing well or the Sham Rock Cafe? I have 73 Going by Scratch Tickets trying see if I get up to 120 donuts hehe

    • Not bunny but here’s my two cents. The green guy is a proper leprechaun and comes with a 4% bonus and the wishing well. The yupprechaun comes with a building that generates income. Both chauns give you money and xp when you tap them but the yuppy gives your friends the option to earn when they visit. I like the green guy but both are good. For aesthetics, I like the green and since he’s been offered twice, this could be his last year but noone knows. For value, I’d say the yuppy even though it breaks my heart.

      • Save up for wishing well then?

        • It’s what I’d do but the Sham Rock Cafe is so cool I’m torn to make you pick. Maybe flip a coin or I could Ro Sham Bo you for it. Here’s a hint… I always pick rock. “Good old rock, nothing beats rock.”

    • For me…the well only due to the % multiplier adds more value than a building that no one uses. But I bought them both. Lol

  2. Nevermind. I was tapping the new leprechaun.

  3. Anyone else tapping the leprechaun but not getting any credit for it? For the task of tapping him ten times, I mean.

    • YES! I thought it was just me, I followed & tapped the both of them no less than 15x just to be sure. I even hard booted the game… nothing 🙁

  4. I thought the green water was on purpose, since many cities dye there rivers green on saint Patrick’s day.

  5. Add me plz need friends

  6. anyone having trouble finding the leprechaun a trick is to store the well then replace it the leprechaun will appear next to the well

  7. Love the new update finally got flanagans! Whoop whoop! Funny story though my husband is the biggest techno phobe I know (can’t even text) anyway he discovered tapped out and this prompted him to buy a tablet! So last night I was out got home and he was reeling off all the info about update including VD stuff in KL SO I said how do you know all this? The techno phobe said I want on that addict place you are always talking about lol!

  8. It’s been, what, 16-18 hours in and there’s been no leprechaun sighting…not counting the statue. 🙁

    • You have to buy them. The well gives one. The Sham Rock Cafe gives the other. Sorry.

      • I know that sugar, I mean that I expected my neighbors to have them…I can’t teach my son the value of money whilst spending mine of pixels… 😉

  9. I wonder if EA will put out an Easter update this year. iirc last year we got the rabbit shaped bush.

  10. You know you’re an addict when you spend over 6 million on decorations that you may never use, yet the ‘you never know’ shoulder devil whispers “Do it” in your ear and you do.

  11. Hey guys, not sure if anyone knows this or not, but you can tap on the premium leprechauns in your neighbors towns and they will pop out $6 or some XP every tap. And I don’t think there is a limit 🙂

  12. This isn’t a very big update. I like to think of updates as being in one of three categories:

    Large update: Halloween, Christmas, Whacking Day, etc.
    Medium update: This one, Thanksgiving, etc.
    Small update: Episode tie-ins, Super Bowl update, etc.

    I’m happy to see O’Flanagan’s Pub back. In the Name of the Grandfather is a great episode. It’s rather unfortunate that freemium players only get a returning building/character, a one-part questline, and 2 decorations. Still, it’s better than nothing, so I can’t complain.

    • The main quest line is actually 7 parts. Enough to keep anyone busy for at least a couple of days. 😉

      This is a basic mini update. For a small holiday in the U.S. Lol

  13. Do I remember rightly that the shamrock topiary was a “gift” at the end of the quest, or on St Patrick’s Day, or something like that? Have a feeling I was just given one last year, but I’d only been playing for about a week when the event hit and it’s all a bit of a blur, so I might be wrong. 🙂

  14. I was at my new job when the update hit…we are not allowed cell phones on the floor so I had to wait until I got home!
    Yay! O flanagans pub! Yay, I want shamrock cafe!

  15. Bunny I have 40 donuts left and 10 bucks shoulds I spend 10 bucks on scratch tickets or just get tray donuts your ideas? That way it help othere folks out.

    • Hmmmmm that is a good question. Sometimes I hit the jackpot twice on a Golden Scratch R, sometimes I hit one bomb (6 donuts). If you feel lucky…go for the scratch (just remember some areas add tax, so you may need MORE than 10$). If you want to guarantee that you will get exactly 132 donuts and no less, than spend money on the Tray.

      It all comes down to whether you want to take a risk on it or not. I wish I could give you better direction. Lol.

  16. How does O’Flanagan’s pub affect the conform-o-meter?

  17. I am having a ding dong dilly of a time trying to get the update kicked off on my G S III.
    It started fine on the Ipod and Ipad, but no go yet with any of the tricks.
    I’ve got the green water, but no task yet

    • That happened to me on my GS 4. I hard closed the app and restarted and it worked for me. But flit Bunny she had to restart her phone several times for it to start.

      • I just got the event started !!
        I had to log out and power down three times and twice it told me I was logged into another device !!

        • Sounds like your game just didn’t want to sync up. Glad it’s updated now.

          I get the “other device” all the time. Especially after its kicked me out and didn’t sync. The game thinks I’m still in it playing. Lol.

        • Woohoo! Just glad you were able to get it to load. Sometimes those GS devices can be a pain to get updates going!

  18. Wow, the pub was the first “event” that i remember. That means i have now hit the 1 year mark. Oh how the time flies.

  19. I expected old content to be for donuts and new content to be for in game currency, not the other way around. Hasn’t that been the pattern in past events? I can’t decide which way I like better. I’m a freemium player who started in the middle of Whacking day event so I appreciate any opportunity to obtain previous content items.

    • It depends. When they re-release old content it’s usually the same price it was when it was first introduced into the game. 🙂
      They have added a whole new dialogue/questline for the main quest though which is great. Usually when they introduce old items it’s the same questline it was last year. So happy to see a new, funny, questline introduced into the game.

  20. Let the laughter begin…freak from 1981…senior high school yearbook…I’ll just let you all roll in the floor now…lol

  21. Hoping Gil appears to help buy the wishing well and cafe! Meanwhile, still working on getting FPs for Stampy…

  22. Got homers car I’m officially happy.

  23. anakinskywalker

    @ bunny

    yea you re right .. . mini update is better than no update
    i did sound a lil unappreciative .. .

    • Nah…I think we all were wanting a LOT of new stuff. Lol. 😉

    • Of course it’s a mini update…we ARE talking about Leprechauns here 😉 Also explains why the Sham Rock Cafe is a little Tiny…it’s a building for Yupprechauns 😀

      • lmfao

        So are the leprechauns same size as the elves and do I need to keep them apart like the sharks and the jets?

      • Sounds like a plan will open a book on any rumble that happens

        • In this corner weighing in at 25 lbs each, and 2’6″ tall…we have the scrappy wee ones of the Leprechaun World! And in this corner weighing in at 24 lbs each, and 2’7″ tall…we have the jolly little elves of Santa’s Workshop! Who will win? Will the coins be real gold or chocolate?
          Tappers and Tappettes…let’s Get ready to RUMMMMMBBBBBLLLEEEEEEEE.

          Sorry…at least I amuse myself 😉

      • It is a must have task for EA to bring into the game play

  24. Was really excited to hear that we could use VD items in KL. I was able to place them in my ‘B’ town, but when I try to place them in the main town, the games closes out on me! Any idea why this might be? I play them both on my iPad…..

  25. anakinskywalker

    i am a little bit disappointed .. . the only new stuff is the
    – leprechaun statue &
    – sham rock cafe [which i really like]
    unfortunately the building is really small .. . whatever i do love both tiny leprechaun dudes running through my town

    • We were not expecting too much as it isn’t a giant update. Just a mini one. I am glad that the quest lines are enough to keep me busy for a lil while at regular speed. The Leprechaun and Yupprechaun crack me up. 😉

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