Addicts Weekly Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Due to POPULAR request….we’ve moving up our open thread time so that our friends outside of the US can participate too!  Let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Now…enough rambling from me….it IS Sunday and you know what that means, right?  Time for another Open Thread!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  Act 2 of Tap Ball Launched this week, what are your thoughts on Act 2?  The 4th of July mini event also hit this past week, any thoughts on the new items?  Did you pick up any of them?  Sunday Night Baseball features the Giants at the Nationals, will you be watching?  The Woman’s World Cup Final is tonight…USA vs. Japan a rematch of 4 years ago, who will come out on top?  Will you be watching?  And England defeated Germany in the 3rd Place Game yesterday, way to go England!  It’s still 4th of July weekend here in the US, did you do anything fun?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


340 responses to “Addicts Weekly Open Thread

  1. Chris mueller

    Im trying to decide whether I should spend 45 donuts on the Duff Beer truck or the Duff racer. Any suggestions?

    • Isn’t the Beer Truck a potential community prize? I don’t see it in shop, or was it there and taken away…

  2. Craig (ibuylow2014)

    Well, for the first time since I started playing I had to delete a friend because my game would not play nice with that friend. aabend380, every time I tried to go to your Springfield, my game would crash. It is not happening anywhere else. Sorry to see you go, but I can’t crash.

  3. Alissa, do you know if it’s possible to see if our Neighboreeno’s have their stadium lights on or off? I’m thinking for things on a timer (like tapping a bouncing ball) we can signal each other by turning the lights on when we are working, sleeping etc. and will be away from our game for awhile. Even though I’m active now I’ll turn my lights on by chance one of my neighbors sees this and can answer

  4. Hey, etamni – are you still around? I feel like I haven’t seen a post from you in ages!

    • It has been a while, I notice his game isn’t as active as it used to be, if you’re out there Etamni, hope things are well!

  5. In case ea is “listening” I wanted to say a big thank you for the freemium fireworks this year: ) Giuseppe is probably my favorite character because I just love fireworks. And these new ones are just awesome!

  6. Hi to my neighbour Sean & Hi again to Cube3Dex. Nice to speak to you here on TSTO. Thank You both for being such great neighbours!

    • Ditto Dex, good to have a little local to play with, even though I am a freemium its been great to play a couple of rounds of tap ball with you, and if I’ve missed your posts in the past, ‘pologies, but it’s good to start chatting with my neighbourinos! Where abouts in the land of Oz are you? I’m a Melbournite currently stuck Sydney-side…

  7. Craig (ibuylow2014)

    I have been tapping so much for this event, I am starting to get a pain in my arm from holding it still so I can accurately tap. (Whine, whine, sob, sob)

  8. I used to always delete inactive neighbors via the Scrabble app on my iPhone. It seems they have taken that ability away? How do I drop them now?

  9. Message for Sandra xhugsx

    I have purposely put this at the top of the comments to save you time searching for replies. I felt the exact same way when terwilligers became just too much to handle! Perhaps you could limit your game play to just the events and stop during the lulls to concentrate on the other things you enjoy? I would miss you but can totally understand it and promise to keep you as a neighbour as I know you’d be back!

    • Aww – you’re so sweet! (And no worries about where you reply, as I usually read all of the posts via email once I’ve posted to a thread and “subscribed” to the comments for it.)

      I’m not going anywhere for now… Once the event is over, I’ll see what I can do to lighten up a bit in a sustainable way. Actually, I think I spend more time on this site than I do on the game, so that might be my first target for “readjustment.” (I’m just talking about posting less or switching to using my laptop, not leaving altogether or anything.) I’m sure A/B/W could use some rest from having to moderate my gazillion comments! 😉

  10. Hey Addicts!
    I just finished a game of Tap Ball and afterwards Frink popped up. Then there was a conversation between Homer and WaLuigi! Can anybody tell me what that was all about?! Thanks in advance x

    • When two characters play each other…the same character. So if your homer plays a neighbors homer. That dialogue popsup. Just bonus dialogue

      • Oh, I see. Cool! 👌 Guess I’ve never had the same characters play each other before. Thank you very much, Alissa.

  11. 1.The marquee above my stadium entrance is not scrolling anymore. And I can’t store it. 2.Does the game give you a pop up alert when you have cleared all the fans from your town?
    3.Yeah I’m on a 2-3 week donut drought from friend visits. 🙁

    • It scrolls when it’s active…ie someone’s on a task there. If someone’s on a task there and it’s no scrolling you can contact EA.

      2. No.

  12. A big Hi to my neighbour Cube3Dex from Dexterous One & Two. It’s fun playing tap ball with you, as we are a fairly even match. BTW Dexter is my daughter’s dog – a Border Collie. Thanks for being such a great neighbour! Good Luck with your flying. Are you an Aussie too? Just wondering.

    • An’ a massive hidiho-neighbourino to you to Dex#, you got it in one, Ozzie born an’ bred (saw your flags!). Cheers for the flying luck, 35 hours in, and tomorrow I plan to book Tue-Fri lessons for next week when I’m home, hopefully have my private pilot’s after that. Give Dexter (hope he doesn’t take after the TV show 😉 a scruffle under the ears from me 🙂

  13. Is there any point to Springy ? I’ve stuck mine back in storage after its one and only task

  14. What’s with the game alerts since the last update? Less than 10 mins after I put down the game I’m getting notifications from Homer (‘are you cheating on me with another game?’, ‘hey! HEY! Stop doing things and come play with me.’) I hardly ever got them before, as I’m a daily player, but now I get them all the time. I love the game but it’s getting a bit much 😕

    • I’ve been getting alerts that it’s been a while since my town has seen me WHILE I’M IN THE GAME. Come on EA that’s ridiculous.

  15. I’m sure I am not the first to notice this, and it may have even been posted already. But after I had Apu vs Apu in tap ball, i was able to enjoy a very fun dialog about defining alternate characters as evil because they wore an off color of the original. Hilarious nod to Mario bros as well. If you haven’t had the same character face of against themselves in tap ball, do it!

  16. To A/B/W and all my friends on this site (you know who you are!) –

    I’m finding that all of the connections I’ve made on this site is posing kind of a (future) problem for me…. When I got addicted to Farmville a few years ago and found that it was taking over all my free time (and some of my not-so-free time), I was able to eventually pull the plug and just stopped playing altogether. But with TSTO (which is having kind of a similar effect on me now), I’m addicted to both the game AND this site. While I could see myself someday pulling the plug on the game (so I can do other stuff), the problem is that there are real life people here and how can I just abandon my new friends when the time comes? I’m really noticing, though, how much time it takes to both play this game (if one cares about earning prizes and stuff) and read the articles and comments here and stay connected to everyone. I do have other things I’d like to do (and maybe some other games I’d like to play) at some point, but I find that this game and site are precluding me from doing much else (and occasionally even interfering with my being as productive at my work as I really should be).

    I’m not ready yet to take any action to move away from the game and this site just yet (I have some premium purchases that I haven’t even placed in the game yet, which I’m not even gonna start doing until after the event is over!), but I’d love to hear any thoughts you might have on the subject and/or any advice or similar experiences you may have had and what solution(s) you came up with.

    • If it gets to be too much, walk away. While we love you spending lots of time on this site, you don’t have to. Many players just check in once or twice a day…

      • Thanks, but it’s not so much the number of times a day I check in as the number of posts/comments I read and/or respond to. If I check in less frequently, I just have more to read when I do.

        But, yes, I guess if it gets to be too much I’ll have to walk away at some point…I guess I could still keep in touch in the weekly open thread, but oooh I’ll be drooling if folks mention cool new TSTO stuff that they’re getting! 😉

      • Personally I think you should keep playing and reading this site!!! 😀
        But you don’t have to read every post and every comment! Your comments and replies are so helpful but long and must take forever to write so you could cut down on long comments!

        • Thanks, Gk3 – it makes me happy to know that you like my posts!

          Yeah, I know they’re long… It’s my normal style and, as Blaise Pascal once wrote, “I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” But they do take a lot of time to write because I follow this site on my iPad and writing stuff on my iPad, even with Swype, takes a lot longer than it would if I were typing on a real keyboard (combination of much slower “typing” on the virtual keyboard and having to go back and fix all of the predictive typing and autocorrect mistakes that it engenders).

          So, maybe one thing I could try at some point would be to sit down once a day and checks and reply to the posts here on my laptop – that might save me quite a bit of time (although it would be led comfortable and convenient, which is why I’ve been using my iPad to begin with).

          Oh dear…another long response here, I fear! 😉

    • I know the feeling Sandra, currently I am not working, so have all the time in the world to tap to my hearts content, but even then, at least during events I find it takes up the majority of my day. Not that I’m complaining, just that it does. lol. Don’t know how anyone keeps up that has an A and a B game as I’ve heard some people have.

      • I know, right? The people with multiple towns just totally perplex me – really don’t know how they do it!

        I didn’t mind how much of my time this game took when I first started playing, because I was out on disability and pretty much bedridden and ready for a new distraction after binge watching several series (including all seven(?) seasons of Breaking Bad in less than a month). But now that I’m working full-time and am trying to spend more time doing other stuff in and out of the house because I’m a bit more mobile now, I find it a bit distressing to find that, by the time I do everything in the game I need to and keep up with what’s going on here, there’s very little time left to do other stuff. I’m itching to do some more crocheting and am having trouble keeping up with the reading for my Classics Book Group, and there’s a long list of things on my to-do list.

        But I’m not ready to call it quits just yet!

      • Yeah, having A and B games is really hard, I might need to just let my B town go, I’m not sure, in between everything, I missed the 4th donuts the other day…
        But some people do have really nice A, B and even C and D towns!

    • They say the game is life-ruiningly fun, but EA only supplies the “fun” part. It’s up to us to supply the rest. 🙂

      For me, an online addiction like that lasts until I find some other online addiction to replace it. I have no more time for reading everything there is on forum #1 because I must spent every available minute reading forum #2.

      • Lol, tinynicewolf!

        I’m kinda like that, but not quite….I sometimes find periods of “balance” in between addictions. It was a fair bit of time between Farmville and TSTO, and, although there was some significant time spent playing other games in between (I’m looking at you, Candy Crush!), it was not to the same time-consuming level.

        I know I’ll find my way back to a more reasonable state at some point…it would just be nice if I could manage to do it without giving up TSTO and this site altogether.

    • Sandra, I don’t know if I’m bundled with the rest of them but first: I think we’ll all notice if you don’t visit (besides the Admin, your icon appears most frequently) :p

      Second: I’d say good luck, try a day off and see if you don’t have any withdraws. I would recommend an every other day kind of thing.

      Thrid: you read every comment? yeesh, even I have my limits. I have some icon/names that I follow but mostly ignore the rest (they don’t know who they are, so it’s ok I say that) find myself reading admins responses which usually are just links to past posts and I just roll my eyes that someone is complaining about THAT again or just realizing THIS for the first time. By the way did you know when you sometimes when you try upgrading a tap ball player you can do it with Zero Donuts!! :p

      Yeah so, people have lives and people move on and doesn’t mean you can’t visit. My best suggestion if there are people that you’d like to stay in touch with you might be able to email TSTO staff (tired of saying “admin”) see if they could email so-and-so and ask if they would be willing to share their email with you or visa versa (though I have my doubts that they’ll be up for that).

      As for me personally, I enjoy our secret Lost Language and your fresh voice (which oddly means you sound like me, telling people sound advice and at times telling people they need to quit whining) I feel like you have my back and I have yours because we have similar trains of thought. All Aboard!!! Whoooo Whoooo!

      I would have loved you as a Game neighbor but if your going to slack off maybe I don’t so much anymore :p

      As for staying in touch… In reality I am pretty private person and never found a successful online pen pal. So I think I’ll pass on that but look forward to see you anytime you stop by and leave a comment.

      You have to do what is right for you and nothing online is in stone so if you pop back it’s all good.

      Turn that frozen donkey wheel, you never know when and where you’ll end up. And you can always come back to this island, especially if TSTO island isn’t done with you. :p

      • Of course you’re included, tot!

        Thanks for the kind words and sage advice… I’m not planning to make any changes right away, but I’ll keep your points in mind when the time comes. 🙂

    • Having recently started working again I was forced to spend much less time both in the game and on this site. I’d like to comment and read as much as I did but it’s just not possible. I still read practically everything, comments ‘n’ all, but have to choose when to respond and when not. It can be done.
      The thing is, I was forced to, I’m not sure it would have been so easy to do voluntarily…

      • Thanks, Swiss! I’ll have to experiment with a more moderate approach, at least during non-event times.

      • lol – stage one of “more moderate” might be to be tolerant of neighbours who don’t visit you every day! (holds his hand up guiltily)
        It’s different during events when visits actually help you, but normally it doesn’t matter one little bit if a neighbour visits you or not, ok, you have to collect your own rent but you probably have to do that anyway.
        I have about 3 hours per weekday which is mine – that includes cooking/eating in the evening, so call it 2. It takes me about 40 minutes to visit all my neighbours. I really don’t want to spend that much of my free time doing that when some of the time is already spent on game time and on reading here. Weekends and events are different, but if you ever do ease back a little you’ll probably start thinking something similar…. Maybe 🙂

        • Actually, for this event it’s kinda the reverse…it doesn’t really matter if your neighbors visit you, unless they’re gonna drop a ball or play your team, which I wouldn’t expect a neighbor to do more than one in awhile, because they have to spread those low-frequency activities out among their various neighbors. But, during normal times, when taps are “collectable,” I want all of the XP I can get.

          And I do have some tolerance for non-daily visits…if someone visits *most days*, then I’m fine if they miss a few here and there (or go on vacation for a week or whatever). And if you’re a “friend” that I made here (like you), then I’m not gonna dump you unless you decide type done playing this game, regardless of whether you’re routinely visiting me or not.

          Sound fair? 🙂

      • Fair? Anything’s fair. Everyone can play the game how they want (although I’m not condoning cheating, of course) I’m just saying that since I’ve had less time I’m becoming more tolerant of neighbours who are, shall we say, less than total addicts.

        • Well, I agree that anyone can play the game however they want (cheating aside), but, if you’re not willing to be a good neighbor, then it’s not fair to play with neighbors (unless you know that they don’t care about what kind of neighbor you are) – neighbors are, after all, an optional element of the game. Having neighbors just to GET, but not being willing to also GIVE, doesn’t seem “fair” in my book.

          I’m not saying that you’re like that, yourself, but I have seen people post and say that they never visit their neighbors unless it’s during an event because they don’t really want to be bothered with it, in which case, I think they should release their neighbors to allow them to find neighbors who will take better care of them, and just add neighbors back during events (assuming that they’ll at least help those neighbors out during events, if applicable) and not just take, take, take.

          I, too, have gotten a bit more tolerant over time with somewhat less active neighbors, but I still have no tolerance for purely *selfish* neighbors…of course they’re free to play that way, but not with me (unless they bring something else compelling to the table, like a really great town or a “relationship” of some kind). Selfishness turns me off and it’s way too easy to for me to get new neighbors to want to put up with selfish ones.

      • “…normally it doesn’t matter one little bit if a neighbour visits you or not, ok, you have to collect your own rent but you probably have to do that anyway.”

        ” But, during normal times, when taps are “collectable,” I want all of the XP I can get.”

        like swiss seems to be, i was under the impression that the xp i get from clearing a neighbor’s tap in my town is no different than the xp i get from clearing the buildings myself. is it different? and if so, by how much?

        • There probably isn’t any difference on the *amounts* but there are two reasons I want my neighbour to tap them… First, it resets the timer sooner, so that, theoretically, I can make more collections from the same building over a period of time than I otherwise might. Second, I try to leave a fair number of buildings untapped during normal times, to make sure my neighbors have enough to talk when they visit. So, in fact, unless they come and do that, the buildings may go untapped altogether!

      • so what you’re saying is that it’s not a matter of needing neighbors to tap in your town, it’s a matter of you WANTING neighbors to tap in your town. because when it come down to it, tapping your own buildings when they are ready would eliminate the need for both of those reasons. and what that essentially means is that the main benefit of having neighbors, besides for events that require them, is so that YOU can visit them to earn extra cash and xp (and fp if that applies), not the other way around.

        sandra, i get that you want and appreciate the neighborly interaction, so why not just say that is what you look for in a neighbor, and leave it at that? you don’t need to bring fairness into the equation when you are the one putting yourself in the position to rely on them in the first place. just say that you like your neighbors of like mindset, and if you realize they aren’t, you drop em like hot potatoes. i play it fast and loose with my handling of neighbors, outside of the ones i “know” from here, because it’s a game and if i’m not happy with some aspect of it, i do something about it. otherwise, why play right? life’s too short to have neighbors you don’t want! 🙂

        • I’m confused… If I don’t leave buildings untapped for neighbors to tap, then there’s a pretty good likelihood that they’ll “unneighbor” me. So there is a certain degree of “need” (if I want to be able to earn XP from those buildings) and not all “want” (plus, the timer reset thing is helpful, because I can’t play this game 24 hours a day).

          I sense that I’ve somehow offended folks, so I’ll stop here and make this post my last in this particular discussion. I do try to let people know that I generally like to have active neighbors and I hardly drop folks “like a hot potato” – that’s an unfair characterization. The one and only time I tracked to see who was/wasn’t visiting me, I gave folks about a week to come by before I decided that they were too inactive and removed them. That’s hardly “hot potato”-ish! And one reason I did that was that I had a few folks here who had asked me to friend them and I needed to do some culling to make room for them.

          I’m feeling a little beat up on in this discussion and maybe I’ve brought it upon myself. If so, I’m sorry. I didn’t think my viewpoint, including what my notion of “fairness” is wrt neighbors, was unreasonable (of course, no one ever does 🙂 ) and I thought I had presented it respectfully. But I’ve explained it to the best of my ability and I don’t think I have much more of value to add, so I’ll call it quits now and apologize, again, if I’ve left anyone feeling that I was attacking their character or something (which was not my intent). In the end, this is a game, and it should be fun, so I think people should do what they want and enjoy the benefits (and/or potentially suffer the consequences…for want of a better, less dramatic phrase) of their choices.

      • there is no need to say sorry, as there was nothing to be offended by in your comments. and for my part, i apologize if my comments left you feeling negatively in any way, as that absolutely wasn’t my intention. it’s just been multiple times now that i’ve seen you bring up fairness and how you expect neighborly visitation to go both ways. and i just think if you go by the way neighbor interaction actually works, with the real benefits coming from doing the visiting, the only issue of fairness is whether or not i leave enough buildings in my town for my neighbors to have something to tap on.

        that being said, i would never leave extra buildings untapped for this purpose. the only buildings that i willingly keep untapped for my neighbors are those that are on short timers, like anything 2 hours and under. the income i make off these are minimal, and reset frequently enough that my visiting neighbors almost always have something to tap… plus there’s KL. because i check up on my game several times throughout the day (i was under the impression that you did as well), leaving any higher payout buildings untapped just to rely on neighborly taps is actually counterproductive to maximizing income and experience. this concept just doesn’t sit right with me and the way i play the game, and i know i’m not alone in this regard.

        when it comes down to it though, the way ywe deal with neighbor interaction is just a matter of gameplay style. if you want to have neighbors that visit you as much as you visit them, that’s your prerogative, and surely there are many out there that feel the same and play the game the same way as you do. so why bother with neighbors that don’t conform to your style of gameplay? oh, and i wasn’t saying you drop people like hot potatoes, i was saying that’s what you SHOULD say. i’m certainly guilty of dropping neighbors like they’re hot, sometimes simply because i didn’t like something in their town. like i said, life is too short to have neighbors you don’t want. :mrgreen:

    • Sandra, I know the commitment challenge, trust me, over two years in I’m thoroughly hooked, and like you have had those bugger-it moments, but it’s everyone’s choice, if A/B/W can, send my email address to you, if you do leave it’d still be great to stay in contact 😉

      • Thanks, Cube!

        Not going anywhere yet, but if/when I do leave, I’d definitely love to exchange email addresses. 🙂

  17. shawtymclittle

    I have been putting a few tests on a back burner until the event is over.. Just wondering if I should put these.
    The 4th of July tasks?
    Mr. Burns tap ball tasks?
    D. Tatum tap ball tasks?
    Hope your 4th was fun!

    • No reason to do the 4th of July quest right now, it can be done after the event. The other 2 you probably should since they will still have you earning bucks while doing it. I went through the Burns one and thought it was good.

      • shawtymclittle

        Ight, thanks. Looking forward to it.
        By the way, nice Springfield…. If I’m not mistaken we’re neighbors. 🙂

  18. I just got Springy….. I find it disturbing that it occasionally blinks 😮

    Also noticed Officer Lou with some new voiced lines.

  19. Has anybody else seen when you are close to upgrading a tapball player (say 10 AB’s short) that you can rush it for 0 donuts? I was able to do this a couple of times.

    • Yes, it’s been all over the comments and also in the how to play post

      • Maybe we should have a “before you comment – FAQ and F.commented tips post/sign with big flashy lights”…

        … Your right, it still wouldn’t help :p

        • lol I’ve tried lots of different things over the year…if they have the question, they’re still gonna ask it lol

        • Yes, I find that that’s the downside to the fact that I pretty much read every comment on every post here…sometimes I just want to smack the “Has anyone notice that…” people! But then I have to remind myself that lots of folks just pop in and out here (although I still think that, if you’re going to post that kind of comment, it’s still incumbent upon you to do *some* due diligence to see whether folks HAVE noticed that thing…but that would require reading, which seems to be out of fashion these days 😉 ).

          But I’m not bitter! Lol! 😉

      • @ Sandra, please dont’ smack too hard I bruise easily, as I am sure I am one of those “have you ever noticed that” people at some point, probably on multiple occasions

        • Nah – don’t worry…it’s more one of those little smacks upside the head or I the arm – nothing that would really even hurt and definitely wouldn’t leave a bruise. I’m really a very non-violent person, even virtually. 😉

      • I know I asked some pretty dumb questions at the start, and probably still do – I know I still would if I didn’t have so many answered by reading the posts and comments. We have to be careful not to knock people down just for asking, the best thing about this site is that it is friendly and welcoming. If it becomes too cliquey and exclusive new people will be reluctant to post and/or visit. That’s the last thing any of us should want.

        • I don’t think this is a “clique” or “experience” thing…if someone’s posting a question about something that’s been asked and answered a bazillion times in the comments area of that very same post, then I say they’re not making a fair effort to help themselves before asking for help. I try and do that at whatever type of internet “help” site I’m on…check the comments that folks have already posted (at least a couple of pages-worth) before posting my own question. I know that a lot of folks don’t really like to be bothered having to actually read stuff these days, but I don’t think it’s fair to the moderators not to do at least some due diligence before posting a question!

          However, I do recognize that sometimes you’ll get a bunch of people same asking the same question because they all asked them before a moderator has had a chance to go in and release that batch. So, a bunch of duplicate questions on a new thread doesn’t bother me, because that’s not anyone’s “fault,” so to speak.

          All of that being said, I do think there are times that I probably should have just kept my mouth (err…fingers…) shut and not tried to “fix” the internet! Need to remind myself of this more often:

      • Swiss, Sandra, Mike an’ TSTOadd, all good guys, I don’t think the regulars are too sensitive and the newbies get the jist pretty quick this is a happy site, not one of the belligerent ones, that’s the main reason I keep posting 😉

  20. Hello and a huge thank you to Alissa, Bunny, Wookie, and all contributors to this site. This is my first time commenting… yay me!
    Anyway, is there an updated list somewhere of all characters who can earn AB and play tapball? I know there was one several posts back but I’m wondering, now that Act 2 is underway, if there are any premium characters I should pick up for the event. I remember reading somwhere in the comments- don’t ask me where- that Bumblebee man can earn during this event but he needs something else, or something like that. I’m a mostly freemium player who broke down and bought some ‘nuts to add to my tap ball roster (picked up Jasper, Lugash, and Jockey Bart/horse, which were so worth it).
    Anyway, thanks for the help!

    • Well thank you for your first comment.

      Act 2 hit on Friday, and this weekend was the holiday weekend so we took some time off. (although we normally don’t post a ton on the weekends anyway) The post is on the to be done list (i’m off today so i’m catching up) and should be up shortly. However, there are no real surprises…Milhouse has 1 new task, then Furious D, Bart and Tennis Marge.

    • Welcome! 🙂

      No, Bumblebee Man doesn’t earn ABs (at least not yet) – wish he did!

      My $.02 – don’t buy a character just to help with an event. If you were planning to get that charter at some point anyway and he helps with the event, then, by all means, get it now. But if the character doesn’t interest you that much otherwise, then don’t get it just to help with the event, especially if you’re generally a freemium player.

      I think Crazy Cat Lady will help with the event later on (at least I hope so, since I have her!), and she’s a fun character to have, so you might want to consider picking her up, too! 🙂

      • I got AB’s for Bumblebee Man when I bought that basketball stadium made out of bee hives. There was a short questline and one part was Mr Burns and Bumblebee Man. They both earned AB’s for the task.
        When I did it Burns was busy so I sent Bumblebee on the task. I was able to send him again since Burns hadn’t done his task. Once they both finished, the job disappeared from Bumblebees’ job list. I’m curious if you don’t send Burns if you can send Bumblebee Indefinitely

      • Based on past experience during this event, seems to me CCL may turn into a “CCL now has the ability to play tap ball” like Lugash, I could be wrong and EA could pull a whole 180 degrees on me, but that’s my guess

      • thanks for the suggestions! I definitely have a long list of premium characters I hope to obtain at some point, but the order of the list changes with each event! It does get frustrating when one of the prizes is a skin for a character I don’t have. I did notice a CCL skin as a future prize so I am definitely saving some of my donuts for her.

        Also (at the risk of making another ‘ have any of you noticed that…’ comment), it seems like the more I upgrade my tap ball players, the wider the radius for tapping tapball fans, but I don’t remember reading that this was a benefit of upgrading. It also could be my imagination. Have any of you noticed that? <– see what I did there?

      • @ sherideeee23 Don’t quote me on this, but the other day I was reviewing EA’s forum and I seem to recall seeing that listed as one of the hidden options in the patch notes. The more you upgrade the larger the radius.

  21. When people chose my town to challenge a game , what kind of players from my team would be matches with theirs. Four of my players are almost five stars but another two were only like two stars.

    • It’ll pick your best 4 players

      • that’s good to know… truly no reason to upgrade burns and milhouse, until i get two more tap ballers in my stable, which will be tennis marge and kung fu cbg.

        as an aside, was i the only one irked by the fact that people who already had the fit milhouse skin just unlocked the ability for him to play tap ball, yet included a message that we earned the skin? treating it like i didn’t already earn it for participating in the original episode tie-in promo is lame at best, and i feel like something else really shoulda been given to those of us that already had it. that, and all the other premium characters required for more tap ballers, is definitely my least favorite aspect of this event.

  22. How come Moe will only support Competitive Mode? Or is that just in my game?

  23. Suggestion for future banner on the site. Not sure if it has been done previously, as I am remotely new to TSTO and this site, however have you ever done a couch gag banner? 😉 idk maybe not that great of an idea, but its Simpsons related 😀

  24. I’m curious. What’s your thoughts on the tap ball skins? Worth purchasing? Any other uses?

  25. Do you still get a chance for the Community Prizes if you are playing as anonymous and only have the “Other Springfield?”

    • Yes. But honestly…you should make an account. You never know if something might happen and you’ll lose ALL of your progress in your game. Even if you don’t want friends, create an account so that it can back up your game. EA announced a long time ago they’re no longer offering support for anonymous players…

  26. I forgot to ask this yesterday but I’m getting ready to make my first premium purchase and I’m trying to decide between Laura and the powers house or jockey Bart and Furious D. Could a seasoned rapper help this newbie out on which might be the better buy?

    • There is a “should I buy” post for most premium characters/ buildings. I suggest reading Laura’s, and Bart/D’s before making your decision. Not sure if the Bart/D one is up yet, but Laura’s surely is.

      • Thanks! I know there’s a SIB for laura so I’ll go back and compare and that the other SIBs are coming so I’ll hang tight for now 🙂

    • Bart and Furious D. It’s limited time where as the Powers isn’t going anywhere. Also I think Furious D is one of the coolest things in my town and I have everything

    • Son I’d love to help you out but I am lacking both of those /
      And they ain’t even on my radar like they’re wearing stealthy clothes /
      But if I had to make a choice between the two then I suppose /
      I’d go the cheaper route and stay loyal to the bros before the hoes (you know, the gardening tool!).

  27. Hello to all my long lost TSTO mates!
    Yup, back for a brief spurt of an update, yey insomnia!
    First, to Alissa, Bunny and Wookie, thanks for providing a much needed lifeline of a new network of friends; a big shout to the regulars and newer neighbourinos whom post back, Sandra (it was you that first responded, and had me hooked on this site, big cheers :), Etamni, Craig (ibuylow), the Tape bros, SwissW, SliqS, Jebus, Dextrous#, NcroseB, Wacers, EMurph, Snick, Niniri, GamesforJ, Phaed, and of course Julie (deliberate obfuscation of handles to allow anonymity, and barrages of friend reqs ;), and all of my other neighbours whom are out there!
    The work is hard, the days are long, and I seem to regularly forget what day it is… but I keep tappin’ away, I’ve at least managed to knock myself from the high 50s on the leaderboard down to low 30s / high 20s…
    Alissa, and anyone searching for lost comments and replies, I tried the search in the menu bar using my handle and nick-handle (cube3dex and cube), and did come up with all the comments, sorted by relevancy (changed it to date so I could see the recent ones), so a good way to keep track if you are away and miss the scroll-screens of regular commentors… Big cheers for this, but also a bit disturbing that its all logged with our friend the Google :0 Ah well, the way of the world…
    Soooo, missing familiar faces, but made some new friends (I’ll talk to anyone 🙂 and the place I’m staying is not so bad, and to all my ozzie neighbours, wow (many explicative inserted here), the monopoly of the network I’m working with is a nightmare, and bring on the NBN! From my experience over the last few weeks our comms delivery system is in a shambolic state, copper is not the way forward, faults and challenges galore with no real end in sight, the most common problem is jointing and wet / corrosion ingress, basically everytime it rains, expect outages. Copper is conductive, fibre optic is not affected by rain / corrosion in anyway near the problems we have now.
    Initial outlay of funds are depleting, and being 5th in the chain of a contract money is slow to surface, but with over $20k owed at the moment I know that eventually I’ll get on top. I’m back home next week, and plan to take up my flying career again (~38 hours into my private pilots licence, just close to going solo, ran out of funds so couldn’t continue…), and will take up rock climbing again if I ever get back regularly. Haven’t heard if this will extend to 12 months as yet, will probably find out in 4 or so weeks but am really working hard to prove myself and hoping it will come through. Looking forward to paying off the house, getting my pilot’s licence and ensuring my business is successful, and if we do get extended, at least I have an income to rely on for the next year to tick many boxes in my goals.
    I really hope all is well in all of your lives, it may be a bit until I can blow the word limit again, but hope all of my neighbourinos are doing well in their endeavors, and look forward to chats and updates soon!

    • Wow, Cube – flying *and* rock climbing? You really do have a death wish! 😉

      Glad to hear you sounding cheerier (if a bit manic) and especially glad to hear that you’ve made some new friends at your temporary location. Feeling better about the prospect of your getting that 12-month contract now (not that how I feel really matters….just that I care about you!).

      I think I sent you a soccer ball a coupe of days ago… Don’t know if you got it, of course… I’ve also played tap ball with your team and beaten you (although I think I’m lower in the standings…not doing too well on the leaderboard this time around, but not sure that I care about that either, as long as I’m maximizing my Amateur Bucks earnings).

      Glad you popped in…maybe we’ll “see” more of you on your work home?

      • Sandra, caring means heaps, I don’t really have family, and the life choices I’ve made make it hard to have friends let alone close relationships… I kinda pick up you’re a biy down yourself at the moment, anything up?
        I did get a ball bouncing around, you were my first choice (sorry to any friends upset by this but SS was there first 😉 when I had to fork out 500 to bounce a ball to a neighbour, hope you got mine (many tongue in cheek ball jokes could be inserted here, but I’ll keep it PG ;).

      • Nah, I’m okay, Matt – a little stressed and frustrated by a few things, but nothing serious (at least so far). I think it doesn’t he’ll that it’s been hot and very humid the past couple of days…my least favorite type of weather. And money’s a bit tight, so I’m trying not to run the A.C. too much (electricity is so expensive these days!).

        But, all in all, I’m really a very lucky person – I’m employed and not living paycheck to paycheck, I have some medical issues, but nothing truly horrendous, I have family that loves me and a few close friends (I think…they’ve been kinda quiet these days), and have a decent marriage and no truly serious problems. So, basically, I’m fine…just a bit anxious and cranky at the moment.

        Thanks for checking on me, though! 🙂

        P.S. As you probably figured out, I meant to say “…on your WEEK home” in my original reply.

  28. I’m sure this has been mentioned, but in case everyone doesn’t know you can by pass the ‘battle’ animation by pressing the start flag again, goes right to the outcome. This helps speed it up a little bit.

    Add me to the no longer getting donuts taping on friend visits, sigh. Still living this event thou, but not to sure how many of the community prizes we’ll be unlocking.

  29. Anyone else noticing that the daily reward for winning a match states it’s 120 amateur bucks, but you only get 75? Could really use those extra 45 for the last week….

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