In-Game Update: Level 54 Brings the Power(s)!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well I knew something would hit this week…and something is here Level 54!

2015-06-17 13.26.11

Level 54 will start with Lisa…and you’ll get a task for Marge, which will be replaced by a task to build Shotkickers for $1,060,000 (24hr Build).

As always we’ll be back with more as we go through it…more details below the fold…

Note: Level 54 brings a new requirement for Righteousness.  The requirement to maintain 5 stars increased by 12 points over Level 53…so if you see a dip in your rating, that’s why.  We’ll cover all the conform-o-meter details in the breakdown post, for now just wanted to let you know you may see a Righteousness dip..

2015-06-17 13.26.21

As mentioned above Lisa gets things going for Level 54…HOWEVER you may see a popup with Lenny appear as well.  If you see this (I did), this is a task for the Black Box.  (Black Box Black Out) This will have you send Lenny, Carl, Wiggum, Moe and Barney to drink at the Black Box.  This is not part of Level 54, I believe it’s just EA’s way of showing you the characters that now have tasks at the Black Box…

Now onto Level 54…

A bunch of new goodies in our Stores…



shotkickers_menuShotkickers- $1,060,000, 24hr build.  4×9 in size.  This will add Ruth Powers to Springfield once built.

seethingsisters_menuSeething Sisters- $340,000, 24hr Build. 5×8 in size.  This will not appear in your store until AFTER you trigger To Catch a Cougar questline.  This questline will not start until after you’ve triggered Part 4 of A Woman’s Work.


fortadventure_menuFort Adventure- $125,000.  A decoration for Springfield, improves Vanity.  5×4 in size.

mrpowerscar_menuMr. Powers Car- $170,000.  Another car for Springfield..this time a freemium one! Improves Vanity.


unlock_ruthpowersRuth Powers- Comes with Shotkickers



powershouse_menuPowers House- 150 Donuts.  8×6 in size (instant build).  Comes with Laura Powers.


homersballet_menuHomer’s Ballet- 35 Donuts.  7×7 in size.  Adds 0.75% bonus on all cash and XP.


unlock_laurapowersLaura Powers- Comes with the Powers House.

And that my friends complete the details for Level 54!

What are your thoughts on Level 54?  Excited for two new females in Springfield?  Thoughts on the decorations added?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

211 responses to “In-Game Update: Level 54 Brings the Power(s)!

  1. How do you trigger “part 4 off a woman’s work”?

  2. I am in desperate need of land!

  3. Hi, everyone ,
    Good news!
    You can place now the Powers’car on the road !!!
    Remove the road, place the car, place the road.
    Kind regards from France

  4. (If anyone is still reading this at this point) I’d like to go into Next event conspiracy and speculation mode:

    Ruth as a hint of Rosie the Riveter and Laura has a jacket with military stripes (I know it is original designs) but is there a hint of a Military Event – maybe for Father’s Day – it smells fishy to me, like Hell Fish fishy 😮

    Again with Father’s Day coming up I was just thinking maybe it would be Long Lost child Event – Herb, Burns Son, and I had a list of other children and estranged fathers.

    or a Camping Event with the RV/salesman, Bigfoot Homer, The wondering Bear (with pacifier), all these far out gas station restaurants makes me think about road trips.

    We’ll have to wait and see.

  5. Hey everyone,
    I just figured out something cool about the Powers car that was released with level 54. I haven’t seen it posted but I may have missed it. The car can be placed on roads! Well, not directly but it’s similar to how we had to put cement under the monsarno building. #1. You have to clear the road away. #2. Place the car. #3. Place road behind or in front of the car. #4. Drag the road under the car. #5. Enjoy the first and only(I tried the cars I have but I don’t have any premium cars) car that can be placed on the roads of our springfields. I wonder if something like this is a mistake on the part of the programmers or if it’s designed this way. I also wonder why the other cars can’t do this. Anyway, thanx and have fun.

    • Yup we’re working on a design post that will incorporate this and others ways to make cars look like they’re on the road. Just trying to get the main level 54 details out first 🙂

    • Thank you v much for sharing this 🙂

    • That’s really cool! The only downside is it makes it look like someone was drunk when they drove it, since the wheel on one side of the car end up on the sidewalk. (Well, I guess there’s another downside,too, when it comes to convertibles like that – there’s no one driving them lol!)

  6. A new car! I’ll be definitely using that 😀 I really like all the decorations of this update and that they cost money rather than donuts 🙂 Still a while to go before I can build Shotkickers though, so will do that first.

    Can the Happy Sumo be placed on the boardwalk, by the way? I’ve wondered about that since Vesivius can go on there. I’m thinking about buying Akira at some point….

  7. Old question. Do items in your inventory count towards your conform-o-meter rating. Thanks for all your info here and in Quahog.

  8. I’m holding off on building Spiffany’s, so I’m not quite at level 54 yet, but I noticed I have early access to buy the level 54 premium content. Is that new, or have they always done that?

  9. Level 54 – Tappers have access to “more new Freemiums” then we’ve had in a New Level since last year (but EA still needs to offer more Land in our Springfields, or more Squidport Pier Spaces, or allow more Buildings / Decor to be moved to Krustyland) 😉

  10. My friendship level is maxed out at level 16. Will more items be added? Is there any advantage in me visiting other towns?

    • Eventually they’ll add more. Just to earn more cash and xp

    • YES! Once you’ve earned all of the friend prizes, you’re eligible to earn free donuts from visiting neighbors! Each tap has a .05% chance of yielding a donut, so, if you visit 100 friends everyday, you’ll often get 1 or 2 donuts a day! (Fair warning – there may also be days when you don’t get any, but then sometimes you get really lucky and get more than just 1 or 2.)

      The other reason to visit other towns is that it helps the owners of those towns. Being a neighbor is a two-way street, you know! Every once in a while I start to keep track of who’s visiting me and if someone doesn’t visit my town for, say, a week, I will generally delete them. In TSTO, as in life, it’s not good to be someone who only takes and never gives.

      • What benefit does my neighboreeno get when I tap on their buildings? Is it extra currency/XP?

        I’d love to know what my regular visits are raining down their Springfields and vice versa. 🙂

        Thanks to anyone who can help!

        • Shw – When you tap on your neighbors’ buildings, they get some money and XP when they clear those taps. If they haven’t maxed out on FPs, they get some of those, too.

  11. In fact I have not. I wasn’t even thinking about that when I posted. After building Burns’ money mountain, I’ve been delaying building Spiffanys until I saved up a little more. Thanks Alissa.

  12. The black box mission got triggered in my game but no trigger for Lisa to kick off Level 54. I’ve tried all of the suggestions, ie closing the game, Krustyland, etc but no success.

  13. Kiss My Kapow

    I had a random task (before the update) to make Willy play the bagpipes but no task came up after i completed it (all my characters were waiting for something to day) think it was called “Who strangled the cat”

    • Those are just random tasks that come up to keep you busy tapping. Usually nothing follows them. If you get a task with no dialogue, that’s usually just the random task.

  14. I can confirm the quest for the Black Box is not part of level 54 as I am not there yet. 🙂 Woke up this morning to a nifty surprise, I still had like 20% of a level left in order to get level 53, but logged on to find myself levelled up. Also, Brandine birthed her first of the three younglings, born at 6:30pm.

  15. Both Lisa and Marge were on a 8 hours quest. Eventually, when I went to Krustyland, the new storyline started on its own. So now I have to build this new building without a ‘free’ Lisa… :/

  16. Municipal House of Pancakes (which is where I was in the grand scheme of things) dropped from 750,000 to 400,000, that was a nice surprise.

  17. I really don’t get the demand of more land!! I’m level 54 and a premium player! I have just under a 200 percent multiplier. My town was five stars until the new level realsed this morning. I literally have about 140 characters not including NPCs (my character section of the in game store is empty). I’m only missing a handful of playable characters. I own all the land in the game by choice because I don’t really need it. I could reduce my town by three strips on either side if I wanted to. What the heck am I missing! So why all these complaints? Please explain this to me!

    • Add me at agoodband , we sound similar

    • People didn’t play enough sim city as kids maybe, or they are suburbanites and spread everything out too much?

    • OrdinarilyBob

      Some people, like myself, have used a lot of space decorating. For example, in my town’s first incarnation I had a pretty impressive forest area (which contained Volcano Mountain, the Rigelian Queen and her accessories, my rustic Kamp Krusty/Fort Wilderness Sensible, etc.), I also had a large hedge maze area (which included various topiaries and other decorations) surrounding my Sir Putt-A-Lot’s, and a pretty big lake/island on which was my Clash of Clones castle display. Water features (rivers, lakes, islands), parks/greenbelts, parking lots, 3D structures, etc. These are fun to make and display. Unfortunately they take up a lot of land.

      I recently nuked my SF and have reined-in some of my larger embellishments. I’m not done rebuilding, but since I’ve scaled down, I expect I’ll have a little growing room. I’m sad to see some things go (my Woods), others I’ve been able to maintain with only slight alterations (my CoC island).

      Can always use more land though.

    • If you want a boring town laid out in a grid and don’t care if your friends only visit to tap 3 times, then you don’t need more land. If you like to decorate and use the event items then you need more land. I have a lot of interesting areas that I hope my friends stop by and explore bit.
      I still have more land to buy and was going to make a large Monsarno Research park, but it wasn’t worth it since most of the buildings are only vanity.

    • My guess is that your town looks like crude. Very easy to buy a bunch of characters and buildings and have them jumbled in a corner. Well played to you tho.

      • No jumble, no Crude! Hence my curiosity. I play with hedges, I’m actually really into the 3-d effects they provide. The only thing I don’t like is holiday themed items. Those get stored. I place tons of decorations in my town, which is why I have a high multiplier. I have a park. It’s six squares of land, even a dowtown are, an upper east side for the nicer houses too. I have all the Terwilliger Monsarno buildings. Everything. No hate to those who need land, just curiosity.

      • I’ve only been playing since January but have almost all of the premium stuff released since then or permanently in the store. I stored some superhero stuff because I wanted to. I still have a lot of empty space (and had space before storing things) and a portion of my town that needs some organization, but 80-90% of it is well decorated and laid out in neighborhoods, with roads, individual blocks, wooded areas, etc. I utilize a lot of medians because I like the look and that the separation allows you to clearly see all the items in their entirety.

        I can foresee running low on space after I’ve played a full year, but can also already see how I can store multiples of the blue, brown, and purple houses, and remove some medians to tighten things up without jumbling everything in a corner. I may choose to store some more of the Monsarno or Superhero things as well, if something I like more comes along. I don’t foresee having Christmas things out all year, as I’ve put Easter away until next year.

        I’m sure your town is lovely; don’t assume others’ must be junkyards* because they do things differently than you, it’s rude.

        *junkyards are a valid aesthetic, if you like or simply don’t mind the look, enjoy! It’s your game!

      • I’m currently building Spiffanys, and I have about two thirds of all the premium buildings. I still have 2 strips of unbought land. My town is neither crude, nor a jumble. Nor is it boring and “on a grid”. It is planned, decorated, and in fact, a place I would like to live. All my buildings have ample, landscaped plots of land. I have a sizeable maze behind my castle, and a few forested areas and parks. Rivers run through a portion of town. Every building faces a street. What I do not have are house farms, huge parking lots, large forests and lakes, buildings on massive plots of land, or large areas of 2D and 3D art. I am not saying that any of these things are bad or wrong, I am simply pointing out that one can build a perfectly nice Springfield within the confines of the allotted land. Please do not assume that because some of us may not need more land that our towns are just big trash heaps. We just prefer a more compact town. And not needing land does not mean that I wouldn’t welcome some. I have to say that Amy’s question is one I’ve wondered about myself, and I’m glad she asked it.

    • People just like something to complain about (though not me). 😃

    • I never used to understand the demand for more land until a few months back when I noticed that my town was quite compact compared to some of my neighbours so when I did my last re-design I spread everything out a bit more.
      I have also given all of my houses proper gardens now even though I only have 1 of each available house that has taken up a chunk of space as I wanted to give the mansions a decent sized garden too. I also have a park that I have made using some of the decorations, a prison island and I also have a few shopping squares with car parks and outdoor seating areas. I would love more land so I could also create a forest section as some of the buildings just look a bit out of place in the main Springfield.
      Any new buildings from the last few months I have ended up just dumping on the bottom strip of land as I now have no space to place them creatively and all my monsarno building just ended up in storage too.
      I don’t have any duplicate buildings either so it’s not like I am struggling for space because I have 30 white houses crammed in together.

    • Some people like to really customize there towns and not the buildings just sitting there all boring. I just rearranged my town and compacted things a lot. I had to give up somethings I really like because they just want fit in the way I want them. What we really need in this game is to have krustyland opened up to more items like Halloween, superhero, and even some of the Christmas stuff could work there better than Springfield. I don’t know the last time I was in krustyland?

      • You do realize that by not visiting Krustyland, you’re giving up donuts, right?

      • even if they open kl up to more items, unless they give us a reason to visit and design there, it will still be neglected. to me, putting items in krustyland is no different than storing them away in my inventory, because i’ll rarely see them either way.

  18. The fort can go on boardwalk!!! Just made a little adventure island out at sea…oh joy : D

    • Awesome to hear for when I blow my town up! Brandine will be going into labor soon and then I’ll just have to finish this new level stuff before KABOOM!!!!

  19. Thanks. Unfortunately I didn’t see the post. I try not to ask questions if they were already posted or answered. You guys rock. How you guys find time to help us out I will never understand.

  20. OrdinarilyBob

    I love it when Level-Ups include multiple Freemium items, so yay L54! That being said, I did buy the Premium Power’s house (as I most always do with buildings that come with characters).

    I look forward to the SIB for Home’s Ballet. Does it do anything, like give Homer a ballet task?

    (So far?) I have not seen the Lenny Black Box Black Out tasks. Bummer.

  21. Just noticed Dr Marvin Monroe now has a 24 task to prove he is alive!

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